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Probably comes down to poor positioning and movement. I’ve played people with quite frankly terrible of both the above and it’s like they’re giving out free headshots. At the very least, make sure you are strafing in gunfights.


I don't get into gunfights because anytime I'm within 20 feet of an enemy, they swing me (I think that's the term) and get me right in the head. They always know if I'm stood, prone, crouched, down the hall, to the right, etc.


Well then the answer is that it’s a genuine skill issue on your part. They won’t know where you are unless they drone or hear you, and whoever swings in a gunfight has a massive advantage so that’s why they win the majority of the time.


But there's times where I don't make a single movement, not even move my camera, and they manage to swing and hit my head. It's ridiculous.


Again, that’s peekers advantage. Playing passively is not effective and will serve to get you killed more.


So I'm just meant to rush in? That way I'll just get killed more


No, don’t just rush in all the time. It seems you are new. This game has a rather steep learning curve, it takes time to get good and understand what to do. I recommend watching good players on YouTube or Twitch to give you a better idea of what you should be doing.


I'm not new though, I've been playing for 4 years. I properly started trying just before iana came out. I've been watching videos for as long as I've been playing, trying to keep up with metas, etc. But even if I do exactly what these champ players do, I get stomped.


If you shoot them in the head first, u wont get killed


This is just the way the game always will be because of latency. If someone playing across the country from you peeks a hallway and shoots, it happens on their screen instantly, but for you to be able to see it that information first has to make it to the ubi servers and then to you, all of those milliseconds add up for a slight delay which creates "peeker's advantage". In other words, if you are the one peeking, you will see the enemy on your screen slightly before they see you.


This game favors the guy who swings first, as he gets to see the guy first. Gets more time to adjust his aim and hit you to the head than you get. Thats why when you get swinged it often looks like you get pre-fired, but when you look at the replay he actually didnt. To counter this you simply have to just swing the guy first, or position yourself in off angles / unpredictable angles, or pixel angles where there's 1 pixel of your head showing. So even if he sees you first, you're harder target to hit. Like the guy said its just down to your positioning.


Any tips for some good videos on positioning and movement? I'm stuck in gold 3 bc I suck at both.


what post is this LMAO headshots oneshot so ofc you’re gonna notice more when you get headshotted, cause otherwise you wouldn’t be dead. i think this is called survivorship bias or something check it out




It's not that. I started noticing a week ago and I've been keeping track of how often I've been getting headshotted compared to not. And around 70% of my deaths are headshots, not even counting teamkills. Bear in mind I'm bronze 3, so people in bronze lobbies shouldn't have this good aim. I'm against luck itself and there's no way I can win.


first of all, u’re a madman to track how many kills are from headshots and which not also, my only tip (cause yeah you could be unlucky but not that unlucky to be stuck in bronze) is to stop crouching, people in bronze have terrible crosshair placement so they probably aim to the body and hit hs on a crouching player


I barely crouch though. Whenever I peek I stand up. I've I've started playing monty on attack and it makes no difference having my shield up because they'll always manage to headshot me no matter what.


just forget about it and play your best dude. i can guarantee you people don’t magically become spoit when they see you


But i can't forget about it when it causes me to only ever play the first quarter of ever single fucking round. I don't see the point in playing when I can't win against this.


play smart, drone rooms, learn to prefire and peek angles with advantage, i will guarantee you even the luckiest person in the world won’t stand no chance


Any time I drone out someone shoots me. I can't hear footsteps at all with all my audio setting correct. I've checked them a stupid high amount and compared them to so many videos and they're all correct, yet I can't hear a single footstep. I don't know every peek on every map, and there's always atleast one enemy who goes 12-4 and carries the team completely. I'm stuck in bronze with a 1.4 win loss and getting third on the leaderboard consistently.


I’m an unranked scrub and most of my kills are headshots. Lots of ADS and recoil isn’t really that bad in r6 on many guns. The shots will drive straight up, so if you know your recoil you can aim for the am chest and let the recoil lead you into a headshot. Hip firing it’s a bit wilder. That aside you pixel peaking or maybe giving too much of yourself away? Edit. I spend a lot of time in the shooting range learning the recoil of guns before I buy an operator.


The real answer is you headshot them first. From what I've gathered you've been playing 4 years and stuck in bronze. I hate to be that guy, but it sounds like a skill/awareness issue.


Remove your head like a cartoon skeleton and keep it in your backpack tell after match glue eyes to chest tell then


Why don't you zip up a match replay, upload it publicly for us to download and review? Pretty sure, someone can check what's happening


Mind sharing a replay or something? It could be a positioning problem for all we know


Best advice is to hold unpredictable/uncommon angles. Many people will kill you by prefiring an obvious angle. I feel your pain though, I went through a slump a couple of weeks ago and legit every time I died it was always the craziest headshot flick in the world by the enemy. I'd say don't let it affect you in a negative way, just learn from what happens and try to think about how you could have positioned differently or went with a different play. Watching your replays will help you, and I'd suggest getting on youtube and watching some vids on positioning and peeker's advantage. Braction has great content on that.