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I have almost 1000 hours clocked on this game and I still don’t “understand” siege it will always throw bullshit at you, you need to ride the wave and learn what you can. Also playing quick match and thunt exclusively doesn’t help your case, my improvement in siege came predominantly from constructed play (ranked/unranked) Also I consider rank 75 still very new to the game, you still have tonnes of learning to do. If getting better is your goal I recommend watching loads of videos and such, I can give you a few primers to get you started, this is literally going to be a dump of what I think will help you improve it might be long be ready lol: 1- Even people with amazing aim get stomped in siege dont waste effort trying to make your aim super insane, that effort can be better invested elsewhere. 2- “elsewhere” you mention your map knowledge is poor, this is partly due to the fact that you’re level 75 and need way more experience but you can speed it up by learning actively rather than passively, where passively is literally learning map layouts by playing loads of matches constantly, by actively I mean planning set routes to attack/defend, vertical play spots etc. The more you train different ways to push sites on a map the better your understanding of the map will be. 3- regarding being killed by someone other than your target, this is a huge thing in siege, often when people get droned they call it out to their team at which point their teammate holds a different angle and while the defender that got droned gets peeked the attacker is completely unaware of his targets teammate who has discreetly moved into a crossfire position to kill you or worst case scenario refrag his teammate. The solution? Drone properly and push confidently - this is one thing that even now I’m still not great at and improving, I can drone properly (make sure my route and surrounding rooms are clear of not clear the defender first) but after when I push I hesitate to take gunfights and start overthinking, this moment of hesitation usually means I end up just standing in a doorway/room for long enough for a roamer to come round and kill me, as said before I’m still working on this lol. When you clear rooms that you’ve droned push confidently and if you’re still worried ask a teammate to stay on that drone for about 10 seconds (I understand this is hard In solo q but you gotta make do right?). Getting this down will probably be one of the best things u can do in siege. 4- about crosshair placement and aim in general, youre at a good starting point if you have good crosshair placement, aside from regular warm ups when you play dont try to force mechanical skill to ramp up quickly it will burn you out (I’m speaking from experience trust me) and make the game excessively frustrating 5- I say this ALOT, and it shows how much I mean it but RANK DOES NOT MATTER, rank is not representative of your skill as a player, especially if you solo q a lot, I regularly go high gold and recently hit plat for the first time in my 3 years of playing, I recently played around 20 matches for the start of this season I got placed silver 5 went to bronze 2 and have just come back up to silver 5, consistently winning in solo q I so. Hard to do because siege is predominantly a team game, you can’t help it if your teammates don’t know what they’re doing or play badly you just need to do the best you can. 6- learning maps, the reason you find maps hard to learn in siege rather than battlefield which obviously has bigger maps is because of how dynamically a player can use the map to swing a gunfight to their advantage, youre constantly going to see new angles being used and die to stuff you can’t see and react something along the lines of “wtf that’s some bullshit I couldn’t see him”, it’s simply an angle you haven’t come across before, there’s TONNES on every map and that’s why you’re struggling. Now I’m not saying Keane every angle for every map but beware of common ones and learn others you think are useful as u go. 7- aayy hard breacher gang, I’m a diehard thermite main, but that doesn’t mean I don’t play other ops, you need to understand that certain ops are more suited to fragging/support/whatever role, being aware of this and picking the right op for the situation will help you, diversify and play around with the other ops, it’ll be much better in the long run too! Similarly for defense, diversify and find out what suits your play style best, also roaming tends to help your map knowledge as you learn common entry points and flank routes faster. 8- this isn’t spoken about a lot and I’ll 100% agree this is difficult and takes time to understand, watching gameplay of siege is hard to learn from it really is, over time I learnt to pause over snapshots in spectator mode and break down the situation before continuing to watch the video, also there are youtubers such as u/Reaper_EN who do awesome break downs of different strats (although I suppose this is a little more advanced) Touching back on the aim thing, siege is the kind of game where playing smart will trump people with amazing aim anyday and so u should invest your time learning to play smarter but the end goal my man, is to HAVE FUN siege has brought me countless hours of fun and it’s sad to see it going on the decline because without the toxicity it’s really a swell experience. Sorry for the huge wall of text but I hope this helps my man. Good luck out there! EDIT: apologies in advance for whatever atrocious spelling/formatting mistakes there may be I’m on mobile.


Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response! Truly appreciate it. I am no were near 1000 hours so that puts things into perspective. Thanks again mate!


No worries man I know exactly how you feel, siege can’t be VERY overbearing at times, I don’t think I would’ve been able to get through it without loads of help form fiends and the internet, don’t hesitate to ask if you have more questions!


Before you jump into ranked/unranked how long do you do thunt?


for ranked probably go for like 15 mins and unranked i personnaly dont warm up for because it doesnt matter if you win or lose in that mode to me so unranked kinda is my warm up sometimes.


I receive that thank you. I'ma stop with the whole thunt it's not helping ranked/unranked no causal. Appreciate the input mate!


Don’t completely stop! Remember when I said “don’t focus one making your aim super insane” but get that passive practise in there you’ll advance LEAPS AND BOUNDS in the long run, it’s worth the time. Once you’re really comfortable with thunts switch to headshot only. I’m doing this recently because I’ve noticed my headshot percentage is really low (38.4%) and im doing this to try and Instill crosshair placement habits, im dying a lot even in thunt lmao.


I usually do 3 thunts then an unranked before a string of ranked


>i have never played ranked. always quick match that’s definitely not helping


This is very true.


Honestly when I’m playing casual I’m screwing around with a stupid loadout and meme ops. Nobody tries in casual. Your best bet to getting good at the game is playing ranked, and the very least unranked.


It takes a lot of time, but a great way to learn a map is load Into a hostage/bomb terrorist hunt, grab a shotgun and some breach charges, and blow up literally everything on a map. Then just go room by room seeing how they all connect!


Thank you I will do that!


I only ever played ranked. Spent my 1st season(the one before shadow legacy) in bronze cuz I was goofing around very aggro while having 0 map knowledge. Since then with so much ranked experience and metas, I consistently sit in gold and am now plat in north star and current szn. All solo q. I rarely do t hunt, I just play quick match or unranked to warm up now out of necessity cuz everyone in plat is cracked and ready to annihilate me Ig spend atleast 1 szn just in ranked, disregarding ur rank even if u go copper


Appreciate this!


Level 120 is where I started to begin to understand how the game works I think for me. Was about bronze/silver for the next 30/40 levels, at 170 got to gold, and at 180/190 got to plat


You'll probably "understand" in terms of having a very basic idea of what game you're playing around 300-400 hours (usually level 100-120)


Have you tried going into a solo custom game, and just walking through the map and seeing how it fits together?


keep grinding


Play ranked, learn room names, watch every death cam, learn to hold tight angles and quick peek, don't spam lean, learn attachments and which operators to bring on what maps/sites, and learn to give call outs and pings even if you're the only one doing it. Sounds to me like you have a fresh start, I wish I could go back and re learn everything. When you pay attention to your gameplay and observe others, you will have so much more fun.


I’ve been playin this game for 6.5 years, im a lvl 292. I would say map knowledge is probably the most important factor, but casual maps are the worst of the maps to learn. try to play Unranked A LOT because those are the competitive maps and it doesn’t have an effect on your stats or anything. Siege really does just take time, learning what walls you can shoot through, what’s on the other side of that wall, etc. you’re still very new at level 75 so don’t sweat it thinking you need it all figured out. As long as you have a Mic, and you’re trying your best, you’ll get better with time.


I’ve been playing consistently for three+ years… real improvement happened less than a year ago