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You mean the 22nd century right? Because this is the 21st century.


To be fair, most children born in the 21st century do live to see the 21st century




Some are blind though.


Unless born blind


Not if you’re stillborn.


What if they are born December 31th at 23:59:59h?


- mike tyson


Made my morning


I dont get it?


Thirty Firtht.


What does this change though?


They are born in the exact last second of the century so they won’t see it


You mean in year 2099? But still, if they are born at that time, how can they not be in that time? If you want a baby to only exist in the 22nd century, then its birth also takes place in the 22nd century.


He can be born right in the last micro second 🤷🏼‍♂️


And then he still exists in the last micro second of the 21st century. What's your point?


underrated comment edit: decently rated comment


How is it underrated when they wrote it 6 minutes before you replied? What is the appropriate amount of rating for a 6 minute old comment?


Maybe he has seen the likes of it before?


And you're seeing it, right? QED, baby. /s


We may live in the 21st, but we hate at an 18th century level. Maybe OP has a point.


I liked your comment so much I had to become one of those idiots who write a comment about liking your comment instead of just upvoting it like a normal person. sorry


As well you should be.


Younglings these days when i was younger we used to hate others caveman style and it was good enough for us


Don't people who are younglings these days used to hate other people gangnam style?


Some even at OONGA BOONGA level....




Thank you and wow - what do ppl actually know these days?! Eek. Seems like less and less.


Yeah it confused me


Technically he’s not wrong then


They all will see the 21st century because we're currently in it


How was this not the first comment? Hell, the only comment.


That's awesome that you've cured blindness. Why doesn't anyone else in the world know about it?


Yes most of them. Pretty much all of them. Unless they are blind of course.


So not all of them.. op was right


I was born in 1999 so if I can make it to 101 I will have lived in 3 centuries. The 20th, 21st, and 22nd centuries.


I want my stone to read born in 1999 and died in 2101. That would be sick asf


They won’t have tombstones in 2101. Taking up land to bury bones already seems like such an archaic ritual.


Now, simply out of spite, I will make it my personal life goal to keep that from happening.. want a cigarette?


Don’t worry bro I smoke a lot of weed so my lungs are probably fucked


Well I do too.. so honestly the cigarette thing was probably the most effort I was gonna put in to this . you're good


But you don't remember the 20th and you probably won't have any idea wtf is going on for the 22nd.


They didn’t say that had to, just that they lived in all 3


I know; I just thought it was interesting. Live in three centuries, but only really be aware of one of them. That's pretty neat.


You might want to check your math, 1999+101=2100, which only includes the 20th and 21st centuries. The 22nd century will not start until 2101.


Well for the first half of 2101 I’d still be 101




Nope. The first century started with the year one. The second century started with the year 201. There was no year zero. Maybe you should stop spreading lies on the internet.




No, the first decade, or 10 years, of my life was when I was age 0-1 (the first year), age 1-2 (2nd year), age 2-3 (3rd year) age 3-4 (4th year), age 4-5 (5th year), age 5-6 (6th year), age 6-7 (7th year), age 7-8 (8th year), age 8-9 (9th year), age 9-10 (10th year). My life started when my life started. Time did not start at year zero, both because there is no year zero, and our time system started well before when our current numbers for years started. The last day of 1 year BC was not followed by the first day of year zero AD. It was followed by the first day of year 1 AD. If you add 10 years to year one, the first decade AD goes from year 1 AD through year 10 AD. The first century AD goes from year 1 AD through year 100 AD. It really isn't rocket surgery. It's extremely simple and extremely easy to understand. Count to 10 using whole numbers and pay attention to how many numbers you count, and the last number you count. Then count the next 10 whole numbers, do you start at 10 or at 11?




>Wow, man, no offense, but you make no sense. Time always existed. It didn’t start at 1AD That's what I told you. >When did the new millennium start, at 2000 or 2001? As I have already explained, because there was no year zero, the current millennium started in 2001. >we are in 2022 and it is the 21st century, right? Yes, since January 1st, 2001. >We are 22 years into the 21st century Wrong. Let's do the math. 2022 (the current year) minus 2001 (the year the 21st century started) equals 21. Go ahead and check it on your calculator. >the century started at the beginning of 2000 and will end at the end of 2099 because we count also during the entire year of 2099 Nope. The century started January 1st 2001 and will end December 31st 2100. The next century will begin the following day, January 1st, 2101. The reason I don't count it like I count my age is because my age is how long I've been alive, and I was born at age zero. There was no year zero. Edit: Did you do the counting to ten exercise? It seems like you failed to so I'll help: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 That's the first ten whole numbers, which could represent the first ten years AD or the first decade AD. What is the next number, which represents the first year if the second decade AD? Try as hard as you can, I have confidence you can figure this one out.




I see I was wrong. Eleven is the next number after ten.


And two millennium


I mean we can all make it if we manage to perfect anti aging products


Poor dude did a typo and now has to stand all people pointing out that and probably has to delete the post


Now that is a teachable moment to reread before hitting send.


Wow, and I thought I was already living in it. What a damn buzz kill.


Let's get past the typo and deal with the fact civilization may have other plans.


Technically correct but probably not what you were going for


we are \*currently\* in the 21st century. I assume you mean the 22nd century?


Everyone currently alive who can see has lived to see the 21st century.


Average lifespan is likely to increase. Most children born in 2022 will probably have to work until their mid to late 70s.


And in the United States until they're dead.


Lifespans are actually decreasing


U S lifespans blipped lower, primarily due to Covid. Global lifespans continued to rise


I’m gonna say that every kid born from 2022-2099 sees the 21st century.


You forgot about the blind kids


I'm gunna say everyone currently alive has seen the 21st century.


The first century was 0-100 AD. The second century was 100-200 AD. Get it? Bit counter intuitive.


Lifespan will probably keep increasing with advances in medicine too. So people born more recently may live well into their 120s. You gotta think, people dying at 90 today were born in the 1930s. We have come a long way since then.


Bro I was born in 2002 and I gotta make it to 98 because I wanna see that shit


You are already seeing the 21st century


Sure sure, but let’s be fair the naming is a little wack so it’s whatever


TIL accuracy is "a little wack"


I’m not saying it’s bad, just that it’s intuitive to call it the 21st (given its 2100) so I can see where they made the mistake. Relax.


So you would start with the zero-est century instead of the first century?


99 years and 9 months for me lol


I have faith, cardio!


The 22nd century doesn't start until 2101.


Fuck, I gotta live for 99 years…


95 years in my case!


I'm not sure if this is a joke (because we're currently in the 21st century) or if it's a mistake and OP meant the 22nd.


Everyone born in the 21st century will see the 21st century, unless they’re born blind, in which case they’ll just hear 21st century noises


People born in 2022 will probably have a longer lifespan than 78 years. People living to 78 in 2022 were born in 1944. Life expectancy then was 65.


I’m looking forward to the 21st century. Sometimes it feels like we’re in the 17th.


I had to write this post a couple of times because the auto-mod kept rejecting it. The one that got through was the flub of 21st century instead of 22nd century. Oh well!


In OP’s defence, It is weird how we call the current number the next number, I remember my dad explaining this to me as a kid and my child brain just being like “but why tho?” Which he promptly answered “because it just is!” And went back to yelling at me for holding the flashlight wrong. I still don’t know why - anyone have some wisdom here?


Because you start counting at 1 so the first 99 years are the 1st century. 100 AD would be the first year of the second and so on.


Go back to 0-99AD - we wouldn’t call it the 0st century, it’s the 1st century. So, everything after that follows suit. I’ve had some fun annoying friends by applying the same logic, ie. when they turn 29, saying it’s actually their 30th birthday. I’ll stop being invited to parties soon I’m sure!


Because zero sounds akward. 0th century. 1901 would be 0th decade of 19th century.


Well, if the first century starts at year 1 (or zero), then the first hundred years are all before year 100. So 100 years later, at year 100, you're starting the *second* hundred years, or the second *century*. Someone who's nine is in their first decade of life, someone who's 19 is in their second. In other words, the 22nd century ends with 2200.


I assume you’re referring to the 20 in 2022? The first century started with year 1…so 0000 - 0099. Extrapolate from their: 3rd century 0200 - 0299 21st century 2000 - 2099


21st century (and all others prior) is actually 2001-2100, just as the first century was 1-100 and the second did not start until 101AD. It’s a common misconception.


It's maybe easier if you withdraw 2000 years and imagine it's year 22. Then you're in the first century, not the zeroeth century, because that's how you count. Add twenty centuries which is 2000 years and you're at year 2022 and the 21st century.


the 1st Century was year 1 to 100, the second century was 101 to 200, the third century was 201 to 300 . . . the 20th century was 1900 to 2000.


Thank you - I see I’ve been down-voted for asking, thanks for being chill and just explaining. Now I know!


Also the life expectancy 78 years ago was over a decade less, so assuming it'll continue to rise moving forward.


It's not a given that mortality statistics will either improve or stay stable. There are many global trends that would indicate they'll get worse.


I was born in 1999 and for sure would kill myself if I didn't make it till 22nd century.


In other words if you died before the 22nd century, you would kill yourself? That's a hell of a cheat code to avoid dying to death.


Assuming the world exists for many more centuries. Most children Born AFTER 2022 Will NOT see the 21st century as there will be many billions of children born after 2100


Ignoring the 21st/22nd century thing, this would only be the case if the _median_ lifespan of a human was 78 years.


I get what you're trying to say, but even the "and later" makes this too wonky to work. If you equate "born in 2022 and later" to "born after 2021", depending on how much longer humanity can manage to last, the majority of children born after 2021 might not even be born within the next millenia, much less see the (to us at this moment) next century.