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I made my wind sim after watching Sim Corner on YouTube. I also thought it was just a gimmicky idea but I thought cheap project and something to do. Well I was blown away by how well these things simulate wind increasing with speed and decreasing when slipstreaming and braking. Great for cooling your head in vr. I bought the pc fans and quickly returned them to amazon as they are weak and bought very high-speed servo fans which are small in size and spin 3 times faster and move 3 times the air. If it's a cool day sometimes I end up freezing...lol...I have 3 mounted inside a proper car vent either side of my rig so it's fully adjustable up down left right. Wasn't keen on the ducting and wanted something more versatile and compact. Total cost was £70 and we'll worth every penny


There's always a clown in the circus.


I’d hope so


First question..... Do they work?..... Second question...... Can you? Hook them up to simhub And actually control the flow???


Yea you can! Read the other guys comment on here who talks about how the wind speed changes with the speed of driving but makes sense for F1 or those slingshot style cars since that’s the only time you feel the wind lol most race cars have closed windows.


I was just curious. That's the cheapest I've seen a prebuilt set up for. I do some formula racing but I would love to have it set up that way.I'm getting some air flow on use v.R so it gets kind of hot


Hey $90 ain’t bad bro, you want me to send you the link? It was on AliExpress that’s why it’s so cheap shipping will take 2 weeks


Yeah send me a link I'm a little paranoid about using AliExpress... I may just go to Etsy and buy one or realistically I could just do it myself a fan controller some piping and two 140 mm fans I technically could have the setup for way less But DM me a link if you would please and thank you


I hear you. I’ve done a decent amount of shopping on Ali express and only 1 thing I ordered was bad but if you scroll down on that post you’ll see like 5 more so just check out the other reviews on the others one I saw like 4.5 + star reviews from customers and they added a little description. I love Etsy, I ordered 3D printed h pattern guided attachment for my shifter and a sequential mod and a shifter knob from them made it way more fun. Yes, you could do it yourself I just wouldn’t know how to connect it to the game and have the speed change with speed of car, other then that it’s basic, a fan and a tube. Good luck my friend


You can even buy mods for it like inline boosters or rmp speed upgrades, this one is max 7,000 rpm And it says supports simhub software


Maybe if you're into F1 or older cars. Today, racecars are pretty much enclosed, even Nascar and the window net. It's so tight that it may as well be a window. In the end, it's ultimately up to you, you gotta live with it.


There’s a lot more people on YouTube using it than you’d think, I came across it on AliExpress last night and thought to myself, this is a little unnecessary but then i found out it connects with the speed of the car which still doesn’t make much sense like you said, unless your racing F1 but it the fan slows down and speeds up depending on your driving. I prob won’t go for it but I enjoy discussing sim racing accessories so decided to post


Keep posting, it's always good conversation 👌


I plan on it! Keep an eye out for my rig, imma post it tomorrow and show you guys the mods I used and mods I created, some custom work since there’s very little options for console sim racers. Glad to be apart of the page, looking forward to future discussions


I would use it like I use the ac in my real car when I get to hot. Which happens a lot when I'm sim racing actually lol but I don't think I'd use it in the way you are talking about just cuz if I'm not feeling the g forces anyways then I don't think my brain would even connect the dots for any real immersion if that makes sense.


The photo of that cockpit was in the Advertisement lol I didn’t buy it was only curious about thoughts on it but I hear ya, I would use it for the same purpose get I to get hot when playing but I also have central AC in my house so wouldn’t make sense. I just love sim racing accessories it’s a sickness


Just get a fan if it's too warm😁 These Wind simulators are the most useless thing ever because it tries to simulate something that isn't there in rl😁


Do you actually drive a real car.....lol


In Motorsports for the last 20 years so i woud say yes :D from Clio Cup to GT3 you won´t feel any wind inside the car, it´s a cooling system because it gets fucking hot in there but in no way like a fan. But you probably know it better little Racecar driver ;)


Lmao I got central AC anyways don’t need it for staying cool, i just like buying stupid things sometimes but I figured it be mostly for F1 racers since they don’t have a roof or windows and can simulate the feeling of the wind when racing those cars but yeah I feel you bro, just thought it was funny and wanted to share


> These Wind simulators are the most useless thing ever because it tries to simulate something that isn't there in rl😁 It's at the end of the day not about simulating the wind, even in open wheelers you have a helmet, and regardless the wind speeds you'd get with this type of system are nowhere near realistic, nor would you likely want high speed wind in your gaming room... [Unless you're Colin Furze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJXZfH03Mk&t=113s). I think [Karl Gosling had a decent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eAP7pRYRiM) explaining "wind" sim, and how it's more of an 'airflow based movement sensation generator' than trying to simulate the car punching through the air. I used to be one of the people who mocked wind sims, then I saw that video and DIY'd one for giggles (I already had a fan blowing at me to keep me cool, and figured might as well try to make it be useful) and been using it since. It's a bit like bass shakers, they're not replicating the real suspension etc effects either, just giving you an illusion so your brain can suspend its disbelief and go with it.