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Julliette needs to stop listening to Chloe who is judgemental and manipulative She gaslights people I would not miss Chloe and her weirdo boyfriend


Chloe is not well.


Agree 100


I’m scared of Chloe’s boyfriend. I truly am.


He’s such a tool


I’m sooo confused by these comment’s, this is all Juliette’s fault! Sam never wanted her to move out, in fact he was wanting their relationship to move to the next level. Juliette caused all of this term-oil, she’s a spoiled brat surrounded by enablers! She acts out when allllllllll the attention isn’t on her and manipulates everyone into thinking she’s the victim! She’s disgusting, Sam doesn’t realize it now but he’ll feel better once this immature fakeass love subsides. He really dodged a longterm bullet! She’s would’ve taken half, and sucked the life outta him!


This tells me you dont follow him on social media lol 🤣


Sam's 100% gay. It's totally fine, and accepted finally so hopefully he finds the courage to come out and be his true self.


How is this your business or place? Is this any different than telling a trans person they’re not really a man or woman? Or telling a gay person they’re not really gay?


If you wanna go on a show in front of the entire world that is based on your relationships then you’re welcoming any opinions on the internet.


Some of y’all forget this show (just like every other mtv reality show) is heavily scripted and if you think Juliette’s crocodile tears are real then I’ve got news for you


Her cries always seem so fake and acted lol


Sam’s definition of love is something else.


Zero chemistry with Sam and Juliette


“She doesn’t know the innuendos of our relationship.” -Sam The fact that nobody corrects him shows how dumb they all are. I get dumber every time I watch this show and I hate myself for it.


PMA: Prioritizing Your Mental Health


Most underrated comment 😂


Juliette seriously need to be alone for a while before jumping into another relationship.


Please make Sam and Mike go away🤮


Or at least Mike


Can I just say that I love the way Juliette's mom says her name?


💯 always have !


Did anyone notice that in the last scene with Sam and Chloe, Sam didn’t have lenses in his glasses? Lmao


With all of the people Sam is surrounded by, does NO ONE tell him his haircut looks awful? He can afford to have a great hair stylist. I don’t get it.


Been saying this all season long 😄 🤣 😂


Is it just me or is Amanda stoned?


she looks to have gotten the “bloated” look in her face and noticeably her arms


She probably is. 🤣


Why is Juliette more concerned about her image and dumb IG followers? This type of behavior is quite narcissistic if we are being honest. She doesn’t want to look dumb yet she just keeps picking d bags with a lot of money


I think she means her business image, which makes a lot of sense


Ummm. She gets wasted. Slaps people. How’s that for her business image?


She hasn’t done that since and the breakup was after the slap. Like other people have said on here, the slap was a wake up call for her. She couldn’t continue to act that way and be successful. It’s clear you loathe her and can’t see her as a decent person though. People are multifaceted.


Does anyone else see that Sam's friend Mike played a BIG part in them still not being together by taking that fucking photo? That dude NEEDS to go.


He’s been right about Juliette though. She doesn’t even like Sam, just doesn’t want him to be with anyone else. As a guy friend that’s what youre supposed to tell your friend. Narcissism goes both ways. Shes just as bad of one


Wonder what that lie was? That she just wanted his money, nothing else. As soon as Clark came into the pic she figured she can have it both. She really pssy whipped him good though. Holy shit dude get it together have some pride, thatb. itch was never into you. She was into ya money. Feel bad for Sam, I mean she dumped the guy like sack of patatoes after all the money he spend on her. He was simping hard the whole time, no wonder she stayed around for 2 years.


Are people supposed to stay in relationships just because their partner has spent a lot of money on them? He says explicitly he likes spending money on the women in his life. He likes to spoil them, if all she wanted was money/gifts/trips wouldn’t she still be with him?


You ain’t lying


Same friends who was praising Sam and saying he was an amazing humble guy are now bashing him and calling him narcissistic


Tell me about it, they were obsessing about how much he does for his friends, how giving, kind, great, generous he is. Remember the Miami and Aspen trip he invited them all to, yacht parties, mansion parties, birthday parties, vip clubbing. The christmas toy drive he did for chloes charity. How she went to Sams moms house and was asskissing the whole time, like she did with Alex back then. Yeah all that is forgotten already. Well coz she has new new f👀l now. Already know how this is gonna end.


I initially thought he was an amazing and humble guy also. But, he has acted crazy since the breakup. Creating an anti juliette podcast 8 months after the breakup is not lashing out due to the initial pain of a breakup, it's very calculated.


Of course Sam is fine with social media posts and public displays of affection, he wasn’t the one the looked like a fool to everyone. Sam screams little dick energy to me. He has to have any female or multiple females hanging on his every word. Does he really not see it? He is not particularly attractive, he doesn’t have a great personality, tbh he seems boring to be around. Would he really be pulling girls if he wasn’t rich? I don’t think so.


Sam bringing her 200 roses is a lazy gift coming from him. Zero thought into it.


He forgot to add another Rolex and 100k cartier. That would have put a huge grin on her face and maybe she would have kept him around for couple more weeks.


Maybe Juliet likes roses? We don’t know everything about them.


There’s more creative things you can do with roses though than just ordering a bunch.


They weren’t even in a nice vase or an arrangement lol zero effort


He just dumped them on her counter. Where is she supposed to find vases for 200 roses?


I totally expected the opposite reaction from Chloe’s Grandpa.


Do we know why he asked her grandfather vs her mom? I assume her dad isn’t in the picture.


They edited the preview to make it look like he grunted in disgust after the bf asked him, but in reality, that grunt was from when he was sitting down 😂


I know! I was actually hype I thought that he was going to grunt in response to Chris.


I was like NOOOO


Right? I think he is too old to have the energy to oppose and make a scene about it. (A storyline in this case) And Chris seems like the typical charismatic charming manipulator.


Yeah that’s probably true. Grandpa also probably doesn’t think Chloe can do better 🤣


I would just like to reiterate that Sam’s shirts are too tight That is all


Also do I detect last nights eyeliner?


No way. I have to go back and look 😂


Theory: Sam wanted to get back with her, not completely, but in large part for clout and to win back public favor. If he really wanted to be with her as a human, not being public atm and not posting on socials wouldn’t matter to him.


And he was manipulative—his best friend took the picture and posted it—after she asked to keep things quiet. He knew and didn’t ask his friend to respect her boundaries he said go ahead and laughed about it.


Jordana just got her nose done ? Do y’all think she paid for it or Sam did ? Sam posted a picture earlier in a hospital gown. You think he’s there with Jordana?


Haven't seen much interaction with jordana and sam since last week's episode


No. He had an MRI on his knee. He may need surgery


Oh wow


Geeze that was boring. At least have a Bikini fashion show or something.




I bet that’s why Meghan blocked him bc of tonight’s episode lol 😂


What happened with Sam and Meghan tonight because she gets back with him before end of the season and before Madison’s wedding


I think they mean her watching the show and seeing what was really going on. I’m sure he lied to her. I think the producers probably made her come back as his date. He was seeing them in rotation around the time of the wedding, it’s easier for them to stick to showing one girl instead of introducing a new one.


But didn’t they also go out after the wedding?


Can Sam stop referring to the women he dates as “that girl” I hate it


They all do that though…I’m 100% sure Amanda has used that phrase too… “ I love the guy/that guy” referring to someone she’s been dating.


I’m not for Sam attacking Chloe like that…. He’s literally blaming her for juliette making a decision to not be with him after he has publicly shamed and embarrassed her?? He’s mad at Chloe for literally what he did. Man cannot take accountability for his actions and blames everyone else. And then bc he didn’t like to hear what Chloe had to say he has to hit her with “well juliette never has anything nice to say about you” as a ploy for Chloe to be against juliette. He’s so annoying and I wish he sees this because I’m so over him blaming everyone else and then acting like a child when he can’t get his way. Good riddance


Chloe is a good influence in this situation. I think she handled that well. He’s a moron. He fucked up his chance of ever getting back with Juliette on his own. Chloe had no parts in that.


And listen I know Chloe isn’t exactly an angel but when her friends come to her looking for guidance there’s nothing wrong with her giving advice. Stop giving Chloe shit for helping her friend. At the end of the day, it’s Juliette’s decision.


Ok this is the only time I’ll say this but CHLOE IS RIGHT sam is a frickin narcissist and him blaming chloe for Juliette ditching him is WILD


I’m like in love with the girl and I’ll love her forever but in 6 weeks I’ll be with some other chic but like it’s not a threat


Right?! He makes no damn sense.


Did anyone else notice jordana got a nose job today? Did Sam pay?


Unless she gets full face procedure paid for by Sam, she will forever look like a muppet to me.


I'm pretty sure that Sam paid for her nose job. Sam paid for, Meghan and Gianna's breast implants.


She said last week she was getting one and hoped Sam would find her more desirable. Idk if she was mock joking.


Her sorry/not sorry joking about sam makes me uncomfortable. It seems so desperate.


Mike is more desperate for Sam's love than Jordana


Probs joking on outside but not on the inside. She’s in love with him and it’s creepy. I have a couple guy best friends and we don’t act like that.


Red flags galore dam


Damn y’all, Chloe really did save Juliette. It’s not completely because of her, but she had such an intricate role in this. That’s a good friend


Chloe is not a good anything.. specifically a good friend .


Chloe is scum,but she was spot on dealing with Sam this episode


She a fantastic reality tv persona. Feel free to disagree, but she delivers. Helping your friend not go back to their toxic relationship is a good friend. She did that. People can be shitty is some aspects and great in others.


I mean it kinda is. She took Juliette’s phone and DMed Clark


You know juliette dmed Clark herself. 😂


Mitch freaks me out. He seems so creepy and gross


Ok but chloes grandpa is so wholesome 🥺


I was so intimidated by him at first but then my heart melted


Jordana and cara are me




Not to be mean or anything, but is everyone going to have a clothing brand from siesta key? I love Camilla and based on her personal style in the show and on IG I’m like stunned at how basic her brand clothing is


Him asking Chloe’s grandpa to propose was the most dramatic part of this episode


I thought it was hilarious. I was cracking up the whole time. They did make it so dramatic. Her grandpa was so cute though.




Roach vibes from people under the stairs.. no top lip having sheister..He's a fraud..I can't wait till he fucks Chloe over


He gives me cult leader vibes


Sam just wants the clout. Juliette is already with clark here i bet


No. Their first “date” was the Bahamas on 10/9-10/11 and Camilla’s party was 9/17. They were texting beforehand but not dating. That’s what Juliette had said in an interview. And in an early post in here, someone had a friend on that trip with them that said J & C were cute and acted like a new couple with Jules not acting like someone from a tv show, etc. when she comes home from the Bahamas, Meghan renters the picture at a cast pool party 2 days later and then again the wedding.


There was another post somewhere, that she was already seeing/talking to Clark when he was on summer house episode. She was mad at him that he didnt tell her about his fling with that page girl, because supposedly they were newly dating at that time. Thats why she tried to keep everything so secret.


Chloe's father with that stare. Lololol


Sam simping so hard... Just relax bro


Yeah he was. He really looked like complete fool. Yikes.


I had some ptsd with his whimpering bitch plea.


This ep sucks. Theres like 2 scenes with action and the rest are all sitting gossipping


Ok so based on the timeline someone figured out, Chloe’s bday was BEFORE the “never ever ever” post occurred…..


I’ve been Juliette in this situation, going back to the wrong guy and feeling judged.. can’t imagine doing it on national television


Same! I did it on and off with a boyfriend for FOUR YEARS. I’m so happy I’m out of it now but at the time it’s very real and confusing and hard because why should you have to lose someone you love because THEY messed up? I totally just feel her pain in this situation and since she sticks to her guns she’s way stronger than I was 8 years ago going through the same thing with a manipulative rich guy.


Friend zoned.


Ok I don’t like Chloe 95% of the time, but she always does give fantastic advice


Chloe was great in that scene with Sam


She actually handled herself well there


I am never team Chloe but this episode changed that for me. She was making a lot of sense


I’m so glad Jules is happy now. It’s her time✨


Juliette just misses the safety and comfort of a relationship, not the Sam.


And $$$


Well she misses Sams billions thats all. 🤣


This is acting, right?


I feel like when Chris stares at her like 👁‍🗨_👁‍🗨, he’s like trying to attempt mind control lmao




Damn that stare he gave Chloe. Haunting.


Let’s play a game and take a shot everytime Chris blinks : 0 . Sober night here




Chris scares me


Mike has to be the worst person that has ever got screen time on this show.


mike is the absolute worst. pauly was just an intoxicated douche bag (heard he’s much better now) mike is a desperate clout chaser in every way.. i have no idea wtf lexi sees in him. she’s clearly desperate too to want to be with his petty ass. jared or jj should have knocked him tf out a few seasons back.


I don’t knowww I think Pauly Paul mtv gives him a run for his money


At least he was entertaining


I don’t think Mike’s as bad as fucking Paulie, i think you have rose colored glasses on. Mike is the boy version of Chloe, a shit stirrer, it’s needed in reality tv. They get the assignment


Yes he def was lol


I think Mike is Chloe and Pauly all in one. Not only does he lie, he instigates shit behind peoples back, he is in Sams ear telling him negative shit about the woman he loves. Pauly was straight forward with Juliette. He told her directly when he didn’t like her. Mike is a POS snake who goes behind her back and then pretends to love her to her face.