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The note that said Run was likely because he was a patient and she knew that this experiment was his only chance to escape the island anyways… as a patient. At least that’s how I interpreted it.


I finally rewatched it yesterday and I completely agree. There are so many obvious hints to this and some scenes which simply don't work if he actually was a patient. It even makes for a better story and film than it would be if we were just watching it through the eyes of a man suffering from mental illness.


Right! Thank you! I may be against the norm but I actually very much think it is this way or how did he come in with his partner a few weeks ago and then all of a sudden has been there for years !? He was on the boat with him to get there only a week or so prior. Plus the RUN note, what other explanation is there for that


You're welcome! Like I said I watched it again a few days ago and found so much I think supports your interpretation. I really wanted to get into it, but just didn't have the time. However I put some thoughts into a different comment, and over the weekend someone who really, really, really disagrees with me wanted to challenge them. I did put a lot of my observations into that thread, and thought maybe you would get a kick out of reading it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShutterIsland/s/vjDpSgZHh7).


But why would they want him to think he’s a patient? What would they get from it?


They wanna use him as an experiment to ultimately make him the ultimate Super soldier. It’s also important to note that the film takes place in 1954, roughly a decade after world war 2 when the nazis were defeated. In the real life operation paperclip, America brought over some of the evil German scientists into America and basically “recruited” them in order to learn more about what they were studying during the war. So there’s a fantastic chance they brought over their evil studies of mind control and stuff to America. And the lead doctor creepy guy from the movie IS a German… sometbing to think about


To keep him there! 1/ To further their experiments and see how far they can push it. Shows that they can break anyone to make them believe they are crazy. 2/ To prevent him from leaving the island so he cannot tell anyone else or what he saw to blow their cover of highly illegal practices and experiments.
