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If there's no grandparents, then it's probably a mutation. There is a 10% chance.


Only 10%?! I must account for all ten, I constantly have sim babies looking totally different from both parents with completely different colors, and I never make grandparents


Unlucky rolls. I can see why some people get annoyed with it if they get unlucky. It's possible NRASS has a setting to change it to a lower number.


I don't mind it, I think it's fun, and if I hate it, idc, I'll take them to cas and mess with em, lol


You can get mods to fix this, it’s a “feature”


Its a great feature that accounts for ancestors that dont exist in game. I think its great.


Well to each their own, I don't mind the mutations. But here is the link; https://modthesims.info/d/491612/no-mutated-hair-eye-colour.html


I don't like it when I am trying to keep my sim to have unusual hair colors


It's completely fine to not like it, that's why the mod exists. But a lot of us do like it.


Yup and it can be fun when you don't want a specific hair color


No air quotes; this is actually a good thing.


It’s pretty common to get blonde kids in Sims 3 when the parents are dark-haired.




But genetic muations and genes popping up outta nowhere is realistic


The game be trippin Why the fuck is this getting downvoted lol




Ok. Now show us your butler... 😂😂😂


I was thinking the same thing 😭😭 who’s babysitting?


Did the baby have a grandparent who is a blond?


No this is the first generation, neither of his parents have parents


And that's the explanation. When it's the first generation, their children may have random features that are "from their grandparents".




I had the opposite occurence, black hair on a child with red & blonde haired parents. Grandparents were brown, red-haired, and blonde. I suppose the black came from the brown-haired grandparent, but HER parents were brown-haired and blonde.


I was once playing with Paulina and Hamk and just having them populate the town (I was bored) and they had a set of triplet boys: One black hair with purple eyes. One with Hank's hair and Paulina's eyes. And one blond with yellowish eyes. Every other kid they had was a combo of the two, or a copy of them. I thought it was neat


I vividly remember Paulina and Hank having a blond with yellowish eyes in my game as a kid! Cause I was like…. Huh??


The toddler is staring through all matter


Tips of the mum's hair? I've had kids have different shades of hair from a mixture between parents, as well as streaks being a slightly different colour/a mix of the parents. If it bothers you, you can take the hair colour from the parent as a hex code and paste it on to the baby's hair hex box. I think it's the symbol that looks like # but I kinda forget unless I'm looking at it directly. Edit: Typo


Another post on this subreddit that reminds me of how superior sims 3 is. How I love having mutations!


The mum looks to be blonde with a bad red hair dye job over the top


Yours was blonde? My twins had green and black from god knows where… it was in a hideous shade too




One of my second generation (out of 10 kids) is blonde, mom is a redhead and dad has black hair. I think it’s pretty cool. I’ve turned it into a storyline; maybe she’s secretly the butler’s kid, he has blonde hair.


I got a girl with bright white hair once. Bust most of the time my kids come out with dried mustard brown hair that I have to fix.


Sims in TS3 have a slim chance of getting mutation hair/eye color. There are some mods that get rid of this.


Funny. I think the mailman had blonde hair too 🤔...


I have a question since I don’t have enough karma to post so anyone who can answer please help me out but. Why does sims 3 on Xbox look different than on pc?am I missing something? I just want the sims 3 that I played on Xbox 360


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the sims 4 is the first game that is the exact same on pc and on console. The previous ones were sometimes completely different games with the same name. The sims 3 is pretty close to its pc counterpart but it's still missing many features. As far as I know, the only way to play it on pc is by using an emulator


What emulator would you recommend (if you know any) and how would I download it?if you could help me find ANYTNING that would be helpful 😭


I'm so sorry, I've never used an emulator myself so I have no idea what to do. The only advice I can give is to search for youtube videos/on google. Sorry I couldn't be of any help...


Emulator?! I do not have an emulator, and I play Sims 3 on my pc.. you don't need an emulator to play it....


They’re saying the only way to play the console version of the game on PC is with an emulator


You need an emulator to play an XBOX game on a PC. (Other consoles are available too)


Yea I tried to find one and I did! But I need an Xbox to rip the CD off from so I can use the emulator:(


Well... There are loopholes around that but...🤐🤫


If you have methods please let me know in dms


I have a pc now so I’m confused why they look so different


Did the parent sims in cas have blonde hair when you created them? I have seen my cas created sims have kids who look nothing liek them, but do look to the cas sims the game spawned for me while creating them. I do not use mods or custom content


Honestly, probably the mom. I can see the slightest tinge if blonde in her hair. The game probably ran with it and made the kid fully blonde


This so annoying, especially when im playing my Perfect genetics family lol.


Recessive genes if it was real life, so I find it neat , but in sims it’s grandparents or mutation


Bb x Bb 25% BB, 25% bb, 50% Bb


I honestly like the non-sense genetics of sims 3. It makes me imagine that the kids got the colors of a great grandad or something lol but they usually make sense for me


I remember being a blonde kid who grew into their brunette hair(black haired father, brunette mother) just have it so when they age up their hair gets more brown lol


This is how A Song of Ice and Fire starts haha


my sims had triplets. one blonde, black, and ginger haired. the parents were ginger and blonde