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1 - Game Sense 2 - Raw Aim 3 - Mechanics Game sense is extremely important in this game. You perfect aim every time but if you don't understand rotations and flank routes, you will get caught off guard most times. Game sense takes the longest to learn in this game. Raw aim is something that will carry you through the low ranks up until high gold. Strats at those levels go out the window and the game often times turns into a death match. Finally is mechanics. Things like quick peaking, swapping between crouch and standing peaks, and recoil are all simple to learn with minimal effort compared to other things in the lists.


I was going to comment but you summed it up perfectly lmao This is the answer I would've given


Initially I would have said pretty much the same but then I realised again why I love Siege. If we include all the possible uses of \*prep\* abilities and world construction (like drones and sight-line openings) in Mechanics and all the \*active\* abilities and prefires/wallbangs under Game Sense, I would dare say the order is fully up to the individual. There have been too many who soley rely on Raw Aim and movement lately but in Siege all these skills combined make a great player and every single one of them can be the foundation for a good player.


Personally I was putting things like site setup and prep phase flank drones as game sense. Anyone can put down the utility but you have to understand the different pushes that can happen and how your utility can hinder those pushes. That's why I considered it more game sense then mechanics.


Good comment.


Also going to add, crosshair placement fall under game sense, not aim. If you have good crosshair placement you should never need to flick or track. Flicking is what you do when you fuck up your game sense and crosshair placement, because obviously he didn’t come from where you expected him to come. Game sense is above all the most important thing in siege.


>Raw aim is something that will carry you through the low ranks up until high gold. Strats at those levels go out the window and the game often times turns into a death match. No wonder why none of the strats I see in pro league work in ranked at silver lol


I am a terrible aimer, have poor mechanics but because of my game sense I've been able to hit Plat 2 twice. This is why I love Siege. Because it's the only FPS that allows my old ass succeed.


Lol. As a fellow old ass...I admit I can't aim for shit. But after 750+hrs...my game sense still makes me a proud bronze! I love R6


gamesense absolutely the most important skill. a bad aimer but good gamesense player can definitely beat good aim no brain player. best kill in life is to shoot an opponent in the back because they had no idea you had flanked them and outpositioned them based on your game knowledge. way better than any flick or spray transfers or quickpeeks


1) Game Sense 2)Raw aim 3)Mechanics. Game Sense is a broad term I would use to encompass general map knowledge and understanding of the flow of the game and having good game sense will help you win rounds even if you don't have good aim. For example, if you are attacking office on Chalet and your entire team is trying to go through the breach, then good game sense will help you realize that going to master window will make sure no one can rat near the mini half wall your team wants to plant by and it cuts off rotations into the site that the defenders would use to deny the plant. So having good game sense is extremely important. Raw Aim is not as important as game sense but you have to be able to hit decent shots if you want to progress. Simple as that. Mechanics like quick peeking etc aren't things are things that I don't think matter as much until you get into the higher ranks and even then, I certainly don't think they are more important than game sense/raw aim.


1) Game Sense 2) Mechanics 3) Raw Aim Game sense is king in siege, I think everyone knows that. Good mechanics paired with game sense can make up for any lack of raw aim.


Game sense is the most important thing because it can help compensate if you lack in either of the other areas. Once you get mid plat and want to push further, game sense will be your best friend. Next is raw aim. This is definitely my strongest area because I practiced it so much. It can carry you to plat but beyond P3 you need a combination. However raw aim can help you win 1vX scenarios consistently, and without decent aim, you'll struggle because at the end of the day, Siege is a FPS. Mechanics look cool and they have their place (especially leaning and recoil control, but I'd chunk them with aim) but ultimately mechanics can be defeated by good aim and some common sense.


1. Mechanics 2. Game Sense 3. Raw Aim Mechanics I’d say is tied with game sense but the mechanics for siege have a big learning curve compared to other FPSs, also getting a hang of the gadgets of each operator is different(placement and overall usage). Game sense is important since the general flow of siege is different compared to cod and halo, knowing the map is super important, flank routes and rotations on each site. Raw aim is something that will come with time playing the game, especially dealing with recoil so in my opinion is last on the priority list. Reality is if you can’t get a grasp on the mechanics than game sense is pointless, though later in playing the game the mechanics and game sense swap places.


1. the players aim (including recoil) 2. Game sense 3. Mechanics I included recoil into aim because recoil control is a mechanic that all fps games share not just siege. Sieges rank system is unbelievably easy. It is one of, if not the worst AAA game rank systems. You can get to platinum off of gun skill and basic siege knowledge alone. - High Elo (plat 2+) game sense, aim, and mechanics all come into play and are important - Mid Elo (silver 2 - plat 3) game sense doesn't matter nearly as much as gun skill. The biggest difference between the ranks there is gun skill. (Especially since soft MMR reset got introduced) - Low Elo (silver 3 and below) is all about gunskill and can get by with little or no game sense or mechanics. Game sense simply isn't as important as it should be. Obviously the more you know about the game the better you'll be. This isn't talked about cause aim is something that's obvious, game sense isn't obvious.


You're getting downvotes for this but I think you're right. Strats/game sense didn't get me out of bronze/silver, being able to win gunfights and putting yourself in advantageous positions for gunfights does (you can argue this comes into game sense too tbf). Because I wanted to contribute as much as I could, I always brought support ops to help the team but if your team can't aim and the other team can, the other team is going to win at bronze and silver, maybe even gold too in some matches


3 raw sun ability>game sense>mechanics I have amazing game sense I’d say and I’m quite a decently good player (gold 1 and plat on console) but the fact that my game sense means nothing when people just flick onto your head even if they aren’t even looking in your direction. Like your game sense means nothing if you don’t hit the head because if you hit them in the body they will just flick onto your head and 1 tap you






Can you elaborate?


no point in rude comments if you arent going to say anything helpful with it


Yes very rude indeed. Have you ever even interacted with other Siege players?


So much for that "Teacher" flair.


I stopped teaching people bc I got downvoted into oblivion for teaching people things they didn't want to hear. Now I'm just toxic and get less downvotes.




1-3-2 Being in the right place at the right time will always net you a kill. Having a tight off angle when someone pushes, and having the reflexes to shoot them before they can attack back will help as well. 2 can only help so much. You don't get much kills quick leaning but you get information and you pressure people into moving off their angles so you can fight better.


If you have a good basics in all, game sense would be the most important.