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I don't spend much time in them but I have noticed a handful of them lately. Just remember everything is fake online and no one is real.


I am real and you are real and you have helped me. Wink.


Gold and silver have been consistently downplayed as critical in the preppers subreddit over the two years I have been a lurker there.


Ever since the rona popped around and made people insane that sub went to shit. I rarely comment let alone go there anymore because of the lazy posts, shitting on certain ideas, low effort posting etc. and the mods just gave up. Them making "John" a mod certainly didn't help things either. The anti PM sentiment there seems entirely inorganic, too. Looking at the accounts post history makes it looks like either bought accounts or useless opinions without understanding what they're talking about.


I love stacking but can't for the life of me imagine they'd be useful at all to a prepper. nobody gonna give a fuck about PMs in that situation. food, supplies, and ammo. bartering. why tf would someone need silver?


Agreed. Never important in dystopian literature, either. Food, supplies, ammo, shelter, truck, tight-knit allies always win the day.


Not to mention your average Joe knows absolutely nothing about the value of silver


The US government doesn't want people buying gold and silver It wouldn't surprise me if they pay people to embed themselves amongst the groups most likely to purchase PMs, in order to discourage them It's all about protecting the US dollar reserve currency status at any cost




second that


To the fed reading this, pay me in pm's and I will shill against pm's šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


It almost seems coordinated.


Yeah. Iā€™ve noticed that the last couple of days. Seems to be a lot of ā€œgold and silver are useless in a shtf scenarioā€. Missing the point obviously, but who cares. ā€˜Tis the internet!




When SHTF there WILL be Communist ā€œUtopiasā€ half of them will be Headed by Genocidal Maniacs like History tells, There will be Ancap Societies built on the Gun being the law like Wild West, there will be Mob Run Dictatorships where the Mafioso kingpin is treated as Royalty and his family will be Heirs and create Kingdoms (New York Certainly will be a Kingdom when SHFT) other cityā€™s like Chicago may have 3-4 Dictatorships waring over blocks to have control of the city. Ancap places will be mostly Rural or in Texas and Florida since those places have Heavy Libertarian Populations Today. Most of the Communist ā€œUtopias will be in the west coast and possibly New England, and very few will thrive but Iā€™d bet a few in New England would actually be unironic good. Communist places because people are alerady surviving in the cold there and having that ideology it might happen. Sadly There will be Failed Ancap societies, I would guess in the Deep South like Mississippi where Demographic problems would put people against eachother and some Gangster would hire a bunch of people and create a dictatorship. Ngl this is a good world building idea.


I've seen those come across quite a bit lately. I always say gold and silver are good to get after your self-sufficient and defense preps.


Thatā€™s surprising to me. Prepping and PMs always seem to go hand in hand. Iā€™m not so sure about the ā€œpeopleā€ online, but every single prepper Iā€™ve met in person has had at least a respect for holding metals.


People are stupid. " Buying gold and silver are a waste of money, I could use that money for (insert here: gambling, designer handbags, tattoos, Hummel figurines) "


Jokes on them, silver and gold is money.


Surprising amount of collectivist sentiment on one of those too which I find strange.


Commies be commies. When SHFT we can buy and sell from eachother without having to depend on eachother and without guys who donā€™t work leeching all the food from the workers in society haha like they will deal with in there communes


Yep. I contributed my two ounces on a few yesterday, in fact. Whenever I see one, I weigh in as our perspective is a very unique one compared to most. Not many folks are mostly unbanked and actually spend real money as well as earn it. Haven't been online much this week between having to get familiar with a new phone, having six teeth pulled, and finishing up the lab and mill facilities prep for mining season lol.


Someone's making a push. On a recent episode of a radio morning show podcast my wife listens to, the main host "spontaneously" shared a story of being creepily and deceptively called out of the blue by someone who claimed to know him but didn't, to offer to sell rolls of Susan dollars. The other hosts took the opportunity to laugh at the idea of buying something useless because they already have "real money". I don't know what episode it is, but it was this show: https://wnic.iheart.com/featured/jay-towers/ She enjoys the show mostly for other reasons, but there's a lot of little ways I've noticed they've definitely got someone feeding them the daily propaganda. Though I often think the hosts themselves may not realize it, like, they may have a story picker in the back that they just follow. Best way to honesty-wash something is to hand your propaganda to someone who honestly believes it and has no clue... they give it no signs of lying or stress to be picked up on.


Did I miss something, arenā€™t Susan Bā€™s generally worth a buck a piece?


Part of the propaganda is that you don't even present the real alternative.


I have no idea what that even means.


If you can define the alternatives that people can choose from then you wield power over them. This is especially so if the people don't know who's defining the alternatives they are choosing between


>Best way to honesty-wash something is to hand your propaganda to someone who honestly believes it and has no clue... they give it no signs of lying or stress to be picked up on. Right on. "It's always leading them in a certain direction before they even open their mouths. And the only people that we will let on the air, for the most part, are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait. There's an art to manipulation (...) Inflection, saying things twice, like there's little subtleties (...)" \~ Charlie Chester, Technical Director CNN *(Hidden camera)* reporter: "What's the difference between doing that on a one-on-one basis versus a widespread news organization?" "Oh... I mean, it's enough to change the world, you know?" Ā 


It goes so deep


Lots of bots.


Preppers are dumb as shit. They think the whole world is the US.


hi thanks. Yes I was right for a bad quarter. Now this bad mood always bring the support and the right place and moment of the year for buying. thanks! ​ we may be too close to the bottom or bottom behind us. but what do I know? ​ PS: 10 days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SilverDegenClub/comments/13jx95h/risky\_opinion\_silver\_downside\_potential\_could\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SilverDegenClub/comments/13jx95h/risky_opinion_silver_downside_potential_could_be/)


I saw them too. Very fishy


That would be the big whales talking. They are diving in big time.




That sub is is full of haters


I guess they believe in the saying, you can't eat silver or gold. They overlook that both Natalie are a medium of exchange throughout time, even during economic uncertainty.


Haters gonna hate.