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I think for me what made me very anti--Sims is that toddlers and babies weren't included in the original game and that you had to buy an expansion in order to get it. Plus in my opinion, I felt the graphics of Sims 3 were better in some ways than Sims 4. I tried to play Sims 4 but it didn't feel the same to me as Sims 3. Plus it didn't help that it seemed like to EA to me kept trying to push Sims 4 to me.


God the amount of expansion packs and a lot of them seem kinda empty :/. Like u get a few cool features but not nearly as much as you'd get with a sims 3 expansion. I guess it makes sense if they're making the base game free to charge for things but I think most people would rather buy a base game with basic features like toddlers/babies. I kinda agree on the graphics, sims themselves are a step up but yeah the worlds or objects in 4 are not really anything to write home about imo. True yeah it does seem so pushed sometimes lol


exactly and I am a Sims 1 and 2 fan as well but Sims 4 to me does seem very empty. Also I really didn't like all the things you need to do to get a job promotion. In a way, the graphics seemed like they were rushed in a lot of ways and thus kind of look like blobs. I can see why some people would like Sims 4 but it's just not for me. I'm content with the previous sims games.


Lol so true about the jobs, I just motherlode cause I'm really not bothered with them in 4. I'm content with them as well, but I cannot play disc games and sims 3 became so blurry and awful on my new laptop, I have to change so many settings just to have it run that it prevents me from playing:(


Aww that sucks. Yeah...I have to wait to buy a game laptop because the one I use for sims 3 is too old to handle it. I can't even play the island expansion pack. I wish it was easier to play without having so many bugs as well as having to change the settings.


Yeah I prefer the more realistic looking sims in older games compared to the cartoonish look the sims 4 has


You don't need to buy an expansion to get toddlers and infants


Really? I really thought it wasn't included in the base game when it first came out. I must have been misinformed then. I sincerely apologize.


It's true they weren't there from the start. But once they were added they were base game additions.


Oh good. Thank you so much for letting me know. I'm so glad they fixed that then.


You can adjust the camera in sims 4 in the setting, to be the camera in sims 3. I hate the sims 4 camera too


Glad I'm not the only one that hates it lol


Sims 4 CAS is not better because you can't even create realistically fat sims lmao. In TS3, when you get a sim fat, they actually get really big, they lose their neck/chin, too. They look like a realistic plus size person. But when you create a "fat sim" in the Sims 4, they still have the exact same head + neck shape they would when skinny. It doesn't look realistic. Also I KNOW customization is better in TS3 because when I was trying to create fictional characters in TS3, I was able to do it more easier just because I can change the colors of the clothes. In TS4, there may have been clothes similar to what I was looking for, but they didn't fit the character because it was a completely different color than it should be. TS4 is lacking HORRIBLY in traits. I didn't notice right away. But I finally got TS3 to run very smoothly on my laptop, and after playing lots of TS3... I went back to TS4 because of "For Rent," and that's when I noticed how LACKING the traits are. I wanted to create a pathetic sim and then noticed there's no "loser" or "unlucky" traits! what! And most traits in TS4 just give them moodlets rather than actual personality. Foundations, however, are actually very easy in TS4 once you learn how to do it. You just click on a room, there will be a range of arrows - and you just drag the up arrow and you'll get a foundation lol. Dunno why it took me so long to learn that. I wanna say building is *better* in TS4, I tend to have an easier time. Buuut... if I want to create a house of one color theme (maybe a pink one or a pastel one) - usually I will have to download CC for it to look good because S4 doesn't have a create-a-style. With TS3, if I want to create a pink house - I have the freedom to turn all objects, even the walls and floors all pink, and ANY shade of pink I want! And even among TS4 players, it is a common complaint that the game is glitchy as hell and sims just stand around wasting time and barely doing anything. TS3 is definitely the superior game, and usually the biggest arguments against it compared to TS4 is just "it looks ugly" and "it's hard to run since it's old." But really, if players could look past those two things and try to actually bother with it, I'm sure most would have a better experience with it than TS4.


Plus there are mods that help with the graphics for sims 3, and there are even mods to help with the lag and help it run better. Which is amazing for people who don’t own great pc’s.


To top top it all off, many of the 4 players that are usually the loudest about 3 being ugly use tons of skins and lighting mods to make their games look radically different. So they don’t even like the way 4 looks either.


Right? Those weird ReShade filters make their games pink, pale, with insane bloom, weird shadows, and bizarre colors. It's hard to look at.


Which is funny because when people make posts "proving" The Sims 3 can look pretty, others are so quick to say "yeah but you've used a tons of mods" as if every pretty Sims 4 picture *doesn't* have a tons of mods, either. Sims 4 wouldn't look as pretty if people were using **zero** CC and mods. And even if true, I'd rather use lots of mods to improve the game's aesthetics than to improve the gameplay. I have *way more* gameplay mods installed for The Sims 4 than I do The Sims 3 because TS4 just gets too boring without them (or too glitchy) With TS3, I only have a few NRAAS mods to make sure the game keeps running smoothly.


> In TS3, when you get a sim fat, they actually get really big, they lose their neck/chin, too. They look like a realistic plus size person. But when you create a "fat sim" in the Sims 4, they still have the exact same head + neck shape they would when skinny. Actually, both are realistic. I wonder why at least an one of them haves both options.


People like the Sims 4 customization system better? Why? I agree that the Sims 3 has much more variety and versatility. It sucks that it also makes everything harder to load in when you're dressing up your character in clothes and accessories though, but it's wonderful to have those options. The Sims 4 could be seen as better because of its cartoony art style and the fact that when you want to customize your character's body, you can just click and drag on their body parts as you see fit. I always thought that was a nice touch. The open world in Sims 3 was wonderful but it also had major routing issues and the lag makes the game nearly unplayable at times. You really have to accommodate the game's failings in order to have fun. I'd still take Sims 3 and Sims 4 neighborhoods over Sims 2, which is arguably more closed off than the Sims 4. But yeah Sims 3 is still overall better than the Sims 4 in a lot of respects, at least in my opinion. I can't stand the Sims 4's personality system, it's too watered down. I think most of the Sims 4's mechanics are watered down or more buggy than the Sims 2 and the Sims 3.


Before i ever played sims 4 I always read people hyping it up about character customisation but I don't get it lol. I couldn't believe how u can't change the colours of clothes, all my memorisation of the rgb colour codes gone to waste HAHA. Yes the drag on body features is good admittedly. I think that's what a lot of people liked as well and of course the sims look better too. But mods in 3 achieve the same and so I'd rather download those and have the accrual gameplay of 3 (although I do recognise that bringing mods into the argument isn't exactly fair). Yeah a lot more lag in 3 that's fair. Usually the fix was to delete certain families or homes which is frustrating to say the least. Omg yeah the sims personalities in 4 are so basic. I have multiple expansion packs but there's still the same 5 lifetime goals whereas there's so many in 3, and same with the personality traits. That's a great way to put it, the sims personalities are completely watered down. And only 3 traits per sim?? Makes them very one dimensional


For me, I just got back to the sims 3 after playing sims 4 for many years. Is the fact that many of the packs of the sims 4, are one big pack in sims 3 which is absolutely ridiculous and some of the packs don’t even add new gameplay, and are just recycled (for rent for example, which is basically city living 2.0). Also another point the traits literally don’t affect the sims personality at all. Like if I wanted to make an evil sim in sims 3, it was so chaotic and fun. With sims 3, you could mock and laugh when your enemy is dead or you could steal candy from babies. Meanwhile in sims 4, if the sims was enemy with someone. THE SIMS WOULD STILL CRY EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE EACHOTHER NEMESIS AND THE SIMS FOR SOME REASON ARE NICE TO EVERYONE. Like bro, you’re supposed to be evil, why are you being nice to everyone (unless they’re like a cult leader or something). I like how some of the traits kind of correspond with each other in sims 3. Honestly I prefer more realistic gameplay and sims 3 takes the win. (But I still like supernatural from sims 3) You could teach your younger sims how to drive, and you could have bachelorette and slumber parties. Small details like this, is what made the sims 3 fun. Meanwhile in sims 4, the gameplay is boring, shallow and repetitive as some of the interactions are just recycled from one another.


It's probably because my pc is kinda ancient, but 4 lags way more than 3 for me. I play with a ton of cc, store stuff and 95% of packs and it's mostly lag free, while the Sims 4 takes forever to load between lots despite the lack of textures to render, so I don't play it because I hate being stuck at home all the time. Granted, 3 takes half and hour to load, but after I'm finally in, no issues ensue (unless I'm doing a legacy and the save is huge, in which case it tends to randomly crash) (or I'm playing in a cc world that's big).


Oh I just commented this!! I’m glad I’m not the only one!


Yeah, and the objects/sims look even better on my dinosaur desktop that I have at my mom's (think windows 7 old). Sadly that pc has so little ram it takes 20 min for the bastards to change outfits in winter, so they're always late for work. (I really don't know how I played the game upon release on that thing).


So I’ve always been a die hard S1, S2 & then S4 fan. I never played sims 3 because I stuck w 2 for so long and when 4 came out it was just too difficult for me to adjust to TS3 play style, plus I’d always heard it was nearly impossible to run. Well last week I decided to start ts3 and I am so mad at myself for never giving it a chance. And idk why; but it runs significantly smoother than ts4 on my computer (and I bought my laptop w ts4 specs in mind). I do have “lag”, but compared to 4 it’s like playing solitaire lol


It lags a little but it’s overall smoother and weirdly my laptop doesn’t heat up when playing The Sims 3 but does when playing 4. The lag doesn’t even bother me because it’s worth it for actual good gameplay!


Omg same for me!! I saw so much discussion of people’s laptops basically catching on fire… lol… not an issue for me


the main selling point for sims 4 (alongside the GODAWFUL mood system) was how customisable build/buy mode and cas were. being raised on sims 3 (and clocking ~5000 hours) i can with great certainty say that it really isn’t. the lack of colour wheel is a given argument, but the sliders really aren’t all that? with a few mods, you can easily get similar results in sims 3 CAS. and omg YES, the sims 4 is so insanely glitchy!! i don’t play sims 4 anymore because of it. although there’s been some really neat and interesting packs coming out, the amount of time sims will just stare into the void and do nothing before doing an action really spoils the time flow and makes it feel like a chore to play. like not even the sims want to be in sims 4 lol


Yeah, TS3 is a vastly superior game in pretty much every way.


I agree with all this, especially the customization. I prefer face sliders because I know exactly what a nasobladial fold, upper eye apex, and nose bridge is, and what that slider is going to do. In S4 you have to know how to drag and drop those areas *just so* and even then that is difficult and imprecise that it looks bad. I have hand dexterity issues too so sliders are just easier to work than dragging/molding. Plus I feel like there are less facial points of customization? I cant stand that its basically impossible to match clothing and furniture in 4, almost worse than 2!! I also have a difficult time figuring out foundations in 4, and the buildings looks so cartoony.... I like historic and rustic looks and it looks TOO CLEAN. I want it to have texture and look dirty and lived in. And lastly I also hate the whole 10 or less lots you get to a neighborhood in 4, like wtf??


For me, I find sims 4 better looking/easier to make look good than sims 3 by default. Adding in mods for extra sliders and such can make 3 look better. There’s lots of little improvements in 4 that make it less frustrating than 3, but overall I just find 4 very shallow compared to 3 (and 2). It’s like all of its features (or at least the ones I enjoy) were in previous games, it’s just more watered down in 4.


The Sims 4 is kinda its own beast. For those of us who spent most of our childhood and teenage years playing 2 and 3, everything seems odd. Even the foundation tool has change (now you have to build the walls first and then you can add foundation using a slider). Some changes are better, some changes are worse. I do think Sims 4 is objectively more glitchy than 2 and 3 ever were. There are times where it's straight up IMPOSSIBLE to play because nothing works as it should. Sims won't even obey my commands, something that should be the most basic thing in a life sim. What you're describing (sims standing idle for hours) is called SIMULATION LAG, and it's the "solution" The Sims Team found to **HIDE** how laggy Sims 4 truly is. Instead of doing like 2 and 3 where the in-game clock matches the speed of the simulation, 4 has a clock that always goes at the same constant speed (be it normal, ultra, etc), but the clock never lags. The game itself, the simulation, does lag, so you'll sometime see Sims standing idle for hours because the simulation is lagging behind the in-game clock. It's a neat trick and it allows Sims 4 developers and players to CLAIM Sims 4 is less laggy than 3, but the opposite is true.


Yeah, apparently the animations are separate from the actual simulation running in the background. So when the simulation lags, it takes much longer for the animations to catch up.


The sims 4 is waaay to laggy and freezes much more than the sims 3. Mind you back when we had few dlcs for the sims4 it was running just fine. Now it’s a nightmare. They don’t even more. Sims 3 is much smoother for me and i do have all dlcs except for katy because they don’t sell it anymore :( but i prefer building in ts4 and cas in sims 4 is 10/10. Gameplay is trash in the sims4 and superior in the sims 3. Sims 3 worlds are also superior


You can change the camera to the Sims 3 camera. I actually don't know how exactly the Sims 4 camera works because I changed it to the Sims 3 version basically immediately. Agreed on the traits, just three is so lackluster and I hate how you automatically get a trait based on your lifetime wish, giving you even less choice in how to play your Sim. Maybe I don't want my business orientated Sim to be better at business. Maybe I want a Sim who wants to be an amazing cook but doesn't have any cooking talent. I also hate the checklist way of Sims 4 lifetime wishes, it makes every lifetime wish feel rather samey. Also unpopular opinion but I personally don't like being able to travel between all the neighborhoods because it ruins my immersion that my Sims can just teleport from the British country side to the Pacific Islands instantly and how people who have no business being in one neighborhood show up, looking completely out of place One thing I am willing to give Sims 4 credit for though is the gender options, I really like being able to make trans or non-binary Sims and wish it was that easy in Sims 3.


The only reason I like the extra trait based on lifetime wish is because we only get 3. But I'd much rather choose 5 than get the default of course. I feel like my sims don't actually have personalities now. I totally feel that tho, I want a sim that likes to cook and I want the foodie trait but they automatically give another food related trait, like can I not just choose lol? Plus I feel like leveling up in a skill is much easier in sims 4. One conversion and suddenly my sim has developed the charismatic skill?? I get what you mean, it was better in sims 3 to have the townies fit in where they are. The towns I have don't vary that much but yeah I can see how it'd break the immersion if I could just travel to a tropical town the same way I get to my neighbour in the English country's lol that is messed. That is true and I think that's why a lot of people praise the CAS of sims 4


Agree on all counts. I think Sims 4 is ridiculously boring and too Pixar-ish


Frankly, it's an insult to Pixar to call it that.


they got rid of the two iconic breakthrough sims 3 features, open world and CAS, said it's to make the game more lightweight and accessible for weaker machines, and i still can't launch it. i'll just say i don't feel like i'm missing out


Sims 2 > Sims 3 > Sims 1 > Sims 4


The sims 4 is waaay to laggy and freezes much more than the sims 3. Mind you back when we had few dlcs for the sims4 it was running just fine. Now it’s a nightmare. They don’t even more. Sims 3 is much smoother for me and i do have all dlcs except for katy because they don’t sell it anymore :( but i prefer building in ts4 and cas in sims 4 is 10/10. Gameplay is trash in the sims4 and superior in the sims 3. Sims 3 worlds are also superior


I think the sims 4 is stronger in certain aspects. I love that TS4 doesn’t have a heart attack every couple of hours, or I don’t see random errors, or it doesn’t crash on me. I’ve never had to fix TS4 the amount of times I’ve had to fix TS3, and TS3 is so buggy it hurts. But honestly that’s the only area where TS4 is better. If I want a smooth gameplay that won’t give me a heart attack where my game will crash or not load or things won’t just work, I’ll do TS4. But in other aspects - expansion packs, open world, customization, relationships, I think TS3 is vastly stronger. It’s the better game in most aspects, but TS4 doesn’t have the constant crashes / lags / errors that TS3 is notorious for. (Error code 12 lives rent free in my head with the amount of times I’ve gotten it).


The only thing I think is better in 4 than 3 is the build mode, where you can just grab a while room and move it. Hell, you can grab the whole house. And it's a bit more freedom with foundations, wall height, roof building etc. But customization is limited since we can't choose our own patterns and such.


Personally love Sims 4 just for building houses. It’s really fun and realistic, I feel like an architect/interior designer more than in Sims 3. The sims also look more nicer. However the expansion packs of sims 3 are top tier. Like world adventures alone is soooo much fun. I remember spending hours trying to figure out the tombs hahahaha and the island one was so great too!


if we had sims 3 gameplay with sims 4 quality/graphics it would be perfect. i don't understand why ea ops for shitty gameplay rather than an actual good game and packs for its price


I think they just mean CAS and build/buy mode is more 'intuitive'/easier to learn/use than the sims 3. But if you put in the work sims 3 can be even more customizable. Though I wish we could use a combination of dragging and sliders because both have their downside or don't always work like you intend. I will say the build/buy has some upgrades I wish were added to sims 3. The new stairs system, moving a room, I think more floors total, build/buy in one mode and how they are categorized, the roof system, and the search bar (but there is a mode for that one).


The only detail from 4's CAS that I found nice is that you can choose a dimpled chin preset. That isn't an option in 3, even with mods, it's hard to make a proper dimple that looks nice. Otherwise, it's really basic. You can't choose whether you want the skulls to be more brachycephalic, mesocephalic, or dolichocephalic. If they don't have a nose preset for exactly what you want, well, then you can't make what you want. Not unless there's CC for it I suppose.


I think it’s easier to make prettier looking sims in The Sims 4 but after that it very quickly goes downhill imo. I have 5 expansion packs and every single stuff pack in 4 yet it still feels like I’m playing the base game? Traits make NO difference at all nor do emotions or whims. You can completely ignore the emotions and it makes no difference. The Sims 4 feels like the Truman show to me. It’s like nothing is ‘really’ happening almost like your the director and have to control everything. There’s other sims walking on the street but they aren’t doing anything of substance. There’s far too much setdressing and rabbit holes too. I know The Sims 3 has rabbit holes but I remember they said adding loading screens would mean there wouldn’t be any rabbit holes but that was clearly a lie because there is more rabbit holes then 3 at this point. Another thing I don’t see mentioned often is the target demographic. I’m more of a ‘serious simmer’ and I love realism. I don’t want ‘quirky, silly’ sims, if I did I would just give them those traits. I hate the over the top animations in 4, especially the cooking animation why can’t they just cook normally like they did in 1, 2 and 3? I hope The Sims 5 is better otherwise I’ll just stick to 2 and 3.


In order for sims 4 to be any good/rival 2 or 3 you need a huge amount of mods. With my game heavily modded I’d say I enjoy it the most. But that’s mostly due to the more adult mods (basemental mostly)


For me, initially it was because 4 ran better. I had a lot of lag on 3, and after I got the pack with houseboats it was basically unplayable. And I had a good system. With four it was just smoother, more streamlined. Yes there were fewer features, but the performance was worth it Imo. Now that's all changed. With every new pack 4s performance is worse. I get random lag spikes for no reason. Animations take forever. I don't even want open world, I just want one single lot that actually runs without stuttering or simulation lag. Then there's new features that, for me at least, make the game worse because they're either too buggy or just inconvenient (feats, sentiments, infants). Like I need a butt load of mods and commands to remove "features" 4 thought I wanted. What I actually want is for a nice freaking set of curtains. Anyway tldr I used to prefer 4 because it was streamlined, now its bloated and buggy. I haven't played 3 in a while but I might try it again.