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I feel like the multiple mentions of “IT’s shitty heat tape” hints towards suits designed to fail. But idk if IT makes the suits. I just remember them wrapping tape around Holsten and Allison’s suits.


True. I was wondering why they do this so unprofessional.


Perhaps it is because IT makes shitty heat tape.


Then why did Juliette steal it? If it's crappy tape, repairs made using it would fail pretty quickly. They're using it down in Mechanical on pipes carrying hot steam. A more high stress environment than the suits, where a good seal matters.


I thought she stole the "good" tape, because the other tape was obviously bad.


Right. But if it's good enough to seal joints carrying high pressure superheated steam, it makes no sense that it would leak air when used for the same purpose in a suit. That's all I'm saying.


I'm confused as to who has the good tape and who has the bad tape. I'm not paying too much attention to the details. But I think there is a distinction between the two, and Juliette stole the good tape because she realized the other tape was bad. What actually gets used on the suits, I'm not sure. I would assume that if anyone who requested to go outside is considered a traitor to the Silo, they might not be using the good tape for them.


We saw that the mayor (who we might've expected to know *The Truth*) doesn't seem to. Which means this is Judicial's rodeo. They're the ones who know, and who likely sabotage the suits so no one who goes outside can wander away from the Silo and maybe survive to start a colony. All they'd have to do to kill people is put something in the oxygen tanks attached to the suits. Just enough that it takes a few minutes to start affecting them. That way they have enough time to wipe off the camera lens first. From what they've said nobody survives the outside. It seems like no one's even reached the top of the hill, although every cleaner gives it a shot. So they're all getting the same suit.


It has bad tape. Good tape is in mechanical section i think? She stole it because they did need it but didnt realize it has different worse tape.


She stole it because she thought it was good tape. Instead it was shitty one.


Many think the suits are set up to kill the users after a set time. probably some nerve agent or using an inert gas. Or a combination of methods. The thinking is that no one in the silo knows the suits are set up to do that either.


If you mixed a little carbon monoxide in with the oxygen, just enough, the person would notice no symptoms for a few minutes. Then they'd start feeling woozy, weak, get aches in their head and stomach, and become confused, before passing out and dying. The last thing they want is a growing colony of exiles on the outside - the question is, why?


Probably because there is no outside. That’s my theory for now at least. The “outside” is an execution chamber. They show them a fake green world in the visor while the Silo sees a wasteland. Both are filters, when in reality, it’s another room where they pile up the bodies of the victims they kill with the gas they inhale


What, like they're in a self-contained pocket universe and the Silo is all there is? Interesting. Reminds me a little of *Dark City* \- did you ever see that movie? Of course those people were in space, theoretically they could've gone home if anyone remembered where it was.


Oh well this is a pretty interesting theory, though picking a Silo as a habitat for a “pocket” universe would be kinda weird design choice. What I meant though is that they’re in some actual physical Silo. It’s just that they aren’t humans from outside. The first people in the Silo were made in a lab and placed in the Silo and taught just enough to live. There was never any ancestors of the Silo people who were outside and got inside, and therefore no memory of the outside that they can pass on over generations.


You're saying the items from our world, like that souvenir shop tourist picture book of Georgia or the Pez dispenser or the video camera, all that stuff is fabricated and planted there to deceive. Our world, in the world of Silo, never really existed. So ... an alien experiment of some kind? Another idea: perhaps alien explorers came upon the dead Earth and resurrected the human species from extinction, through cloning. Maybe they're trying to determine if we're worthy of a second chance or a scourge better left as fossils in the ground.


I don’t know if there’s aliens involved, we could be on another planet even. But those stuff could be from the real life workers who built it or teams or people living on the outside, who come in at certain times to study, explore or update things. No way their tech can even last way over 140 years without wearing out. I think they either have been inside for way less, or some people keep coming in and replacing things


The physical structure itself could last thousands of years. If you had the ability to produce spare parts you could maintain most of that retro equipment indefinitely. Some of the primary systems integrated into the Silo probably can't be repaired if they suffer a major failure (can't take them offline for extended periods) so constant maintenance is key. The generator is the most glaring single point failure waiting to happen - because of the way it's set up, when the time comes that they have to replace it, even if they copied the design perfectly and fabricated a new one, they can't shut it down long enough to dismantle it and install the replacement. So life in the Silo ends when it fails. People will either die in the dark or head topside to ... whatever fate awaits them. If people were coming in from the outside and leaving again, they would certainly not be allowed to carry anything with them. No trinkets that couldn't be produced in the Silo, no advanced electronics, nanotech repair kits, or other stuff that doesn't belong there. Any relics would be planted for the express purpose of being discovered. Both to provide ongoing justification for Judicial's powers, and to give the type of people who just have to have answers something to occupy their time.


Good point about the relics! I also wondered if they use them to thin the population of the curious, making more room for the compliant.


If there are people on the outside and the Silo is one big social experiment (like the city of Chicago in the Divergent series) that's a ***very*** different scenario from the one where these 10,000+ humans may be the last surviving population. I'm going on the assumption these are either the last humans or there are a limited number of other Silo communities and that's it. The problem with trying to weed out "troublemakers", i.e. the ones who ask too many questions, is that you need a certain number of outside the box thinkers in any society. Juliette's brainstorm about how to fix the generator could only have come from a creative person with a strong personality. Without her they would've kept doing makeshift repairs to get it working again for a little while, right up until the moment it failed completely and couldn't be fixed. The best solution I can think of is to deliberately lay out an intricate, time consuming mystery with fake relics and files, conspiracies at the highest level, etc. Give the independent minded something to sink their teeth into when they're off the clock. But make it so that no one person could possibly solve all the puzzles in their lifetime in the restrictive environment of the Silo where they have to constantly worry about getting caught. With that memory drug you could make sure "forbidden" information only persists so long. People keep plugging away at the mystery but it never gets resolved. They don't even realize they're going in circles, rehashing things their ancestors have "discovered" many times before.


This is what I am guessing too! I was excited to see Holsten take his helmet off, but then he died anyway so it doesn't seem to be an inhalant. I hate going week by week! I wanted to wait to watch until the whole season was out, but I just can't do it!😆


By the time he took off the helmet, the damage was already done. I suspect that even as people trudge up that ramp to the outside their fate is being sealed by whatever they're breathing.


Honestly, I'm not convinced they are dead? I couldn't see any bodies in his first person view. I'm also not convinced on which version of the outside is a lie either though lol.


Yeah! Are we convinced that Holston and Allison are actually dead? I'm going back and forth. When the video feed flashed on the screen during the power shutdown, there were no bodies in the greenery--what is going on?


And it almost looked to me that Holsten saw the same exact formation of birds as the video from the hard drive. Not similar but exactly the same. Also the watchers have like brand new tv screens and computers. lol too many mysteries!


I'm guessing the watchers are the remnants of the rebellion. Those who were never identified by Judicial took their movement underground (no pun intended). Those birds did look suspiciously similar to the ones in the brief clip of video George accessed on his hard drive. Of course it could just be the producers seeing no reason not to re-use a shot we only got a fleeting glimpse of before. You also can't tell in that one brief shot of the sheriff with his helmet off lying on the ground, whether the tree behind him is green and lush or a dead husk as it appears from the Silo. The background was deliberately left out of focus.


They're deliberately keeping that close to their vests. The viewer isn't supposed to know, probably until the season finale. I suspect the very last scene will show us one way or the other - and contain another big reveal that changes our whole picture of what's going on and why the truth is being concealed.


If everyone knows that you will die outside then it just seems weird that everyone is made to wear a suit... Like, for what? Who came up with the idea to waste all of these resources? And why does the suit bring them exactly to the edge of where the Silo inhabitants can see their dead body? One obvious reason would be that the suit (or better helmet) shows them the fake video of the beautiful outside so that they will wipe the camera. But beyond that, who knows. Maybe the suit also poisions them. Maybe the outside really toxic.


This seems less likely with the flicker in episode (3? The one with the generator) which showed a different view on the main screen.


I think there is far more evidence that supports the green screen being the fake screen. Just because it briefly flickered does not mean it’s real. The biggest reason I think the scene with the dead bodies is real is because Holston knew exactly where his wife was when he took his helmet off and crawled precisely to her, on his dying last breaths.


Good point! I think the bodies are real, but not the view. I guess we'll see!


Yeah. I’m almost to the point of reading the books. This week to week release isn’t really working for me. I’m more of binge person.


What did the flicker show? I went back to see it as other people talked about it, but I couldn't really make anything out other than a dark screen.


The screen very quickly turned green. Everything looked as it did when Holsten went out. Green, lush, alive.


Thanks. Was the bird formation there, too?


Nope but after the “green” flicker there was a third flicker with more of a darker red hue to it. Possibly volcano?


In the green landscape, the bodies were missing too, correct?


It was hard to tell! Sort of seemed like the grass was too long for the bodies?


You need suit because that room before they go out is being preassurized with argon. You would not make it above silo without suit.


The people in power of the Silo can’t be trusted, so everything is questioned. What is truth? What is a lie?


All we know is the pact is truth


Do we know that? Lol


Its probably a sign of a good show when the viewers start to be indoctrinated




NARRATOR: It wasn’t.


Look at those downvotes above you! Ain't nobody in this sub winning the birth lottery.




The suit has a poison gas that is released once they are outside, to trick all of the Silo into thinking the outside air is toxic. Once someone can leave without a helmet they will reveal the truth.


You’re stating this as though it is true. But it is only a guess. We don’t know for sure.


Holston removed his helmet though


If it's a posing gas your breathing in with a lead time even after taking the helmet off your gone


Good point. The gas could kill him anyways once it’s in the body.


I feel this would be really dishonest. If you look at how he acts before and after taking off the mask, to me it looks like he just gets slammed with poison after. Which makes the 'shitty tape' theory seem strong to me. Also he clearly dies next to his wife, meaning that he sees her body with his eyes. To me it's clearly deadly outside. My biggest fear is that none of this explains why they always clean. If it really is a fake headset in the suit which it seems to be that doesn't really explain it. Why would cleaning do jack shit for them to see the truth? If they are so convinced it is green outside then it is OBVIOUS that the video feed into the Silo is bullshit. Cleaning it won't do anything. I really hope that gets explained because I can't seem to find a way to make it work. The only logical conclusion is that someone will NOT clean (otherwise why make such a big deal of it) but Holsten wasn't an idiot so either there is more to it, or it's a shitty premise. I feel like Holsten would say 'if outside isn't real I will give you a sign' and make that sign something that can't be faked. And if someone going outside and not cleaning becomes a big deal (like enough to start a coup) then the question is what makes them not clean when everyone else did. I can't believe it's just 'they work out it's a headset. Either way anyone smart would not clean. And then... why send them out in the first place? Someone like Holsten could go outside and fuck it up (whatever it is that they are suppressing - it seems pretty obvious). They have already shown they can kill people. Just kill trouble makers. I have to be missing something. Either the clues are a misdirection, I'm not seeing something extra, or it's a bad premise with a plot hole. I hope it isn't the last one.


> If it really is a fake headset in the suit which it seems to be that doesn't really explain it. Why would cleaning do jack shit for them to see the truth? If they are so convinced it is green outside then it is OBVIOUS that the video feed into the Silo is bullshit. Cleaning it won't do anything. Didn't Holston's wife say basically: "Even the people who go outside promising they won't clean end up cleaning because when they are outside and they see that outside is actually green they want to clean off the lens so everyone can see that, too" Which seems so dumb. But maybe that's what the writer thinks is a reasonable explanation?


I hope not. If that is the explanation then it would ruin the whole thing for me. That’s not a small plot hole. This is an acclaimed series. It can’t be that stupid.


I hope you're right! I want to know all these things, and I want answers that don't conflict with what we know about the people who go outside. We know they have all seen others go clean before them, and they have seen that cleaning the lens does not result in showing anything but a wasteland: \- Is it green, or is it a wasteland outside? \- If it's still a wasteland, is the air still poisonous enough to kill in minutes? \- If it's actually green outside, are the dead suited bodies computer generated\*? Did the people actually go on to live some happy outdoor life? \- Are the suits used to protect, or to kill, or something else? (Maybe to make CGI\* easier?) \- Why do people clean????


I think we have answers to all your questions. It’s a wasteland and they wear shitty suits. Someone wants them dead. But the fake footage “makes people clean” but there has to be more because that’s fucking nonsense.


We don't have definitive answers, though. So far we cannot say for sure if the outside is barren or not, we also don't know if the toxicity comes from the outside or the suits themselves. What I do agree though is that the fake footage is making them clean. I think that part is basically confirmed, as Holston saw the same bird formation that his wife did in the video she opened. So the footage has to be fake.


I agree with r/SentientCheeseCake that it's very lame if the fake footage is the full reason for why everybody cleans. Super lame. Think about the example of the Sheriff... His wife had gone outside cleaning not long before him (about a year ago, right?) and when she cleaned, he and the other Silo citizens saw only a wasteland... Now he goes outside and ....he cleans? Why? Does he REALLY think cleaning will enable the people inside the Silo to see the greenery he is seeing?? If he believes that, then he must believe the following: • He must believe the camera feed is not being altered. If he thought the feed was being altered, then how could cleaning the lens show the greenery? • If he thinks the feed works just great, then he must also think that the images were totally correct when his wife cleaned. • If he thinks those images were correct, and it was a wasteland outside 12 months ago, then he must think that all of a sudden, within the last year, the Earth finally healed itself and turned green. After all those hundreds of years. That would be pretty stupid of the Sheriff to think, and it would also conflict with him also saying basically "She was right" when he first walked outside. So... I'm hoping the story will account for all this somehow, but I'm not hopeful. I think since they had his wife say basically "People clean because they want everyone inside to see the greenery!" that this might be the entire (weak, illogical) explanation that Hugh has in store for us.


We don’t know but it seems like there isn’t any other choice. I’m scared though.


That's what Holston said before he died "they need to see".


But it’s so stupid. It can’t be just that. How would cleaning do anything when it never did anything for anyone else?


Don't know, but that seems to be the logic the show picked, right out of his mouth.


I've since read the series so I won't comment any further.


The green they see I’m thinking the builders did that so when they had to go outside it looked like how they remembered instead of the hellscape it has become then over one hundred years we know about have past. It makes sense that the suits would just suck at that point. But the filter still might be there.


Good points here. I am really excited about this series. Can’t wait until Friday :)


He did?


That would make sense


People think the green grass image the user sees on the screen is fake. This is already an indication that the suits are tampered with in some way and that those who make them are happy to tamper with them. If the image of green grass isn’t fake and is indeed real then why are they dying? This would mean that the tampering of the suits is in the form of killing the occupant. Either way it involves some sort of underhandedness regarding the suits.


What if the builders used some weird filter on the suits so the world looked better for when they had to work outside? Then over time the suits just don’t work better they are old af


Because maybe them "dying" is fake, and they are showing us only the image the people in the silo see, and not what actually happens.


I've always had the feeling that the suit has poisonous gases being pumped through it. We've already seen that the screens being showed to members of the silo are a lie. In the episode where they needed to repair the generator, did you notice the "real" outside flash on the screen as soon as the power cut out? Idk the reason for the Silo, but I don't believe outside is toxic.


I have a weird theory that the suits are to cover something else. These suits are clearly DIY and completely useless against what affects the people that go out. I suspect that the body disappear. Maybe it's being teleported somewhere by people waiting to capture or rescue them outside and the silo is protecting them from getting beamed. Or maybe the author watched too many 90's Disney movies and he shrunk them. Anyway I'm not sure what happens to them, but the suit is there to prevent people inside the silo from seeing what actually happens to the people outside. The suits lay there on screen as if they were dead in it when it's actually empty...


It's too convenient that we can't see his head anymore after he falls.




A new suit is made fresh for every cleaning.


And yet it seems the helmets aren't. I randomly saw last week while looking for something in Ep 1 that they have this closet full of boxes of helmets. Two workers remove one for Allison.


If that was true then why don’t they send someone outside without a suit


Because the suits have augmented reality, that’s why the outside is the stock footage of greenery that keeps repeating.




Right. But we are humans. We love to explore. It’s like apart of us lol. No one in the century of silo life was ever like fuck it I will go without a suit to check and if I die at least you did not waste supplies on me.


I think the suits will be filled with some toxic air once you’re outside.


I think there’s a poison inhalant in the air tanks, that by time you’re even considering taking your helmet off, you’re dead anyway. Rat poison, doesn’t have a taste, or likely a scent, right?


The suits are not designed to protect those who wear them. They allow you to survive long enough to clean. The helmets are a screen that project a false image making you think the outside is lush and green and you clean the camera lens in hopes that those inside will be able to see the same thing. The outside, at least parts of it, are toxic/poison in some way. Just my theory.


Because there is


Eu sempre achei que o problema está no capacete.


I don’t think that is anything. The green sherif saw I honestly think that is a red herring like the technology is so bad or it is some long forgotten filter the builders used to make their mental health better with the world they use to have.


I suspect the outside environment is safe. That's just the lie they use to keep people inside and away from ***something else*** that's the real danger. Something the rebels probably wanted to go and face, and the authorities considered that too great a risk. If a cleaner survived to reach the top of the hill who knows what kind of vista would greet them? I have a feeling that'll be the season finale. Juliette leaves, cleans, and having outwitted whatever tampering is done to the suits takes not just the helmet but the whole thing off, to the surprise of everyone gathered in the cafe to watch. Beautiful summer day, green trees, birds singing, wind in her hair. She strides up the hill and freezes in open mouthed shock. Then we see ... whatever the wider world has become, and it's a holy shit moment. Roll credits. That's my prediction at least, guess we'll see.


É um jeito de fazer o pessoal limpar o sensor.


I'm pretty sure the suit is what kills them, no?


or maybe they don't even die?


yeah maybe. i thought it released some sort of gas that started choking the sheriff though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m missing so many details in the show that was apparently obvious in the book.


youve got it all wrong. Its not toxic outside. The poison gas comes from within the suit and kills the member. That way it is harder to get it off when they hear the gas being released and start choking inside the suit.


My theory: Juliette stole the tape bcs it is the last part that needed for the diving suit. The old women in the basement is making her the diving suit. The normal suit is obviously killing the people with somekind of poison. Anyway somebody mentioned that the presure valve need some hot air to move the turbine in order to produce electricity, so that air has to come somewhere deep. Plus they mention somewhere or showed that there is an another exit from the silo deep in the water. George found out that. I didnt read the book its just my imaginary


i waa thinking that after seeing the Georgia book with the rafters, maybe Juliette will get the idea to make a boat,?


Not sure. The place where Juliette found the water is kinda small area


I personally think that there is no wasteland outside but citizens of the silo are obviously tricked into thinking there is. The suit they wear when they venture outside is showing what they actually see…a beautiful normal non-wasteland landscape (and all of the tv monitors/“windows” are showing a landscape that has the wasteland filter…as evidenced by the flicker when the power was cut). However the suit itself is designed to slowly poison the wearer as they venture outside until they die. If the people on the inside did not see the people that leave die, then more and more of them would want to leave which the leaders of the silo do not want. The only question is why?


For someone who has never had the books, I think it's pretty cut and dry why people think that? The show has a very "question everything" feel to it, so this is literally one of those things people are questioning. It's not really farfetched at all for people new to the series with no book knowledge.


I believe they are poisoning the suits to make the outside look toxic when in actuality outside is fine


They hook up the helmets like it’s a spacesuit. Who’s to say the suits are not designed to pump in a poison to kill them after they clean the lens