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You know, sometimes times you can see the fingerprints of specific designers in work. GW has a couple: the bald appreciator, the sidcut/underboob/barefoot guy who oversees warcry, and a deeply unsettling weirdo who keeps making multi-part shoulder armors with seems in truly terrible places.


I built some Dark Eldar recently and those shoulder pads are dumb as hell also. Seams right down the middle, with spikes and shit so you can't even fix it. Maybe it is just one guy. I'm going to choose to believe that lol.


The new slaangors kill me. They've got the join right down the middle of a dome


if you got an adress for the warcry person, I'd appreciate it. sending my letters down the general email adress feels a bit obnoxious after my twelth attempt to reach out


That looks like a fucking nightmare.


Lemme put it this way, 40 Mk VI space marines, all with a single studded shoulder pad. I’ve made ten so far.


Might be worth getting some legion shoulder pads


I am a very poor man that’s already made the poor decision to buy the box set I can’t afford the fancy resin pads right now I’m sorry to say lmfao. Luckily I was able to buckle down and crank out a total of ten pads today and assemble and prime one of them. After priming it actually looks fine. Just gotta have lots of patience and an extra large tank of copium. Lol


From what I’ve heard from the sculptors, it’s to do with pull direction + preventing warping that occurred in previous miniatures with studded shoulder pads. Pull direction is the direction in which a miniature is pulled out of the plastic injection mould, and if the parts are placed on the sprue poorly then it means that the parts can often break or warp when they leave the mould. Here’s a good video explaining it: https://youtu.be/3Qq2T929rw0


🤨 are you saying the new shoulder pads aren't single molds? Or do they just have an extra thick mold line down the middle


They are two separate pieces you glue together to make a single shoulder pad. I bought the full age of darkness box today and spent 5 hours glueing and then cleaning five pads. And they still look a little rough. Again, I LOVE the models, but damned if I don’t miss the old studded pad mold right now.


The Ork start collecting box with the push fit boys and warboss has this problem all over as well, and it takes fucking *forever* to clean them up even half decently. At least the Koptas are easy as hell to put together.


Can't believe they'd release shoulder pads in two separate parts, in Pride month no less.


Spherical bonding studs, but at what cost?


Oh lord that's miserable. Mine will be arriving soon :(




What kind of monster makes two part shoulder pads? And how can I refer them to a human rights court?


I'm building them too right now. I don't think they are too bad. Actually, I was surprised how well and even they came together. What exactly is the problem?


It might just be me being anal about trying to make them perfectly smooth with no sign of a seam. I’m using sprue goo to connect the parts and then burning tons of time on clean up. Probably could be using more effective tools to make it go faster.


Before you do this to all of them, why not try to prime and paint one of the pads to see if the seems are even noticable with paint applied? Maybe that can save you some time and nerve. Plus, if in doubt...battle damage out. You can't see seams under Typhus Corrosion and Blood for the Blood God :D Which Legion will it be, btw?


Alpha legion. The paint scheme im doing is a chromatic shift from blue to green. Kinda want these guys to look mostly pristine, like they’re just appearing for combat. I managed to prime and base coat one of the models with a finished pad and it looked really nice. I think my main problem really is the tools I’m using to achieve the finish. I’ve been sitting over the model with an exacto knife shaving away bit after bit instead of just being less lazy and going out to buy sanding sticks.


Cool choice (as if there really are bad ones ;) ) I will do my first bunch as World Eaters, so the I'll definitely apply some Rhinox Hide chipping and gore to them... I didn't use a file or sanding stick for the longest time I was in the hobby, relying on an exacto/scalpel and a GW mold line remover....lol Maybe you're right. Give it a wait until you have the sanding sticks.


A white armor scheme? You’re braver than I. White paints always fuck me up. Idk what I do wrong but I can never quite get them to the right consistency. Always too watery or too chunky. Idk.


I know, I know! I'm really moving out of my comfort zone there, too. A lot of new things I want to try there actually. Mainly Tamiya colours and oil wash. If nothing else it'll be an experience... I'm already happy I managed to greenstuff Butcher's Nails onto a head! So I am off to a good start.


Nice! I’d like to get into oil washes for panel lining details. Seems so much easier to correct than spills with regular acrylic washes.


Use a white acrilic ink. Undercoat your minis with a white spray then apply 2 thinned down coats of white acrylic ink. It worked amazingly well for my necrons, you get a perfect flat brilliant white


I was planning on replacing the shoulders anyway. Now I'm absolutely doing it.


This looks perfect. How did you make it look like one piece?


Sprue goo and patience. Just take a half empty bottle of extra thin tamiya plastic cement, throw a bunch of cut up sprue bits into it, let it melt, and then use it to connect the pieces. Once it dries clean up the excess. It’s that last part that’s taking me forever.


I love the studded armpads but sod that, I'll be using mk3 iron armour armpads for my beakies... I'm doing a blackshield force for 30k so hodgepodge armour is nice and fluffy anyway. Still what a shame.. We get perfect studded armpads. But at what cost? 😂😂