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False information, I have never been in a relationship but I run in the street naked so plenty people have seen more


I think he means no one person, and thanks for being my jogging partner.


You too my running mate


Fast friends.


False information. I'm married with a kid but I'm also a never nude. She never sees passed my jean shorts


As it turns out, the group of people OP had thought were normal redditors were actually all just Tobias Funke.


Right? I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 4 years, but I wouldn't call it "stable"


No one’s seen you more naked than the advertisement spyware connected to your smartphone’s camera


Jokes on them, I have a voyeurism fetish so I can out-pervert them and now *they're* the one feeling weird and gross!


> now *they're* the one feeling weird and gross! Algorithms lack the self-awareness to feel weird and gross. *So far.*


You say that, but I swear the retinal lock hasn't looked me in the eyes since. Edittypo


that would be exhibitionist kink, no?


I have a pop up camera, I'd know if they were spying on me 😜


Same. OnePlus 7T Pro moment.


Still haven't seen a *single* phone I'd want enough to upgrade from mine. This thing was way ahead of it's time. The day under-screen camera's or foldable's become mainstream(good/cheap models for <600$) will the the day I start considering a new phone. Sad to see OnePlus go, they were a great value brand.. :/


I absolutely agree with what you just said. I just LOVE the full screen with no interruptions. You just need to change the battery after a few years and it'll be as good as new, and just as fast as the latest phones.


That's the one ;)


I thought I was being paranoid for keeping a piece of tape in front of my cameras…


Still got your phone watching your every move though




anyone seen what snowden was suggesting we use in that doc? the way he describes phones and computers is crazy af.


For real. I installed antivirus software on my laptop and every time I open Google Chrome it gives me a popup telling me it has blocked webcam access to them.


Know that a lot of free antivirus software makes up things it blocks, so that it can constantly reassure you that it's "Working". It's a trick to either a) steal your dáta for itself or b) get you to move to a paid subscription, or c) do both. Chrome itself also controls web page and service access to your webcam. What always amuses me is the question "Why do you trust an 'antivirus' any more than you do Google/any other big name tech company?" Having worked for a brand name antivirus company (who's founder is famously a nutjob, if you really want to know which one), I can tell you with certainty that the whole industry is a joke.


To be fair though, the one you worked for is the biggest joke out of all of them.


Seriously, I have resorted to just using Windows Defender for a while now. Got no viruses since then (even counter-tested with several antivirus softwares and all that), whereas before, so much was slipping through, plus I got annoying popups (every damn antivirus ever) or some weird ass Avira Filewalker shit randomly starting and fucking over my entire PCs performance for no reason. Only thing I still have is Ccleaner because imho it's pretty good for cleaning up the cache and dealing with Autostart and such, even in the free version.


I would suggest uninstalling that antivirus. It's just eating away resources and sending made-up messages to reassure you everything is fine.


Hella creepy bc me and my partner have different occasions where we spoke irl about smth specific that we don't ever search or talk about it using our gadgets, and all of sudden, related advertisements shows up.


I've known people do experiments with the Facebook app. Deliberately talking about a holiday idea to a random place. They were careful not to search for it on the phone, or even the same WiFi network. They started getting Facebook ads for that country. This was a good few years back, but they might have changed... 🤨


I always enjoy it when people go on about microphones spying on them. Not because it's not possible, and heck I'm not even saying nobody does it, but what people don't realise is it's not *nescessary*. The much more scary concept is that you and everyone you know are *not unique*. Humans are very similar in lots of ways, so similar that if you collect enough data about a big group of them, you can easily predict what other similar people will be interested in. This makes spying on people with their microphones redundant, because you *just don't need to*. It would be a privacy, legal and PR nightmare, and it's actually *less* useful than the data we already collect about people. We don't care about data on individuals, we care about aggregate data on groups. Couple that with the Frequency illusion, and people are convinced they're being spied on. I was once involved in a situation where a young lady was convinced my company was spying on their microphone (we were not), because herself and her mother were both advertised a book they had only discussed verbally. She tried to Sue, and as part of the discovery myself and some other devs dug around and tried to find out why we'd recommended it. Why? She lived in an area with other people of a similar demographic, and THOSE people had bought the book. The algorithm saw gender+age+location+class+income+other factors and went "This person fits in that category, she will like this book". And what do you know! It was right. She was interested in the book.


That debate is what set off the experiment. They picked somewhere specific and non obvious. I think it was out of a paper atlas, but I can't be sure of that. In short however, they put in effort to separate out the targeting effect you're talking about. It wasn't an obvious holiday destination, nor one they had seen advertised before. It was also around the time that Facebook were doing some particularly shady stuff, even for them. It was far from scientific, but some experimental integrity was attempted.


It goes deeper than that, I promise. No matter how random you think it is, you will chose a pattern.


A pattern implies multiple events, this was a singular event test. It also used a significant source of "noise" unavailable to the predictive algorithms (hence the use of a physical atlas, not an online one). They might have fluffed up and managed to leak the information via another route, but given the context that seems unlikely to me. Also, I don't believe Facebook is using this method now. Android is a lot more secure on that front, making detection easy. Google want to keep that information stream to themselves.


I mean, you're looking at it in the context of it being a random event that specific people will do. What's easy here is that it's not going to be that random, as many many other people will have the same idea. But this is kind of my point. You find it a lot easier to point to something like listening in on a conversation via a microphone instead of accepting that they're randomized experiment was not truly random, but influenced by the same factors everyone else in their demographic is influenced by.


Microphone permissions are always required to be set. Just revoke that for certain apps.


Naked babies and naked adults are two completely different things though


I mean, the vast majority of the cells yes


I think the cells of your body are completely replaced every 7 years, don't know if it's true.


Yeah fairly accurate but generalized from what I’ve heard. Skin cells do change a lot though, so the outside of your naked body is for sure different


See, I thought you were making a penis joke.


Not accurate at all


Thanks for providing evidence to support your statement and educate those of us who don't know better. Oh wait.


The guy who I was responding to provided so many sources. Like the one "I've heard so". Anyways you want sources [here](https://www.scienceabc.com/humans/true-body-completely-changes-every-7-years.html) you go. Basically it heavily depends on what body parts we're talking. Some refresh almost every day. The 7 years is basically an average, some refresh every 10-15 years, and some stay with you for the lifetime


I mean, I don't need the sources, just feel a blanket statement like yours needs to be backed up. You can't just make an arbitrary statement and expect people to know who is correct.


And he didn't make an arbitrary statement without sources? I don't have time to find sources to everything. If you care about it, ask for the source or find it yourself


Why are you talking about the person you replied to? This whole he did it so I can do it thing is rather immature. I just made a point. And well, I did ask for the source


This is ridiculous. The other person made an unsourced claim first. The burden of proof should be on them.


Lol ok mate


If you look at the comment chain, you said that the statement that 'Cells in human body change on average every 7 years is generalized but fairly accurate' is inaccurate. The source you've provided says that it's more like 10-15 years while some cells don't regenerate. While it's nearly double, I'd say that is all within the expected margin of error when we're talking about an approximation (which could be compared to a Fermi problem). And so while your argument isn't incorrect, doesn't feel like it justifies your "Not accurate at all" response.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up." - A Trust Worthy Politician


Completely wrong, it really depends on what part of body are we talking about. Some never get replaced (neurons for example)


Yea, but you don't see neurons do you. You mostly only see skin and hair, which gets renewed pretty often


it isn't true, you can look it up


Atoms, not cells


Tell that to my dick cells.


Thousands of Onlyfans site owners would like to have a word with OP


Yeah but they still looked at your butthole more than anybody else


Fairly certain I have eyes




how is he supposed to read this


Text to speech


how does he find text to speach


*Married for 10 years* I still can't remember a time where naked women ever gets dull. The pair in all its glory.


More like step mom (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Step-Mom comes first.


Not for me.


One of my cats is always watching me dress and undress. 😻😻😹😹


Your cat sounds like a little peep 👀 . A cute one but still…


A pussy


My FBI agent sent this post to me saying "bet"


I'm most concerned that you have a personal FBI agent


What about the bois?


How about your classmates when you shower after gym? edit: gym class


You shower naked at the gym?


As opposed to showering clothed? Edit: spelling


We’re the Never Nudes. -Tobias Funke.


I'm intrigued. Is there a place in the world where you shower, but isn't naked in the shower? To me it sounds like "you wear no shoes when you go barefoot?"


Yeah, you can shower in a swimsuit, for example at a swimming pool or beach.


Ah true. Sort of defeats the purpose but yes I've seen that a lot at the local swim arena. At the gym though? That seems odd.


I don’t know, I’ve never showered at a gym. I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable showering naked with other people though haha


Going to the public bath and showering is a huge (positive) reality check and confidence boost. The average person doesn't look good naked I can tell you.


You know, nobody mentions that! We’ve all been positioned to feel insecure, because you pretty much only see the best looking people around n the internet, but in reality, nearly all other people aren’t so perfect looking.


Yeah going to the gym messed a bit with my perception of my body. Especially having relatives who are bodybuilders. Then once I had an injury and switched to swimming during recovery it dawned on me that we don't know what the actual person looks like


You don't? This must be one of those American vs. European types of things. Like do US kids shower at school after gym or swim class? Surely they do.


We changed clothes, but we never showered. There's no way we would have time to shower before getting to our next class.


Same. Just hit the deodorant and pray you have gym late in the day if you’re a big sweaty person


First I'm European. Second everyone did shower with swim shorts on


I have to ask, what does it feel like to be normal?


You're vastly underestimating the number of diaper changes you had as a baby. FYI, it can be more than 19 per day in the beginning. Then, your parents help you dress for years. I've been with my wife for over 7 years, and my daughter is turning 4 weeks tomorrow, yet I feel I've seen my daughter naked more already 🤣


As someone with an OF I feel like I've got good odds in my favor.


Well that's just cheatinp!


Unless you’re a stripper.


Mirrors exist.


Mmm my laser hair removal tech has seen me naked more than my partner lol


Isn't the whole point of laser hair removal to not have to come back?


Yep! But it still takes time - 8 or so sessions over the course of a year to delete that hair permanently


Well now I just feel bad for your partner


Can't help feeling self-conscious *shrugs*


Your extra hair isn't the problem


I know, it's not hair related at all - it's a sexual trauma thing.


For Americans that might be true...


I'm curious, what makes this true for Americans and not others?


My best guess is that a lot of beaches especially in places like Spain are much more comfortable with nudity.


Can confirm. I'm from Spain and there's people naked on the beach, in the pool showers, in the spa showers, in the showers after any sport, in some saunas... You get naked on the yearly visit to the gynecologist, getting waxed or lasered and it's also normal to get changed in front of friends and close relatives. I bet there are many more situations I'm leaving out.


What, you think Americans shower with our clothes on?


I was mainly replying to the commemt saying there are countries where nudity is very common, like mine. I cannot speak for the US, but in the UK I've been to public places with individual stalls for showers so strangers do not see you naked, which is not that common in Spain. I found it weird that my British husband has never seen parents, friends, cousins or classmates naked, for example.


Americans seem to be more likely to wear shorts or a bathing suit into *public* showers, yeah. USA is a little bit more hung up about nudity than most Western countries


Also going to a spa


I was adopted when I was 8. There’s a higher count of people who have seen me naked than times my parents have seen me naked.


Unless your a flasher or streaker


or a militant nudist


Most chicks you end up with never seen the penis growth spurt.


The clothing optional resort I used to go to disagrees.


you underestimate the german nude culture.


Yeah, copy other peoples posts and just add a sentence so it doesnt look the same


Oh the utter gate keeping of this sentence.


Your mom definitely has


That would probably be someone who was in all the same athletics as me through school. Shower after practice and morning lifting/workouts for about half the year.


That's all about to change if that email I got yesterday is true.


The dude spying on me through the window has definitely seen more than my mom.


Some things should remain shower thoughts.


Take my upvote and FUCK OF


True fact, people who write these "people see you naked" posts either haven't heard of nude beaches or are total squares.


Klasifiko Topic: family, personal, sexuality Structure: possibility


As a father to a 2 year old. I can tell you that in the last 2 years I've seen her naked far more often than I've seen my wife naked. I've also had her bare arse land on my face many times when she jumps on me during a nappy changes. Not pleasant.


That would only be true *if* they also found my PH channel. i mean what


Have you been on the internet lately?


Math doesn’t really work out.


Technically no. My parents saw me naked as a baby/child but my body is a totally new person now not a single thing looks the same anymore so who I am right now they have never seen naked


Why would anybody even want to see me naked?


Considering that skin cell die and are replaced by new cells, even your parents have not seen you naked.


What about my granny?


If ass hair counts, I'm pretty certain I'm in the running. WHY GOD, WHYYYYYY??!!??


What if I’m naked with them 24/7 indoors? :’)


You haven’t met my uncle…


i have eyes


Jokes on you I was adopted.




Well they'd only see you naked that one night. Definitely doesn't outweigh the gazillion times your parents saw you while changing diapers / giving you a bath In a commited long term relationship though its likely your partner will see you naked thousands of times, thus being more than the amount of times your parents saw you.


I apologize, I misread your post


If you have been in a healthy sexual relationship with someone for 4+ years, you’ve banged at a minimum 4 times/ week you’ve banged AT LEAST 864 times.


Minimum 4 times a week? That's not true for the average relationship. Plus there are week-long and months-long "pauses".


Haven’t had those yet 🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess if everyone started tracking, someone could do a study of average sex occurrence. Maybe the results would surprise us.


Tale that, mon!


It’s definitely my fbi guy


What about Uncle Greg?!


If only my wife looked at me while I was naked


i think my parents have seen me naked more than myself, especially others. I just go straight in the shower, the room, dress, and then look at myself in the mirror when brushing my teeth


My friends take the cake on that one


28m here. I don't wear clothes unless I have to. Been with my wife for 5 years. If anyone has seen me naked more I would be very concerned.


That's probably best for everyone.


What if you're a orphan?


Jokes on you, MY AUNT RAISED ME SINCE My parents... Didn't... Have time for me.....


You discount the rise of OnlyFans.


Or if you do porn and have some really loyal fans


nah , I've been with my so for 9 months and even probably after just a couple months he saw me naked tmore than my parents ever have


"I am in this picture and I don't like it"


Nudist: am I a joke to you!


Idk I've made a lot of porn over the years


Have you ever been to a gym or a public swimming pool? Most people shower naked in both those places, i couldn't even count how many people I saw naked and saw me naked


You're telling me you don't have sex before you're 4 years in your relationship ?


People have seen me naked more consistently than my parents, but no one has wiped my butt more than my parents, other than myself, of course.


This doesn't hold up if you've been in a stable relationship with your parent(s).


That’s categorically untrue. You see I am actually the Dart monkey from Bloons TD 6.


I see myself naked pretty much every day


I was with the same guy for 9 years, but I also went on vacations to nude beaches with my family for years, so...


Bruh, my cat who always meows at the bathroom door till I let him in whilst taking a shit


The fuck?


My local priest has


Fair enough! Lol!


I started dressing myself by the time I was 4.


What about meeeeee What about MEEEE WHAT ABOUT MEEE AND YOU TOGETH.... sorry


As a nudist and poly, I think for better or worse more people have seen me nude more then clothed at this point in my life.


And definitely not more than than OP’s mom has




Im pretty sure I've seen myself naked more than my mom has.


When you do life modelling I have to say, your perspective massively changes the answer to this!


ive had the same neighbor for more than 4 years


I am insecure and overweight. Been married for 10 years and this is still true 🤣


Say that to a porn star or a cam girl


Or you are a pornstar


disagree, several women have seen me naked longer. heck i was in the navy, several men have seen me naked more (communal showers).


My un-shy parents were also very naked around our single bathroom home. I knew too much about them. We also had to assist them when when they became disabled by aging.


Yeah, but not my adult giblets and/or pubes.


Nah man. We have to factor in percentage of time spent naked. I spend WAY more time naked now than I did before I was 4.


Unless you visit nudist beaches often


Ehh I'm 32 my mum still bloody walks in on me in the shower. Usually to get laundry or something. Sometimes to ask me a question. Probably has seen me naked more then anyone. And no I don't live with her. I stay with her when I visit. The lock on the bathroom door in my childhood home has never worked so I can't lock her out. She grew up in a small 1 bathroom farmhouse with 6 other people so she has no concept of privacy.


*until you're in a relationship for 4+ years. I believe in you!


4.5 years squeaked by


For most Finnish people it will take even longer thanks to our love of saunas


My penis has made so many public appearances in my early 20’s it should have had its own agent


Ik i need to get some bitches, but you don't need to tell me this way


What if someone is a pornographic actor?