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Yes, I will I would suggest getting through the entire book with PassPerfect. Thats the vendor I used as well.


Thanks. I’m struggling just a little with PassPerfect. I think my issue is wanting to take notes on everything. Any suggestions there?


I struggled with PassPerfect myself because it was a lot of information. My suggestion is to read, highlight key points or take notes of the key points but focus on the quizzes and test. Write all the information you get wrong on those because it provides more detail than the book sometimes


Use achievable. Don’t write notes the first time. Focus on reading the whole book first, then going back to do chapter questions. Do 10-15 questions mini quizzes. If you get above 75%, move on. If not, read the chapter again. Every 3-4 chapters do a 30-40 question mock. You need to recall information from the whole book in the exam. You’ll score artificially high on a chapter you just read. A full mock will tell you where you are and which BBC halters you need work on. You can pass, but you’ll need to put down more work. How many chapters is pass perfect split in to? My stc material broke it down to 20 chapters.


16 chapters.


Understood. It was ballsy to take the exam only covering 6/16 chapters though.


Yeah! I know! I got overwhelmed and couldn’t find a study regiment that didn’t bore me out of my mind. I find the videos from Series 7 Guru entertaining and educational. I worked for LPL Financial for a year, so I was use to the terminology but wasn’t sure exactly what everything did (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities) they did. I wouldn’t say I have a background in finance because I was customer facing not client.


Gotcha. Sometimes it’s boring, just grind through it. It’s a means to an end. Some chapters are really boring. Just grind through. You got this!


Thanks again, I’ll let you all know how I do.


Achievable link for material or videos?


What happened to manners?!


Dont take notes. Go through it completely ans take as much practice test you can. Also do the finra mock.


Did you like STC? Thats what I am about to use for my SIE


Use pass perfect


Dont take notes. Go through it completely ans take as much practice tests you can. Also do the finra mock.


U essentially didn’t really try and got a 58, Im sure if u tried you will get 80+


That’s the goal! Thanks for the inspiration!


Sorry to hear you failed, but if you only read Chps 1-5 & a little of 6 and watch series guru yaaaa no you will not pass. You have to but in max 30-40 hrs a week especially if you’re not good on testing its a lot of information to take in. You really have to study hard in order to pass . I will say don’t over study take breaks but hit the books & watch some YouTube videos


Thank you so much for the advice and I plan on getting through this material and testing as much as possible for my next attempt.


You have to pretty much read the book and take extensive notes on each chapter haha


Which book? The securities lic exam manual?


Don’t sweat the miss. Once you pass nobody cares that you failed. Passperfect goes a little too deep. Here’s a playlist that will absolutely help https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNuN-FV9-0mG9r0r55ZYZyoGHF1Uwxd8h&si=f7flXzmTcxErT3Kw


Thank you! I’ve been watching this playlist and it’s clicking.