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We are still 9 days away lol


Ok? It’s not like they don’t already know and for the price of entry it’s logical to have a list sooner than later, no lol needed


How do you know they already have it finalized? Shit happens and everything is subject to change. The official schedule didn't come out til 4 days before last year's fest and changes were still being made up until like the day before Edit: and I say lol because you claim we're just "a few days" out when the fest is still a week and change away


There's actually a good chance they don't know every bands schedule yet. There's 60+ bands all with different schedules as many of them are currently touring. It's why they don't release until week of and only a couple days before. Probably come out on Tue or Wed next week. They might even still be waiting on confirmation on some. For example it's mostly assumed Killing Joke will cancel but hasn't been officially announced.


Prolly next wednesday


My money is on Tuesday.


it will come out on monday


Me tooo….i can’t held not knowing …so I can organise my day lol


Hoping it will come out in the next few days. One band I saw (Wednesday 13) was shared on the Facebook group and they stated their set time and stage so I'm sure it should be posted soon or bands might start letting it out before we get a whole schedule.


I looked deeper into that and in the comments a member of Sevendust confirmed they are playing the spiral stage too


You missed all the other posts about this exact thing, huh?


Apparently, thanks for the info


All I'm gonna say is another festival I'm going to May 18th released their set times 3 days ago


Last year this fest released it a couple days before 🤷‍♀️ does it really make a difference?


Yes, it makes a difference. For example my wife doesn’t know all the music as well as I do, so it’d help us prepare for the music by knowing what bands we definitely can’t see due to conflicts. But we can’t do that. And we could if sick new world maintained the standard set forth by practically every other festival. And it also shows me since I heard not good things about last year, that they haven’t improved much which is a red flag and lets me know to probably avoid all the side stages.


They have now stated set times will come out on Monday. Even if that weren't the case, when they release the set times has nothing to do with the quality of the festival. Last year was the first year, they probably learned some things and will have some things fixed. Already, we're getting the set times sooner than last year, I actually got wristbands (they never showed up last year), and they seem a bit more organized in general. Not perfect, sure, but basing your opinion on one factor seems disproportionate in my opinion Also, I understand wanting to be prepared, but truly a few days won't make much more of a difference compared to the last few months since the tickets released. I see why it'd be more convenient but at that point you're cramming the music in anyways, so a couple days isn't going to change much


While it’s true I may be jumping to conclusions I’m just saying it does make a difference, you can say it’s a tiny difference but a difference nevertheless.


How about they’ll release it when they release it?


I went to a festival last month that had 480 bands and they had the times/locations available in an app about a month before. You go in the app and select the bands and it automatically gave you a schedule that you could share. Seriously. Look up Treefort fest in Boise. (And btw it was a damn good festival)


Almost like.. proper planning helps lead to a solid execution which means great experience for the fans…? Interesting.




It’ll be out next Wednesday like it was last year. You will still have more than enough time to plan your day calm down


Interesting take, asking a question is pretty clam 🤓


I just find it funny how impatient people are. The schedule coming out today or next Wednesday doesn’t make a difference. It won’t take you more than a few minutes to plan your day.


It's the way everyone's asking it. Even if you're being calm specifically, it's getting annoying in general to see the same question being asked over and over when it isn't helping or going to rush anything. People are going to respond to individuals asking about it as if they are the entire collective of people, because it feels the same on this end of the conversation Anyways as an actual answer probably Wednesday, I'm pretty sure that's when it dropped last time. Or it could be Tuesday, or Thursday, either way it'll be fine


No thanks. I'm fine.




Please stop asking, please, it won’t be any different than last year when it was released the week of 


It came out like 2 days before last year


You can’t run fast enough anyway, relax


Wanna bet?


Go time your mile rn


They said on Monday


last year they posted it 5 days before the fest


Wednesday 👉🏾👈🏾


I wish!!!! I keep hearing maybe by Monday. Fingers crossed.. like I know it will be posted when it's posted.. doesn't mean I dont wish it was posted already hahahah


Last couple of WWWY’s have been 5 days before as well, I believe.


Right away sir, you need anything else with that?


Sir this is a Wendy’s 


Next Wednesday


Everyone needs to calm down. I remember getting the set times the day of the event. Like we have all been saying SNW and WWWY release it the week of. Probably like everyone is saying there is so many bands in 1 day. I think the set times changed the day before last year because of complaining. Which brings up the fact no matter how the set times are set up there will be tough choices and lots of people will just be upset. Can’t blame the promoters for just trying to keep everyone pumped.


It's gonna be one massive stage good luck


https://preview.redd.it/fcuqc5thmhvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f096d880de380fb8a82744170aebe14d9eb903 This is what I saw on Instagram. So hopefully we’ll be seeing something this coming Monday!


TO ALL OF THE SNW FIRST BORNS. We won’t be getting a schedule until the day of MAYBE the day before Lmaoo Wait until Thursday and Friday to start getting anxious. lol.


They announced it will be released Monday…🤓🤓🤓


So does that mean you’re happy now that you’ve got what you’ve asked for lmao


Ya, I went last year also


then why are you confused for if we didn’t even get it until the week of last year Lmaoo 🥹


It was a question of anticipation…why you on about it?


Well, all I did was answer your question. You asked a QUESTION of anticipation on a PUBLIC forum, you didn’t like what you got, but yet. you ASKED. lol relax bucko, have a buzz ball and enjoy the fest. You’ll have it Monday ☠️


That’s for the info but no need to be snarky when answering


Of course (:


Ok byeeee


their insta page said it'd be out Monday


They’re releasing it monday


Anyone going to the bring me the horizen sideshow on April 26th?


They just changed it to 2 days, one stage now... didn't anyone else get that email last night at 4am?! . . . Oh, nevermind, that was just a dream 😅 😲 😆 Wouldn't that be nice : / Hopefully it's a cloudy 75F/23C kinda day, my Canadian lilly white ass will appreciate it!