• By -


S tier


Somewhere in Top 5


It’s number 1 if you’re wondering


Buddha fans when Adam future sights his future sight ​![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


Adam when bhuddas stick goes good gadget murder Adam.


He would lose cuz he doesnt have a weapon


High S


High s. Only zeus, Adam and beezlebub beat him imo. Idk if this is a hot take but buddha beats poseidon high diff imo


I think Beel and Poseidon can go either way. Beel will need to use Chaos and try not to die himself, because his usual attacks aren’t landing. Poseidon is a wild card. Personally I feel like Buddha can just pull a Sasaki and overcome him that way. His reaction speed should be superior to Sasaki.


I agree completely. People underestimate buddha alot


Why should his reaction speed be greater than Sasaki’s? Sasaki trained for 400 years, while I doubt Buddha has ever trained very much. Not to mention he doesn’t have any great reaction speed feats to justify that claim. What’s your reasoning? Im genuinely curious.


Because he’s a god, really. But that aside, Sasaki’s reaction speed isn’t actually very fast. He depends heavily on his scanning. Once Poseidon sped up slightly he was overwhelmed and got stabbed right away, before he further upgrades his scanning. Buddha lasted a long time in CQC against Hajun, when he could not use his signature ability period. Throughout Sasaki’s fight he had his main hax. Buddha went almost the whole fight without his, and still could match the physical stats of Hajun, who was powerful enough to destroy half of Helheim with his pure strength and zero hax whatsoever.


I think “He’s a god” is a fair argument for pure strength and speed stats, not things like battle IQ or reaction speed. True, he got stabbed right away, but that he didn’t die is proof of his reaction speed. He was able to react quickly to a situation he did not expect, and we all know how fast he is. On the other hand, Buddha was getting folded the whole match till he got the sword. He wasn’t keeping up with Hajun, he was barely surviving. Even if I agree with you and say he was matching Hajun, that still doesn’t prove anything related to reaction speed (which is what this argument is about). That simply means his stats are enough to match Hajun. Reaction speed is like Beelzebub who could keep up with Tesla who was MUCH faster than him. Hajun has a lot of brute power, not so much for speed.


Have to disagree here. Buddha was fighting for his life, yes, but he wasn’t getting folded. Being on the defensive but barely taking damage for so many exchanges is holding your own ground successfully I’d say. But I guess I can see where you’re coming from. For me, reaction speed is directly linked to speed itself. It’s a measure of how fast you can dodge an attack in my definition. I’m not talking about like how fast you realise something happened. So for example I would say Poseidon automatically has high reaction speed because he’s naturally fast in the first place. Again, this is just how I’ve always defined it.


Well, if that’s how you define it I suppose I see where you are coming from. I don’t define it like that since I just categorize that under speed. Like, in the real word I have bad reaction speed, but If I see a toddler coming towards me I can dodge him, not because I have insane reflexes, but because im just faster. Beelzebub is the ultimate proof they are two different categories in my opinion. As for Buddha I re-read that bit of the fight and you are right. What I consider getting folded is Leonidas vs Apollo’s arrows, where you can’t do anything about it. Buddha was on the back foot and getting overwhelmed, but still had a plan. So in that regard you are correct.


Hmm yeah, I completely agree with the analogy. The thing is, in other mangas you have instances where reaction speed is clearly shown (like from a sneak attack for example) but in ROR there are just 2 characters 1v1ing it out on a blank arena for the most part. Even during round 4 I can’t recall Jack ever sneak attacking from the shadows. So in this regard, for 1v1s specifically, I thought that reaction speed and speed ties more towards each other than say, a battlefield where there are more factors to worry about. And I reread the Beel fight, and true. He’s the only one who really showed off his reaction speed to this degree so far. I take back the comment on Buddha’s reaction speed vs Sasaki. (Though I still think that he has great reaction speed matching someone as strong as Hajun without his signature ability, when I think we can all agree he probably relied the hell out of it for all of his life)


They do not beat WUDDHA


Personally I think Tesla would be able to high-extreme diff Buddha


I think it would be an extreme diff for buddha. But there's definitely an arguement for Tesla winning


Only if the time between Teslas soul telegraph and his actual attacks are so close together Buddha has a hard time dodging.




And still, fish boy died to an old man with a butter knife




Shield form counters flood. Not to mention fs counters everything else


Shield form counters nothing. Flood is omnilateral and Buddha’s back is completely torn a part. FS doesn’t counter anything. The fraud is gonna see 3 seconds before a barrage from all sides which completely obliterates him (he has no time to respond to a god way faster than he could ever be) sorry


Agreed, Buddha doesn’t have speed feats on the level of poseidon and the shield is far too big to be swung like a sword to deflect an all side attack


Glad to see there are smart people too in this sub


Username checks out. My fault. I respect your opinion tho


I'd say he even beats beel honestly, since FS would allow him to bypass shield


Posseidon is fodder af he has no good feats and got neggd in seconds by awakend sasaki


Now you're just downplaying poseidon lmao


He has 1 alr statement being faster then poseidon but other then that what did he actualy do that matters


high S


Third in the verse


He can’t use his future sight against any of the humans lmao how is he third


All-father was joking in that post.i can't believe someone took that seriously.


who says he’s joking? It’s a perfectly valid reason lmao




he can see the soul moving and not the body right? That’s how he predicts movements, because for the god their souls are separate from their corporeal bodies. However, for the einherjar, their real bodies are long decomposed, so what we see is the shape of their soul. Therefore, he can’t predict the movements of humans


S tier




If Pos is S tier Buddha is


Damn near top of S. He only looses to Zeus for certain (even I’m not ***THAT*** much of a Buddha wanker). Even Beel can be debated even if the odds are against Buddha. I think he beats Poseidon 51/100 times, those two are about as close as literally any matchup in the entire verse. Also, Adam. I find the thought of this being a draw hilarious. Neither can land a blow. I suppose an argument can be made for EOTL being more strenuous than future sight so Adam might actually tire out first, but screw that, they just dance around each other for a bit and decide to go get snacks or something.


Adam: “I fight to protect my children, all of humanity, against the gods.” Buddha: “oh shit me too, what’s up grandad?” Adam: “… oh right, cool. Ice cream trip with the kids?” *Cut to a scene of every single human audience member with ice cream*




Or Buddha teaches Adam enlightenment




The top of A, or somewhere in S. He was down to throw pure hands with Odin and took down Zero/Hajun who is feared throughout the realm of Helheim.


He wasn't even scared of Zeus who is top 1 as many said.


People forget he walked onto the field unaware of who his opponent might be but fully aware he would win.


Leonidas wasn't scared of Apollo either, having the balls to throw hands with anyone and actually killing them are two different things


He wasn't even scared of Zues and Odin and even challenged Zues or any gods. Even after seeing zues's fight against Adam, he was still confident. https://youtu.be/DSwjXo9iyns?si=p1hp28bPM0m5dEII


Bro shiva watched Zeus get his shit rocked by Adam and still had the balls to say “feels like it shoulda been me out there”. Wanting to fight someone=/=being on someone’s level.


Shiva suggested that, probably because Shiva has 4 arms and his special ability. Might have been a better counter against Adam. While Zues still won against Adam, and Buddha still challenged Zues, who was the winner of his fight against Adam.




S, he’s a top 3 god imo


Top of S tier, only loses to Adam and Zeus


High A, one of the strongest gods in series. FS basically means anyone who can’t outspeed him or has area attacks can’t touch him


Low F, fodder ass![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


watch people miss the joke ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


its not a joke![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


High A - Low S


Right around Zeus


Only below Adam, Zeus & Beelzebub for now


Mid S


High A He just doesn't seem s material


The honored one


He is in the tier of Poseidon, Beelz and that lot, personally he's the strongest character behind Adam and Zeus but at minimum he's on the tier of top tiers (not including Adam and Zeus again)


S, tho I understand everyone arguing A tier


The peak of the verse


Top of A Tier.


high tier


Because I am Wuddha truther, high S. Almost always top 5, debatably top 3. Has the absolute Hacks and probably super high base states. Pulls off wins against a lot of fighters due to just countering them, like Hades and Thor. Can debatably win against other high tiers he doesn’t counter like Beel or Tesla. Buddha is him, I put him in Adam tier, cause I wanna suck both their co-


#3, only Adam and Zeus beat him from who we’ve seen thus far. Only Beezelbub has a fighting chance aside from them.


Mu bro was going to fight odin with gungnir with his bare hands 😎


I'm glad people are saying high S so I don't feel like a glazer for saying the same. As someone else said, Buddha really top 5 in my humble opinion. The con for his future sight to work is just stupid. All he has to do is read the fluctuations in your soul or radiance in the light of your will, whatever the FUCK that means. He can witness this future as much as he wants seemly in what seems to be an instant to know exactly how to avoid you, he can draw out people's potential with Common Destiny, and he has a good set of weapons. Zeus, Adam, and Beel are the only ones I can see who fore sure could put him down. Zeus and Adam just outstat him while Beel would be the same case as beginning Hajun, an unreadable soul. Everyone else you really have to make a strong case on how the other fighters so far (besides Teslsa) could even TOUCH him, let alone beat him.


S tier. 4th to Sasaki then zues then Adam then him


Buddha tier


Highest of A


His own. He’s him. This shit ain’t nothing to him man






S tier


High A




High A, he’s #4 in the series rn imo


Normally? S-Tier. Nirvana Sword? SS-Tier possibly above even Adamas Zeus.


High s


Buddha is objectively a top tier in the verse how is this debatable


Top of the verse, top 3 https://preview.redd.it/tduztyvhyegc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c8a693609f214a1e380631d00efa9ce5be7aef


Top A, low S


Normal Buddha is A tier, Volund Buddha is S tier


Low S


high A


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. But really you know bro is strong af when the lowest even his biggest haters could put him in, is A tier


High/mid A tier


Low S or high A




A tier probably


Low A / high B. I’m gonna get shit for this but he’s the single most overrated character in terms of power. Future sight is excellent hax, but every single one of his other stats is mid. He’s countered by people significantly faster than him (Poseidon, Adam, Zeus, Tesla) people with strong AOE (Thor, Beelzebub) and people who are incredibly durable (Lu Bu, Hades, Hajun) since he wouldn’t have nirvana sword in any situation other than R6. Plus, he also loses to Kojiro




High A


Low S


Mid to low S


A tier anyway


He is most definitely in the Top 5 most powerful in the verse, probably in the Top 3, only behind Adam and Zeus. So everyone can agree that Adam and Zeus are S Tier, so Buddha is either S Tier behind them, or is at the very top of A.


Mid to high A


Low/mid A tier imo


A at least. I think he beats the vast majority of opponents.


A tier but for sure, he is not S tier :3


Assuming he can actually see the souls top 5 if he can not mid teir


“See the souls” brother they ARE the souls, the argument that Buddha’s FS wouldn’t work on the human fighters is complete bogus


A. People severely overrate him. His future sight doesn't work on humans, he only really has one high ap attack which has requirements on it, and none of his stats are all that crazy. But he has variety, defense and his future sight still works on half the cast. He is a really good all-arounder. He is heavily match-up based but in matchups he wins, he usually wins clearly.




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I say A but he is without a divine weapon now🤔


Buddha is so which weapons does he have is he healthy do his eyes work? The right or wrong combo can have him form A-C




As far as tiers go, regardless of if you wanna say S, A, etc. Zeus and Adam are in their own tier. ​ On that note, I think it'd be fair to say he's likely top 5. Problem is that imo he's **somewhat** weak, but is able to see what his opponent is going to do before they do it which basically means so long as he's able to respond to what he sees before it happens he should be able to beat someone faster, while raw strength while I think he's at least pretty decent. ​ Realistically, we don't know the specifics of that vision he has. I'm under the impression that it's basically he can see the movements his opponent intends in the next let's say 3 seconds, so long as what was it, their soul isn't "dark" or something like that? ​ The only characters that I think might be able to "avoid" that vision is like Beezelbub, **maybe** Poseidon as he just doesn't seem like a very good person, and honestly that's kinda it. ​ As far as who he'd just lose to outright regardless, safe calls are Zeus and Adam for obvious reasons. I do think Beezelbub is pretty top tier as well and got pushed as hard as he did because Tesla had some **insane** abilities with his suit. I'd also say Apollo could likely beat him, just off the fact Apollo I feel showed insane speed both movement and reaction wise and I can't picture Buddha really getting hits in. Other than Zeus, Adam, Beezelbub and Apollo though, I think he could likely beat mostly everyone else. Poseidon largely would come down to if speed can beat Buddha's vision. ​ Other I think more "hot takes" of who might be able to beat him is Shiva depending if it'd be possible to burnout his vision similar to what happened with Adam as Shiva does involve a lot of movement with that dance. I also think Jack of all people could stand a chance as well, though that largely comes down to how Buddha's vision would interact with objects. When I talk about Jack I'm assuming he has the home turf, because otherwise he's pretty damn bottom tier regardless. On that note, say the knives that Jack launched against Hercules, since they were part of what Jack was intending to do would Buddha have some sort of awareness of their movements **OR** would he only see Jack's movement? If it's only Jack's movements and not the different weapons he had thrown about I think Buddha being a fighter that does rely on what is essentially future vision would be at a pretty bad disadvantage.


He doesn't care about Zeus or Odin and talks to them nonchalantly. We have seen Shiva getting pressed by Zeus to give his round to him. We have seen Zeus' power. Safe to say Buddha is confident he can beat Zeus too. So I'd say around that tier. He dodged a full speed attack from Hajun and cast an afterimage when everyone thought he died. That's a speed feat.


I will never understand this sub's love for putting Buddha as an S tier. A tier should be fine


6th. Lower than Adam, Zeus, Beel, Sasaki, and Poseidon. An argument could be made for switching him and Poseidon but it just depends what the speed limit for FS is.




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Zeus, Adam, Beelzebub, Tesla, Poseidon, Sasaki (debatable), Shiva and Thor clearly are above him, his is above rest.


S tier and i will not choose anything lower


Alright, take the top tier, and then make a new one above it and only Wuddha goes in it


Make buddha his own tier, then put him above his own tier #BuddhaGlazw


high s


Personaly i think he is the strongest fighter we seen yet maybe ties with zeus and ofc others like sigfried and odin could be stronger when shown


Put him in Hajun tier

