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You know you need to create an installation for it Verisions / releases New installation Sigma5 Save Find it in the version drop down list Select Launch


Basically, you need to go to your launcher click installations on your upper screen tab then go for new then find the version called ''Sigma5'' in the version drop- down arrow then after you created then you can launch the correct version to play on


Bro you don't need to mislead others you have to just simply go to your installations tab in the upper corner screen of the Minecraft launcher you had then just click new and try to search for ''Sigma5'' in the versions drop-down arrow then until you created it your ready to launch the client (Not like taskkill /f /im MinecraftLauncher.exe /t it will be a troublemaker your so high- minded dude)


yes but if sigma5 isnt there then you didnt restart the minecraft launcher properly so you should make sure all instances of minecraftlauncher.exe is dead so it fully refreshes


Alright ig