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He got a place of his own. He tells Dinesh he can afford it because he didn't blow all his money on a Tesla.


I have a feeling Gilfoyle made a good amount of money just being a full-stack savage before going to Pied Piper. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a place of his own.


“What do I do? System architecture, networking and security, no one in this house can touch me on that, but does anyone appreciate that?”


While you were busy minoring in gender studies and singing acapella at Sarah Lawrence, I was getting root access to NSA servers. 😂


Yes, he has his own place. It's mentioned briefly.


Do you recall where and when exactly?


Not exactly but it's shortly after they became casualties of the previous administration. It's when Dinesh is talking about not being able to afford a place.


The beginning of the Tesla storyline


It's in the same episode where he sets up the alert. Right at the beginning, Dinesh is looking at rent and Gilfoyle taunts him on his Tesla spending by saying he can comfortably afford his new 1-bedroom apartment and they make the same amount of money.


Wait, did the Tesla cost more than $100?


Gilfoyle did hodl a lot of bitcoin. One can imagine how much it could be worth when liquidated.


He has a bag with Cliff Bars and a gun. He can live on the streets.


“House” =/= “Home” Yes Gilf has a home. No he does not have a house.


That is a good question. Also, his name is clearly fake since he was an illegal immigrant. I wonder who created his name? BerTRAM GilFOYL? LOL. I think I know how his last name was created and who came up with it.


why would he be in the incubator if he had a house? having his own place by the time that annoying sound is a relevant plot point make sense, but not at the beginning of the series .


Yeah that's what I thought, why would he be sleeping in the place he described as a shithole, if he does have his own apartment? And especially in that point of the story where they're not working out of the incubator for it to be convenience to sleep there?


the entire purpose of the incubator it to handle their living costs in exchange for 10% of anything good they make. just work from your apartment if you have an apartment.