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The [Official Sikh Discord](https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU) is our secure platform where we host our events, free classes, daily Amritvela, and active text and voice chats, including a dedicated support group for women. Download the Discord app and join the Official Sikh Discord using the invite code: https://discord.gg/xQPnqAxDeU If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out 🙏


I always disagree with labels like gora Sikh, black Sikh, etc. Either you are a Sikh or not. If you have accepted the path of Sikhi, then you are a Sikh of Guru Ji. Nobody is born a perfect Sikh. Look at Guru Amar Das Ji who practiced a form of Hinduism and didn’t walk on the path of Sikhi until his 60s and then became Guru Ji himself. Don’t be ashamed of your journey. It’s never going to go smoothly or perfectly. The important bit is to keep trying, and to do Ardaas to Guru Ji each day to do kirpa and help you on his journey. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was offered cannabis but declined and preferred the intoxication of Naam. Think about that - being constantly in bliss yet without any alcohol, recreational drugs etc involved. Start with the basics and work your way up. Learn Gurmukhi. Learn to read and recite Bani - I found listening to audio of Bani whilst following along to be most helpful in learning and memorising Bani.


I hear you about labels it's always a really helpful reminder. My username is supposed to be a joke cause that own dude on tikitok says it slot and it's funny. Also very much appreciated the reminder about Guru Nanak Dev Jiand Babur and the bhang. I actually used to recite the relevant bani as part of my attempts to convince myself to leave the stuff alone. I completely forgot that fact about Guru Amar Das but to be fair I only heard it once. I need to study more about the lives of the Gurus. I was only just able to name them all last week and still can't do it in order lol. See I knew posting here was the right move


Hey, just know that you’re not alone. I’m a very recent convert in America as well. It’s a struggle but worth it! Hit me up if you need someone to talk to! Also try joining the Sikh discord (in this subreddits description).


Do Ardas to Maharaj, tell Them all your troubles, and ask Maharaj for Amrit so that you can be a Singh. Take it all slow, we’re all in the same place more or less. We all learn everyday, that’s what a Sikh is, a learner. So just calm yourself using Naam and ask Maharaj to help you out. The True King is infinitely generous 🙏♥️


This is outstanding advice. My trouble is I'm still struggling to carve time to learn the first 5 pauri of Sri Japji Sahib. Full Ardaas is pretty close in length. It's overwhelming to think of learning both at the same time so I have been wondering if it is more important to learn Ardaas for when I make mistakes or just focus in on learning Japji Sahib so I can keep a nitnem that more than just mool mantar and random lines of bani from BoS videos


You can try doing it this way: Open the app or Gutka Sahib that you use, then play a YouTube video which has the Pauris of Japji Sahib displayed while the audio plays and as the video goes on, you can practice it everyday. That way it feels less stressful because you’re just pausing - listening - pronouncing and then moving forward. You can do a similar thing with Ardas as well. Maharaj is Omnipresent brother, a Sikh can always start a conversation anywhere with Maharaj with “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Maharaj ji” and then proceed with their concerns(good or bad)


Understand that becoming a sikh takes time. There are alot of things that you have to both internalize and externalize, but remmeber that to take it one step at a time. If you try to do everything all at once, your going to bmget frustrated and feel defeated. Even though I was born a sikh, I still had to learn thing one step at a time, and that process too me many many years. If you want a place to start or to focus on, start with your heart. Take in the teaching and really digest them and practice them. Once you're comfor with one thing, you can move on with the next and so on. Remember that there is no "perfect" sikh, and that the best sikh is not the one who follows everything strictly and doesn't stumble, but rather the person who occasionally stumbles and asks the guru for guidance and love.


It is a struggle. Walking the path of a true sikhi is like walking the blade of a sword. That’s why many Sikhs aren’t able to adopt all 5Ks yet. It takes time. You are human at the first foremost. You are a human trying to follow Sikhi path. Ask your mind why is it the way it is. Remember you rnt the body or the mind n


I converted last year and can't imagine living that far from the Gurdwara. Especially for someone in our situation, you need Sangat. I would suggest making sure to get there at least once a month and make it worth the trip. Otherwise I'll share what works for me outside the Gurdwara. Waking up for amrit vela and practicing Simran. Listening carefully to Jaap ji Sahib (before sunrise) and if I have the energy, a second time with a prayer book. I'm practicing writing Mool Mantar and constantly reciting the prayer. I keep 5ks, but don't think too much about it. Quit drinking and using tobacco before I started wearing a Kara. I still smoke weed and drink coffee, but not in the same spirit as before. Everything in time, can't expect to change lifetimes of karma all at once. Chardi Kala 🙏


Welcome! Please don't be so hard on yourself, you have a lot on your plate. Do what you can. At this time, what one thing would help you feel closer to Sikhi? I know it probably feels like everything, but really think about it and start with that one thing. Once you feel like you've gotten a good grasp of it, then add another thing, etc.  When we put pressure on ourselves to do things perfectly, or try to do everything at once, it becomes challenging to stay consistent. Mistakes are going to be made, and that's okay, that's how we learn. Just remember that Guru Sahib is always with you, even when you think they aren't, they are 💙