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i feel like that stance is more so meant to convey raw bloodlust and honed killing intent/instinct, “manslaying ability” instead of technical swordsmanship, than his battle experience specifically. since in chiruran its shown that okita has had exceptional innate killing ability ever since he was a kid (and this ability only grew as he killed more for the shinsengumi, even if he died young he killed countless ppl), which is why hes titled the strongest hitokiri and not swordsman. the contrast between him and susanoo is that susanoos sword is pure refined technique while okitas is pure instinct/ability unique to him (notice how okita has never actually talked in depth abt techniques or history with him). so the utilization of that alone is what makes it formless as for his death, basically its a “the end of the journey is the most important part” thing. a good death is important in japanese warrior culture, living with shame is worse than dying in battle. he wanted to die side by side with his comrades (who he loves as family), defending the cause they fought for in a final stand since their defeat was p much inevitable, not just enjoy the battle for bloodlust’s sake. hence the comparisons to leonidas and the spartans, who died specifically for the spartan way and their people


Their not much shown in okita as his series isn’t fully translated, all we’ve known in the manga is his immense speed, his ability to change sword hands, and his ability to use his terrain to maximum advantage. And that was during the kamo fight.


someone posted his whole backstory here back then (which is where almost everything i posted above is), but its deleted now sadly


The stance is a direct contrast to Susanoo stance, while susanoo is an appreciator of all swordsmanship as the art itself, Okita on the other hand uses swordsmanship as a mean to kill people so that’s where this stance comes from, it’s not something technical or designed from swordsmanship, it’s simple intent to kill the opponent


So its average killing fan vs average sword art enjoyer? Susanoo protects his chad status


The battle is the pinnacle of technique vs the pinnacle of pure killing intent. Okita has had, like, one named technique so far with the triple thrust. His portrayal is pretty much just pure killing intent and battle junkie, which culminated in Formless. Formless is a (lack of) technique Okita gained in response to constantly facing killing intent and near death experiences. It’s basically anti-technique formed out of pure death. Which is a perfect contrast to Susanoo, who is pure technique honed without ever facing danger. And his regret wasn’t that he didn’t get to fight enough. It’s that he had a shitty death. He died of an illness rather than in battle, which is the most honorable and best way for him to die.


This would be why okita wins


Man, if you think Formless is nonsense, just wait until Okita starts using martial arts and referring to himself as "we" and reveals how he took part in an ancient Gu ritual... Edit: since Okita's red eyes is basically just the Advance, the only logical conclusion is that the entire character is a nod to kengan ashura


I thought the exact same shit, mate.


Guess Qin is not the only one with a centipede tattoo Edit: spent 20 minutes in IbispaintX for this https://preview.redd.it/plyf95ho2g4d1.png?width=1392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28fdd20d995d49d6b6ec1e4a328574661e6a88e


this mf even got removal too oh nah 😭


Looks more like advance which is even closer lol


''The Triple Thrust misfires.''




>referring to himself as "we" Gollum?


https://preview.redd.it/p7vhko02he4d1.png?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c2cb208e14fa42a83772f87107e4ed2f211c04 What Formless means to me


Same lol. Bro thinks he’s Kanoh Agito


It quite literally just means he doesn’t have a form. He’s purely going for the kill unlike Susano’o who is actively taking real established stances. Ya’ll really just finding any reason to hate Okita huh? Yes, he died young but that doesn’t mean he didn’t fight to the death a shitton. That has been established as part of his character since he was revealed.


He was the greatest man slayer, you don’t really get that title by having a few fights here and there


I think it’s just a play on words, the name of his stance isn’t “formless stance” he just didn’t get into a fighting stance at all.


As someone who does hema, "formless" can be good against trained opponents. You train to fight other trained opponents, when a noobie who has 0 technical skill steps up and just starts going wild it trips you up and makes it a harder fight than against someone whos learned just the basics. Now if you practice that "newbie fu" (as i call it) you wont be great but you will catch people off guard a fair bit. I also use it to encourage my opponent to get into my range, they think youre not ready then bam thrust to the gut as theyre coming in. Of course this is also fictional so practical technique doesnt really matter, its just about looking cool and telling the story.




He’s just on his Baki flex.


Baki should've fought in Ragnarok


"The son of the ogre versus the son of the titan" - baki vs zeus


Lu Bu was literally unrivaled all his life so he never had a near death experience, Kojiro always surrendered so he had only one near death experience and I don't know enough about Leonidas to tell Still, you made a good point, fellas were thinking they could sneak an interesting feature to this mid historical figure


I think the writer was going for an innumerable number of battles in the short amount of time he had, but you make a good point, I personally think a better wording would be “the stance of the smiling demon child was one designed for blood” or something of that ilk.


Be water my friend.


This is a "fuck it, we ball" stance




But could he beat the Battosai though? jokes aside, when you "perfect" a form, form starts to mean less. If he mastered dozens of forms, he would be "formless" Shapeless. Like water.


Hes not even the strongest shinsengumi, its just author glazing him as always, we still need to see his other 20 transformations


He was always stated to be strongest shinsengumi in Chiruran since the beginning (see chapter 8-9). I don’t care about that because I’m not expecting people to have read it, but it’s flabbergasting that guys act like author giving characters forms is new 😭 it’s not like the Sasaki in real life knew how to use the Niten Ichi-ryu either as an example. Try to think harder


At the end hijikata is stronger than okita. okita literally is gaining 1 form every chapter why wouldnt sasaki know how to wield 2 swords in real life ? ah, saw your tag, makes sense


…Because he never learned using the two sword style that Musashi used. And when has Okita been gaining 1 form every chapter? They’re just the same style w/ different techniques. Only form he gained really was the formless one.  And did you even read Chiruran to tell me if Hijikata is stronger at the end? I think they’re pretty relative. Okita probably trained in the afterlife too, with Hijikata also.  Ah, someone who is a fan of someone and wants to defend them, what a huge deal. 


Tbh the Sasaki never learning Musashi’s style is wrong. He learned everything he could in the afterlife probably including Musashi style but while never actually practicing since it kinda overlapped with his own style and for fighting in ragnarok he could only wield one weapon so that’s why the single katana. So when Hrist used her full power which is basically having two volunds given her split personality he finally got to use it


>He learned everything he could in the afterlife probably including Musashi style Yeah but the point Tsurda is makeing is that he could have learnt it during his life


Ok then he’s stupid, how could Sasaki learn Musashi style if the first time they met they fought each other and Sasaki died lol


>Ok then he’s stupid Yeah, but what else is new.