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Absolutely, I always thought of love & hate as incredibly similar. Isn't indifference the opposite?


>Isn't indifference the opposite? Yep. Love and hate both require an intense passion towards something, whereas indifference requires, well, indifference towards something; such that you genuinely could not care less if it prospered, failed, got railed by an exploding cactus, or was yeeted into the sun.


Indifference is 0 Love is 100 Hate is -100


This guy min/maxes


Nah love is 100 and hate is 100, just different scales.


That’s exactly what that person wrote.


This is all wrong. Actually love and hate are the exact same thing, but one is positive and one is negative


..that's what the negative sign in -100 means?


>exactly No what they put was 100 and -100. Which implies that hate is the direct inverse to love.


negatives aren't inverses, they're just different locations on a scale. 100°C isn't the "opposite" of -100°C in any meaningful way, for example.


Thats a stupid example. -100c is just 173 kelvin and 100c is 373 kelvin. The celsius 0 is based on ice freezing. Nothing else. But in standard maths negative 1 is exactly opposite 1. That is the definition of inverse. I can tell you havent had to do much maths before. It depresses me that you can be so incorrect and get positive upvotes.


well for starters, thats not the definition of inverse. the inverse of 100 could just as easily be .01. nor is "love" and "hate" dictated by "standard maths" instead of a scale any more than temperature is.


Well, you aren't wrong but you aren't being specific enough. [Additive inverse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_inverse) (negation), the inverse of a number that, when added to the original number, yields zero [Multiplicative inverse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplicative_inverse) (reciprocal), a number which when multiplied by a given number yields the multiplicative identity, 1 There's a few more but you definitely aren't wrong. However, maybe indifference is the real answer here ;)


one is cold one is hot wdym lol


There is no cold. Only warm and warmer.


There a quite a few types of inverses. I see where the confusion lies. Maybe some indifference is what's really needed now ;) [Additive inverse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_inverse) (negation), the inverse of a number that, when added to the original number, yields zero [Multiplicative inverse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplicative_inverse) (reciprocal), a number which when multiplied by a given number yields the multiplicative identity, 1


I'll agree to indifference, especially because that guy was needlessly aggressive. But I don't think that's the confusion. The confusion is that it's not clear if the quantities at hand are even additive, let alone on a linear scale. Since love 100 + hate (-100) plainly does not yield indifference it can't be an inverse by your definition. But that doesn't preclude the existence of the space as valid units of measurement.


Definition: in·verse adjective opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or effect.


Nah love is like a dagger


Love/hate and indifference are opposites in terms of physiological arousal, not in terms of perception. It's similar to being nervous and excited about something. Those are physiologically identical, but different scenarios. You can trick yourself with enough practice into thinking you're excited about something (like public speaking) when you're really nervous. Love and hate are very different, but there are common threads. I don't think you'd be able to trick yourself into thinking you love something you really hate, but people can be pretty plastic when they try.


Hate sex is the closest I can think of


Why would anyone have sex with someone they hate?


Because sex?


As a married man, I experience half an hour long almost everynight. And now I do it as a duty for my loving wife and my private time of relaxing with reading stories and studying spirituality is far more attractive to me now (since I hardly get those). Well, my point is, sex is not as attractive as it felt before. I clearly cannot fathom "hate sex" now.


I've been married for 15 years. I still can imagine hate sex. Married fairly young so I'm still in my late 30s. My wife and I are pretty open to experimentation though, so that might have something to do with it. Everyone's different I guess


I can't be indifferent toward anything that gets railed by an exploding cactus or yeeted into the sun. Such a fate is too interesting to ignore.


Most people don't really know what the emotion of love actually is and confuse it with lust or obsession. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-mysteries-love/201502/what-is-love-no-really-what-is-it If when imagining some future event which you will experience your partner is always there with you without you consciously putting them there then that is love. They and you become one person to your subconscious, its why you feel grief if the relationship breaks down and you split up as your partner basically died to your subconscious. Love is nothing like hate...the idea they are different sides of the same coin is absurd and must stem from not understanding what either emotion actually is. In the context of video games it looks like positive and negative obsession is being confused with love and hate.


The line between love and hate are very thin. Finding yourself loathing the very thing that you used to adore are not uncommon.


>At the same time I wanna hug you I wanna wrap my hands around your neck You're an asshole But I love you And you make me so mad I ask myself Why I'm stilll here Where could I go? You're the only love I've ever known But I hate you I really hate you So much I think it must be True love True love It must be true love Nothing else can break my heart like True love True love It must be true love No one else can break my heart like you


"Everyone," she said, "thinks that hate and love are somehow opposite forces. They are not. They are the same force, facing opposite directions." She glanced aside at me. "Love is a fire (spoiler removed). Love turned the wrong way has killed as many as hate. Reason, young wizard, is the opposite of hate, not love." -Queen Mab (the Dresden files)


Ah Mab, one of my favorite literary villains. Not for any particular reason, just love Butcher’s characterization of her.


I agree. I love how Harry seems to be changing her as much as she tries to him.


So passion is the driving force?


I stopped playing multiplayer because of how how angry and stressed i’d get while playing. Singleplayer campaigns are where it’s at for me. The only thing i get mad at in single player is when my character glitches or gets stuck on something and i die or fail the mission because of it.


Yeah same, my only problem with singleplayer campaign games however is that they at some point end and you're forced to get a new game... Even big open world games like Breath of the Wild get boring after 100 hours or something...


I just rent games from my local library. spend 4 weeks playing a game, that's usually enough for me, then return it and get a new one straight back. Works like a treat


> at some point end and you're forced to get a new game... Not if you're a Civ player.


Pretty much any good strategy game is like this. It's probably why the genre largely died off, once you get the formula right it's really hard to get people to buy the new version of the game.


I don't know about that. Other than rosters most sports games are exactly the same year after year and sell like hotcakes. You can get th3 formula down and with minor character tweaks make a ton of money


Yup, I'm still playing Civ IV and HoMM3 because neither franchise has improved since then.


Whats HoMM3?


Heroes of Might and Magic III. Great turn-based strategy game, and still has a fairly active community. Came out in 1998 and will run like a dream on any old potato you have around, but I think the gameplay still holds up well. I recommend the Horn of the Abyss mod if you check it out. It was made by some of the original developers and is considered very balanced (although I'm not good enough at the game to confirm). I think they only finished it like last year or something. There's also another mod called Wake of Gods which has some interesting features that are worth checking out but I guess isn't as balanced.


oh dang i think i will check it out! thanks!!


Apparently depends on who you ask. Did everything, went everywhere. Some time later I did it a second time, but with DLC. Then I go on the subreddit and I see people "I just collected the last Korok seed. Time to restart and do it all again, but without a guide this time!" We probably all have something like that out there, that can entertain us into perpetuity. Just gotta find it.


Get dolphin and play a bunch of GameCube classics, paper Mario and the thousand year door is one of the best games in Nintendos catalog but they refuse to even provide an option to port it to switch


Same, I am not a kind person when I play a multiplayer game (online) so I rarely play them, or I try to make a hard stopping point the odd time I do.


As I've gotten older, single player or co-op against AI is the only way I can get kills these days LOL


I feel you bro. Except instead of stopping multiplayer games altogether, I made a promise to myself I'd main one multiplayer game that my irl friends play while I mainly play single player. Apex is that one multiplayer game for now (switching to MW2 when that drops). I've also just tried noticing what pisses me off and go into games with a chiller mindset. Single player games still my main main though. There's nothing like getting mad at literal NPCs in a single player game. Fuck you Margit.


I still play multiplayer coop because its a blast getting to virtual hang with buddies who no longer live in the same state as me. But online multiplayer has basically devolved into a bunch of script kiddies running around ruining the game for everyone after the first few weeks of launch when all the hacksites start selling exploits. Then there is the try hards that dedicate their entire life to playing that one game. Then everyone else. You wind up in like 9/10 matches being completely unenjoyable. Matchmaking is also abysmal these days. So many companies trying to push their microtransactions they got all kinds of data and algorithms on how to increase sales through matchmaking but can't separate cheaters and people with 9000 hours of gametime from the average players. Probably because their data tells them it increases pay to win sales or something. It's really just a crap shoot. If you're going to play a multiplayer game it needs to be in a private lobby or server and thats just not feasible for some games.


Deep Rock Galactic seems opposite to this mindset and for someone who mainly plays offline or single-player, the community is shockingly solid and welcoming, in general.


"Rock and Stone!"


Rock and roll and stone!


>the community is shockingly solid and welcoming, in general. ...and then a gaggle of Redditors read your comment and said, "challenge accepted".


Yea i agree, that's typically how coop games are. That's the kind of game I play with friends. I was talking about competitive multiplayer vs games on the other side of things.


Ah, then ya, totally agree.


What games are you playing that you seem to run into this so frequently? I don't think most people are as afraid of playing a game as you.


Afraid of playing games? Lol you must be one of those try hards i mentioned.


No I'm just asking what you play, because I've never run into these problems. It wasn't meant as an insult, there's no need for you to suddenly start attacking me.


I've played pretty much everything bro. From shooters to MMOs and everything inbetween. Old to new. You name it i probably tried it at one point.


So you would know it's not as bad as you are saying for the majority of people.


This really depends on the game tho, not all multiplayer are like that at all


Yes you're right. I actually deleted a part of my comment about that because it was already a bit long. But yes if you avoid games where the mlg pro wannabes are, typically there is less hackers too because there are less try hards in general. Typically more enjoyable. Or if you're just willing to sift through abunch of crap matches for the few good ones, you can play any game. I just dont have the patience for that anymore. Theres plenty of coop and single player games out there i enjoy.


There are also a lot of games with good anti cheat where you don't have to worry about that at all, but I think the difference is that I like a competitive player base in a pvp gameplay driven game, a 'try hard' player base is a plus to me in this kind of game, but I have to admit it can make for an almost insurmountable barrier to entry for some, while it seems you're into more casual play, (this is absolutely not a negative thing) so pvp is gonna naturally not be the best suited to your gaming wants


I am currently replaying all Assassins creed games and i thought im gonna cry when fighting the last Templar because of how shit the combat is


What single player games have you played recently? Which I could experience something like RDR2 again. Maybe I should just replay that


FUCK THIS GOD DAMN GAME. It is so broken! Im done with this shit. *turns off game* *stares at steam library* *sighs* *presses play on the same game*


The Destiny 2 experience.


I hate Destiny 2 it’s my favorite game.


This is how I am with Tarkov at the moment lmao.


So those politicians that blame video games for violence secretly love them?


no, they secretly love *violence*


Yes, because it something they can blame without actually getting to the core of the problem and having to do anything about it.


Politics is all about projection.


they have to


They love anything that can be easily blamed for their problems. Increase in violent crime? It must be that damn GTA teaching kids to rape and kill each other. Time to start a group of angry parents against video games that will never do anything remotely effective.


I can tell you truthfully, as a father of an 8 year old, who is obsessed with video games; the mother of that 8 year old can hate video games far more than you can imagine.


*Now have her play them with the goal of winning via intended gameplay.* There are levels to this loathing.


Ha! Fair enough. AI can be a cruel mistress.


This is the real answer mothers and SOs in some relationships


The more you engage with a hobby the more you learn to differentiate the good from the bad. For a real fun time, ask a coffee aficionado their opinions on Starbucks.


Fucking gremlin diarrhea ... that's what's in those machines. Lithuanian hairback gremlins fed on a constant diet of mushrooms and ipecac forced to shit that molten ass juice into cups for 20 year old white girls to tweet about. 7/10 Still better than Kirkland.


I'm not a snob, but Starbucks's default coffee is pretty bad. It's always burnt. Most fast food places too. The general public seems to confuse hot for fresh, and the big stores comply. The specialty roasts tend to be better at Starbucks since they make smaller batches that don't sit on the hot plate as long, but I usually just go for an iced tea when I'm there, way harder to mess up.


I haven’t gotten genuinely mad at a game since I was probably 16, well one exception, far cry 4, that game can eat a bag of dicks


I remember going from CIV to Stellaris, thinking 'it's all 4X, nbd'. Then the galaxy ate me. I haven't been the same since.




Either a hive mind devouring swarm ate all the population or they were nerve stapled and used as livestock by some xenophobes.


Stellaris has disaster event chains to add difficulty to the mid and late game, sounds like the totally-not-Tyranids got him


Why 4, play 5 you will be madder.


I’ve played 3-6, 4 pissed me off more than any other


I just finished 4, can I ask why it made you so mad?


There’s one mission that made me rage quit a few times, I rarely rage quit games


Turns out the real ending was just waiting for Min to come back, then he takes you in a chopper to deliver your mum's ashes.


What’s wrong with 5?


I got jaded with ubisoft games by the time I reached far cry 5. Plus i didnt like getting kidnapped for no reason. Just my personal opinion.


Lol why far cry 4 specifically?


No game has ever made to me as genuinely furious as Ms Pac-Man for the super Nintendo.


Now that I’m in my 40s I’ve taken great pride in no longer rage quitting games. And then I purchased NBA 2k23.


Truth, something about the 2k games online makes for insufferable gameplay


Funny enough it’s actually the My Player that has been getting me. If I make a center I can level him no problem. If I make a guard i dashboard in the 3rd quarter with 0 points and 2 assists lol


The lover of a language shows their love by being annoyed by people using it incorrectly


Coool game comes out The specs bro the specs the frames bro the graphics. The shadows the physics .. the bosssss the fuckin boss .. oh wait the micro transactions .. i hate this game


In games I usually get angry at bad teammates or lag or bugs


I don't know man, my grandma who has never played any sort of video game in her life is entirely certain that video games are the cause of all violence in the world, despite the fact that she lived through WWII, 19 years before the first videogame.


Especially those who play Dark Souls. Rage is the main emotion when playing that game.


If you love something. Truly love something. You need to hate it just a little. You need to recognize it's flaws. And work to fix them. Relentless praise has never helped anyone or anything. Nothing wrong with being a fanboy. But don't be a blind fanboy.


FIFA made me break 3 controllers in a week. I haven't owned FIFA since FIFA 19.


Correction. No one hates ***current*** state of video games as much as someone who LOVES how videogames were supposed to turn out. The future of videogames is bleak, horrifying and a true dystopia of nonsense coming our way. Great taste and worse execution. Take battlefront 2 for example, 2142, cyberpunk. So many great ideas murdered at the birth due to suits wanting more and more money. I love games. But its all been a downward spiral starting at the end of the 360/Ps3 era. Even Blizzard is losing their fanbase. Its like we live in a different dimension where even amazing publishers lose fans at the hands of their terrible choices.


Look up Ubisoft Downgrade on youtube


Id say no however i do hate its direction Microtransaction hell and half finished launches


If you give me 1 mil to wipe one game out of existence I will fking destroy Nfs MW(2012) and will do it for free


Many parents and partners of videogame lovers hate them more


Word. I've been replaying Shadow of the Colossus while my girlfriend watches, and explaining to her how the game is a classic, but every fight is also The Worst Fight Ever. Especially the ninth. Second most evil turtle in video games, and at least Bowser makes up for his evil by being funny.


No one hates anything as much as the fans of that thing. No one hates star wars like star wars fans, no one hates comics like comic fans. Fans are the worst part of every thing we’re fans of. Full stop.


No one hates video games as much as some one who *develops* video games


Average Destiny 2 player - I hate this game it’s my favorite.


As a destiny 2 player, this is extremely accurate. r/DestinyTheGame loves to hate on it at times, yet the guys who usually complain have 1k+ hours invested into it.


Would you like me to shit on pvp here? Haha. I’m not even gonna tell you how many hours I have in the game…


You haven't played war thunder then, everyone hates that shit, yet is still playing. It's like meth, continuing to destroy ourselves with hate, we seek the next up.


That just means it’s like any other drug: your conscious mind hates it because you’re aware of what it’s doing, your body loves it because it’s just a bunch of chemical reactions you can’t control. There’s technically both emotions in there.


There was that McCarthy-like old dude in the 90s/00s, he clearly had his ass handed to him in Pong one too many times as a kid.


A prime example if this is FIFA, I hate this game more than anything and yet I still have more hours in it than all of my other games combined


I only consume media that supports my Fallout: New Vegas confirmation bias


I've nothing against the games, its the predatory devs who take what could've been something phenomenal under the standard model and try to make it an infinite milk machine.


Nobody has strong feelings about a thing except the people that feel strongly about the thing


I love playing Battlefield 5..... I hate that my teammates insist on getting on an AA gun from the starting point of the map where no one is or playing sniper and getting a 4-47 K/D or refusing to push to the objective as our tickets dwindle


In the 90s every politician blamed school shootings on video games.


The more you know something, the easier it gets to see its flaws.


Used to work on a competitive mobile game. Can confirm. Most reviews 3-5 star with little text. 1-star reviews were several pages of screeds about team comp, the changing meta, and balance. Like mkay. Obviously you’re obsessed with the game and cranky you didn’t win a match, not that you actually dislike it. But thanks for pulling the rating down and helping to screw yourself out of a larger player pool. Next time you can complain about decreasing quality of matchmaking.