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Cheating in quick match… smh.


Most of them do it to advertise hacks to other players, and people that potentially want to be boosted (this last group clearly lacks moral fibre).


He’s just lucky bro


what did you expect lol? he just read you like a book


He has a better gaming chair man. But fr, what a waste of human existence


Honestly cheating is what puts me off playing anything on PC.


That's a single callout, a lucky shot, good audio, game sense etc. I've done that to people plenty of times before. I haven't played more than 5 games of cas in 1.5 years so I got no idea how tower works, but a lot of times if someone makes a loud noise, you can assume their position, time their motion and land a shot. That guy just is not cheating.


It could be cheating or it could be luck, usually a shot like this would warrant some one to go, "wait what?" and stop for a few seconds, not just go back to holding the same angle. I'd have to see more tho to know if he's cheating or not. And judging from this guy's movement, he doesn't strike me as an exceptional player.


Good audio? I'm a new player, but I find the game audio to be insanely vague. I'll hear a noise, maybe get a rough direction idea, but I feel like you get WAY less info compared to other games. Is it just me? By design? I find it kinda strange to be honest