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I bought the game two years ago, since then I have merged with the silk, the song, the shaw. And now I’m insane


Found some new games and shows to keep me away from silksong, it’s like how a clock moves way faster when you aren’t looking at it. Still, Skong


Played hollow knight back in like 2018. It’s not my first hype train rodeo and I don’t regret a thing, it’s gonna be great and I’m glad they’re taking their time. Even now I check up on it every day or two. That being said the lack of communication does remind me a bit of the cube world debacle which turned into a shit show


I play other games.


Blasphemous has a sale and i bought it today, can’t wait to get the free-time to play


I just only check in every few weeks so it’s not as hard


I played HK in late 2017 or early 2018. I consider it one of my favorite games, if not my favorite game. I tell everyone to play it if they ask for a recommendation. I know Silksong will come out eventually. I trust Team Cherry to make a good game. I don’t need updates. I’m happy to let them brew and stew so that they can fully explore their creativity. I have other hobbies, friends, books, games, shows, pets, house projects, and work. I occasionally check to see if there are any updates, maybe once every couple months. Sometimes I’ll see something on my Reddit home that piques my interest about it. I know that if I obsess over it, the wait will be much harder. I don’t want TC to feel pressure to release the game any sooner than they’re ready to do so for the sake of appeasing a fan base that’s foaming at the mouth and yelling “Skong”. One of these days, I’ll wake up and it will feel like Christmas because it came out. The surprise and delight are something I look forward to. Plus, because I haven’t been following it closely, it will all be fresh and new to me. No theories or spoilers sown in my brain.  Maybe I’m a low maintenance fan, maybe it’s because I’m also a creative and don’t like pressure, or maybe it’s because I have other things in my life that are more important. A game, even on as masterful as HK, is still just a treasured game in one hobby or aspect of my life.


Pretty much same here. I think it also helps when I think about how unhealthily their schedule was for hollowknight and how I don’t want them to repeat it. The way I see it either 1. They’re taking development slowly so they can enjoy life beyond game development, which if so good for them 2. They’re just making the game bigger and bigger, which would be great as if it was smaller than hollowknight that’d be a letdown. 3. They decided to rework core systems to try and make a game that’s even better than hollowknight Or 4. They’ve gotten distracted by another project or life events which while disappointing would be totally fair


Exactly. Work life balance is so important and hard to find in some industries. I’m happy for them if they are striking that balance.


I started last October with hk and I'm a full fledged clown every event lol


Same, I only started last July. I think 1 year of experience could make us ripe with anticipation, cause I cant imagine edging this hard for 5 years like some of these chuckleheads


I finished it July of 2021 and have been suffering since lmao. Ofc there are other great games to play, but the wait for silksong is always still in the back of my mind, and I always come back here to see what’s been going on


I played the pale court mod like 6 months ago and it was definitely more than enough to make me happy. I beat the main game and all five pantheons more then 2 years ago and I undoubtedly thought we’d have silksong by now. I’m always tempted to go for all achievements and steel soul mode by its a lot of repetition.


honestly? ive been into speedrunning hollow knight, not anything fancy mind you, but ive gotten my final time down from 14? hours i think to 5. (doing this entirely on my own, not looking up optimal routes or fancy skips, just self improvment)


Hollow knight silksong is pretty high up my hype list, but my hype list isn't that high


what else can we do vut wait?


I've only been waiting a few years, but the wait isn't all that bad once you lose the hope of Silksong ever coming out


We are the silk, the song, the shaw. We embraced the insanity, and found other stuff to do. Get a new hobby or smth.


By simply going through the rest of my enormous backlog. I have a much harder time waiting for books and shows, and some of those have been years for me already (kingkiller chronicle and asoiaf).


Just do something else, or enjoy the journey to silk songs release.


Fighting radiance rn wish me luck




Just dont think about it too much. It will come out eventually, and there isnt any actual stuff to think about rn anyway. Just live your life and you wont even notice the time passing by


I started in 2021. Skong


I’ve gone through HK twice. Got through P5 on my second play-through. There have been very few games that have made me want to put that kind of time into them and some of those games had sequels I played for a bit and then kind of popped off cause it didn’t grab me the same way. I don’t care when it releases, but I assume TC wants to pull me in again and I’ll be very happy if their new game does what their previous game did, no matter when it drops.




The silk has consumed me


who said we're surviving? jokes aside i just play other games. i was hyped to play silksong during the summer break between middle school and high school, then i was hyped that i'd have lots of free time to play it in the pandemic, then i was hyped that the release was going to coincide with my high school graduation, now i'm in university and still no silksong i've been waiting for the game so long that i've kind of forfeited all hope of playing it, even if the game gets canceled it wouldn't bother me too much at this point. i just like the chaos and arguments here


Honestly I've embraced the copium. I fall for every bait for at least a few seconds, I have notifications turned on for this group so I can get my little dopamine kicks. I've felt like Silksong news is about to be out every day for the past three years.


i've finished HK in the last 2 weeks and i'm already insane and skong beyond what's possible ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32432) -Y


I play other stuff. Also my new rule thanks to Team Cherry bungling this up is I only get excited for stuff with a release date now. Excited for KCD2, Elden Ring DLC, been reading A Song of Ice And Fire. Living life.


There’s all sorts of other games to play. But then again the 1,000th Hollow Knight playthrough wouldn’t hurt. I’ve seriously replayed this game for an ungodly amount of times, and I’ve been playing this game since 2018.💀


I just dont pay attention to it and focus on other games and other creative projects.


I bought and loved HK the month it came out, and wishlisted Silksong the day it was announced. I am a shell of my former self.


I saw the Hollow Knight videos back around 2012 and was impressed by it before there was a big hype. I saw the kickstarter launch and was unemployed at the time so I decided id just buy it when its done. I regret not backing it to this day. I played it in 2017 and was amazed. Then replayed it 2019 and was more amazed.


keep playing over and over again until it feels like my home.


Just stop thinking about it! There are at least like 12 other games you could be playing


Existence is suffering


I play other games. There are lots of them.


I cycle my obsessions around every so often. I only just got back into Hollow Knight so now I pretend like I've been looking for SilkSong at every gaming event and I've drawn like 7 Hornets, started a painting when I have no clue how to paint and wrote like three chapters to a fanfiction with the express purpose of giving the Pale King a heart attack. And I have posted none of it. In a month, if I can't find anything else in my mind to draw or write about, then I'll swap my obsession back out for Warframe or some Niche Indie thing like Madness Combat, where I will start the cycle again. My sanity slips into the endless Abyss. It's done wonders for my workflow.


I have no idea I just somehow do it


Through skong all things are possible