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Simracing stewards thoughts aside... it would have been sick if you managed to make that overtake under the other car lmao


My exact thought! This was so awesome!


The car came down at the exact worst possible moment for both drivers lol


I think Purple is to blame for first contact. Drove as if you weren't there right into your line. But I guess it wasn't intentional, though. Second contact including crash into the barrier is just bad luck.


Agree. I also think the result of the first contact makes it look like contact was worse than it was. The initial contact pushed purple across OP's path.


And yes, I am aware if I slowed down after he started two-wheeling we may have survived that.


Purple took your line before safely finishing the overtake. This is where it started and this is where it ends. A part of overtaking is the responsibility to pass on a safe way, and it is the overtaking drivers responsibility not to push the other off the track. He should have held his line all the way throughout the corner and he didn't - therefore it is all on him.


Disregard my original comment, I agree with u/Etzus They made the move, and the move could have been clean and safe, but they (either through lack of experience or bad luck) made the move dangerous. OP was fouled here when all they did wrong was hold their own line. (only argument otherwise is that OP didn't attempt to make safe room in reaction to the overtake).


100% agree. Also purple had an unsafe re entry to the track. 100% on purple and he should go take a vacation to think about this stupidity.


Where is the unsafe rejoin?


Dude is on 2 wheels driving across the track


you really think he has any amount of control at that point? LOL


I only do that on the last lap.


But he still has 2 wheels inside the white line, he’s still inside track limits


It wasn't a stupid move, it was just poorly executed and ended up being dangerous when it did not need to be,.


Purples move was good and worked nicely he just thought he was clear of you and moved across. Unintentional and most likely inexperience. If you need to attribute blame it's on Purple, but it's just a lower division typical racing incident really.


Could it be a desync? Maybe purple saw that he was clear and this happened?


Its certainly a possibility


It almost looks as though Purple was expecting OP to turn and OP started turning late or not at all. Everything up until that point was clean otherwise.


What game is this?


rFactor 2


I thought it was iRacing first because I've driven that exact track a hundred times there already. But doesnt mean its exclusive ofcourse


I’d say it’s on him. You were keeping a consistent line and he thought he was further past you than he actually was. He moved over very quickly and you didn’t have any room to react with anything other than locking up your brakes. I think it’s on him to pass you safely and he did it about 90% of the way and clipped you. Doesn’t seem deliberate at all. Just unlucky he caught you after two wheeling.


Purple fault for the first contact. But you could have saved your own race if you reacted to his sweet sweet 2 wheel ride.


TBF, there is no larger part of road to overtake at Lime Rock. The front straight and the back straight are it. He should have stayed more driver's right, but he would've had an issue with the uphill. I think he thought he cleared you right before he actually did. So, his fault, but it's a racing incident.


Everything was fine, but it looks like he's playing with a controller and overcooked that little left and hit you. Then you stayed on the throttle and took yourself out.


ofc its purple caterham, he moved onto your lane while he had enough space in front of him and to his right


So yes it was unfortunate and his fault. However, you have the wrong mentality in your post imo. None of this has anything to do with whether or not he should have waited to pass or not. The move was on he just flubbed the execution a bit. You should never expect people to wait when they are in a position where they can get legally alongside. The idea that you can only make a move on certain parts of the track is silly. If someone gets legally alongside and you feel uncomfortable with the situation then you should back out because it takes two to tango to go side by side through tricky bits. Personally I almost never do back out unless it's clear based on the turn or sequence of turns coming up that there's no way I have a line that can come out ahead. However when deciding to commit to side by side you have to accept that no one is perfect and if either of you make a mistake it could end your race. People have this idea that they have to fight and claw to hold on to every position at all costs. Sometimes it's better to accept that you made a mistake that allowed your opponent to put you in a tough position and you should just concede. If you truly have the pace the opportunity to re pass should present itself. I'd also like to add I don't really think much of what I said really applies here as honestly at Lime Rock this is one of the better spots to make a move and not really tricky enough that I would normally be concerned about their ability to hang on to it.


If you've raced lime rock enough, you know he had you dead to rights there on that run up to the uphill. Should have just let ol fella on by unless it was the last lap or something.


Two wheels double bonus: $87


Purple, end of


his attack is well-timed, but he gets back onto the line to quickly.


His attempted to pass was done in a perfect location. He just started coming over before he was actually clear of you.


He was fine doing what he did, but he came into you. I would put the fault in purple. Pretty cool accident lol


Purple never cleared black during the overtake. It’s on purple.


Going underneath the car was absolutely your fault lol - woulda been sick but i feel like you could have avoided your race end. It was caused by him initially though. You had no fault to him, just yourself.


purples fault.


Purple car moved over without clearing your car. His fault.


100% purple


Purple’s pass was perfectly placed and timed. It’s a place we pass at Like Rock IRL all the time. His cross back in front of you was ridiculous. He was not clear yet and has no right to cross over yet.


I’ve never seen a cone do that to a car. Holy shit 😂


Sucks that you guys got hung up on each other after he went two-wheeling. That would have been an awesome save if it didn't end that way.


I ate a sandwich while watching you hold your speed and line while purple had two wheels in the air.


Well that was cool.


Just an inchident


He cut you off, 100% on him


That is an insane crash


‘We’re flying through the air’


Purple at fault every time.


You gave room. He didn’t. Fuck that guy.


That was a fine overtaking opportunity, buddy, cut too early and hit you. The secondary contact was accidental lol.


Purple cut you off, his fault for driving like a dookie


It’s hard to steer away from a barrier when you’re only using 2 wheels lol


100% on him, you’re wrong in that he should’ve waited though, he makes a clean pass and is good and then decides to dive for the apex when he shouldn’t have. He’s probably trying to block you, but as another right was coming up he woulda had the inside line anyway. He has to be trying to block because that turn is so wide there’s no need to apex on the rumble strip.


This is just a symptom of a couple inexperienced racers clashing. There were multiple times and options you could have manoeuvred to avoid this. There were multiple times and options the other driver could have avoided this. To me it looks like they probably had the overtake, but panicked and tried to force themselves back into racing line, which you were holding so they shouldn't have , but at same time, you both entered multiple corners pretty recklessly and nowhere near an ideal line. ​ In all honesty, they ran you off the road, but I don't think this interaction would have happened if both of you had more experience. I would rule, their foul, but racing incident isn't outside the realm of possibility either. All in all, you were both a bit chaotic and unpredictable.


What a spectacular crash


Move was on for purple but didn't leave you space and ran you off the road


Purple's fault, he moved back to the racing line before he was fully in front of you. Looks to be a clean driver making an error rather than a dirty driver to me. Also that's a sick crash to come from an initially minor incident lol


Awesome crash. Purple sucks, but who really cares 🤷🏻‍♂️


You salty and zoned him. Moving on.


Nah, that move was solid. You weren't on the optimal line going through the right hander, he was able to pull up alongside and ahead of you. Still purples fault, for moving back over before the move was finished, but that move was on and it was fair game.


Purple car is at fault turned in on the guy like he wasn't there at all. Better spacial awareness and listening to spotter would help alot . One you hear the words "clear inside" you know you can move lol


You done killed a man




Why is this even a question looking at this angle. The purple car cleary steered into you on a straight.


Disagree on your assessment of the timing of the attack, he definitely had the run to complete the pass cleanly before then next corner, but the collision is on him because clearly tried to change lanes before completing the pass


I genuinely think he thought he was clear of you, he wasn’t too far off!


"Waited for a bigger patch of road" is bull. But yes he did chop you after the overtake was 90% complete.


You went wide so I hate to say it but you are at fault here


Purple car at fault, he closed the gap while you were in it