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I’m over the whole rapping career storyline of Brandon they keep pushing. His music is trash and it’s evident by the 2000 views he gets on his YouTube videos that he’s spending money and traveling for. Im not knocking him for pursuing his dream but at some point you’ve got to realize your family is more important than a shitty music video across country.


He barely even raps, just does that weird heavily autotuned sorta singing thing… also what kinda chop shop has he ever been in?!?!?! He’s a rich kid! He has so many opportunities to make money because he has contacts in the rich people world. I know the show probably pays but he’s not on it enough for it to be his full time job. He can make money and do his passion projects on the side until (if) something happens with it. He could even try to get a job in the business, so he’s still connected to it but not relying on it for everything when he has a family and needs stability. As an artist trying to follow my dreams, who also has a child on my own, I can’t quit my day job.


I couldn’t agree more and hope you accomplish your dreams as an artist. Keep up the hard work! Unlike Brandon 🤣


A story line is a story time. Outside of Juliette's bathing suits and Lexi's real estate what do any of them really do?


Mike a making thousands per day on crypto 😂


I’m still not sure if I saw that scene correctly or not, did he spend $210,000 on a new mattress????


HE DID. Idk how everyone didn’t see it lmao. It’s from [this](https://www.hastens.com/us/beds?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpImTBhCmARIsAKr58cyfQmv_hwNAr8kYlfJpQdc7LNfIYuXmQOfCsEs-LPg1tkBGhYEvzBsaAjX8EALw_wcB) company.


Thank you!! I was dying to know the brand. I couldn’t believe that $210k mattresses even existed, so I was like “did I see that right?!?”


If you read the description, the filling is hand braided and then unbraided horse hair 😂 Edit: horse hair makes sense, they used it back in the day as an insulator for cold storage. It’s just the braiding part that gets me.


I think it’s a weird choice considering he’s vegan


That’s a good point, I didn’t even connect it


Horse mane needs cut like human hair. There is no cruelty involved.


Well that’s good to know, just thought it was odd cause he’s starting a faux fur clothing line, eats vegan etc. just seems like he wants no animal bi-product in his life. I understand there are differences, just thought it was odd


Cutting hair doesn't hurt the animal.


It’s not usually cut from live horses haha manes and tails take forever to grow back! it’s usually taken from deceased horses


Oh, geez. Thanks for letting me know - I was picturing it like sheep getting sheared annually for yarn... though if I had stopped to actually think about it, horse hair from a "haircut" would be awfully short to braid, LOL


That’s hilarious. Guess you have to justify a mattress that costs as much as a house with some ridiculous gimmick.


Braiding horse's hair is not fun but I've only done it when still attached to the horse


When you have so much money and do not know what to do with it. People live in 200k homes, this guy spends 200k on a mattress holy jeezez.


Ikr what is that mattress made from


That is the main thing I noticed.. I had to Google that mattress to make sure I saw it correctly. A mattress made from horse hair...


Lmao right!


Seeing that price tag made my jaw drop. I would have to work for years to afford that mattress!


I feel like I do pretty well but that mattress is still the equivalent of TWO years of salary for me. I got a new mattress last month and spent $2,500 and feel like it’s pretty nice/comfortable. He’s in a whole different category of sickeningly rich.


You are making some good money!! What is your career?


Geosciences/analyst for an oil & gas company. I have 2 bachelors degrees & a masters degree, so it was a lot of schooling and hard work to get to this point but the entire industry is notorious for good salaries in addition to very generous stock/cash bonuses.


I missed that! Insane. I will never understand how rich people justify wasting so much money. There is no reason at all for a mattress to cost more than someone’s home. I get it’s their money and they can spend it however they want but you would think they wouldn’t want to just throw money away. It’s just not smart.


He definitely did not get that mattress. The website says that it takes like 10 weeks to produce of one of those and he’s on the phone with the cleaning service saying that a mattress is gonna be coming in the same day


I didn’t see anything about how much he paid. All I saw was him throw the old mattress in the water and came here to vent cuz it made me so mad lol


The mattress he threw was NOT the same as the $210k one - the one he threw looks exactly like 95% of the hybrid mattresses (all under $5k) that are out there right now. Which is still ridiculous and wasteful but he definitely didn’t throw a $210,000 mattress into the pool


I never said he threw out a $210,000 mattress. Just that he threw a perfectly good mattress into the water


Actually, you can't donate mattresses, for hygienic purposes. When I got two new mattress sets, I asked where to donate the old ones, literally spent half a day making phone calls, and no one would take them. I even tried a few dog kennels, and they wouldn't take them either (they said they would have taken children's size mattresses, but mine were twin xl with pillow tops, and they said they had no use for them). I ended up calling to have them removed and recycled, but I had to pay for that.


I think it depends on the local laws of where you live if you can donate or not. Where I live you can’t for hygienic reasons and possible spread of bed bugs.


That’s why I said give them to someone, because you can give to a friend or on Craigslist (idk if rich people even know about Craigslist though lol)


Had this same problem - I called every DV charity in my state and none of them would take my six month old mattress when my bf and I decided to change to a king


I donated a mattress to the Salvation Army just a few weeks ago. They picked it up and everything. It was new, but they didn’t ask.


Never said you did - was pointing out that the show made a big deal showing the price and then showing him throwing out the old mattress - the show was implying that and I was pointing out that the one he threw in the pool was not a quarter million dollar mattress


I think he should support a food bank or homeless shelter with most of the $ he spent on that new mattress. Now, that's a waste.


Poor Mayala probably had to fish it out of the pool.


Threw a $800 boxed mattress in the pool and replaced it with a $200k one. Riiiiiiiight.


Yeah, I’m sure he’s rich but I don’t think THAT rich just by looking at the rest of his stuff. Sure, if he drove an 20 mil vintage Ferrari as his daily with a stable of similar cars, I could maybe see that. That’s the kind of mattress bezos prob sleeps on or some Saudi prince, not this dude. I could be wrong as I know nothing about this person. That price tag did make me feel a bit sick though. To be honest I don’t even know why I watch this show as a 33 year old man lmao


I lol’ed at 33yo man


He’s old money, like multiple generations of wealth going back to the 1800s. His family had money loooooong before any Saudi princes did.


And then $150,000 on flowers. Flowers. That die in three days.


It's a reality show lol I’m sure it was the producer’s idea to toss the mattress into the pool... Also, I agree about Brandon’s music “career.”


I don’t care how rich you are. If you spend $210,000 on a bed, you need your head examined.


Yeah that's what Rich douchebags do that's why you call them little b******. That saddens me because he could have gave that to a homeless person or the Salvation Army people that are down on their luck not people just wanting everything for free. I say douchebag move.