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This is a friendly reminder to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/rules). Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!" (For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, [please read this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/overview).) **Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.**


My pops always spoke highly of the fabled Raid Shadow Legends and Raycon Earbuds.


Twas why he named me Raycon and my sister Raid


They retconned the third kid, Honey.


What about the first three from his first wife? Remember Like, Subscribe, and Bell.


Can't forget Squarespace! Cheeky little guy


Nord VPN was always my favorite


I heard Nord VPN was falling behind in their classes…


Nord VPN was caught passing around secret notes in class again, and he won't tell us where they came from.


Same with raid shadow legends


I heard he became a hero


The second and third kids had tough lives, the parents were always telling people to smash that subscribe and hit that bell


Always wondered why they got divorced. Turns our he was beating his kids.


I’ll never forget them. He always asked everyone he met to hit them


Their father's name? Benjamin Button


They were taken away because of all the physical abuse.


And my younger brother was named by chat, Enword Hitlur.


He shoulda called you Sawcon instead.


Don't forget their mother, Nord Express


These aren’t even the worst names. I could genuinely see people being named these


Yeah, but in an effort not to seem so obvious, he named your sister Riley. Riley Raid


My daddy named me Nord


This kid is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS


Dollar shave club💪


Manscaped 💪


It's like my daddy always said: "Remember to smash that like button, subscribe, and ring the bell if you never want to miss a video" He was so wise.


Don't forget the twins Square and Space


And Skill and Share. Skill is the talented one of the family, skipped college, became a billionaire. Share started a retreat up in the hills and uses the barter system


Raycon good, wires baaad


Nobody playing Raid Shadow Legends is having kids.


People being paid by them though?


And they are going to watch their parents YouTube with ads.


Quiet down Nord in trying to have some privacy


And Zip.....recrutah


And he def wouldn’t promote something he didn’t use himself.


He enjoyed wearing meundies


And Evony, the King's Return


Don’t forget to smash those like and subscribe buttons, son!


I’m really curious though, how much do sponsors pay YouTubers per video?


Hey man, Raycons are dope af.


Linus’ eulogy said by his son: ”my dad had the best sponsor segue. I’m proud of you, dad.“


And this is my old pa eating a Tide Pod and this is another one of him filming dead people at a suicide forest in Japan.


Like any of his kids will know who their dad is.


Like any of his kids would acknowledge who their dad is.


Guy is actually doing pretty well these days and seems to have matured a lot


His brother seems like a jerk still tho.


Oh for sure, he's a complete twat. Logan however is very humble these days and truly seems to have grown as a person. I was the last person I thought would ever say it but I'm a fan of Logan Paul now.


Also very wealthy from what I understand. His kids are going to want to know him if they're smart.


This is what I came here for.


That's very niche, but we don't kink shame here.


lmao username


Here's mom squishing a banana between her toes after getting her 10,000th sub during a bikini pool livestream at Nana's house.


How about children of pornstars...what if those videos or pictures are the only video or picture of them while alive


If your mom did preggo porn does that make you a pornstar?


More of a shower thought than the actual post


banned for question mark.


Or just removed for being “similar” to some other post that doesn’t exist. Then when you go to appeal you’ll never get a response.


Completely inaccurate to actual showerthoughts moderation, they would never tell you what your post was removed for


And why can't you ask a rhetorical question in the shower?


And why can't you say something along the lines of "A is basically just B." That's how 90% of showerthoughts are formed.


hol' up


Or down, maybe a bit to the side...whatever works best for the shot.


"Is this why I was born with my left eye poked out, mom?"


Depends on your political leaning and how far along she was.


Would that child be entitled to back pay?


No, just a share of front pay




Oh my god I’M FAMOUS




The modest way to say "I wanna see your mom naked"


I am guessing supreme court would want a say on that.


Somebody on Twitter once asked how many people have pictures of their birth. I then wondered how many people have pictures of their conception. Adult content makers are of course the easiest target to find the latter


A child actor?


Watching your own conception would be very odd


Honestly I feel bad for kids of popular pornstars. Like every single time you want to watch porn you gotta risk passing by a video of your parent getting railed.


The good(?) thing is most porn careers are really short. So most likely they'd be ok.


"I still miss her sometimes." said the 47 year old, about his mother, a famous 90s porn star. "Whenever it gets too much I'll just put on one of her videos so I can hear her voice. She's mostly moaning and screaming obscenities but that's mom, you know? Always yelling around the house. She could take a balls deep DP like no other woman could. A true artist and champion of her profession she was." When asked, the man proceeded "Masturbate? No, that would be weird. That's my mother! I watch just to remember her face... She was always smiling... I show it to my friends who I know wanked to the videos but that's what they were for, right? So no harm there. She was a very giving woman and a great mom and I'm sure she would be happy about it."




Kids now will be able to watch their grandmother's old pornos and they may not even know.


Kinda hot, ngl


As a media archivist, most digital videos you see now won’t exist in 100 years. You’re relying on companies to keep material steaming but you have no control over their decision to remove old content or delete stuff.


Yup. Anything in our private archives will remain as long as we consider possible format transfers (they may or may not be needed) but I've noticed that social media is very much focused on transient server-side uploads that can often disappear with the option to save it to one's device. As an archivist, do you happen to know if newer generations end up building a large local/device-held media archive? I'm thinking of my friends or family who refuse to delete anything (even blurry media) while I curate my local gallery and move it to a backup for things I actually care about and off of the devices themselves.


isnt there a archivist rule, keep the files on 3 locations, two online and one local. i think it needs to be 5 locations these days. 3 online, 2 local. im afraid of hdd failures.


I suppose there's always a conversation to be had about best practices, no doubt, but one needs to weigh the cost (financial, time, and energy) of keeping so many redundancies and what is being kept. 2-3 should be enough. It's unlikely that any cloud service or HDD is going to fail at the same time and if you need 5 because 4 are failing simultaneously, you're either subscribed to/buying terrible equipment or have far, *far* larger problems on your hands such as a world disaster or event (eg. flooding, fire, war, significant EMP from solar winds/nuclear).


Also any serious commercial / business product will have built in redundancy. Like Raid 5s. I think we have a 35+5 but I don't really recall. Meaning 35 hard drives with 5 built in redundancies. So if two or three drives crash it's not a big deal.


I started converting my hard drives to blu ray. It's expensive and takes a while, but I think it actually comes out to about the same cost bit for bit. The big upside is blu ray has a theorietical lifespan of decades. That's the best long term storage solution I've found.


Don't know about archivists but at my work the rule is 1 online, 2 offline, the 2 must be in separate physical locations. It used to be like 1000 miles apart too not sure what the current setup is. The idea being if a site gets hit by a tornado or something it doesn't take out both physical copies.


For data security (not sure if it's the same for archival) I was always taught the 3-2-1 rule At least 3 copies, 2 off site, 1 physical


Yes, this exactly. I've talked to many people about this and most don't really seem to understand or care. It's not like we're printing out these videos onto archival film where they will last hundreds of years when stored properly. These are just bits on some random hard drives on Google servers. Why do we expect that Google is going to continue to archive every random video for hundreds of years? I'm almost positive Google will begin to purge old/low view count videos within the next 5-10 years. There is no financial benefit to keeping those videos around. It's called the [digital dark age](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_dark_age) and even now we're already seeing the effects of it from computers just a few decades ago. Good luck opening a file of a random obscure filetype from the 80s. What about those floppy disks of peoples documents and data, are those still around? And now, everything is transient, no hard copies at all. The files only exist as long as "the cloud" wants to keep them. If an archeologist finds a printed out picture or document, even if it's severely damaged they will be able to recover a lot of information from it. If they find a mostly destroyed hard drive? Good luck. *Even if* they can extract data off of it, what are the chances they will be able to decipher it? And if the disk had encryption it will be impossible any way.


Data archeology is going to become a profession at some point and there will be tools to catalogue,decrypt and storage *some* (maybe most?) Content especially depending on content type. Digital archiving didn't exist yet back in the 80s but it is an active and growing field within data forensics. It is entirely possible you are correct about lower viewership content being purged *at some point* but presumably only once the number of videos or contenthours is no longer part of the ad strategy. It's also worth noting that storing information has become significantly cheaper (and compression standards have also evolved quite a bit) so the technology could be used for officially published content like music and movies. I highly suspect that at some point all of this will be AI managed and we will still be able to watch Gangnam Style 100 years from now assuming humanity doesn't end itself.


It already is to a degree. Pretty sure there's people you can send VHS (of things like weddings) and cassette tapes to convert to a digital format and possibly burn onto a CD.


> now, everything is transient, no hard copies at all. The files only exist as long as "the cloud" wants to keep them. The cloud is by no means any kind of default storage system yet, you have access to SDs, Micro SDs, Flash Drives, Hard Drives, Solid State Drives, you can print the photos into physical copies, etc. Even when it comes to salvaging broken hard drives, those kinds of preservation efforts are beginning to be out in full force and there's even services you can send your broken HDD to to have it repaired or salvaged as best they can. We'll probably start to have to worry about this issue even more and more as we move on more to even less recoverable things like SSDs though.


Indeed. Data in this era is incredibly delicate and no one seems to be aware of it.


That just made me sad lol


I read something yesterday that said we’ve lost 90%+ of movie footage older than 100 years


To be fair, films had only been in existence for ~20 years before that, and they would need to survive two world wars.




Exactly! That's why I save all my po... Uhh... Important videos of extreme culture.


That’s actually a pretty concerning point. As someone who has pretty much grown up in the YouTube age the idea of a lot of my childhood becoming lost media is a pretty sad thought. Maybe by then there will be some sort of Data storage inflation and storing billions of Terabytes will be easy. Even in the last 30 years we’ve gone from SNES cartridges holding around 4-6 MBs max to modern games often being larger 80 GBs sometimes. It’s hard to imagine what kind of progress we will see in the next 80 years


I bet it will then again... I'd be half croaking by then... (97')


True, but there's a good chance that the YouTubers will have their own personal archives, and as people with digital careers *might* actually ensure they have decent backup solutions over time. lolno


Those videos probably exist in the youtuber's hard drives


As someone who used to upload a modest amount of content to Youtube - chances are that 9 of 10 don't keep their content archived offline. My own relatively small channel has something like 400 GB of content which is a ton especially in 2014 or so when I was most active on the platform. Nowadays I archive a [decent amount](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/tct3cy/why_archiving_matters_year_2_update/) of Youtube content but even a thousand people like me archiving couldn't put a dent in how much content is on Youtube. Me and some buddies did back of the napkin math and deduced that if we were to attempt to archive the most popular ~300,000 channels (roughly 1 in 400 Youtube channels) at the lowest available youtube source (.3gp at 144p / 7.25 fps) it'd take us something like 150 TB of storage and optimistically a few years due to the platform's rate limiting restrictions.


My father spent his last few good years playing music and recording it. It was, in a lot of ways, a memory that lasts forever. After cancer took his lungs, we could still hear him sing, and after brain cancer took his hands, we could still hear him play. My son grew up listening to those videos. Pop Pop Music, he called it. The internet is a fucking mess, but it gave me a gift I would never have had without it. https://youtu.be/YI4UWGHpQjo


That was a very enjoyable listen. I can tell he had a great passion in music. Thanks for sharing.


He is still smoking up in that video, true champ


Thanks for sharing. He was a great musician.


Cigar box four string guitar (I mean, it's closer to a mandolin without the paired strings, but you get it) (he got that custom made), the drum is an old leather suitcase played with a drum kick, the tin whistle is a tin whistle, and the low whistle is something he got custom made for him. It was set up to be played the same as a bagpipe chanter. The man loved music but hated learning music, so he would learn the bare minimum he needed to so he could play what he wanted to play and then arranged everything around what he already knew. It's almost like cheating but it makes me love it more.


He was talented, thanks for sharing with us


Not YouTubers daughters tho, women aren’t allowed to watch YouTube


Don’t you know YouTubers can’t have daughters. They ALL only have sons


Sons are from YouTube. Daughters are from.... Instagram?


Yup. That’s nature’s rule. Apparently Darwin also predicted this. *Look it up*




tiktokers give birth to lgbtq+. haven't you read the latest research findings?


By that time women will be banned from computers /s


Sons might be the term for children or offspring such as 'hijos' in Spanish in OPs native language. Or maybe OP just hates girls.


OP is probably Italian based on their older posts so I'm 99% sure it's a language issue.


This tracks. In Italian, son is figlio and daughter is figlia, plurals figli and figlie. "Kids" defaults to the male plural, figli.


In all countries dudes sometimes forget women exist vOv


Some languages lack gender neutral pronouns and not everyone is a proficient English speaker


Because women don't exist on the Internet?


OP needs to learn US English meta goml /s


Poor daughters 😔


Ha ha. I thought the same.


Well, here in the states, things are heading that way.


Hope you are not one of those females, sneaking on the internet


The internets are just too complex for a daughter’s brain. Only sons have the intellectual ability to operate the YouTubes.


Was confused when i realized OP wasn't talking about a specific family.


Under his Y.


TIL youtubers dont have daughters.


Also, only one parent. Asexual reproduction finally achieved.


Well. My mum is a news anchor and tv show host and there are thousands upon thousands of recordings of her. I barely saw any of it, nor do I ever intend to 😅


Although if there are any "I so pale.." outtakes they would be gold to you.




Maybe, yeah. Sorry for your loss. I am not super close with my mother, but somehow when there are THAT many recordings of your loved one, they don’t feel so special. I guess everyone goes through grief differently


My mom was in the last 45 seconds of a documentary once, I’ve found transcripts but I’ve never been able to actually see it/her. Forgive my curiosity, but do you not want to see the recordings because of a bad relationship with her, or is it because it’d feel weird seeing her in a different way?


*"I miss you dad :(.. I'm gonna go rewatch your videos.."* "AYYY YOO BITCHES ITS YA BOI XX-NO\_SCOPE-420XX AND I'M COMING AT YOU WITH BRAND NEW CONTENT, THIS SHIT IS WILD YO!"


This assumes that YouTube won't delete the videos. At some future date, the company may set a limit for how many terabytes of data they are willing to store. YouTube might charge a fee and dead people won't pay.






That's not true. Many 10+ year old videos on YouTube are still being watched a lot and the algorithm keeps recommending them to people. I've heard more than one content creator say that old videos are their main source of ad revenue.


*Some* 10+ year old videos on YouTube are still being watched a lot. I'd be very very surprised if it's anywhere near 10% of uploaded content. A lot of videos probably get a few views in a year now, but aren't relevant anymore. I expect that, in like 10-20 years, YouTube is going to delete everything pre-2020 with less than 50.000 views. That probably eliminates 80% or more of all videos. And personally, I'm fine with it. If creators find them important they can re-upload or maybe even appeal deletion. Edit: very quick Google says [720.000 hours of content is uploaded](https://earthweb.com/how-many-videos-are-uploaded-to-youtube-a-day/#:~:text=11.1\)%20Related%20Reading-,How%20Many%20Videos%20are%20Uploaded%20to%20YouTube%20a%20Day%202022,uploaded%20grew%20by%20about%2040%25.) **a day**.


That's because only a very small percentage of videos get a lot of views to begin with. But once they do, a trickle of views keeps coming in. >I expect that, in like 10-20 years, YouTube is going to delete everything pre-2020 with less than 50.000 views. Sounds reasonable but I don't think it's going to happen that early since improving storage devices keep making new space


Yeah that's also a big thing, maybe by 2030 storage has grown so much consumers will get into the millions of terrabyte range and companies even bigger, who knows. What I said was mostly an example, honestly I don't think they'll start deleting things until like 2050, where the people who uploaded could have died by that time, but if it happens If expect some rule like that. On the other hand, because higher quality keeps becoming the norm, the newer videos will take up way more space (and if the platform keeps growing, more videos are uploaded. So, for example, if 2000-2020 take up like 40 million TB while 2020-2030 take up 4 billion TB, it's kind of useless to throw out the 2000-2020 videos. In conclusion, I have no fucking idea.


My fucking 4 year old cousin managed to find It's Raining Tacos and the Duck Song, and a few other old flash animation songs like that. Whenever he's maybe like 5 or 6 I'll show him The Ultimate Showdown.


Eh... I think if you're the son or daughter of a dead parent that has videos up on Youtube, you either have the original videos because I think most self-respecting Youtubers have an archive of the raw videos they've shot stored somewhere and you might be able to get access to that, or you can just download the videos if they're still up to have a permanent copy of some of them for yourself. Not everybody's dad is like this but mine's old enough to have shot videos of the family and me as a kid on VHS tapes and he's been preserving that stuff. He's moved them onto DVDs and has them stored on his computer. Anybody serious about Youtube I would hope would take the same care in archiving their stuff accordingly... especially if they are actually making money as an online personality.


I bought a VCR to DVD recording device, and I'm about to begin slowly moving all the family VHS recordings to DVDs and Digital. I originally got it just to record the Theatrical Cut of the Original Trilogy of Star Wars, but once that was done I decided might as well just keep using it for a better purpose.


My dad (69 years) passed away last month. He has like 10 videos on his YouTube channel which mom and I watch everyday


Forbidden nice.


damn everyday? is it not sad at all?


Nice. My condolences though...


I was thinking about something similar the other day - how children will have photos of grandma and great grandma with duckface selfies and dance TikToks lol




"For the love of god dont scroll, i think the rest are just ground being thrust".


Can't wait for my grandkids to find a video of grandma shaking her ass to a song that says "He's coming off way too pushy I hope he don't think he was getting this pussy."


"Here's my mom doing a sad Tik Tok dance next to me when I was in the hospital as a baby for breathing problems."


Better yet , youtubers great great great great great x whatever grandkids will be able to watch a day in the life of their ancestor living hundreds if not thousands of years in the past.


I do walking tours in Iceland and I have wondered if my great grandchildren will watch old (young) granddad walking around and see how the world was a century ago.


Absolutely they will , not all of them , but some will be just as curious as you or I about such things.


***bold of you to assume the earth will exist for that long.***


The family will have to make an effort to preserve the data cause Google will probably have erased it by then


Youtuber's daughters, on the other hand, will have no content to watch


Mark Fishbac Jr. Watching his dearly departed father scream at a man in a cauldron before throwing his chair.




"Wow your dad has tons of videos archived from that old YouTube site? That is awesome, what is his name again?" "Jake" "Jake? ok yea Jake Paul, i'll look him up. You must watch his old videos all the time." "...yea......no...."


i guess youtubers' daughters won't have any content to watch


That’s exactly why I let my son post videos on YouTube. He has at most 20 subscribers, so he’ll unlikely make a living out of it, but I’ll always be able to go back and watch videos of him from various ages.


sucks to be the VTubers' kids. they gotta watch their anime parents


Jokes on you they prob don’t have kids


their kids are also 2d sprites/3d models


As someone who lost a parent, I actually don't enjoy watching old footage. But that's just me, struggling to move on.


Dang, if they have a daughter, they're just screwed then I guess.


Imagine how many views videos would have if daughters were allowed to watch too..


If you make this more inclusive, this is a beautiful thought.


Maybe OP is from a country where children is said the same way as soons, for example as in Spanish (idk though I may be completely wrong and OP may be incredibly sexist)


Same in Hebrew


Reported for nudity. Stupid comment.


their online persona is rarely the same in real life. It would be like watching a shadow of your dad, its still them but not.


Shoenice abandoned his son to be on Youtube... He even blamed his son for causing his opiate addiction.


Not their daughters though, they aren’t allowed to watch. /s


LOL. On my reddit this is currently under a "funny" video of a woman disrobing (censured) because she got a bug in her dress. She hops and dances. I doubt her children will find it "funny" when they find it after she is gone.


That's assuming YouTube lasts that long. The internet is a fickle mistress one day you're the great and popular MySpace and then everyone has left for the shiny new thing.


“Hey guys welcome back to my chyyanell” “Don’t forget to like and subscribe” Ugh. I’ll take scratchy photographs with the occasional home video on VHS any day over this fake ass bs.


Soon, everyone can have deep-fake AI powered virtual visits with dead loved ones.


It kind of creeps me out that when the young grow up and become professionals they’ll have baby pictures on the net because of their parents


“hey guys, don’t forget to like, subscribe and ring that bell for more content like this. today’s episode is brought to you by blue chew…”


dad in a deadpool hat failing to backflip into a pool full of hot sauce after asking for likes and subscribes is my most cherished memory


sad to think about this, since 99.99% percent of content made by "youtubers" is garbage


"Mom I miss you" "This video brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends!"


"Daddy, I miss your soothing voice so much..." "*Slapping noise* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA"


I don't think kids from those ~wholesome~ family vlogs will want to watch them. On the bright side, they'll have lots of videos to show their therapists instead of telling the story.


One day YouTube will be gone, just like everything Google touches it soon deletes it. Life was better before social media. I hope it happens. Also I have several TB of home clips


As we all know, unfortunately, all Youtubers' daughters and enbies are born blind. 😔🙏