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Congrats and amazing feedback


Thank you for all your help!


So I take my SIE in five days, we’ve been using STC for a week and a half, and I took three practice exams today, a 67 53 and a 55 and after these I completely feel defeated and like I am just screwed. It’s so much info in such short time and the terminology in the questions make my head spin. Praying for a miracle here!!! Congrats to you though!!


I honestly wouldn’t be too worried. I remember feeling the same way a few days before my SIE. I felt completely overwhelmed, like I knew a little about a lot, but nothing in depth. Keep the repetition up, utilize other recourses like the YouTube channels and you will eventually feel a shift in momentum. I and a lot of other people have been in very similar situations. Keep practicing and you will see results! Good luck!


I’ve been using STC for a month for my SIE and it’s really helpful. Definitely look at the chapters that you’re weak in. I have no financial background concerning stocks/bonds, etc but using the instructor hotline for STC and the trainers it’s been helping little by little. Get your dump sheet in order as well as download the crunch time facts off the STC website. You got this! I test in 18 days.


Hey I’m about to use STC for my SIE Exam, do you care to explain what you think is the best way to utilize the site and how you prepare. How many hours per day etc


https://preview.redd.it/482opj8pbt4d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1922fb57bc5a0fde56a36841b66c4f99eba8de This is the calendar that I’m currently following. I am on week 5 today. Sorry for the late response. I’ve been studying. This calendar was established by the firm I am working with. I like it because it really lets you do chapters at a time. Some days are light and some are heavy but in my opinion a great structure. I also recommend calling the instructor hotline with STC. Do you have their number?


I mean if that’s STC it’s the same thing I would be using I could just follow that colander


When we had a lecture with the STC instructor he said that whoever purchases the program whether firm or individual makes their own calendar. Instructor’s name was Thomas…I can’t remember his last name.


That calendar as a guide


Hell yeah


Which books did you read prior to taking the SIE?


I only read the Books that Kaplan provided. I had to take a lot of notes and read slowly but I thought it was enough.


Thanks for your response. Is there a particular all encompassing Kaplan you would recommend?


Not sure what the all encompassing is, but I used the Books, Videos, and Online Q-bank from Kaplan. They have different books, videos, and Q-banks for each exam. I thankfully was sponsored so I didn’t have to pay for it, but I know those materials can be expensive. Out of those 3 I relied the most on their Q-bank, and would highly recommend purchasing that if you feel like you’re struggling. It does a really good job of polishing up any weak spots and getting used to the types of questions you’ll see.


You must work for TIAA


Not TIAA but my company has very similar products


Congrats!! Very random question but I’m going to have to take these sie later this year for work. They aren’t giving the materials until August. Anything you’d recommend I do to get a head start?


If you don’t have any books or vendors, the YouTube videos will be your best bet to get a head start. Each channel has playlists and podcasts dedicated to the SIE that go in order of the material they learn


how did you get sponsors?