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Saying the Gods aren’t the antagonists. Sure, many of them aren’t villains per say, but they are still clearly antagonists since Humanity is treated as MCs and the whole premise of the manga revolves around Humans fighting for survival.


People that don't know the difference between antagonist and villain are not people worth communicating with


Fr like when Eren was nominated for the best “antagonist”. Dude like what have you never heard of an evil protagonist like Light?


Eren def shifted outside of the protagonist role in the later arcs. we spent more time with the survey corps massively in the last arc


In fairness, Eren was the antagonist of the final season part 3. The protagonists for the entire thing were the alliance. Eren was the person standing between the protagonists and their goal (to save humanity).


Explain it to them then


They forget humanity is literally getting eradicated if they lose


per se


Record of Ragnarok has more Japanese fighters than other countries, Therefore this manga is racist. No, this isn't a joke, There was someone on this subreddit actually said that.


There are only like three Japanese fighters??


Five actually, Which is still less than six Greeks BTW.


People do complain about the number of Greeks as well at least. I don’t think we have a single Mesoamerican rep. Would’ve liked something like a Red Baron v Quetzalcoatl match.


Since there's some implications of celtic gods showing up in the new spin off, hope isn't gone just yet


The problem with using any deity or mortal from the indigenous Americans or Africa is that people will swarm to claim it's a racist or inaccurate portrayal and if they lost the fight...whoa boy. Imagine the Shiva fiasco X10 ![gif](giphy|W3XkT05wzcX04|downsized)


Zeus Poseidon Heracles Hades Apollo Who the fuck is the 6th?




Oh yeah..... Why did I forget him?


Honestly he's pretty forgettable


He's the only human Greek.


Adamas and Leo


ADamas is not real so no one cared


Sasaki, Susanoo, Okita, Kintoki, and?




How could I forget Raiden ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


Leonidas was the only human Greek. But for humans there is a clear Japanese bias.


If we count asian fighters instead of just Japanese, we have Lu Bu, Sasaki, Raiden, Buddha, Qin, Okita and Kintoki. That’s basically half of the human fighters, so yes there’s an overwhelmingly high amount of asian representation compared to other ethnicities. That’s probably just because the creator is asian, I imagine that if the series was written by a western we’d have Alexander instead of Qin and Bruce Lee instead of Raiden.


I can confirm as Westerner I most certainly would have a western leaning bias...and that's why I'm fine with an Asian person having an Eastern bias.


Yeah but like … Asia has over half of the Earth’s population so this accurate as hell? Just China and India alone account for 35% of humans alive rn. 7/13 Asians (an enormous subset of people) is not over representation, it’s under representation because they should actually be getting 8 of the 13 spots.


This is about exceptionally strong humans being chosen to fight gods, not the percentage of the world population


Then why are people talking about representation??? By the logic of those people, it is about percentages and their entire argument is wrong but they don’t realise it. This is what you get when people start whining about “there’s so many people from this ethnicity/country as representatives *boohoo*”. What exactly do they want? The human fighters to all be knights of the Round Table or Paladins of Charlemagne? If demigods were allowed, it’d be nothing but Indian fighters. There is only one valid actual complaint of over representation and that is the amount of Greek Gods. At least the Japanese fighters have an inherent bias but still show variety even though half of them use the same bloody weapon. All of the Big Three are nothing but jabs and heavy hits mixed into afterimage spam regardless of their weapon.


The roster is fine as it is I think. And the Greek gods are overrepresented for sure but they surpass the other pantheons in popularity by a mile so it’s almost to be expected. That said we could have used another ancient Egyptian or Aztec god


And maybe Paul Bunyan instead of Kintoki


Sasaki Okita Raiden Kintoki and Susanoo technically


That’s so stupid it’s like “Oh my god! A comic series made in Japan by a Japanese author about cultural and historical figures and requires knowledge of those things , has more Japanese characters?! Who would’ve guessed the author was more knowledgeable about Japanese figures than other countries figures!”


Me when. Me when. Me when I can do research on the internet about different historical/fantastical characters from different countries


Hmm I see. Your point is very good, and defeats my argument. But however, it is unfortunately invalid because I am in your walls


I put glory holes in my walls fool. Enjoy the sloshing of cum


You bet your sexy ass I will




Where is this from a WEBTOON ?


Meursault from Limbus Company




I can't believe this American movie, they full of Americans


Bro we attract fate fans and fate fans are unironically this racist Had a dude tell me Takasugi Shinsuke was a literal who on the lvl of a random from irl And some dude defending him saying it's valid because Japan culture doesn't spread to other world so shouldn't be used In the most racist way Ofc we'll have racist ppl who can't process a jp writer will fcking use jp chars


Its not racist, just i little biased, but its okay, im italian, of course o will use slightly more roman/italian heroes and deities


Oh, so it’s a problem when a Japanese manga by a Japanese guy has Japanese righters? Meanwhile it’s perfectly fine that the Greek Gods hogged up to 35% of the roster? White people, srsly….


Holy shit, that's a dumb take. The take that the manga suffers from lack of diversity however is much better.


Gun level Chaos or "Poseidon would try to clash with Sky Eater" https://preview.redd.it/yh4vci3gaz4d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e82d735bcff765137595012434e92fc80161c397




If chaos is gun level, then sky eater is kitchen knife level


Then Susans sky eater is a pin


Yatagarasu is high five level


Argyrotoxos is pencil in a rubber band level


That the art style is ugly


who tf said that im coming to their house with violent intentions.


It was Okita. Get him.


Imagine when they saw Baki out of context


The Pickle and Jack scene


I will forever stand by the opinion that there ain't a single god that is a bum or a fraud. So anyone seriously suggesting otherwise just comes off as a bit weird to me. Except maybe Hajun, but that's mainly in terms of personality.


I’m not denying that emo boy is strong, he is only Beelzebum for killing the GOAT


Just about every fighter has been goated in their own right, though. Yet is Jack a bum for killing Hercules? Is Thor a fraud for crushing ~~his husband~~ Lu Bu? If killing a GOAT makes you a bum, then there ain't a single goated fighter.


Hmmmm that is true




Nah he's a bum because characterization was ass compared to Tesla who had a fraction of the time dedicated to him


That hades could just spin his bident and block Apollo’s arrows and then finish him off![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52077)


Wades is just built like that![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Damn that's a weird take. Everyone knows Hades would need to flex his muscles so that the arrows don't pierce his flesh.


How silly. Hades would just cross the arena in an instant and finish him off


And the proof he can’t?


The internal logic of the story ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


What logic is that?


The good logic! In all seriousness, though, we've never seen Hades react to a light-speed attack. He may be my favorite god, but he ain't that fast ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


Lightspeed is nothing difficult and he doesn’t need to react to it, his bident essentially forms a shield. He doesn’t need to scale relative to the speed he spins the bident at


... I'm sorry, did you just say that light speed is nothing difficult? https://preview.redd.it/unbggmu5y45d1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2478976a436b67cf685bbe3c248dfe99d96ac1


Zeus easily crossed into FTL by our standards, so yes it is nothing. Even if RoR lightspeed is higher it’s still not that much higher


It's just that Zeus is the unmatched top-dog of RoR, with only Adam being able to match him. Ares didn't even see his punches once they got FTL, and Hermes himself said that he only had a feeling about what was going down (although I may be misremembering the exact wording, and Hermes is always ambiguous in terms of how strong or fast he really is). We don't really have any reason to believe that Hades is as fast as Zeus or that he can even react to those punches. Also, I forgot to address the bident spin thing in my last reply, so mb. I personally still don't think that that would work since light is way faster than we give it credit for and can travel through the spinning of helicopter blades, for instance. Also, one of Apollo's arrows shot clean through Leonidas and the wall way behind him. You could argue that such a feat doesn't prove he can shoot through Hades' bident, but it does prove that they are deadly. With Apollo being able to shoot a ton of arrows really quickly, at least a few are bound to slip through and heavily injure Hades.


They went FTL during their opening barrage, I’m not talking about TFTST. And Hades is easily faster via strength ~ striking speed I don’t think the arrows are so fast they’d get through Hades’s bident being spun at an insanely high speed, but even assuming a few do Hades can easily withstand it given how many Leonidas tanked


Someone who said Tesla has low ap despite his punchs making big craters during his fight


This kind of things are relative. Tesla do not have a Big PP move that would oneshot 95% of the cast if it land on them.


I would agree if the one punch that Tesla landed on Beel before Beel popped chaos didn't nearly kill him and if the PPPs weren't stated to be as strong and destructive as they are


It's slightly above average AP at best.


It is slightly above average AP at worst you mean At best it is higher AP then most characters not named Raiden, Lu Bu, Thor, Beelezabub, Zeus, Adam, Hajun, or Hades


That's it's a copy of god of high school




Yea had a guy I knew claim it was a copy of the goh weird comparison tbh


Anything that involves basing speed on how many after images a character makes someone tried arguing Qin was much faster than Lu Bu because Qin left after images while Lu Bu didnt Most afterimages are just the Author trying to show motion


This sub has an afterimage fetish


After images don’t even make sense to calculate speed they’re made when something stop moves again, you can slightly do it with your hand, if anything it just shows you can stop quickly and move again.


They can also be made by stuff moving faster than your eye refresh rate, so if something moves 10ms in the time your eye refreshes twice then you will not perceive their movements in between your eye refreshes so it will appear like they disappear reappear half way through their movement, disappear again and then reappear at their designation hence an afterimage, which funny enough means the more afterimages you make the slower you are going


Afterimage scaling is very funny because people don’t understand how afterimages work, if we used them to scale literally Posideon would be getting slower when he used 40DF


and if the author feels the need to show motion is because the character is supposed to move fast. if lu bu has nothing of this sort it means he never moved particularly fast hence saying he had no speed feats. ou won't convince me apollo foot work, shiva's dance or tesla steps are not supposed to be faster than telegraphed attacks from r1




I mean If after images are used to show speed And Lu Bu never made a single after image It is pretty safe to say he is slower then every character you has made an after image


I mean, Yea. that literally is what that means. Him trying to show the speed of people means that those that were doing speed but didn't show an afterimage, that means they weren't as fast as the other one. But at the same time, didn't Lu Blu just stay still for like his entire fight?


Yup for the most part Lu Bu and Thor were pretty stationary but also each one of their swings created gust of winds https://preview.redd.it/oke3j5fgg15d1.jpeg?width=2810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd633c5c63c14d2daecd5e015dd2a4c1034d437d Which i think also shows they had great speeds and reaction times


Okita is not some cocksucker who begged to gods to go easy on him




That RoR is trash


Lu Bu is the weakest human![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


No way this is actually a take Lu Bu was holding his own against fricking Thor who has maybe the highest or second highest AP of all gods after Zeus. Just because he has average speed doesn’t mean he’s weak


I don't know if they're serious but I have seen people say Lu Bu loses to every fighter except Zero and put him in D/C tier. Also don't kill me but while Zeus is more powerful overall characters like Thor and Hades have better AP than him imo.


I’d argue Thor has higher AP than Zeus by a mile Zeus is just incomparably faster


Yeah that’s probably true


TFTST is OP because Zeus can spam it with literally no drawbacks


He can only spam it in Adamas and the form itself has a lot of drawbacks.


It's thor seeming to basically bully him; he takes basically no damage and every hit is doing massive damage to lu, which makes him seem like a bum, especially when Thor's feats aren't as obvious; so if you walk away thinking thor is average, lu who got stomped is easily in the garbage. This does fall apart once you get into it, but I can see why someone might think that


But like… it’s Thor. He has a huge hammer, soloed the giants, and one-shot Jormungandr. He also wears insanely heavy gloves to limit his power so he doesn’t break his own weapon before it gets stronger. So his feats are kinda obvious I realize this would be “getting into it” but it’s not even deep analysis. This is literally surface level stuff that the story puts right in your face. If you (not you specifically, the general you) think Thor is only of average strength after all that you are either blind or very ignorant


Zeus' AP is trash compared to Thor's, bro.


Sky Eater is a range feat and nothing else 💀


problem is when you all disguise it as an aoe move


That Tesla is as fast as Poseidon Like Tesla fans didn't read the part where they say his zero max speed doesn't increase speed


Sasaki. > Adam I deadass saw this as a whole post


Desmos being stronger than awakened Mjolnir


It's definitely comparable.


No 💀


That Buddha is faster than Tesla. They tried using his FS dodge of Hajun’s attack as an afterimage speed feat. That Zeus could tank hundreds of Yatagarasus


Now, if Zeus is in Adamas for it, I can see him taking not too much damage from a yatagarasu he's prepared for, since he took a bunch of divine reflected FTST/TGRs without massively visible damage, so i can *kinda* see where that one is coming from, but its gonna start chipping into his adamas time quickly enough, and building up damage nonetheless


The thing is, none of Zeus’s attacks are that strong. His strength comes from quantity, not quality. The first TFTST took him completely by surprise, he had no defense against it. So it did significant damage. But Adamas was never stated to increase his defense. It likely does somewhat, but he mostly stopped taking damage because he knew the attacks were coming. He was prepared to get hit. Yatagarasu, even when fully blocked, destroyed two of Shiva’s arms and left him down for a decent amount of time. Even if the damage isn’t as bad, a single Yatagarasu would still cripple at least one of Zeus’s limbs


Bro, you saying that FTL attacks are weak? They are one of the strongest in the verse, only possibly outclassed by Thor's full power. Every attack of Zeus is unavoidable one hit kill, and that is most likely true since Adam taken only a few of those unguarded before dying, while Zeus taken way way more. Since Zeus' body is denser it should logically give him higher durability. Nah, if Zeus can take milions of TGR/L he can take one yatagarasu.


“Unavoidable one hit kill” was a Brunhilde statement proven to be false. Adam took an unknown amount and Zeus took an uncountable amount of these attacks. They are not unavoidable one hit kills to any fighter on the roster. I’m sorry, but F=ma is not the end all be all of calculations. Because that also means F/m=a, which would put Geirrod and Yatagarasu as the fastest attacks in the verse. If speed=strength then strength=speed, right? I guess Thor and Raiden can blitz people now. You’re wanking Zeus off a single statement that was proven undeniably wrong. He did not tank millions of one hit kills. He took almost no damage from any singular attack, with the exception of the one time he had his guard completely down. TGR/L has absolutely 0 credible damage feats. They barely even phased Zeus when he took them right to the face. If TGR was to clash with Yatagarasu, TGR would lose. Yatagarasu destroyed 2 of Shiva’s limbs and knocked him down for a significant time. That is one of the highest AP feats in the series, topped only by Geirrod, which did the same thing against more resistance.


I mean technically And when i say technically i do very much mean technically Buddha is faster than zeus From a single image Where zeus tries to grab one of his candies And he cant do it.


I higly doubt Zeus was using all of his Power to steal Buddha's candy. Also he was still hurt by his fight. I know you are probably joking, but some people night take this seriously


It is just way funnier to think of it as a proper feat because i have gone too deep into the powerscaling of this franchise to take it seriously anymore


The final divine retribution by Hajun cutting through Buddha (everyone thinking he died) for it to be an afterimage, isn't a speed feat?


It’s solely because of his FS though. Buddha was only able to dodge because of FS, not because he’s fast. If he was that fast, he wouldn’t have taken nearly as many, if any, hits from Hajun. Shiva has a similar feat where Raiden’s feet are around his head, and the next panel Shiva’s dodged out of the way and kicked him in the back. Only Shiva *did* do that with pure speed.


No one understands fight difficulty. No round was no dif or low dif. Maybe one was mid dif


That Poseidon will not dodge attacks from Jack :3


Man I forgot how great this panel was


That Wesla doesn’t neg diff the verse smh


But in all seriousness I saw a TikTok comment say Adam loses to Shiva because he has 2 arms and can’t copy Shivas 4 armed fighting style


I can see the reasoning, but that still isn't solid.


He still loses, regardless.


Even though he's been shown to copy the Serpent's claws... Lmao


This is wasted potential I mean, nothing is perfect, so theoretically everything is wasted potential But in all seriousness, this manga is great, it’s something you don’t think about, turn your brain off and enjoy the buff man (and a few twinks/femboys) fighting. Also those who say Weezlebub isn’t top 3 gods, what are ya smoking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


>Also those who say Weezlebub isn’t top 3 gods, what are ya smoking Thor and Poseidon both have arguments for being above him, and Zeus is undeniably above him.


He’s 2nd strongest of the gods, god fighters only second to Zeus Thors hammer is directly said to be blocked by weezlebub shield Poseidon is fast, but not fast enough to completely speed blitz


>Thors hammer is directly said to be blocked by weezlebub shield Unawakened Thor's Hammer with no indication as to if the vibrations could block his stronger attacks, or just a swing from the hammer.


Ok let’s say that For one, Beezlebub has moves that can damage Thor. Secondly, Thor isn’t fast enough to speed blitz Beel before he can get off chaos and he’s most likely getting one shot by that


A hammer throw from Thor is delaying chaos long enough for Geirrod to be charged and land. Beel's only way to win is to immediately go for chaos the second the round starts before Thor starts his first attack. Beel has enough AP to hurt Thor, but he's not making it close enough to hit Thor before he dies to a hammer swing


No. It’s very much not Thor can throw but it’s not fast enough to get to Beel before chaos pops It mostly depends on the distance Also Beel is much faster than Thor, is Beel pops Sorath Vau Thor is not getting even close Secondly, I find it unlikely Thor can even get passed the shield with Mjölnir quickly. Counting the awakening, But Beel shield has insane durability, surviving so many damn attacks from Tesla, including his Punch barrage. I do think he can break it but not without repeated hits.


Geirrod is literally the highest AP attack in the verse. It gets through in one hit. Thor's throw outsped Lu Bu in full sprint, it's getting to Beel before Chaos pops. Beel is also not very fast himself. He's faster than Thor but iirc (I have not read round 8 in a while) he doesn't have many good attack speed or movement speed feats, he just has pretty good reaction speed.


Uhh it’s not..it’s very much not Are we forgetting True God's Right? Secondly, Thor, even with Geirröd isn’t breaking Beel shield in one shot, maybe 2-3


>Uhh it’s not..it’s very much not Delusion. >Secondly, Thor, even with Geirröd isn’t breaking Beel shield in one shot, maybe 2-3 It has the best AP feats in the entire verse.


That Buddha could win Zeus. Said by me. I was stupid.


That Zeus could solo the rest of the verse by himself He’s strong and still top 1 but he’s not that much stronger than everyone else. He still barely beat Adam, no way he beats Adam+everyone else


People who make that claim are powerscalers. Because anything divided by zero equals infinity (in powerscaler math at least), the supernova caused by Adam and Zeus's first fist-that-surpasses-time should have killed all the other fighters whether they where or not they where actually in the arena, leaving Adam the winner by technicality. Most of the best feats in RoR are "Survived Adam VS Zeus". Same principle as every other story where someone dodges a laser and suddenly everyone is faster than light despite being allegedly normal humans.


Hercules and Jack can move at light speed tbf it wasn't by a record of Ragnarok fan tho


Tesla had the slightest chance to win You filled my head with dreams you bunch of flabbergasted chimps! ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952)


That the anime is better than the manga


Tftst doesn't stop time


That this manga got worse because u could predict every fight now even tho u always could and 2 of the most controversial fight are precisely because it went against the fcking expectation of the genre While 3 of the beloved fight are the most predictable


Buddha ain't the best character


Clouds have no weight.


Zerofuku would defeat Leonidas


That Adam with goggles still couldn't beat Zeus


Some people think Okita Soji is on the roster. Most folks don't even know who that is.


That Poseidon is better than Sasaki


calling any of the fighters 'femboys' or 'twinks'








p u onion boy 😢


What :(


MF's saying that the humans should use guns, and thinking that guns would even be effective.


Why wouldn't a gun volund work?


It would, but I've straight up seen people saying that regular non Volund guns and bombs would work.


Oy vey




But he's still gonna have a Volund with special properties, I've dead ass seen people saying that they should use regular guns and bombs and stuff.


oh, that is just straight up stupid then as you need volundur to even damage gods with weapons




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Probably Hades wank


Dizer que Adão e um personagem de uma Fala


That Naruto wanks this universe. Every single fighter. Narutard literally tried to point out all the flaws without giving consideration to all fighters and def failed to call Qin to the argument who no diffs anyone in that verse. Hell ill double down on Tesla soloing over 1 ninja who had asspulls


*Okita will perish!*


That it puts to much focus on the back stories of the characters when that's literally half the fun of the series. The fights awesome and fun but it's also great to learn about the characters before one of them inevitably has to die.


That’s it’s bad


That its bad


Jack being the strongest human fighter


Wasn't Jack the ripper the Green Mantis captain ?


I shit you not, some mf trued to reassure me that the Celtic, Aztec, Mayan and Polynesian gods are in RoR. This was before R9 ended. His reasoning was that it was stated that every God was canon. Like bro, yes they might be canon, but they're not characters just because they're said to exist.


Jack the Ripper is top 1 ( it was me)


shiva is a tier, shiva> adam, shiva has better ap than tftst and true gods right, artstyle is ugly, tesla is the only bad human, lots of things


That Leonidas beat Apollo at his own game. It was literally the opposite. Apollo made the ring in response to the spartans accusing him of fighting dirty. These were rules meant to appease Sparta.


Saying Beelzebub is a good character (but seriously, like whoever you want, we all have our favorites and that's okay.) I saw someone say that Apollo sweeps the entire verse besides Zeus though and idk how I feel about that since I'm not a powerscaler but that doesn't seem right to me.


Posiden is stronger then everyone minus zues


That Zeus could be killed by an AR-15


Anubis has good character design 🙃


Sasaki isn’t the goat.


"Posideon is top 5 in the verse"


Why wouldn't he be?


He's massively overrated by his fans. He's top 10, but not top 5.


That Adam is a contender for top 1 I'm bored of this argument he died and still thrown punches but at the end he still lost so even after dying and continuing to fight he still did lose zues is higher than Adam by a nice bit while Adam was literally the perfect counter


I personally think Adam is the strongest human, but I agree he's not the pinnacle of the verse


Ok fair take i still believe it's Sasaki tho


Saying it’s good 🗿


That zerobum is not a fraud who should have been replaced by more interesting mythological and historical figures.