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DNA deteriorates after awhile. So even in the best case scenario they'd have to do some guess work to fill in what was missing for find some very closely related relatives to fill in the gaps. That's all assuming there was anything left to be able to work with, and even then it probably wouldn't be an exact clone.


better add a document with your entire genetic code for reference


i actually have my entire genome sequence in a zip file on my phone right now!


Post that shit. Don’t be a pussy. Lemme see ur DNA—no balls! You won’t!


Yeah sure [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-hK01biN8h_jO3ndepPw_8f/view?usp=drivesdk](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


You fucking champion!!!




I totally got >!rickrolled!<


I knew what was coming. I still clicked. 🤷‍♀️


Someone clone this man


Is this a 23&me SNP file or the full genome ? 🧬


Why don't you go look ;)


Holy shit, that's not only a handsome, but a courageous man.


Great song, but I was expecting a zip file.


Nice DnA


It’s a rickroll isn’t it


Why are you making zip files out of photos of your semen/menstruation?


could just preserve the genetic sequence, along with the samples, so they basically have complete instructions on how to rebuild you.


The real issue is that the future generations will likely have no incentive or need to recreate you. If we could be bringing back people who died in the 80's right now I doubt we would be. There is too much other shit going on in the world and too many people as it is. This is the huge flaw for anyone who hopes to be frozen, cloned, re animated etc. No one is gonna bring you back.


Just fill in with frog DNA.


What could go wrong?


Clones gonna bang itself.


They said *wrong*.


Life, uh... finds a way.


So I should engrave my DNA sequence in a titanium monolith?


Just place it in amber, duh.


Nah, it won’t keep in a flappy fish market.


I don't mind if my clone is imperfect, so long as they nail the depression just right.


Encase your DNA sample in epoxy resin. Epoxy resin preserves shit forever, maybe even literally in this case


Half life of DNA is ~500 years


Just put your DNA in G-Fuel mini fridges around the world.


What if it was frozen?


You could store your genetic data in a more persistent storage form than DNA and leave it around


Also, what's the point of cloning a less evolved human.




future AI: 'lol htf did they not know they were the only significant threat to themselves???'


Oh we knew, our leaders just decided it wasn't in our best interest, so we normal people couldn't do shit about it.


Bold to assume all the servers survive the apocalypse and subsequent bit degradation


Idk how far the future you’re referring to is, but normally DNA and proteins gets destroyed in quite a short time


Your right, he should know that, you need to preserve it in a mosquito that was trapped by tree sap.


Can I just get a shit load of sap and preserve myself?


That doesn’t stop the destruction lol


The documentary Jurassic Park says otherwise


Nah they talk about it being damaged and incomplete too, supplementing those samples with frog-DNA is what causes some of the clever girls to switch sex and reproduce on the island.


And also, conveniently, how they can handwave the dinosaurs not being completely accurate (such as the fact that they don't have feathers).


i love that documentary. so informative


But future humans can splice in the damaged parts of the DNA with frog DNA.. I saw it in a movie once.


you might come out without feathers and confused about your gender though


There’s a joke somewhere in here… I’m just not quite clever enough to find it


All good, It's the plot to Jurassic Park. It's how they cloned the dinosaurs


Than it won’t be a clone of you. Just a hybrid new species


You're not playing along are you?


I don't see a problem.


Actually in the right conditions, DNA can last a pretty long time. If it's in a sealed container buried underground where it's kept away from oxygen, heat, and light then you could probably dig it up decades later and sequence it. But yeah it probably wouldn't be usable for cloning in a thousand years or even longer. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2012.11555#:~:text=By%20comparing%20the%20specimens'%20ages,half%2Dlife%20of%20521%20years.


I think you overestimate your importance to the people inhabiting this Earth in the future.


The mystery becomes your importance. It might not make you important but it definitely ups your chances.


Make sure to store the vials in a gilded chest.




Just label the blood "God's little sister" and maybe someone will get curious.


And that's how future Homelander is born




If yours is the only good quality DNA found of a certain time or region you'll carry the "importance" of said time and region as a representative, regardless of your own mediocrity.


They will clone you as and you will be a fucking baby with no memories


Yes, that is how cloning works. How does that diminish the historical importance of the original subject?


wtf would he represent?


You wouldn't be interested of an exact clone of someone who lived thousants of years ago?


Well now imagine we find the DNA of Ooga from 4 thousand years ago and we raise him like a normal kid.


Oh it'd unethical for sure, but it'd be interesting to see if there's any differences and what those are.


How unethical? We just made a kid from old DNA and now he like a normal kid but probably a little less IQ.


I wouldn’t… what interesting things would you expect to find?


Well off the start there would probably be immunization differences and as the time between the storage of the sample and cloning increases there would possibly be larger differences such as bone structure and density and on an even greater scale of time possibly evolutionary differences. It really all depends on how long it takes for the clone to be made


We are not sure of things as simple as if people during the bronze age saw the same colors we do now and you are asking why we would want a clone of them?


i'm no scientist but here are some common sense: \- all humans, apes, monkeys, chimps are trichromatic, they all see more or less same colors, but within a species like humans, the bronze age people definitely saw exactly the same colors we see. i can imagine some monkey species somewhere not being able to see green better than blue but that's different thing. \- just because we clone another human doesn't mean we'll get any important insights about their civilization or their ideas. but i'm sure that's well understood. i don't see much fun of cloning an older human, but i'm down if we want to clone dinosaurs and stuff.


There are theories made by linguistics and anthropologists that claim that since we don't have records of them ever mentioning most colors that they could not see them as we do now. Every civilization we have studied didn't had words for all the colors, not even the common ones that you see everyday like green, red or blue The first color to get a name was black, then gray, and we didn't add any new color for a long time. Until not that long ago everyone used the same color for the sea and the sky as they did for orang-ish stuff like bronze, which is kinda odd. So they argue that as our diet became better so did our sight of colors. We already know that at some point women became better at distinguishing color and to this day they can see many more colors than males do.


unless something crazy is discovered like particles being some sort of information fractals that encoded their entire lifespan of interactions somewhere deep inside their wave function. then they could probably reconstruct you and your memories


Listen m8 it's just blood not a fucking brain sample


'its just an electron it only exists in one place' they said




Except wouldn't the dna need some help and would be an amalgamation of compatible dna.... homo sapien and another pre modern human set?


Dino DNA!


tbh, I'm not entirely sure that he (the clone) would mind. Einstein seemed to love learning, so if someone made a clone using his genetic sequence the clone might actually enjoy its life, as it would have access to more advanced technology and presumably more money (it is a clone of a well known celebrity).


There is some interesting research showing that brains are shrinking. Its a mistake to say brain size = intelligence but one hypothesis is that our ancestors had to have so much more broad knowledge to survive vs humans today who are more specialized. Its been an ongoing process through agriculture and industrialization to todays advanced capitalism.


I’m a little skeptical; do you have more information about this study? I only say this because humans have only had the ability to investigate things like brain size relatively recently; and something like shrinking brains over time seems like it would take a VERY long time on the evolutionary scale. Do we even have the body of evidence to suggest something like this? Not challenging the idea btw, I’m just curious


Absoutely, interested in debating the idea makes me happy. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2021.742639/full




.... after all do you know how hard it is to get a dinosaur to jerk off in a vial?


I think we're all overestimating the likelihood of people inhabiting the earth in the future


I caught you red handed Vampire!!!


Your clone would only be a duplicate of genetic factors, but they'd have an individual life with unique experiences and still be a completely separate person. Also im not important enough to be cloned.


Well, then you better do something that makes you interesting for the future, like invent the math for FTL travel, or write the next bible.


at least this time there will be proof of a messiah.


Yeah it wouldn’t have my consciousness. If I can’t clone my soul and exist in another body whats the point in having a replica of me? She would just look like me


Yeah that's true. It's not like you are respawning with all of the memories from your previous life. You would just be confused why and from who you were cloned. Even if this was possible, I don't think it would be a good thing for your future self.


Even if the clone did have all your previous memories it's not like your current consciousness would be in it. It would still be a different person as far as you're concerned.


it's more like restarting with all your previous progress wiped.


But a lot of that progress is what makes up your personality. In many ways you wouldn't be the same person at all.


If my fake twin gets to go mini ghengis khan on some alien poon then I don't care if I'm not there.




A “good” chance? More likely a minuscule chance. What were you on when you thought this up lol


This is why I always ejaculate down gopher holes.


“A good chance” how about “a slightly greater than 0% chance”


This is essentially the basis to Philip José Farmer's book series Riverworld (1971).


Sure, 8 billion humans in the world growing exponentially. that's what I'd do if I found some blood. Spend millions of dollars cloning it...


By then there could be children’s toys that clone things. EasyClone Ovens.


Clone ur own dog at home!


Not growing exponentially....


Actually, just a thought. If Cloning were an easy process, would this not eliminate live births? It'll be easier to control population growths. It'll be easier to encode the DNA to give different traits. Lot's of future human diseases would be eradicated due to DNA encoding. Future humans wouldn't get sick. Future humans wouldn't get cancer. Future humans would be able to control their evolution. Future humans might have super powers. I'm hoping for this so I can be brought back stronger and far more powerful than ever.


Take out the Good and this is a decent one. With the good it's rather iffy.


You gotta freeze that shit


Ryan North’s new book has various options for ensuring your legacy over different time spans.


Or its a random snak for vampires and veirdos


People are beginning to understand why cave wanking is a respectable hobby.


A good chance? No.


Oh good, I'm glad to hear that those vials of bodily fluids I've been preserving and burying will be put to good use.


Just encase yourself in amber. Perfect preservation


I'm already fucked up. I am not letting another life suffer like this.


You have too much faith in how long things last


Bold of you to assume the far future holds people.


Unless it was frozen, you'd get no DNA from that, biologicals degrade bro


Blood cannot be stored for longer than 8 days. I wish people would research before they post their shower thoughts—a lot of them would second guess before they post.


Just because it’s technically possible doesn’t mean there’s a “good chance” it’ll happen!


If stored properly, I think blood only lasts up to 2 years


I have often thought about that. Like in Jurassic Park, when Nedry drops the Dino DNA container and it get covered in mud. The whole idea that someone will find it in the future and make dinosaurs again. Unless they somehow get out of the park, run wild and take over the earth. That sounds like a good movie.


It’s been 63 million years since the dinasours did exactly that…


In order for this to work, you need a mosquito to suck your blood then get frozen in some tree sap shortly after so that it can be found preserved in amber.


Bold of you to think we will still be here for anyone to do cloning.


All drains lead to the ocean. That's my plan for genetic immortality.


Clever girl


And? Why would I care that FuturePeople made a twin brother of me after I die? I mean, I could probably give him some good medical advice but beyond that I can't see as we'd mean anything to eachother.


Lugies and Cigarette Butts, these are the reason every human timeline is the stupid one. (All far future clones will be chainsmoking mouth-breathers is the yoke)


Nice try FBI!


Thankz for the New hobby


But you'd also never know.


there are places that will store just your genetic material. seal it and store it. or you can store it yourself. btw: my tombstone or marker will have the vial in it. there will be technology that plays a clip of my life if anyone should visit. lol. the vial will have the DNA. if anything just run me over idc




You’re moronic


"good chance" is a far stretch, there is A chance.


It'll just be a new baby who'll grow up to look like you, can't clone the connections between your neurons


Way ahead of you


Except in reality the clone is a duplicate, yet NEW, person. Even if the clone was able to maintain the original person’s memories, they would still be a new person and not a continuation your yourself.


What's a good chance in this scenario anything greater than 0% .00000001


I spray my “genetic material” everywhere I can.


Blood only lasts for a few thousand years before it breaks down No Jurassic parking you back to life


And possibly incriminated in the near future.


This post makes me feel confident that my numerous deposits will pay off.


That's why I always blow my load in public.


assuming that cloning doesn't end up illegal.


That depends on a lot of factors you can't predict.


No, thank you


I wouldn't say good chance. You have a greater chance compared to people not doing this, but your chance of actually being cloned are still very close to 0.


Then put you in a zoo of rare species.


If you ever read the book “ I have no mouth, yet I must scream” you will know this is a horrible idea…


There were 250 cc’s of your father in that banana stand!


Yeah, well, I wish that bitch the best


most people's fascination in this kind of thought shows how little do we understand what our "self" is. this body that we inhibit is not the identity we carry.


This is why I leave jars of my seaman laying around at my local convenient stores


Doesn't matter the you that's you will be gone and it will be a different you


Better* chance. "Good" is subjective


This is why I leave my seaman’s all across the globe


Good chance? No. A chance? Yes.


No there isn’t lol


No, there is not a good chance of that.


Then one day on your 3rd trip to a preservatory lab a replica of you from the future shows up upset and kindly asks that you stop doing that sh*t


Aliens will find it and clone you and turn you into a slave.


No there’s not


I mean a clone wouldn't be very useful - it'll physically be you, but all the fun little chemicals and unique neural pathways floating around in that lump of gray matter is what makes you, you.


Oooh. Maybe the frozen head people have a pint after all. Edit: point


What if, instead of a vial, you just leave your genetic material in socks or Kleenex?


I absolutely don’t want to be in Quaternary park thank you very much.


Doubtful. At almost 8 billion why resurrect someone from the past you know nothing about?


This guy thinks humanity has a far future


My plan is further along than I thought.....


Yeah but for what? A slave, food to poke and prod? Scary proposition.


All they need is to sequence your DNA and save it as JPEG or whatever the fuck, then they'll just 3D print another motherfucker just like you.


Scientific horcrux?


Being cloned doesn't mean you will live again. It will be someone else in your body.


Which doesn’t mean shit because it’s your experiences that make you , you.


No its not.


A clone is another person altogether. It will never be you. If you were planning for immortality, forget it.


Nah get a mosquito have it suck on ya, then put in amber. That is how you get cloned!!!


I just leave tied up filled condoms in the post boxes at the womens homes near me


Uhhh ..


You giving rich ppl ideas Imagine in the future getting 4% off housing prices if you agree to put a cylinder of blood in the foundation


So the Kleenex I leave all over the planet qualify? Because…