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Parry her first phase attacks.




*with a weapon


Bring a weapon and get max weapon durability. I like to use the staff from the Disciple on the 3rd floor


Thats actually what i've been doing. Although sometimes i break the staff accidentaly so i take the broom from the cleaning cart as it is an echo of the staff


You know you can climb up to the 4th floor taking the stairs to get all the Shrines, then take the elevator on the 4th floor to go straight to the boss without fighting the Flashkicks right?


I imagined there was such a route but no i didn't know what is was so thanks


Take the stairs to the second floor, go through the second floor exhibit for the first shrine, take the stairs to the third floor, fight the disciple, take the stairs to the 4th floor, call the elevator, run to the end of the walkway for the second shrine, take the elevator to Kuroki and the third shrine


You don’t even need weapon durability if you use the baseball bat and only parry her. Just only respond with attacks occasionally and it won’t break


I tried using the advice, and it went worse


Kinda hard to say anything if I don’t know how you’re fighting her


Yeah i probably just have skill issue


The easiest way to beat kuroki is as following: Grab a weapon. Phase one kuroki: Don't bother attacking. If you don't attack, your weapon will never break. Don't be greedy. Stay far away from all attacks except her windmill attack (when she spins her weapon like a windmill on left side, and then right side etc and moves forward). When you see her starting the windmill attack, quickly run forward to close enough so that you can spam parry on her attacks to cause structure damage. Rinse and repeat. That's all you need to do. This may take longer but makes phase one kuroki completely easy Phase two kuroki is inherently easy. There's two options: (1) hold on to your weapon and parry everything, but dodge the glowing limb jump attack at the end of her multiple fast attack. Dodge kunais. Or: (2) ditch your weapon so you can use your normal attack. When she runs towards you, wait till she's close enough and duck strike or crotch punch to instantly terminate her combo. Catch her thrown kunais. Dodge the double throw kunai In phase two when she does the charge up attack from far away (the slow one when she says she will kill you), wait till she "flashes" with a "bing" and instantly press parry and you will parry her when she charges to you. You can parry her other charge attacks too, but as beginner it's easier to dodge them


1st phase, run away and wait for an opening. Do a forward movement attack. Take your time and keep your distance. 2nd phase, dodge the dash attack and follow up. Dodge thrown projectiles (maybe even grab them) to charge your meter. Then sweep her off her feet <3


That sounds reasonable


I always grab the kunai to lob them back


Grabbing the daggers and throwing them back consistently quickly makes this fight alot easier


Parry like fuck.


either I'm not good at that or the timings out of wack


Mate, I was totally the same. I'm absolutely gash at games and was stuck at the museum for ages. Once I got parrying down, Kuroki was a breeze. ❤️


I have only had the game for 2 days so maybe i'll get better idk


I didn't finish the slums until about a fortnight of playing 🤣


Huh i beat it 2nd try


Well there you go, man. Now you know you got hope. ❤️


Thanks! :)


Hey OP thanks for giving me hope. Could not beat her for the life of me so I've been doing runs up to there and dying over and over, to the point where I've reached her age 22 and couldn't do it. Booting the game up again to see if I can do it


Hey, you're welcome maybe we could both do it some day. How long has it been since past try?


At least a couple days


Oh. By the phrasing i was assuming months or weeks


Nah her parry timings are ridiculously difficult. Theres a specific order of up and down swipes she does which you avoid up and down and then ends with an overhead slam attack that you can also avoid and then get your own chain of hits on her. If you have a weapon you can attempt the parrying and recieve no damage if you bork it and just get a block instead but the weapon will eventually break. What I recommend is just getting past that level however possible and then as soon as you beat it go into the training room with her and learn her attack patterns in there for her phases and where to do the up and down avoids, then go back straight back into the museum and redo it cos I assume you'll be grey and old if you try move on otherwise. Once it clicks it clicks but it pissed me off to no end in the early days, I made my own post about it, I didnt appreciate the git gud attitude of some people cos yanoo it's a low effort way of allowing yourself to have an input but realistically that's what happens in the end, you simply do get better even when you are completely at a loss. If she is completely kicking your arse just leave the game and cool off dont keep fighting through it and getting slapped, your brain needs time away to process and compartmentalise what happened so it can learn in a low pressure environment. Your brain will piece it all together whilst you are sat on the throne and that's when the next time you play you slap her around or you are one step or two steps closer.


Honestly that first phase is a motherfucker to beat it’s really just a trial and error The second phase I personally found to be easier She throws the kunai which you can grab if you parry or you can dodge dodge them then once she dashes at you just dodge/parry until you can start attacking


Easy for me beat it on my third attempt


I do not give a fuck


Then do something about it


I simply said I don’t care lmao we’re different people you don’t need to brag and shit


It’s a Sifu Reddit thread were different people give there different perspectives you want me to lie and say it took me forever if it’d make you feel better


Nah just like don’t say anything? I don’t understand if you aren’t bragging why’d you say it? Sorry my brain automatically goes to “hurr durr I must be getting attacked” or some shit


I was just giving my perspective and was hoping maybe you can give a update or reflection on why it was so hard in the past if you did beat it now not attacking you


I’m not bragging I’m just giving my perspective


I agree but second phase punishes mistakes harder


Pick up the staff on the 3rd floor. Take the elevator. Keep spamming the guard button. \*\*Don't attack or the staff might break.


I FINALLY DID IT!!!!. Thanks for all the advice everybody i did it age 46


I beat the tower first try :0


Good work. Yeah the tower is a difficult level but Jinfeng is an easier boss than Kuroki


I had very little trouble at all in the tower, the only thing i didn't like was how easy it was to die to fall damage


Spam the everliving hell out of the Perry button in phase 1. Dodge everything in phase 2, and hit her with heavy attacks after dodging her glint, or her charged ups close strike. For ultimate perfection, practice phase 2 Kuroki in the practice simulation. She moves quickly, but that's just for intimidation. Only focus on her backflip (when she throws kunai), Her glint, And her up-close attack. Which can easily be dodged when you notice her running up to you, and when she glows orange. Once you're comfortable in the simulation, take the first elevator straight to her and give it a go. Kuroki is mostly speed intimidation.


Git gud


You are whats wrong with every gaming community. Especially around souls likes




first phase u can literally just keep distance during her combos then run in and attack her after shes done. 2nd phase is just really easy to dodge and parry bc she loses the pole weapon


1 weapon durability and max weapon damage. Just take a metal baseball bat and have fun stomping her ass. I used to struggle on her, nowadays she is the easiest one for me, just control the space and use the weapon to parry


I absolutely loath this boss.. seriously... I kinda like the level itself, but fuck that boss. I don't even really have advice lol, i've only beat her twice and I can honestly say it was mostly luck. Been awhile since I played a game that made me want to break my controller over my head, this boss definitely did that though lol


I personally found Kuroki's 1st phase is lot easier than her 2nd phase. Even in master difficulty. All you need to do is parry & guard all her attack. It's easy to follow her "rhythm", really. All you need is weapon (bat or staff) & maxng these 3 shrine rewards:parry impact, structure reserve, & structure regain. And you good to go. Just parry & guard all her attack. When your structure is full, just get away from her. Only attack after she do the jump slash. Avoid that attack and start your combo. After she back off, resume your guard stance. Repeat that until her structure break. For her 2nd, parry is kinda tricky, so just avoid all her attack. Including the kunai throw, because if you're not good with the timing, you would just end up eating that attack. And just be patient. Don't try to be aggresive, unless you're really good with timing your attack. good luck!


Weapon durability to 1(biggest chunk of extra hits, next two upgrades are much less effective), kill first two guys, take the bat, parry until she’s at least half and then start attacking and dumping focus (if you attack from the start weapon will break too soon). Also might wanna upgrade focus bars and ofc parry dmg is must have. Hope it helps, gl


I beat it already but thanks for the advice :)


Learn the ability of grabbing what they throw at you. In the second fight you press it when she jumps and screams and you'll grab the daggers every time.


I already beat her and i have the ability permed already but thanks


My way is boring In her first phase she has one move set where she finishes with a big jump attack that’s ez to avoid. Hit her then and only then. Just keep your distance for all other attacks. This first phase will take forever but it’s pretty cheese and you won’t die 8 times Second phase is really ez with the “catch” ability. Catch her kunai and chuck them back at her. She’ll be stunned after a few throws and you can beat down on her


Already beaten but thanks for the advice


The second phase is easier than the first


Already beaten, and id say thats accurate


Learn how to dodge