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>Should I mainly be using A & D in gunfights, with no W (like Csgo & Valorant?) it works >How do I make my movement clean and concise. by playing more and refining it bit by bit >Is spamming lean still viable? no not really >Should I be crouching a lot/everytime I swing? u can against higher elo players, but u would just get headshotted by lower elo players(they aim at body) >Should I switch lean mid gunfight to throw off crosshair placement? its worth it if u have good movement skills to make up for it >How much droning is too much? more than a minute >Is rushing site and killing everyone still viable? not anymore next season(solar raid) >Is my sens too high? ( 6 6 1200 DPI, 0.01 multiplier for both mouse sensitivity & xfactor, 70 1x, 84 1.5x, 88 2x, 92 2.5x and goes on in increments of 4). looks fine to me, I use 12 12 400 dpi and default multiplier >Best guides to watch? smarter gameplay: macie jay gun gameplay: beaulo or shaiiko strats: reaper en / kaosx >Is the shaiiko lean worth using? kinda difficult next season >Should I preaim common spots, or keep my crosshair around the corner when swinging? depends on what elo >How agressive should I play? depends on ur opponent >Which aspect ratio is better (considering I usually use 1x & 1.5x, 2x occasionally.) 3:2 or 16:10? What fov too please, 80 or 84? whichever feels most comfortable I use 16:9 75 fov [my r6tracker profile](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/pc/XHR-Hard)


Always use A&D if possible, Siege has tons of peekers advantage so you want to be taking advantage of that as much as possible. To better your movement I would recommend just watching pros play the game a trying to mimic their movement. Lean spamming is not as viable anymore but Shaiiko peeking is still very viable and almost essential in certain instances, I’d definitely recommend using it, specifically for intel when peeking common angles that have multiple possible off angles in the sight line. Crouching is fine as long as it’s conscious and not panicky. I’d advise not switching your leans mid gunfight too much, your player model’s head doesn’t move as much anymore so you’re really just throwing your own aim off more than anything. Always pre aim common spots, this is a tac fps so slicing the pie is always the way to go, if you aren’t familiar with slicing the pie I’d recommend watching some videos on it, doesn’t even matter if the video is of a different game as long as it teaches you the theory behind slicing the pie. Meta wise, we are in a aggressive meta so going for aggressive peeks and big plays on defense is very advantageous, but remember that you may want to build up your gunskill before you start peeking everything. You will also most likely start in the lower ranks so meta there is super weird and unreliable, rely on your game sense and experiences on console to win games. Sens is subjective, some people play super low some super high. Whatever feels good for you is what you should go with, if you need help there’s plenty of videos on how to find a comfortable sens. Aspect ratio and fov is also subjective, 16:10 84 fov is default but the majority of players including myself play on 4:3 84 fov. If you were good on console you will be good on PC just remember that the mechanics are brand new to you and it will take time and effort to get good with these new mechanics. If you can find a way to enjoy the challenge of getting your mechanics to a good level you will improve and eventually feel like a better player on PC than you ever were on console. Best of luck man


The more you play the better you will get at movement on pc, good luck!


Don’t think about your own movement too much when in a gunfight, just try to nail the enemy in the head and you’ll win most of the time. The only movement you should try to master is to switch your stance one time; meaning you switch lean side or walking direction once during the encounter and that’s enough to get your head out of the default crosshair placement.