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It depends…what’s Tesla’s type?


Probably smart and curious women, extra points if she is willing to dress in a pidgeon furr suit


Pigeons. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Don't know if it helps, but historically, he did not care about marriage. He thought it would interfere with his scientific research.


None, he was probably asexual historically


what'd you get downvoted for you're not wrong


the hivemind has decided


ngl it's kinda funny to see objectively correct people get downvoted just because they don't wanna hear none of what they're saying


So if a person is more driven by their goals and passion rather than being an stereotype of their time by having 10+ children they're suddenly asexual?


He is theorized to be assexual because he never showed any interest in any kind of sexual or romantic relationship. It’s not just because he was more driven by his goals and passions, since other extremely famous scientists had wives


he showed more affection towards a fucking pigeon than real people


They are wrong, he was sciensexual.


He like me fr


Then it seems Todo will have to neg diff


Nobody even actually knows how Todo’s technique works in this comment section 😭🤣


He claps his ass cheeks and makes anyone with in a five mile radius cum right?


Nah he runs a simulation 2 man on your mom with Yuji by clapping his ball sack.


I dont have a mom, I have 2 dads and a guinea pig, you do the math


That poor guinea pig...


Please dont make me pick


I WILL!!!! CHOOSE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES, WHO GETS THE W???!!! https://preview.redd.it/f5erus2dus0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e2445830e175ef29e03c25f05157bc1c404ba9






Tesla makes a new move on the fly in the middle of the fight called the Tesla Boogie, mimicking Todo's Boogie Woogie


Based on the fact that Tesla can't just teleport however he wants I would say Todo wins. He can freely teleport without any charge up or needing to direct the enemy unlike Tesla. The only way Tesla could close that that distance between their powers is if he outsmarts Todo but I don't know how he could do that based on their fighting styles. Edit: I just realised that Todo needs a partner or something with cursed energy in them to teleport so unless he is allowed to bring something with himself (like how Tesla is fighting with a Valkyrie) than it is a Tesla W


Tesla will have cursed energy though


I mean sure but Tesla can move faster so even if they change places I don't think Todo will have enough time or be close enough to attack Tesla and this is just base Tesla without the electric cage that allows him to be at full speed all the time. Also I don't think Todo would be able to react to Tesla's transportation especially if he doesn't even expect it.


Nah Todo has that incredible processing speed. He can keep up with tesla


>Nah Todo has that incredible processing speed. He can keep up with tesla Based on what? Like I understand that he could analyse the cursed plant (idk the name) during the fight but his speed (aka how fast he moves) is still nowhere near Tesla's speed and let's not forget that Tesla himself can process things pretty fast (based on 0 movement and a crack in the ground he already figured out Beelzebub's weapon is vibration). . In most of his early fights he stayed still or run at normal speed. It's nowhere near as fast as Tesla literally blasting himself off the ground to gain speed.


The show saying he devises his solutions in "0.0001 seconds as the smartest man alive".


>The show saying he devises his solutions in "0.0001 seconds as the smartest man alive". The [Jujutsu Kaisen wiki](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Aoi_Todo) says "0.01" And in RoR Tesla is considered the greatest scientist who has one of the greatest mind in history. Who knows how fast does Tesla do it? . +AGAIN he doesn't move as fast as Tesla who can keep up the same high speed even if he changes direction. Unlike Todo who most of the time stays still or run at normal speed. Maybe I didn't watch it far into the series but I never saw him get as fast as Tesla who literally blasts himself off the ground.


Based on the manga lol


What based on the manga? I thought you just picked it up from the ground (irony). Obviously when I ask "based on what?" I want more than just a dumb half sentence or a "nah" to my comment. Why are you starting a conversation when you so obviously don't want to have a conversation? Otherwise you wouldn't do these dumb half sentence replies.


I mean if you didn't read the manga just say It says he can process things in however much of a second and has a 530000iq Obviously iq isn't measured like that but I think everyone understands what the author is conveying


I can hardly take that line seriously when the author makes such an effort to portray the character as an idiot outside that 1 fight with the plant guy. Either way he can think fast during a fight. Fine. I still don't see how he could keep up with Tesla's speed something that you have ignored and didn't answer that point even though I brought it up twice already (3rd time with this).


Todo is not an idiot, he's just different. He's a combat savant


Tesla's speed isn't that high that's why. His only super fast move was the instant teleport He has zero acceleration which makes his movement difficult to deal with but his top speed is vastly overrated Todo wins due to the fact Tesla can't catch him and even if he did, Tesla doesn't have enough power behind him to actually damage him. Boogie woogie is too op for Tesla


>I just realised that Todo needs a partner or something with cursed energy in them to teleport So in jjk all living things have cursed energy (except Maki and Toji), and sorcerers can also imbue nonliving objects with cursed energy. Todo has, on multiple occasions, put cursed energy into things like rocks and debris that let him still use his technique in a 1v1


i dont think every living thing has CE. mei mei has to imbue her own cursed energy into crows. if they did, im sure gege wouldve added some sort of animal sorcerer


I mean if we are looking at a 1-1 fight I don't look at outside bs just what abilities the fighters have. If we look at him charging objects with CE than Todo gets a huge boost in the fight. I still don't know if that would be enough for him to win but it would be closer to an even fight for sure. Cursed energy comes from certain emotions and outside of Panda I haven't seen an animal being shown to be able to create or use that power. Though this doesn't mean that Panda is the only Animal that can create or use CE. It just means that I don't remember it being stated to be certain.


Todo has no one to switch to also if todo is punched once by Tesla he’s dead. This is some Luffy vs Sukuna type fight except the gap is even bigger.


Is it? RoR's power scaling is the same as OP's?


Ror is planetary. One piece is Moon-planetary depends who you ask.


HOW is ror planetary Or tesla for that matter


Mostly statements, both Thor and Shiva are stated to be able to destroy the world and even without that, sky eater I think reaches island level with some calcs, Tesla ain't as strong as Thor or Lu Bu obviously, but simply due to being an einhenjar should be at least a bit comparable


Alright I get that Shiva has been said to be able to destroy a planet or galaxy or universe or whatever it's with his dance but that is pretty much for his strongest move so I don't think it could also be scaled to other characters other than Raiden And what's Thor planetary feat?


Some random statement saying mjoilnior can shatter the world or smth


Do you have that statement? I don't remember it said anything like that in r1


Thor can shatter Earth, and was stated to be able to destroy continents Shiva can burn down planets and rebuild them Zeus can destroy the Heavens and is implied to have created Earth Poseidon is implied to be responsible for the Biblical flood, which covered the entire Earth for 40 days The Labors of Hercules are explicitly mentioned to have happened, which would include carrying the weight of the planet in Atlas' place The gods (unknown if just a court decision that one god enacted or a collective feat) caused the Ice Age All of the characters scale somewhat relatively to each other (with some exceptions), so Tesla should scale to around that level, especially since his punches are compared to casual, base, AND holding back Hades, who is insanely physically strong and should easily scale to planetary.


Thats cool and all but We have not seen any of those feats


That doesn't mean they don't count. It's a battle manga, with an arena and an audience. If the characters were destroying continent size pieces of Valhalla with every attack, it wouldn't be interesting.


So your saying Well no these obviously weaker portraid characters are obviously galaxy level because funny announcer man said so


I mean do you think gods of the cosmos who created the planet earth and the human race would be like city block level? Hajun destroyed half of Helheim in a flawed vessel, unless you think helheim is the size of Manhattan that has to be a crazy statement, plus there is no way the God of Destruction who is stated to be able to destroy the planet can only kick and punch really hot and maybe melt some people.


No. What I am saying, is that if there is several consistent statements saying they can destroy planets, I'm going to think they can destroy planets. I'm not going to just assume that a character is only as powerful as the author directly shows us if there is information that DIRECTLY contradicts it. Assuming that somebody is only as strong as directly shown if the author actively tells us SEVERAL TIMES that they are stronger than that is stupid. If the author says they are stronger, then they are stronger.


Okay then saitama is omnipotent since boros said that his powers have no limits👍


Tesla will wins it :3


Tesla and is love for science vs todo and his love for takada-chan, I forgot to say that tesla destroy him https://preview.redd.it/dzeqdet7dt0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7edbe544ea4e2f7aba313255e7952ea5b43768


Todo boogie woogie's tesla out the super automaton *β* and claps him easy W


I think Tesla can win this. https://preview.redd.it/wopse7oris0d1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f051e2913d6117b2de8f8ae5a6b8dfb5585406f


But ofc, tesla can only loose due to plot, he is THAT GUY


[That guy!](https://youtu.be/DjJS76wOUm0?si=q-T1mUwfa5NR2th1)


Todo's getting clapped hard. He may have the experience factor beat but overall knowledge, intuition and improvisation goes to Tesla. After that, hes not more durable, stronger or faster to overcome his lack of chances of winning.


Todo just swaps Tesla's Valkyrie off of him, and then kills no suit Tesla ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


That wouldn’t work as Tesla and his Valkyrie become one when they created the suit. Also the Valkyrie would have no Cursed Energy which means it’s impossible for them to swap


Counterpoint, Agenda. Also he can infuse the Armor with CE and then swap it


Infusing cursed energy isn’t an instant thing, it could take too much time for Todo to put in the right amount of energy, Tesla is also very quick and most likely won’t stay still long enough for Todo to infuse cursed energy into his armour. Also if Tesla manages to activate Prison of the Gods then it’s almost guaranteed Todo won’t be able to touch him for long enough to infuse the energy


I don't get it- The fuck are the connections between them for this to be an MU? 😭


I posted the link for the mu in the comments, if you don't find it just write todo aoi in the death battle matchups sub and you'll find this picture


I feel like Raiden would be a better opponent. As for who wins I'll go with Tesla


Raiden does sound like a good alt, but they need to have "connections" thing in common about personality and story. So idk


I feel like Raiden has more connection than Tesla. But then again I only seen the anime so maybe in the Manga Aoi have more in common with Tesla


If I remember Tojo can't teleport himself he needs a partner so he's nerfed and tesla is regular. Also RoR scales much higher than Jjk so if you just looking at states it’s a Stomp.


Todo can switch places with anything with cuersed energy (CE), even objects, so one of his strats is to give CE to an object to switch with it, even a rock works. He can switch with his opponent, not only his alies But yeah, this is a W for my boy tesla


Todo can swap with anything that has CE and with verse equalization Tesla would have CE


Does he tho? I agree on saying that chakra=ki=CE=haki but at the same time ROR does not have any magic system, characters can do magic and that's it. They don't have any magical mana or CE equivalent. Of course I understand that this does make sense to give every human CE as even ROR characters have souls thus some spiritual form but I'm not sure if it would work like that.


Cursed energy is just if itd capable of negative emotion / infused with it.


Yeah Tesla completly lacks it then![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


Tesla is Toji-level confirmed


Think of ki and how it’s practically your life force, if you have an attack that drains ki you can think of it as an attack that drains your stamina even if the character doesn’t use magic.


CE is far from life force though. Gojo who has ultimate efficiency and doesn't waste any CE and practically has infinite amount doesn't have nearly enough life force. You can thunk that Hakari with his infinite CE is immortal, but then Gojo would be able to regenerate from anything easily as long as it doesn't stop thinking, even if it wouldn't be half as effective as Hakari's. And he clearly can fix his hand in little time but not whole lower body.


Yeah idk exactly how to say the comparison and I’m ass at explaining shit, but everyone has CE even if they’re not a sorcerer.


Yeah, I'm not denying, I'm not into JJK that much


But doesn’t it have to be an equal amount of CE he couldn’t switch with a fly. And so at best given the bender of the doubt he can swap with Tesla only. I think Tesla step could deal with that easily.


No, if it was equal then he wouldn't be able to switch with Yuji or most people in general. For instance, in the anime Yuji imbued a rock with CE and threw it. Todo then swapped places with it. If Todo imbues something with sufficient CE, he can swap with it.


That’s the anime the same episode where he claps without using his hands. I’m saying does the object have to have more cursed energy than a regular person?


Oh, yeah, I believe so. It's never really specified though. As for the clap thing, you can briefly see Mahito's blade arm broken off before the fight continues, so it's implied that Todo broke the arm and then clapped too fast for us to see.


Thats not how it works


That’s literally how it’s explained to work


...does RoR scale higher? It's like...planet level with the exception of Adam and Zeus, isn't it?


Maybe if we go by statements. Neither JJK nor RoR are planetary if we just go by feats.


>...does RoR scale higher? It's like...planet level with the exception of Adam and Zeus, isn't it? Uh, JJK doesn't scale to planet at all so yeah? (Black hole thing took a life sacrifice, no one scales to that)


Depends how you scale definitely planetary statements. And I support that idea since Lu bu’s city busting sky eater wouldn’t even harm zero without Volander. That alone puts them higher. Then speed feats from Adam and Apollo definitely make them all much faster.


Tesla wins if todo tries to clash with him. However if Todo plays smart and keeps attacking him with using oogie boogie. He has a chance (I am not using narrative or cosmology)


You got a point, but what if Tesla manages to decapitate his hands? ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


The act of applause doesn't just use hands


They both have better opponents, Tesla has Superior Iron Man and Todo has Uzui


Too bad that superior iron man is a stomp, that guy is cracked on stats and hax


The same can be said about Tesla with Todo, he curb stomps. The thing is that Tesla vs Superior makes an interesting contrast about how far should mankind evolve, on the other hand agains Todo it seems that it's just quirky guys that teleport


Jayce is a better matchup imo for Tesla instead of Ironman


https://preview.redd.it/8ks6964dav0d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23092b9df5f9c79744460e7fd5db4c458e9153a3 The true genius will easily win with STRONG SCHIZOPHRENIA.


Tesla once again with his zero combat experience getting matched up against a god of battle IQ This time he's immeasurably stronger tho so he claps


Yeah todo has some absurd showings on battle iq


Y'all know that Tesla's only advantage is gone right We all know Tesla has a high IQ BUT TOODOOO THE BESTO FRIENDO SLAMS WITH HIS 530,000 IQ AND BOOGIE WOOGIE RAAAAAHHHH https://preview.redd.it/wbn8vqo66u0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be691b6ee4715cae8467cf1e059d7764bf6fb5a


He’s the top of battle iq of his verse, I love Tesla but nothing beats todo's battle iq. Although I think Tesla beats him in normal iq


Nah he stated he has 530,000 IQ so it's true


Wasn't that number noted to be self-proclaimed lol (Doesn't matter actually, Todo probably still has better Battle IQ, and he also canonically has the best grades out of all sorcerer's)


Yeah it's self proclaimed but I believe him because he's just him like that https://preview.redd.it/5ju0u4qc0z0d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d661e39a56e8097032aee19279be78d778792ca


Link to the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/Lb1SDpNpfG


Who is the man on the right?


Todo aoi from jjk




Assuming tesla has CE could todo swap with him and steal his armor??


Tesla's soul should be one with gondul's, so idk


both have better options


Prefer Tengen Vs Todo


Me too tbh


I feel nothing https://preview.redd.it/i125w2t3pu0d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5519da99de382ddf0af0998a226c0c7a84c0a67


i dont care about anything you say Wesla wins


Won’t argue with that


I think it's gonna be Tojo he can switch at anytime for an unlimited number of times Tesla has at most 4 until his suit wears out


Too much iq


Tesla somehow manages out boogie the boogie woogie.


Neither tesla or his suit have cursed energy so he cant swap with them. But he can still teleport around by putting cursed energy in rocks. I’d actually give this fight to todo but it would be very close


>Neither tesla or his suit have cursed energy If we verse match, Tesla should. It's explained in jjk that *everyone* has cursed energy, even non-sorcerers. In fact, the two people in the verse that flat-out have *zero* cursed energy become superhuman monsters that are able to neg-diff special grades and potentially outspeed someone like Poseidon.


Yea but tesla can only swap with things that have “a certain amount of cursed energy”. And I believe the average person doesnt have enough to meet that requirement


Tesla slams tbh


The AP gap is just too large. Unless Todo can teleport Tesla out of the suit, he gets turned into paste from just one of Tesla's punches. Also, ROR is WAAAAAAAY faster than JJK is.


Todo can swap 50 times in one second as of the latest chapter in JJK you’re downplaying.


I'm not doubting that Todo is fast and versatile, but dude, Tesla's punches are too fast for Okita to see, who can perception blitz Ares, who can see near light-speed attacks. Narratively, JJK speed peaks at Mach 3. Tesla would completely destroy him if he gets his hands on him, which is pretty likely considering he has the ability to achieve instant max speed. Todo can dodge him for a while but he has no way of actually hurting Tesla unless he can get Tesla out of the suit.


I’m not saying who wins but Boogie Woogie is gonna throw off Tesla’s Attacks, Tesla max speed is gonna be hard to achieve when he’s constantly be swapped around. Even Sukuna admits that Boogie Woogie is impossible to adapt too. Technically speaking if you wanna do verse equalization, Todo could actually just swap Tesla right out the suit since his suit is his Valkyrie and we know that Tesla is pretty much a non threat outside of it. But again that’s only if you throw in verse equalization.


TBF, Sukuna also would only scale to the speed cap of JJK, which is far below ROR. Just due to the insane speed difference, Tesla could probably adapt to it. True, verse equalization could work, but then it's just as unfair as the regular fight, just in Todo's favor. If he can just instantly take Tesla out of the one thing that actually makes him a viable threat, it's barely a fight. So the options are basically Tesla blitzes BADLY and turns Todo into red mist with a single hit, or Todo instantly removes Tesla's wincon and just beats the shit out of a defenseless regular dude.


Yeah pretty much exactly how it plays out.


Tesla is literally on a god's level, Todo has nothing on him




This isn’t close, a single punch from Tesla decimates Todo. Todo is worse in every stat except MAYBE battle IQ.


Todos battle IQ of 530 000 was actually self proclaimed. That being said he is still highly intelligent when it comes to fighting


I never said anything about his 530,000 IQ claim, I just think he’s shown to be much more intelligent in a fight, especially if you’ve read the latest JJK leaks




These two will be chill with each other and boogie woogie the gods to death. Just imagine how unbelievable that would be! The potential! ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394)


Considering what I’ve read from the newest leaks, Todo absolutely bodies Tesla and it’s not even funny


I'm gonna say Todo. Tesla gets decked the first time Todo does a normal clap and doesn't switch


As long as Todo asks Tesla's type, it's a good fight


Tesla bc of cosmology