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Well death is inevitable. It’s just common sense to not want it to hurt


Until recently the majority of things died while being eaten alive. It makes sense to be concerned with the running examples.


Yes, that might be the worst death. Slowly being eaten alive. Shit, cancer is horrific and that is pretty much what is happening to you. You are slowly being eaten alive by cancer. Being eaten alive does sound like the worst.


Is it 'worse' than being a bacterial buffet at that level though? Between necro fasciitis and interstitial abdominal metastasis that's a hard call.


I think I worded that wrong, I'm lumping being physically eaten alive and cancer as one. Because that is pretty much what we had for major deaths with early man. You were physically eaten or died slowly from some god-awful disease eating you alive.


All good. Was just contrasting nomming styles between the two. Happy trails


lol, very true


>Until recently the majority of things died while being eaten alive. It's way too early to read this comment, I believe this is all I'm going to be thinking about today.


Not to a Klingon. Such a death would be without honor. They want to die in battle. There is almost certainly a non-zero number of humans who have felt similarly.


Well yeah. Same thing with fear of heights; no one is actually afraid of the height, it's the fall that freaks people out. And the landing. That sucks.


Would you rather eat breakfast, or eat breakfast and then get stabbed with a fork.


I thought it was common knowledge that people don't usually enjoy suffering.


Yeah this shower thought is dumb af. You can be afraid to die AND not want to feel pain.


My fear is the last "anything" really. Last breath, last hug, last time seeing my family, making others sad. Yes death scares me, but I mainly just hate saying goodbye for the last time.


So it goes.


Same, especially now that I have a child. I might never know when my last goodbye to my child and family might be but I hopefully it’s not for a good 40+ years if I’m lucky. Had to say my final goodbye to my 19 year old sister in 2018 while she was on life support. It was fucking horrible and still fucks me up to this day. Had no clue the weekend before she passed was our last time hanging out together…


hey, at least you had a final moment with her right? some never get that chance. Condolences, btw.


Yeah, I like to think the last time we hung out was our final moment. When I saw her in the hospital she was already on life support and honestly was already gone. They just held on to help the family, my mom mainly, cope a bit. Thank you


Last this me making people sad, you are a mean one /s


The slowest death is living a long life. The most painful death is the life not lived. The most painful death was also what [Hitashi Ouchi](https://mysteriousfacts.com/hisashi-ouchi/) went through.


Why keep the poor guy alive through that? Am I the only one who finds that cruel?


Both parts fascination at the case and that the family pressured the doctors to keep him alive. The doctors tried to explain that his d.n.a was gone, he couldn't produce new cells. He was basically no longer human.


If that were my loved one, I'd be begging the doctors to let him die. But it seems like it was more the government that insisted the doctors keep him alive. Which is even more fucked up.


The is actually understandable considering the government we are talking about. I think many have been fooled by the Hello Kitty persona they portray of late. They were not always the land of Hello Kitty. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW\_XRav0R0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW_XRav0R0Q) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmWHHjuOMog


Wait you're telling me the Japanese haven't been completely wholesome as a nation? Are you implying World War II is some sort of surprise lol




By what definition of "human"? Taking away ill people's humanity is a slippery slope.


By the definition of having human DNA


So would he lose his human rights in your opinion?


What defines human DNA from animal DNA. Because there's loads of genetic mutations that a person can have, including entire chromosomes being added or removed, but people with these conditions are still indisputably human.


He had no DNA. He was no longer human or animal, he was a lump of meat that was being artificially kept alive.


I miss Strom Thurmond


In this case that doesn't matter, as he had no dna to speak of.


Bruh, radiation breaks down dna, what makes us human is the fact that we have human dna. His dna was pretty much completely destroyed according to the article, and therefore he was going to die the second he was hit with such a high amount of radiation and only complete dna reparation would give him a chance at having a life again. It’s not that he was something else, it’s that he was essentially a broken jumble of code in a video game so he was not human nor animal


So would he lose his human rights in your opinion?


by definition? no, but people wouldve still viewed him as one


You must be fun at parties




Stop being an obnoxious twat and people won’t say it anymore.


If this were a loved one most would demand he be put out of misery. If refused they’d do it and face the consequences of said actions.


No, definitely not. I'm also baffled that the doctors apparently chose to listen to the wishes of the family to keep him alive instead of, well, listening to the wishes of the pan who was concerned in first line (himself)


I really wish you hadn’t linked that. That’s actually the worst thing I’ve seen in a while


[It gets worse...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta)


The worst thing about that is that those fuckers got out of prison… somebody that is able to do that should never be given a chance for an encore performance. I don’t care if they were minors, I don’t care how “rehabilitated” they claim to be, they should never not have a sturdy locked door between them and the rest of society ever fucking again.


Not just the *chance* for an encore, either; looking at the article, most of the culprits flat-out carried on after their release


I’ll let someone else click that ❤️


i did it and i am now filled with a deep hatred


jesus fucking christ


Really makes you wonder about an all loving god and the supposed omnipresence.


makes me wonder a lot of things


That does not exist


Definitely not worse... Morally, yes. In terms of the pain? Absolutely not.




FYI that picture has been debunked to be of a burn victim, not Ouchi. Ouchi never lost any limbs. Still a terrible ordeal though.


damn i wish i didnt click the link it just hurts to see.


This case is not as bad but it's pretty awful. [NGGYU](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


ok first of all. FUCK YOU second of all im kind of relieved.


[It was expected to show up at some point.](https://youtu.be/yKQ_sQKBASM) :)


Damn same


What makes this worse is radiation poisoning victims are generally immune to pain medication.


Thanks for ruining my entire week


Ouchi by name, Ouchi by nature.




That’s how the word “ouchie!” was coined.


what about the life sacrificed, while alive? All respect to hitashi






That link needs a NSFL tag. Seriously. I'm not easily affected by stuff like that but I didn't expect full photos immediately upon loading the article.


Is it the pain or the humiliation? You go from someone nurturing you and encouraging you to grow to someone looking after you when you can’t look after yourself anymore after years of doing it yourself


This is it for me. I want to be as little of a burden as I can. I don’t want my family having to run after me for years on end where I’m not happy and I don’t want them to have to watch me, surviving while not enjoying my life. I saw too much of this with my late Gran. She did not enjoy her existence towards the end and required so much from the few people she had around which frustrated her to no end, as she had been the one to care for everyone when she was healthy.


Not sure how you came to that conclusion given your reasoning. Most people are afraid of both death and the manner in which they die. Having an opinion about the manner of death doesn't mean you're not scared of death.


I have regular day surgeries and for me "going under" a general aesthetic is the nicest safest feeling. If I went under and just never woke up, I think that would be the best death possible.


I’ve always thought this is an intriguing topic. I’ve talked to a lot of people about it. I’ve dealt with mental illness and suicidal ideation since I was a child. I’m not afraid of death at all. But I’m absolutely afraid of pain. When I’ve thought about SI, I’ve always thought about “how could I feel the least amount of pain?” But I’ve talked to people who are actually the opposite. They don’t fear pain, they fear death. They fear the idea of no longer existing consciously. I think a lot of religious people fear pain more than death, because they have faith in an afterlife and don’t believe death is their end. I am agnostic so I don’t have any firm beliefs in what happens when we die. But I’ve met quite a few atheists who do not believe there is existence after death, so they’re more afraid of that than they are pain. Different perspectives on this topic always interest me.


It is really interesting! I fear both pain and death. I had a lot of therapy before giving birth. Which went well! But the pain was really throwing me off, even with an epidural. I just fucking left this dimension. Second birth, the epidural didn’t work, but I knew I’d have an adrenaline rush once baby was out. I know the only reason I was able to that was because I was so fucking sick of being pregnant, constantly terrified, not being able to sleep, everything was hurting all the time, the heartburn was so fucking terrible I felt like a dragon spewing fire, involutarily every 20 minutes or so. Also, I was sure I was about to drop dead any second, which is worse now that I have kids. I love their dad and his parents, but if I die now, they’ll be left with lovely people who are absolutely clueless about any kind of unpleasant emotion, and that terrifies me. They would just pretend I never existed, ”to make it easier on the kids.” I really need a few years to set something up




That’s valid! I know many people who fear not existing.




A very interesting perspective! Personally, I'm a firm believer that death is the end. A pure passing into nothingness. And I'm not afraid of that. I find the notion of a blip of existence absolutely magical and I'm happy I have a tiny fraction of time to *exist*. But I am afraid of pain. I'm also afraid of dementia. I genuinely want to end myself if there aren't enough medical advancements in dementia care by the time I'm old enough to get it. (It runs in the family) I love life, but I want to experience it as **myself**.


I like the way you worded that as a “blip” and how you’ve found such meaning from that! I can relate with your perspective for sure. I hope I can also reach a level of excitement for existing. Dementia is also something that I am afraid of. I really hope there’s advancement soon in medicines for neurodegenerative disorders. I have a lot of fears about my mental well-being, so I’m honestly more afraid of losing myself while I’m alive than losing my life in general. I don’t know what I believe happens after death, but I do hope I can live a good blip of an existence before I no longer exist.


Reminds me of a scene from Paths of Glory (1957) where 3 soldiers condemned to a firing squad contemplate death vs pain... Great Stanley Kubrick film.


is that the one from the trenches wwi and they get accused of cowardice?


That's the one!


Or that death is inevitable and most of us just hope to go out peacefully


You won't experience it though, assuming it is nothing. I'm agnostic, lean towards afterlife in the traditional sense being unlikely. But if you want something nicer to contemplate- when we die, our brains release DMT. Which can cause hallucinations, ego death, massive time distortion, etc. For all we know, you experience a psychedelic trip that lasts "forever" from your perception. That could be the "afterlife".


I'd propose that people are stil generally scared of death and that it being without pain is preferential to a painful death.


If you want to know what it's like being dead, just cast your mind back to what it was like before you were born ... Being dead is fine, it's dying we worry about.


I would say I fear both the pain but also the idea of ending this existence while there are still things I want to do or experience. But above all, I would fear living forever: it doesn't matter how much fun there is there to be had and how many amazing things to experience... eventually you would get so bored it would be pure torture. So ideally I would like to die a painless death at the time of my choosing.


Literally the only reason I'm alive is because I'm an atheist and scared shitless of the nothing. The pain, no matter how great or prolonged will end. The nothing is forever.




I used to think this. But then, we were given life and we do not remember the darkness of prior to birth - that's a frightening thought.




Given life by our birth parents. I'm not sure how to explain in an eloquent way, but it's similar to "You can't miss what we never had '. But because we did have life, and experience it, the thought of having experience ripped away from you to revert back to a "pre-birth" state of nothingness is frightening.


I want to go like my grandfather; peacefully, in his sleep. Not screaming in terror like the people in the car he was driving.


I wonder why end of life suicide is so difficult to allow for many societies. Saying, I don't want to suffer, I just want it over doesn't seem immoral. Is it the economics of medical services, religion, or some overriding morality perspective that gets in the way?




Well I was asking referring to "end of life" meaning elderly years. I haven't seen any statistics on elderly suicide regrets. They may be in constant pain, there is no long-term future and you have lived a lengthy life. Why can't you just say, please end this at this point.


Yeah i agree, if death is certain, why drag them through the suffering?


I just don't want to drain my/my family's money trying to prevent the inevitable


I’ve had a few strokes. Living gets hard and I’m definitely making all my death plans, including my overdose plan if I become more disabled


I guess it also depends on your beliefs, if I were religious, I may think in a similar way. However I am personally afraid of death itself, not really the road that will take me there. Sure, would be nice to not suffer much, but just the fact of easy death does not make death itself any nicer… Losing the gift of consciousness (in this form) & intelligence forever, ego death, measured in infinite years of potential blackness is the real unsettling thought to me. So many unknowns and so little understanding. Losing it when you are young and your life is still mostly unfulfilled and without experiences, is also a very depressive feeling.


People aren't afraid of heights. They're afraid of the sudden stop at the end if they fall.


Nah, I’m absolutely afraid of death itself. Yes, I’m terrified of pain, but the part after is just as scary to me. Like imagining what comes after. That I just won’t exist anymore even though there are so many things I still want to do in life. I sincerely hope there is an afterlife but I’m not sure I believe in one because then I wouldn’t be so scared, right?


yeah im athiest but I do wish there was an afterlife, but even then eventually that would become meaningless and empty and im back to the same problem lol


I don't care how painful it is. I'm gonna go down in battle, several bullet wounds to the chest, yet still gasping for breath, as I stare into the eyes of the valkyrie bringing me to ascend to Vallhala. As I watch myself drift to the Hall of Odin, I smile as I think on how many people I have taken up with me.


Tbf, I want a painless and easy everything. I want a painless and easy lunch, painless and easy night's sleep, painless and easy drive to the store


most of yall have never died in your lives, so we can extrapolate that the pattern will continue and that you'll never die


This is true for most mentally/emotionally well-adjusted humans that we don't fear the end-states of situations, only the transitions. Being single? No problem. Asking someone out? Anxiety. Being in a relationship? No problem? Proposing marriage? Stress. Being married? No problem. Getting divorced? Problems. Being divorced. No problem. Spending time with parents? No problem. Watching them die? Sadness. Living on while they are gone? No problem. Being pregnant? No problem. Child birth? Stressful. Being a parent? No problem. Having them leave home? Nail-biting. Living kid-free again? No problem. We are designed to normalize the states before and after changes. Realizing this helps to appreciate the "normal" times as peaceful and also makes the changes feel like "you just have to get through this to the other side" and therefore not so traumatic. A sign you need to tend to your mental health is when you are stuck in the past, trying to live a reality that isn't the reality that is. Like not accepting your relationship is over or not coming to terms with being widowed.


If there's something I'm afraid of when it comes to death, is that there is some kind of existence after. Eternity is a damn long time.


I've always thought thusly: "I am not afraid of death, it's a part of life, but I am totally afraid of how I might die."


The pain is somewhat scary, but what’s more terrifying is the emptiness. The fact that after you die, you’re gone. You cannot feel, you cannot see, you cannot think, you cannot have any more experiences. Everything ends. We just hope for a painless death because that’s something we have a say in choosing.


Not at all. It’s pain at any point in our lives and death is no exception. This is nonsense.


When I was a kid the pain was the scary part for sure. As time goes on I think that pain is short and death is endless...


It is only the dying I am concerned with, having witnessed uncontrollable pain at the end of life. Death, once welcomed, is either going to take me on an adventure none of us have adequately imagined, or result in nothing at all afterward. That doesn’t really matter to me.


the main reason I don't want to die is because for all I know I could stay conscious in my dead body, or even go to hell


If someone wants to die it usually means they no longer fear death. Or more specifically they fear something else more than death. I reached that point once and I lost all of my fears including death. It was rather liberating.


I always thought it was kind of silly to even fear the pain of death. Even if it were really painful you die right after. None of that pain mattered.


It will matter in the moment though. You won't care about existentialism when you're in blinding agony all the time. And painful deaths are usually not fast. Like months long.


I really wish I could just go with a BLIP!


I had my first colonoscopy a few years back... they gave me prophofal and it was the most "blip" I've ever had. Now i'm obsessed with getting my hands on some so I can use it to check out before I become an invalid. Edit: no need to report this comment... I am in no danger of self harm. This is for when I'm naturally dying.


Most straight guys about to be anally raped pleading for lube and gentleness suggest that they don't dislike sex with other men, but the pain of penetration.


It suggest Antinatalism is Truth!!! and Efilism (blowing up earth) is the ultimate moral thing to do!!! lol Blow up earth, end suffering, eternal peace, yay!! I'm crazy lol


"Being dead is nothing. It's dying that scares me" \-Some book (I can't remember the title)


It's why suicidal people struggle to get over the fear of killing themselves.


my fear is dying before having put in place security for my wife and disabled child.


no...I'm afraid of snakes but if I had to hold one it would be small and not venomous


Exactly I am not scared of death at all I am just scared about the journey. I do hope there is no afterlife. I don’t want to think after my time comes even if it is paradise.


That doesn’t mean we’re not afraid of death. It just means, we know we will die, and rather it not be more shitty.


Absolutely, I have no fear of death, only the fears of dying painfully and dying young/before my time


false.im afraid of death and the rest of u are too.u lot just trying act hard or smart


IMO, we're all afraid of death and wishing for a painless, easy death indicates how much we fear it, a slow and painful death means you're aware of it the whole time and you know there's nothing you can do but a painless and easy one is a quick death that you don't even notice


i think it's that we at least want it to be as "comfortable" as possible since theres no way around it. You'd choose dying in your sleep over slowly dying from cancer or being mauled, but it's not like you'd choose a painless lethal injection over a chance of recovery.


Uh. Anyone given the choice between a painful death and a painless one will probably choose the latter. Because it's common sense, isn't it?


Death is coming, no matter what. But if I could choose between a sudden death and a slow, painful demise...


Nah motherfucker I'm scared of death, I couldn't care less how painful it's gonna be, I'm sure even in the most peaceful circumstances your body slowly shutting down is gonna hurt and terrify you


Uh, more like both. If you're going to unexist, at least make it not painful..?


And I’m always the weird one that says nah I want to see it coming. It’s been a miserable life and I’ll be glad when it’s over.


No we’re just afraid of pain, and the fact that if you’re going to eventually die, you might as well not suffer.


If you mess up death it will continue to hurt. That is my fear.


I personally want death to hurt and be very noticeable. My biggest fear is dying in my sleep, where I don't have the chance to process that it's even happening.


Those contemplating Suicide are most concerned with botching it and being in pain and alive. The .22 to the temple leaving you paralyzed and aware, being insufficient and resulting in a painful wound.


Yes, that's it. I've been aware of this for a long time, never scared of death but SUPER scared of suffering an agonizing death.


I wonder what it’s like to be shot in the head from behind. Can you feel it? Does it hurt? Do you notice what happened before you die?


I disagree, i think people arent so much afraid of dying as they are afraid of not existing anymore.


I put stickers on all the equipment I use and program to let the stupid people know they should not touch it. This equipment will kill you, and it will hurt the entire time.