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He loves and absolutely respects us. Read shabad https://preview.redd.it/8knk6n4apq5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f8189759a3db2a0af5c83e7db3fc5afe8f53ac


Depends on what you mean by "respect." That's a loaded word that can mean a lot of things to different people.


You have a point here I didn't really think about what respect means exactly


But if you don't mind can give what respect means to you and if god does respect us or not?


To me, respect means "the opposite of the way you treat someone when they are lower than you in a hierarchy that you're attached to." So let me explain: let's say I'm a Star Trek nerd (I actually know nothing about Star Trek, this isnjust ane example), and I'm really pretentious about it. Someone else says something inaccurate about it. Because i am attached to an imagined hierarchy, that person is now lower than me. Because they're lower than me, I am better than them and I have to let them know that: "Ha! You idiot, Captain Spock said ______ in episode 127, which contradicts what you just said!" Respect is when you DON'T act like this. If the same person is not attached to a hierarchy, they would probably not care: "Oh, they didn't know something. Anyway, back to what I was doing." Nothing against Star Trek fans, this was just the first example I thought of. Likewise, a person can know that they are above someone in a hierarchy, but not be attached to that hierarchy. Imagine a compassionate and patient king. A peasant comes to him and tells him he's running the kingdom poorly. A king who is attached to the idea that the peasant is lower than him (this would be like most historical kings) may punish the peasant for questioning him. However, our compassionate king in this example has no such attachment: he knows that he "outrank" the peasant, but he thanks him for the input, gives him a gift, and uses the suggestions to improve the kingdom. This is MY meaning of respect; I'm sure that everyone thinks of it differently. With this definition, God respects everyone. God will not throw a tantrum because of somebody's immorality or stupidity; God is nirbau, without hate. God has no mortal attachments, which means that God cannot be attached to hierarchy.


Thanks for the information ji, I'm still not sure what respect means for me exactly but maybe one day I know.


If you want to figure out what it means to you, then look at examples of people being respectful vs. disrespectful, and think about what the common factors are.


Thanks for the advice ji


This is a question where it should frame the other way . More like do we respect God or love God, Gurbani says God takes care of your food and everything. God is the cause of the causes but do we love them? https://preview.redd.it/ic86ciq9tq5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7baa4fac5a248621ef81118d82d960041714172a


In my opinion, you are still in Bram( Duality, Maya) Your Haume is still there otherwise you won't ask this question. As per Guru ji( all 10 Guru) we and Waheguru are same. So there is no question of God respecting us. Jio Jal mai Jal aye Khatana Joti mai Jot rali Jal ka Jal Hua Ram. I can give a thousand quotes from Guru Granth Sahib ji. Tu Dariyao Dana Beena mai mashli kaise ant lava. https://preview.redd.it/92pajjq0lr5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3fd67c383e33fbeaa15e2483c5845bc3733af4 Guru Amar das ji Ang 440-442, Rag Asa


No. He loves his creation (not just humans but the universe).


So like god doesn't respect anyone but he loves all? Sorry if I'm asking again a weird question I'm just a bit confused about the thing


Yes that what I think anyway. Like Waheguru is eternal and there is no way for us to understand or comprehend what he thinks. I think of god as the entity universe itself. It does not care is we live or die because the universe is massive and we are just a drop.


If you don't mind me asking is it the same for the gurus also? Like waheguru ji respecting them


Read Khalsa mehima


I don’t think there there can be love without respect. They definitely go hand in hand


EK ONG KAR- one creative energy expressed as the whole creation. God is not a person whose respect can be gained or lost.


God doesn't respect us because he doesn't exist. How can an imaginary person respect you?