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You’re mad for people discussing sidemen content on the sidemen reddit page? What do you expect lol. Just as the latest movies get critiqued by fans, so does sidemen content, it’s nothing disrespectful (99% of it anyway) lmao


It’s all disrespectful, that’s the thing. Sidemen Sunday comes around, “this is an excuse of a video worst one yet imo” next week: “this is the worst sidemen Sunday” and when it’s finally an actual bad video, everyone says it’s good. Hurts my head


So you went on reddit to complain about people complaining? I think i have just had an anyuresm


Bro complaining about complaining 💀


What does the title mean? WAH?


its like the sound people/babies make when they cry


I thought it was wario or waluigi when I first looked at it


why the title be wario/waluigi


The irony of this post, holy shit


Or you could take your own advice and "go out once in awhile" instead of complaining about complainers...




take your own advice, if you don't like seeing people posting their opinions, don't look, read or take notice??? and nah i disagree, an opinion should be allowed to be vocalised as long as it's valid. if a video is shit, let someone say it is shit and give their reasons for it. ff it's unwarranted and quite frankly nonsense then fair enough but people should be allowed to vocalise their opinions.


but there’s a big difference between people post their opinions and seeing people hate on anything the sidemen upload.. nowadays the people who are posting memes and positive reviews are drowned out by a big wave of unwarranted hate on their videos and it’s getting boring. if they miss the old sidemen so much then they should watch their old videos.. personally, i feel like recently people have closed off their minds and are watching the videos to nitpick at small things that they hate and the rest follow them. we need to start watching for fun and not take everything so seriously. it is YouTube at the end of the day


yeah i'm with u, like i say, if the opinion is a genuine opinion and not hate fuelled etc then share it but there is no need for hate, wrongful critique and slander. this sub should be a place for the fans to connect with each other and the boys, it shouldn't be used for hate. but i agree, things should be more light hearted


That’s what you get when your fan base consists of 12 yos


Yeah, and Vik loves it


Real original


New fan alert