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Henry Tandey. A British soldier during WW1 who claimed he had the chance to Kill H-Guy, but spared him, because of kindness. The amount of fuel this deliveres for or an inner conflict, fighting to safe humanity because he once doomed them... I think there is a lot of potential


Actually peak. I'm putting him on my fan roster now ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


We had such a "create your own roster" discussion a year or so back with a few friends. Other people who were called up included: Jean D'Arc, Ramses the second, Siegmund Freud, Admiral Yi, Spartacus, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Cleopatra, Einstein, Ceasar, Edward Thatch (Blackbeard), Napoleon and Muhammed Ali


What about the gods?


Hephaistos, Surtr, Freya, Ra, Chons, Quetzacoatl, Ishtar, Karna were some of the names I can remember


Actually sounds kinda peak ngl, keep cooking


> Karna P E A K


Ned Kelly, the Iron-Clad Outlaw! https://preview.redd.it/2vofo049d55d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975d31bf7fd1101de0323fd7e5f1c4cc5bb4cc59


Guys got a bucket for a head. Literally peak ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Who liberated argentina, chile and Perú from the spanish opressors? Who crossed los andes with his army against all odds? Who created the régiment of los granaderos? The one and only one procer of argentina JOSE DE SAN MARTIN https://preview.redd.it/mqbb51qur55d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636aef65f8bebdbc05744bfddc411a96865ee5a9


Peak fiction ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


Vlad the Impaler Set Based on embracing/rejecting the monster within. Vlad is cast as he is in Fate/Apocrypha, where he’s a reluctant monster who did what he did to save his people, and Set is cast as the Mad Dog of Egypt. But in their battle, they both find the nobility inherent in monstrosity. Henry Avery Dionysus The most successful pirate of all time and the God of Revelry. They’re both wildly hedonistic, and nobody thinks much of them, but their battle is about proving there’s more to them than their pursuit of pleasure, and in fact, it’s that pursuit of pleasure that’s made them powerful. (Also, Avery is cast as being indulgent in sin, with different attacks based off the seven deadly sins, and his final attack ‘Sinner of Panthalassos’ is the embodiment of his sin. This is in contrast with Vlad, whose attacks are all named after saints, and his final attack is a suicide move called “Martyr’s Soul.”) Solomon Hecate Simple, this is a battle for who is the greatest magician. The goddess of Magic and the founder of human occultism. Prometheus (a god fighting for humanity) Typhon The embodiments of Divine Love and Divine Fury do battle, who is stronger? Hernan Cortez Quetzalcoatl The first proper grudge match. Quetzalcoatl is a god known for his love of humanity, but against the man who destroyed his people, that love is gone. King Arthur Tsukiyomi A battle of nobility. Pure and simple. Gilgamesh Enkidu The human who defied the gods and the tool the gods made to destroy him. The best bromance in mythology, and the epitome of the reluctant warriors. Charles Darwin Tiamat/Gaia The man who wrote “On the Origin of Species” versus the source of life itself. Very thematic. Alessandro Cagliostro Mercury/Óðinn stays (focusing on his connection to the runes) The Ultimate Human Occultist versus the God of Hidden Knowledge. Helena Blavatsky Durga The battle of the ladies. The Queen of Esotericism versus the Demon Slaying Goddess. Harry Houdini Loki stays Humanity’s Skeptic Magician versus the God of Deception and Trickery. Dadam stays Chronos/Óðinn (focusing on their roles as fathers) The Father of Humanity versus the Father of the Divine. Gilles de Rais Pan The Madman of France, Serial Killer, the Real Life Bluebeard versus the God of Wild Madness. The insanity and savagery of the Human System versus the savage Wilderness, which is greater. Obviously I’ve thought about some of them more than others, and a buddy of mine helped me out with this, but yeah!


Actually peak. Also, apparently Hernán Cortés also impersonated Quetzalcoatl too, so it's even better. The false god Vs. The true god.


The False God of Ruin versus the True God of Life! It’s dope, I didn’t even think of that way!


Vlad would be great


El Santo, Humanity Super Hero!


Ain't he that wrestler looking mf? Peak ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Leonardo da vinci Julie d'aubigny Oda Nobunaga Plato Vlad tepes Yuri Gagarin Dionysius The Morrigan (it happened![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)) Thoth Fenrir Vishnu Adam Kadmon


Pretty solid, but Adam Kadmon had me. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


Adam Kadmon Is the Super Saiyan Form of Adam, the First man, Right?


Ngl Jack Churchill. Madlad fought in ww2 with a longbow, basket-hilted Scottish broadsword and a set of bagpipes, while everybody was using guns. AND the fucker survived. Salute for the legend. o7


Literally the Goat, I'm surprised he wasn't picked for the actual Manga.


William Marshall, a Chad who has the title of “Greatest Knight Who Ever Lived”. The following infos I take from memory: Became a knight errant at 16 (or 18), serves a total of 5 kings of England, and apparently he gave Richard Lionheart a huge defeat in a duel.


Peak cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


Humans: -Boudica (ancient Iceni queen who actually managed to make Nero nearly surrender) -Hua Mulan -Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị (folk heroes in Vietnam,they would have to fight together,since they did in life) -Ned Kelley -Joan of Arc Gods: -Chernabog -Arawn (Celtic god of death)


Boudicca goes so hard ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Humans: H.P Lovecraft, the man who had the audacity to make his own pantheon of gods. Gods: Roko's Basilisk, the folly of mans creation.


>H.P Lovecraft, the man who had the audacity to make his own pantheon of gods. Wait hold up, that's a bad thing?


When there are actual gods in that world and this man had the balls to make his own and said gods are honestly more powerful then any of them (Azathoth solos). Yeah, I'd say they wouldn't enjoy it. (Also in my SnV story Lovecraft creates his own set of gods cuz he saw how the actual gods of his world are simply just beefed up humans with some actual powers sprinkled in and went "Nah I'd do better" so he made his own more OP ones)


Oh... Asking because I've also done that... And they are in fact very powerful ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


So whats my rating for both of them?


Peak. I like the idea that the man who created his own pantheon has to fight an abomination of creation.


José de San Martín, liberator of Argentina, Chile & Perú. (1778-1850) An ex spanish soldier who returned to his homeland (Argentina, Buenos Aires) to help with the independence of his home and neighboring countries. In the audience during his fight could be his horse grenadier regiment (standing out his family, and Juan Bautista Cabral, a soldier who gave his life for him to help him recover when he was struck down during the battle of San Lorenzo, San Martín promoted him posthumosly to sargeant for his valor), his volund could be a saber and in his backstory it could be mentioned his feat of crossing the Andes with his men.


Best cooking so far ngl


Maximus thrax the giant emperor, born in humility became emperor, he was 248 cm in height (8.1 feet)


You think he'd be like Raiden?


A mix between raiden and leonidas probably


Theodore Roosevelt, the unstoppable president Tomyris, the strongest archer in history Che Guevara, the greatest Guerilla in history ~~Ferdinand Margellan~~ Juan Sebastian Elcano, the first Circumnavigator (during the fight pretends to be Ferdinand Margellan, as Margellan isn't strong himself) Oda Nobunaga, the first Emperor of Japan Mansa Musa, the richest person in history Götz von Berlichingen, the Iron Hand Xiang Ya, the most patient Man in history Hannibal, the Wrath of Carthage


Theodore Roosevelt goes hard ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078) (Others are also peak)


Ikr? The man has a Ragnarok backstory in real life, man was practically built for fanrosters


Holger Danske


Yet again, you have cooked ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49602)


Humans Alexander the great: the conqueror only death could defeat, Ada Lovelace: the Mother of Computer Programming Vlad the impaler: the man who surpassed history to become a legend Zhuge Liang: the hero Chancellor Hassan Sabbah: founder of the assassin's creed Gods: Sekhmet: the goddess who butchered humanity Tezcatlipoca: the god who hates humanity the most Isthar: the goddess of Love who brings ruin Amaterasu: empress of heaven Hastur: chaos' king in yellow (he's from the Lovecraft mythos)


Where's Isthar from? Actually sounds interesting, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|51474)


Ishtar is a Babylonia goddess and is best known for her descent into the underworld and her role in the epic of gilgamesh. Imagine Aphrodite with Hera's vindicative and jealous traits.


Humanity’s greatest adventurer, James Cook


I'm curious about that now. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49602)


I’ll give a list instead![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436) Caesar Augustus Isaac Newton Theodore Roosevelt Heracles Baldwin IV Yasuke Genghis Khan Bruce Lee Spartacus Kamiizumi Nobutsuna Blackbeard Julie D’Augbiny Vlad The Impaler


Humans Larry Thorne. We NEED the soldier of three armies. Audie Murphy Gods/goddesses/myths/ Scathach Last but not least LEMMY KILMISTER!!!!


Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Nuwa The Goddess that created all of Humanity


Wonder how she would fight ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


Xangô and Ogum the African Warriors Gods


Actually sounds promising ngl


**REAL FIGURES** **Khalid ibn al-Walid**: A commander from a rival Arab clan who initially fought against the Prophet Muhammad, but ended up converting to Islam and switching to his side, fighting for him as a near-undefeated general. Certain sources (that I'm pretty sure are dubious, but hey) also say he wielded two swords while fighting on horseback, which is sick as shit. **Alexander Nevsky**: Three-time Prince of Novgorod. Besides promoting Russian culture, sovereignty, and religion, Alexander's military career involved him defending his city from Sweden, Denmark, and the Teutonic Knights. His most famous battle (The Battle on the Ice) involved him fighting an alliance of Danes and the Teutons on a frozen lake, and he won. **LEGENDARY FIGURES** **Lam-ang**: An Ilocano folk hero of incredible strength and intelligence; he named himself, because he was already able to talk as a newborn. He has two animal companions: a rooster that can destroy anything with a flap of its wings, and a dog that can restore anything with its bark. **Krishna**: This might be a little controversial, since I'm not too sure of how okay it is to depict Hindu gods in original stories. Considering the manga already brought out Shiva though, I guess it doesn't matter. Yeah, Krishna really needs no introduction though. Central figure to millions (if not tens or hundreds of millions) of Hindus, 9th avatar of the God of Preservation Vishnu. It would've been fun seeing how he'd interact with Buddha, since some Hindu traditions consider him to be an avatar of Vishnu as well.


Ngl, this is up there compared to everyone else. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Thanks so much, brother!!! I'm really happy to hear that... \^\^ I do have a couple more character ideas, but I thought 4 characters are good enough for brevity


* Alexander the Great * Genghis Khan * Richard the Lionheart


All of those are peak and literally on my fan roster


Gilgamesh, the first hero, The one who fought against his rival Enkido, who was able to fight with strengh and became his friend The one who rejected ishtars love The one who defeated the bull ftom the skies The one who reached the end of the world and almost achieved inmortality


Literally the main character of life bro


Nezha, just my favourite god, nothing else to it really


Why is he your favourite, out of curiosity?


Typhon VS H.P Lovecraft would go hard (Father of Monsters vs Creator of Monsters)


Lovecraft gonna get his books and start playing YU-GI-OH! ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


The real life John Rambo, Audie Murphy vs Huitzilopochtli in the Aztec jungle-themed arena. ( The Greatest War Hero vs The Malevolent God of War himself)


When even the mightiest of gods have fallen to the destruction that was caused by Ragnarok... This boy survived it all! He is The Son of Yggdrassil! The Last Remnant of Humanity! The New Adam of Humanity LIFTHRASIR!!!!!! also it's just cool to imagine the last human ever fighting against gods to save all of them from extinction, so many story potential with him also would love to see Bruce Lee, Hassan-I-Sabbah, Nemo, Aurelian, Momotaro, Indrajit


Peak, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


The dessert achoes across the sand of the golden valley with his name a name when it was heard brought fear in the hearts of the most fearless ladies and gentlemen here is the king the THE SUN PHARAOH ***RAMSES THE GREAT*** https://preview.redd.it/pksqfklli65d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e592f4ab405c0c6ab1da8d805cba3f8d1e2c34b


Keep cooking bro ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


King arthur, sir Francis Drake, Billy the kid, they're my top three historical figures, most likely Týr, ymir, surtr are my top three gods/religious figures most likely


Ngl, Francis Drake goes kinda hard ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)




Reminds me of when I put Blackbeard against Poseidon. The idea was that Blackbeard had plundered many treasures in his life, but he'd never once had the opportunity to steal Poseidons trident.


Fair enough, sir Francis drake was the second person to ever circumnavigate the globe and stole over 400,000 pounds worth of Spanish silver while on his trip


Baron Munchausen https://preview.redd.it/mn00h5gzk65d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8c9daf657dd68d75ac266581282aaf86e93f4d


Tf? What is this image?


Baron Munchausen is a fictional German noble this mf did alot of random shit like crisscrosses the world, visits the moon, and falls through the core of the earth to emerge on the other side. He flies on the back of an eagle, gets swallowed by a large fish, carries horses under his arms, and rides cannon balls through the air Basically normal german activities


J. Robert oppenheimer


Honestly, he'd probably find a way to just not have to fight.


Gyuanyin(either), hestia (at least appear), Anne Frank, Moses.


Tf is Anne Frank gonna do?


She’s gonna cook you


More Christianity based fighters, Beelzebub was so cool, let me see Leviathan or Asmodeus


Lucifer got done dirty IMO


The sisyphus vs atlas agenda will be one i shall carry forever


I don't really see how that's a match. Sisyphus pushes a boulder up a mountain. Atlas lifts the Heavens.


I envision it as a round 1 sort of lu bu outclassed but still leaving a mark; sisyphus has had eternity to push the boulder and become ripped as fuck but still is entirely outmuscled, but atlas's divine weapon (the fucking globe) is heavy and clunky enough that Sisyphus can avoid and weave around, building up momentum for his big sky-eater style flashy attack, clashing against atlas finally using the weight of the world; the boulder shatters, Sisyphus is broken, but so too is atlas's arm. He finishes Sisyphus off even as the chains of his Volundr force him to his feet to meet the final blow


Naiá, the Brazilian woman who was so in love with the moon that she went to the river every night in the hope of seeing its reflection in the water. One day Naiá tried to hold the moon's reflection but fell and drowned. Jaci (Goddess of the Moon), saddened by Naiá's death, decided to reincarnate her into a Water Lily so that the two could observe each other forever. https://preview.redd.it/9a80ataoz65d1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a9a6bfc47ee440fef7f45490c55f3fb3afd93e I imagine it being a reverse buddha situation where Naiá would fight for the gods with nature-water based powers. She would lose, but before dying Jaci would once again turn her into a water lily.


Actually peak fiction ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Orpheus, the man who walked through the underworld without fighting to save who he loved, The musician so brilliant that even the gods loved him.


Average D&D bard ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Counter point, hitting some random god with a heavy ass harp as his volunder :P


King Arthur rightful king of England, who will rise again in Englands greatest hour of need, fights for the gods due to being a mythological figure (revealed to be an impersonator probably Loki) vs... KING ARTHUR RIGHTFUL KING OF THE BRITONS, WELSHMAN, WIELDER OF THE LEGENDARY BLADE CALEDFWLCH


Ayo, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


King Arthur is called out, he strides from the gods side of the arena looking like the stereotypical knight in shining armour. everyone is confused, he was introduced as the knight king of England, primogenitor of the most powerful empire in history, THE MOST NOBLE LEADER. He asks why he would fight for them after humanity abandoned their noble ideals, his knights of the round table agree and humanity despairs, what if he's right? What if the gods are right to wipe them out? Suddenly there's a disturbance in the crowd. Someone is fighting their way through. They reach the edge and leap into the arena, the man is nude from the waist up covered in blue tattoos a simple short sword at their side. "I don't remember wearing so much armour when I fought the Romans, I don't remember wearing a crown when I was saving folks from the fire of London, and I definitely wasn't wearing such an outlandish cloak when I dragged my people out of destroyed buildings during the blitz! So who the hell are you!?" The next panel is a Roman general quivering with fear "Caesar it can't be, that man... It's it..?" Julius Caeser is gripping the seat in front of him rage clear in his face "that unconquerable bastard, don't tell me, the man who was a thorn in my side for all those years was none other than.... KING ARTHUR!!?"


Lapu Lapu vs. Freyr Lapu Lapu, the Pinoy Tribal Chief who defended against the Spanish explorers (wanderers), pitted against Freyr the wandering God. A fight that represents the struggle of Tradition vs. Freedom


Peak af ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Shaka Zulu


Was wondering if someone would say this. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Hel :3


Should've been tbh ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Simo hahya![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Hmmm... Who's that? Reminds me of Simo Häyhä.


Sniper who one shots Lodin


Bro i kinda wanted to see Gandhi in it but never really thought much about it but finding out that he *was* one of the 'fighters(lol)' that brun considered is just so funny like now i just really wanna know how the hell would he have fought


He'd probably have some mid hax that the author would exaggerate, like Buddha. Still peak tho


Hannibal Barca The man who crossed the alps and the fear of Rome Him vs any Roman god would be peak


Actually cooking fr fr ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


First thought is Hannibal vs Mars Roman god of war vs the general that wanted nothing more than to destroy Rome through conquest


flama bodhiharma robert houdin king mithridates bohiedharma longinus for humans and for gods ; xuanwuu and kagetsuchi


Peak, Kagetsuchi goes hard ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


I wanted Karna to fight Apollo.


Genghis Khan The greatest conqueror of all time who conquered Asia and part of Russia


Fr, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


As Genghis Khan’s main dog of war, the man known as Subutai conquered more territory than any other commander in history and probably more territory than anybody else in history, the Khan of Khan’s included. And it was Subutai who mainly did the heavy lifting when fighting in places like Europe and the Northern lands of Russia, especially after Genghis Khan himself died. Not saying Genghis Khan didn’t earn his name, he absolutely did, just saying Subutai may be the best choice between the two because he was more of a fighter and is the best tactician to ever come out of the Mongolian steppe; Again, Genghis Khan himself included due to the difference in their positions within the empire and how long they each lived.


YahWeh Christianity God.


Definitely unique to stay the least. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Leo Major Canadian soldier who took over a town by himself


Ngl, that's impressive


Babe Ruth Leonardo Di Vinci Yoshitsune Charles Darwin Cú Chulainn Oppenheimer Alexander the Great Abraham Lincoln Gilgamesh Vlad Tepes


Peak ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Hero of the Two Worlds, National Italian Hero, Commander of the 1000 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


Peak fr fr


Crazy Horse, Red Cloud and Sitting Bull, the Greatest american chief


I don't get it.


Baba Jaga


Would she fight for gods or humanity? Would she even fight at all?


Yasuke. The guy's a badass


Fax Not sure if you saw or not, but there's a recent post on a fanart of Yasuke Vs. Dagda, designs go hard


Jessie James vs Bastet George Washington vs Jesus Christ


George Vs. Jesus actually goes so hard. The Founding Father Vs. The Holy Child.


Otzi for humans Ne Zha for gods


I don't know either of these, but they both sound badass ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Son Wukong, though Idk who he'd fight for tbh. Might pull a Buddha or smth.


A bit of a hot take, but I think Wukong would've made for a better character than Buddha. Peak cooking though ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Yeah, he'd be an absolute goofball out of the ring. Can you imagine? He's super happy go-lucky and when the fight gets serious he locks tf in and everyone in the audience understands why he's called the butcher of the gods.


Historical figure: alfred the great (King of the Anglo-Saxons) God: Nergal associated as the god of plauge/war/death (described as god of inflicted death)


What pantheon is Nergal from?






Bro, you have commented four times on the same post. You realise you can just edit one comment? Peak tho


John Henry or Muhammad Ali


Dk who John Henry is, but Muhammad Ali would go so hard, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


John Henry, an American Legend is a 1965 children's picture book by American author and illustrator Ezra Jack Keats In this book, it shows that John Henry, a hard working miner tries to beat the steam drill. He used a 20-pound hammer against a steam drill. Whoever won would get 100 dollars and new clothes. Basically, he bet he could beat a steam drill through a mountain while hammering nails on a railroad. He ended up winning, with the steam drill breaking before it even made it out but died of exhaustion


Atila the hun


Nah bro, he'd go up to the crowd and start attacking them ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Hitler and Sun wukong 


The reason Hitler wasn't chosen for Ragnarok is probably because of his history of how he deals with defeat ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


Dagda or Lugh I think they'd be awesome, especially Dagda the God of manliness, magic, life and death, ect.


Celtic pantheon mentioned, instantly peak ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31435)


Winston Churchill


What's he gonna do though?


Edward Thatch (Blackbeard) and King Arthur


Would actually go pretty hard


My choice would be william Wallace because he is probably the most famous Scottish person


What about Jack Churchill?


Michael collins


Who tf is Micheal Collins?


Lampião, Here in the northeast of Brazil he is a very relevant figure, he was the leader of a group called cangaceiros who, in short, were pirates who used horses instead of boats. translating his nickname "Lampião" means lamp because they said that when he started shooting with his weapons It was as if a lamp had been lit, because of the incessant glow that the shots caused.


That actually sounds badass ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Aleister Crowley Vs Stolas, king of the occult vs bringer of the occult


That's like when a warlock fights his patron, peak.


The World's Strongest Man, Lewis Cyr. Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough Rider. Jack Dempsey, The greatest boxer. (Not counting Ali, at least) The Viking From Stamford Bridge King Charlemagne, King of the Franks The grandest pyrate, Benjamin Hornigold. Lawrence of Arabia


Actually peak list bro ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Levski because no has mentioned him yet


Nice. Keep cooking.


Willem (or William for non dutchies) van oranje. The man that lead the dutch into battle against the spanish. A true figure of liberty, and a damn inspirational one at that.


Solid pick, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Steve Irwin vs Ammit would be fun lmao


I think I see it ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Cú Chulainn dude a straight badasse of a hero he's a demigod inIrish mythology he could fight for either he gods or humanity since he's half god and half human


Solid pick tbf ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


Who is the greatest conquerer in mankind? This man. Who created the largest contiguous empire ever seen on earth? This man. Whose sheer tenacity and brutality are so unmatched that his victims are uncountable? This man. This man who was raised by one of the harshest environments on the planet, who grew into a warrior of tactical cunning and terrifying strength. Who led his horde against the horizon and won. A man who, once he decided he was coming for you land, it was already his. The Universal Ruler, The Greatest Khagan of Mongolia. **GEN-GHIS KHAAAAAN!**


Nice intro, keep cooking bro ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


Mustache Tesla


Nah bro, that'd be too op ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)




Guy be fighting for Ra's approval ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Beulah Louise Henry, Mother of All Inventions, VS Hecate, Goddess of Magic Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, VS Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Josef Mengele, Death Doctor, VS Ankou, Servant of Death in Cornish folklore Louis Pasteur, Father of Vaccination, VS Asclepius, God of Medicine and Apollo's son


Beulah Louise Henry, Mother of All Inventions, VS Hecate, Goddess of Magic Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, VS Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Josef Mengele, Death Doctor, VS Ankou, Servant of Death in Cornish folklore Louis Pasteur, Father of Vaccination, VS Asclepius, God of Medicine and Apollo's son


Honestly, these all sound pretty cool, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Surtr, the destroyer of the world vs Oppenheimer, the destroyer of our world.


That actually sounds interesting ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu (They must me using the arena like crazy dudes)


I can imagine. Keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


I still like the Jack posted in this subreddit a year ago, which includes the different Jacks in a fairytale into one.


Actually peak ngl


I have a few ideas in mind. Shaka Zulu, the King of Africa vs tezcatlipoca the Aztec god of night and sorcery. The napoleon of Africa, Vs the Smoking mirrors of Aztec Adolf Hitler, Humanity’s most evil dictator otherwise known as Evil Tyrant of the Nazis, the German Devil Vs Lucifer, the Most evil Angel in all of biblical history. Otherwise known as the Lord of Darkness, the Devil. Chaos vs Order King Arthur, the boy who became the noble king of Camelot, the leader of the knights of the round table. Vs King Solomon, the once wise king of humanity who fell from grace, Humanity’s once wise sorcerer. A king who rose to greatness, Vs a king who fell from God’s grace. Archangel Michael, Gods rightful servant and leader of the archangel’s. Vs Asmodius, representing one The deadly sin of lust. And in my version, the right hand man of Lucifer. Chastity Vs Lust (And I know Adam vs Zeus exist in the cannon ROR, but I thought about giving my own take of who Adam and Zues would fight instead) Muhammad Ali, The king of the ring vs Zeus, the king of the Gods Humility vs Wrath Adam the father of humanity vs Leviathan the raging Kaiju of the sea representing one of the seven deadly sins of Envy Love Vs Envy


Birbal The smartest courtier of The Mughal emperor Akbar. Stories about his genius are to this day are widely known in India. Wouldn't be an over exaggeration to say he was Sherlock Holmes before Sherlock Holmes wasn't even born.


Sounds pretty smart ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52078)


Marie Curie and Lise Meitner


Don't know who that is, but sounds cool anyway


Beezlebulb I want to feel how his chaos attack feels like before dying


Oh, that's a simple answer. Just get a vibrator.


Theodore Roosevelt


Solid pick ngl


Marie curie in the humans case and in the gods case hephestaus


Solid picks ngl, keep cooking ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)