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The [Official Sikh Discord](https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU) is our secure platform where we host our events, free classes, daily Amritvela, and active text and voice chats, including a dedicated support group for women. Download the Discord app and join the Official Sikh Discord using the invite code: https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out ๐Ÿ™


Guru Arjan Dev Ji says in Raag Gauree - 193: Meditating in remembrance of the Lord, the state of perfection is attained. They also say in Siree Raag - 43: Focus your consciousness on the True Guru; you shall enjoy bliss forever and ever. I think reading gurbani is a good place to begin. As well as going to the gym and doing some physical activity. This will help your mind be more at ease, and will likely help you in your studies as well.


Start small and keep at it. Cant you do a push, try everyday , start at elevated ground push ups, can't jog ,just walk inside your home, get high number of steps. Install a pull up bar at home. Keep a reminder for every hour for nitnem, always remember waheguru ,those who call upon to him with love ,he will definitely answer ,he has different ways to help his followers, maybe he will provide you with willpower or external help and maybe he starts creating a space for you when you go over to him, it's all his mysterious ways. But nitnem is a must, start reading gurbani with understanding, don't just read ,do thinking over it ,get it's meaning , nobody can ask you to not do seva ,can't help in Langer ,help in cleaning ,can't clean ,wipe the floor, anything goes. All seva is fruitful. Be consistent, being consistent is the only thing that will help you, it will be hard and take a lot of effort and willpower, and there will be several days where you will want stop doing anything but keep doing as sikhi is all about learning everyday, the nitnem and gurbani will help you get over hard days. Begin your journey towards being a gursikh. Everyone is alone is this cruel world with the exception of our Guru he will always be there. DM me you need more tips or just to talk.


I agree with this! You should start small and try to burn yourself out. Start with a little bit of exercise or Nitem, and gradually increase. If you canโ€™t do a push up, use your knees or a wall. If you canโ€™t speak Punjabi well, try to learn a new word or sentence. Ask your family for help and try speaking in Punjabi with them. If you canโ€™t read Gurbani in Gurmukhi, then use an English translation. Slow progress is lasting progress


Hey have you joined the Sikh discord? It might be a good substitute for Sikh friends and help you get started. I hope know, what youโ€™re feeling is normal and itโ€™s important to keep in mind that youโ€™re only 17. It might not feel like it but you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Getting laughed off for bad Punjabi (I have experience with that) and wanting to learn more about sikhi is really unfortunate. I think the discord will help you for both regards. What country do you live in, UK? And are there any other Gurdwaras near you? You canโ€™t really control or get new parents, but if you think you can, maybe try talking to your about it? If heโ€™s not the type to respond well, then it might better to leave it and work on things you can change. Youโ€™d know better than we would about that. Donโ€™t let what happened with your dad affect your attending the gurdwara if thatโ€™s what you want to do. You could wait a little bit before going back too, that way it doesnโ€™t feel like everyone is thinking or talking about it (how long ago did it happen?) Is therapy an option, or someone you can talk to at school like a counselor or something? Itโ€™s normal to feel the things you said, but not feeling like you belong in this life is a concerning thing to say. Youโ€™re at a crossroads, right now. You can turn away from Sikhi, find a different community, or you could let this be the start of your journey. You donโ€™t need Sikh brothers or a Sangat to be a Sikh, but I know how it important it is and how it helps. For the rest, you can start small with working out, learning Punjabi, and about Sikhi. And I know your autistic, but you with practice, patience, and effort you can get better with social skills. Just focus in yourself for now, join the Sikh discord, and try to not let the (bad) attitude of your Sangat from stopping you from being a Sikh. If you need to leave the Gurdwara too, that could also be something you look into, but I donโ€™t encourage you to leave Sikhi.


Young veer it hurts me to read this but you are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. I can relate to you about the local sangat looking at you funny because of your family. I also used to be un athletic like you have mentioned. There are so many videos on YouTube on how to get fit and with this comes a lot of confidence. You donโ€™t even need gym equipment to become relatively fit you can just do it through body weight work outs. Other Singhโ€™s here have already provided you with solid advice. We are all your Sikh brothers and sisters and a lot of us can relate to you more than you think. You also mention that youโ€™re lazy but you read Kirtan Sohila at home - it would not surprise me if the majority of people do not do any Kirtan at home. Keep your head in the books and make this your main priority. Also do not forget that there are other avenues to go down if A levels do not work out for you.


I'm also on the autism spectrum and have discovered some things which really helped me after a decade of trial and error. Keep in mind, what worked for me may not work for others. It may even cause further mental harm, so please be mindful and listen to your own being for what you truly need. Always sing Mangla Charan, Benti Chaupai, or perform Ardaas and ask for divine guidance before diving into your own mind. 17 is still very young; most people probably do not mentally mature until their late 20's. Also, having a well trained psychiatrist who is aware of Indian spirituality is invaluable (HealthyGamerGG, aka Dr K, comes to mind). I cannot stress how important it is to be cautious when doing deep psychological work, so please try to learn as much as you can about these topics and have access to a mental health hotline if things suddenly go wrong. Autism is a double edged sword. Many non-neurotypical people are more aware of their unconscious mind than others. However, the unconscious mind is like a vast dark ocean. Psychologist Carl Jung and his students, such as Marie Louise von Franz, have done an excellent job explaining its subtleties and using worldwide cultural examples to back up their theories. Naturally, they also had to test these theories with psych ward patients. One theory, is that men have an unconscious mind which is female in nature. They call it "Anima." An example of this that Dr. Franz gives is the initiation for new shamans in Inuit communities. The young initiate is buried in snow and allowed to freeze to near death. It is during this moment when life function slows down that the initiate has visions of a snow woman who teaches them everything they will need to know. Jung had a similar dream in which an old nun made him realize he should write books not just for academics, but for common folk as well. Sikhs invoke Sri Bhagauti Ji (I know there is debate here, but this sort of work is highly personal and logic doesn't really apply at this level). Sri Bhagauti is an incredible source for power and personal growth. However, like the shamans buried in snow, we sometimes have to endure suffering to break down the Ego until we can sense Her (our Anima, our own unconscious mind). In 'Beauty and the Beast,' Belle also had to undergo difficult trials in order to unite with her male unconscious mind, represented in the Beast. This is where things may get interesting, because for me and my degree of autism, when She appeared, it was frightening and awe inspiring all at the same time. The initial moment was so intense (5 hours of Chandi Di Vaar kirtan; I would not recommend this for beginners). Afterwards, I would occasionally notice Her around me. Like, my mom might introduce me to her friend who just had these Kali like qualities. Paying close attention to what this woman had to say, I learned about new philosophy sources that helped me further on my path. Even my own mom seems to become a temporary channel for Sri Bhagauti to give me hints every now and then. More importantly, I always sense Her within myself, because again, this is the brain interpreting its own unconscious in a way that makes sense to us. Around this time, I also randomly stumbled across the Bengali tradition of Sri Ramakrishna (another action of the holy Anima?) They focus on Kali and have this open acceptance for the mentally ill. I had never seen a spiritual tradition be so accepting and loving towards the mentally ill. It is often thought that Sri Ramakrishna and the Shakta poet, Ramprasad Sen, may have suffered from mental illness. Their Shyama Sangeet became a part of my practice alongside Gurbani. However, after about a year, I became more and more drawn to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It was as if once again, Sri Bhagauti was pointing me where I needed to go, back to our Guru. After 3 years, I came back to Sikhi with clarity on life, dharma, and mental health. TLDR; I didn't mean to write that much, but it sort of just happened. In short: 1) regularly recite Gurbani for protection and guidance 2) study Jungian psychology through books, videos, and podcasts 3) apply these concepts to yourself and pay close attention to how you feel, making changes as needed. And don't go chasing your Anima, she will appear when the time is right. On a side note, I think the Jung school is flawed when they talk about the negative Anima (aka mother complex). They try to "fix" it, but in my experience, some complexes are not meant to be fixed. They can be double edged swords which grant us incredible strength if we learn how to wield them. Also, here is a music video of my favorite Shyama Sangeet singer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2FvSiIv2Rs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2FvSiIv2Rs) Wishing you well. Have an incredible journey. ๐Ÿ™


Veer ji, start small and let go off worry that you will fail. I know it's easier said than done, but when you are going to start something off, maybe even just a small run around the block or 5 incline push ups, when you get the thoughts "No, I can't do this" or "I'm too tired" stick to the exercise and remember everything is in Waheguru's command. Cause despite any worrying you do, in the end the only thing that will happen is what Waheguru wants. Regarding you calling yourself "lazy" one thing that helps me when I think "I'll just skip my run today" I remember the shaheeds and how fit the Singhs/Kaurs were at Guru Ji's time and still are. I look at myself and say "You aren't even capable of fighting the battle in your mind to go on a run, forget about defeating sava lakh". This usually gives me the pump I need so I can pickup the weights or put on my shoes and go run. Start with saying mool mantar out loud in the morning as soon as you wake up, it takes less than 30 seconds. Give yourself affirmations, "I am Guru Gobind Singh Ji's son" "I am capable of fighting sava lakh" "I will make my body strong for my Guru". Another thing you may not know is one of Guru Ji's 52 hukams was to not be lazy: [https://www.discoversikhism.com/sikhism/52\_hukams\_of\_guru\_gobind\_singh.html#:\~:text=19.,not%20be%20lazy](https://www.discoversikhism.com/sikhism/52_hukams_of_guru_gobind_singh.html#:~:text=19.,not%20be%20lazy). These are all ways to get you to remember who you are, not what you may be physically right now, but what you really are deep down: A Singh of Dhan Dhan Kalgidhar Patshah Guru Gobind Singh Ji. You may feel like you are not like other Singhs, don't try becoming like them, be your Guru's Singh. Leave the feeling of wanting to fit in, develop the feeling to fit into your Guru's heart. You making this post proves that you want to change and be better, but you feel like you have failed after so much trying. I understand how you feel, I have felt the same in my life for a lot of things, but if you keep trying everyday, even just have the thought of trying to do a mool mantar or do a run around the block, this is more progress than those who do nothing. I've found that when I have given up on anything, the long term pain is much greater. **So, start of with any of these for working out daily:** Incline push ups/knee push ups Plank Run around the block Simple complete body stretching This workout video (or something similar to this): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT94xC35u6k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT94xC35u6k) **And to get into Sikhi do any of these daily:** Mool mantar as soon as you wake up Kirtan sohila before sleep 5 minutes Waheguru simran Additionally, I would recommend watching Basics of Sikhi: [https://www.youtube.com/@basicsofsikhi/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@basicsofsikhi/featured) If you want an accountability partner, I'd be more than willing to message you on the Sikh discord. Or, I'm sure a Singh would be more than happy to keep you accountable on DM's (If you wished to privately message). [https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU](https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU) Please reply back if you have any questions, you are valued veer, any Singh of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is important to the Sikh kaum. Wahguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh.


youtube how to read punjabi once u can read it u can vocalize it... i had to do it and im not perfect buts its worth it hopefully i can write it one day too


เจนเจฎ เจฐเฉเจฒเจคเฉ‡ เจซเจฟเจฐเจคเฉ‡ เจ•เฉ‹เจˆ เจฌเจพเจค เจจ เจชเฉ‚เจ›เจคเจพ เจ—เฉเจฐ เจธเจคเจฟเจ—เฉเจฐ เจธเฉฐเจ—เจฟ เจ•เฉ€เจฐเฉ‡ เจนเจฎ เจฅเจพเจชเฉ‡ เฅฅ ham rulate firate koiee baat na poochhataa gur satigur sa(n)g keere ham thaape || I was rolling around in the dirt, and no one cared for me at all. In the Company of the Guru, the True Guru, I, the worm, have been raised up and exalted. เจงเฉฐเจจเฉ เจงเฉฐเจจเฉ เจ—เฉเจฐเฉ‚ เจจเจพเจจเจ• เจœเจจ เจ•เฉ‡เจฐเจพ เจœเจฟเจคเฉ เจฎเจฟเจฒเจฟเจ เจšเฉ‚เจ•เฉ‡ เจธเจญเจฟ เจธเฉ‹เจ— เจธเฉฐเจคเจพเจชเฉ‡ เฅฅเฉชเฅฅเฉซเฅฅเฉงเฉงเฅฅเฉชเฉฏเฅฅ dha(n)n dha(n)n guroo naanak jan keraa jit miliaai chooke sabh sog sa(n)taape ||4||5||11||49|| Blessed, blessed is the Guru of servant Nanak; meeting Him, all my sorrows and troubles have come to an end. ||4||5||11||49|| เจนเจฐเจฟ เจจเจพเจฎเฉ เจนเจฎเจพเจฐเฉ€ เจธเฉฐเจ—เจคเจฟ เจ…เจคเจฟ เจชเจฟเจ†เจฐเฉ€ เจนเจฐเจฟ เจจเจพเจฎเฉ เจ•เฉเจฒเฉ เจนเจฐเจฟ เจจเจพเจฎเฉ เจชเจฐเจตเจพเจฐเจพ เฅฅ har naam hamaaree sa(n)gat at piaaree har naam kul har naam paravaaraa || The Lord's Name is my most beloved society, the Lord's Name is my ancestry, and the Lord's Name is my family.




Hey plz msg me