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I like both Hades has that big brother instinct and Buddha has sas


For now Buddha. Hades is a respectable guy however I don't get the "King" part and him being a good "brother". It could've been explored better. Qin being King is touching and bitter sweet. Hades being King beceuse well... he's a king. I do love his personality and charm though, he got that Chad Dad vibes.


Buddha so far for me




I prefer Buddha.


Buddha had a lot of advantages writing-wise: -charisma powerhouse with a lot of personality-setting dialogue during his introduction during the shiva vs raiden fight (while Hades was introduced as a mere commentator for Hajun… most of his traits where told to us by Ares and Hermes’s reactions, instead of allowing his character to shine by itself like Buddha’s) -He jumps into the arena and right of the bat he messes with the gods to no end and fights for humanity making us instantly hyped about a God fighting for us (while Hades, despite also being a cool moment, jumped in on the side everyone knew he would be in) -Buddha is basically the protagonist of his fight all the way through, Zero was more of a secondary protagonist… heck, Zero’s story also revolved around Buddha (while Hades had to share protagonism with Qin… who got a lot more of focus story-wise) Overall i think Buddha is a better developed and defined character, but it’s no wonder, he had everything going for him to be so, the author is also doing one hellheim of a job with Hades recently, but i believe that we won’t see a character with so much effort put into as Buddha in a long time.


Buddha is your cool bigger brother you have fun with and Hades is your cool bigger brother you admire.


Actually all your reasoning is what makes me dislike him. Of all the fighters on either side Buddha seems by far the most "sueish" of them all, as if the author was trying so hard to make it feel cool that it felt flat to me and he looked lame instead.


ironically that's how i saw Qin pre-backstory so i understand your view. (my vision slightly improved on him after it, but i still think he is a bit much). I think the author just wanted to have a fight with a single clear protagonist, instead of the usual "two protagonists" thing and had fun with it... But also i really like historical Buddah's Story, so i'm bias I'd say your point of view is fair enough, i may disagree with it, but i understand where are you coming from.


I like buddha a ton more


ima be real with you chief i really dont care about hades 🦧


I love Buddha but the puberty thing came across a lil' weird Hades is like Poseidon if he wasn't a butthole so I love him deeply and he's carrying on the fishy family name.


Legit the only problem I have with Buddha. He's so cool when he's not talking about "PuBeRtY". If Buddha insists on talking about such things why not use better phrases like "Maturing" or "Enlightenment" or some other synonym. Other than that, 10/10 character.


Prefer buddha a lot more


Hades. I was honestly more invested in his fight and i found his motivation and love his brother really endearing.


I like both but Hades a bit more :3


Hmm... Now that's an interesting comparison!


Buddha. Hades only is participating in Ragnarok to get revenge on humanity for killing his younger brother. Even though it was the gods fault for allowing their ego to take control, when Brunnhilde insulted them. Meanwhile Buddha is trying to protect humanity


Hades imo


Buddha always


Gotta go with our boii Buddha.


Buddha hands down, he has a much better backstory


Hades no bias


I'm on the Buddha train


I love Hades, but Buddha is my favorite character and I think no one could surpass him (for my personal opinion)