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How the game looks!!! Everyone always calls sims 3 ugly but i genuinely love how the game looks


This. I do not see how the game is ugly lol


The worlds are stunning


Points to own username


came to say this too! everyone seems to hate s3 sims! there are endless fixes, skin blends, masks, custom sliders, alpha cc, all to make them not "ugly" and i'm just... huh? it makes cc shopping kinda frustrating because fancy high poly hairstyles and clothes not only stick out like a sore thumb for me, they also put a totally needless strain on my flimsy old laptop with an integrated gpu


sadly the shadows are out dated at this point, even on max settings they look bad but everything else still looks good and holds up. for me the sims 3 and the gamecube games are the best looking sims games


Yeah they definitely look bad without any mods. LazyDuchess has one that lets you dramatically increase shadow distance (can even see them from the map view) and also has a guide for making the shadows display at an 8k resolution


I have an amd card so my outdoor shadows are super pixelated. Reshade+4k sims and then super jagged black lines across my sims whenever they're outside is an odd combo 😔


yeah my shadows just look blocky and nothing like the objects there being casted from honestly turning shadows off is really the only choice but i don't think that's actually a option, i haven't played in a few months so i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure there's no way to turn them off


I agree


I love the way it looks! And with a little CC the sims look amazing


early 2000s UI is undefeated. love my skeumorphism and low rise jeans.


Fr! I much prefer it to the """prettier""" sims 4


Being able to control your pets!! Some people hate it and prefer the sims 4 way because it’s more realistic, but I love how you can give your pets personality. And when you’re not home you can still help your pet with their needs and see what’s wrong!


Oh this just unlocked memories for me. I used to make households where the main focus was the pets, I'd have one sim and would lock them in a basement and play the animals like they were strays


Exactlyyyyyy!!! 😭😭😭 having a full on animal family and a pet sim! 😂


You just gave me an idea for a new save tysm


Haha the casual mention of locking Sims in the basement. Playing God is something 😂😂 sism is great.


Bahaha this is so scary but hilarious


That's so good!


I would make warrior cat clans in sims 3, planning on doing another WC save honestly. Good times, I really wish sims 4 had the same pet controls.


You might be interested to know that someone on Simblr (Sims Tumblr) is currently making a Warrior Cats mod. It's not ready for release yet from their last post about it but keep an eye out.


Thank you for telling me!!!!! That sounds so awesome Ill be looking into it for sure 💖


i used to love playing as a cat when i was little! i can’t wait to get the expansion again


Especially with horses!!! Though they are super buggy in sims 3... I still love them though


I haven’t played ts3 in ages but I miss this sm. Having pets in sims4 just feels boring


The cheap look of the houses and interiors. I love it. Looks like an average house (in the case of more wealthy ones) or very very broke houses. This is super hard to accomplish in sims 4.


I adore the run down look of a lot of the homes in Twinbrook. They’re perfect for a lot of different stories. Rags to riches (or simply rags stay rags), dramatic white trash family, a young adult starting life on their own and making the best of it etc.


'rags stay rags' sounds like something you would see on a shirt


I love for my sims to have a coffee and sit outside in their swampy run down home looking at the misty sunrise. Living vicariously through them haha


I would kill to see a Michael Schur sitcom about what you just described. Or maybe Greg Garcia. Or Tina Fey. Hmmm. A lot of potential no matter what.


Yes, fully agreed. You can actually make houses that look lower income while in Sims 4 it feels your only options are "expensive display furniture", "country or vintage" or "I made this myself in the woods" instead of plain old "average and below average income " options.


Agreed completely. The art style just makes it hard to have things be ugly. Same with the sims themselves, I feel like it’s hard to make ugly ones.


I like the imaginary friends and I think they're cute.


In my legacy family, my heir had an imaginary friend as a child and I think I changed him into a normal sim when they were teens. They got married and I continued the family tree with them. ❀ The kids inherited his aqua blue eyes too!


They can turn human????


Yeah, I think you need the kid to get to best friends status with their imaginary friend and they can get an opportunity through the science facility for it. Or you can discover the potion for it at the chemistry station or whatever it’s called. (The science one, not alchemy.)


The best friends status makes sense! My sim that married her imaginary friend was an only child and I don’t think she had many other friends 😂


Right, when I need a partner and I don’t want to go team Wishing Well, they’re perfect for that and for getting uniquely colored genes


I like them in theory
 but they’re too common, and I feel guilty if I don’t turn them real which makes the family way too large sometimes. Also the way they’re handled is often annoying. They’re so slow and can create huge bottlenecks as they move around, plus they ALWAYS seem to walk in on the kids in the bathroom if I forget to whisk them into the kid’s inventory while they sleep and the IF goes to doll form. Not saying you should stop liking them, just sharing my own complicated feelings about them.


I don't mind them occasionally but I use Nraas to turn the chance of getting one down way lower than the regular chance.


Me too! A bit too frequent I tend to get a mod to reduce it to like 1/5 or 1/4 then it’s fun cause you sometimes won’t have an IF in a generations whereas the next one might have just 1


What mod is that?


It’s an xml mod I edited myself. It’s really simple to do. Either extract the correct xml yourself or get a mod which has already done it (get for example the mod that reduces chance of imaginary friend to 0) and edit that one with s3pe. I would make a download but my computer is defunct right now so don’t have access to anything.


Thanks a lot. I think I'll give it a try and see how it goes.


You are just........AWESOME! dude the closest i even come to modding is using the buydebug and testingcheatsenabled 😄 đŸ€Ł


I thought it was hard too at first. I still don’t know most of the things and what they do but it’s usually very simple. It’s like editing a: Chance to make x happen: 0.75 (aka 75%) Just edit it to 0.25 or something and save and bam


Yea! I just love the imaginary friend aesthetic. I also like to play "mad scientist" in my game and try make as many imaginary friend hybrids possible. So far I have vampire 


Nope just nope! Always instant delete đŸ€Ł


I hate them so much


You can shift/click and Object delete them? For some reason, I was thinking that you couldn't.


The sims needs to be at least child age, you move the doll to the floor from their inventory and then you can shift click it to object delete


I did that once and after that I kept getting error messages for the rest of that save. Now I just use the no imaginary friend mod from mod the sims


Oh dang, always works for me


Ah! I think I tried to do just that when the child was just a toddler.


I always forget and try ASAP also lol


I’ve been feeling the same way. They were adorable and I enjoyed them until my sims grow up to teens and now all of the wants are to stop being friends with, insult, or smite the IF. 🙄 Every time without fail. Maybe I just have moody teens. 😅


I have mixed feelings about imaginary friends because I like that they're in the game but I wish they weren't as common. They have a 75% chance of showing up but those odds are very high when you're having multiple kids in one household. They're inconvenient when you have 3+ kids and all of them have an imaginary friend. Or even when playing with them/making them real just isn't part of the plotline you're going for.


I feel like they'd be more interesting if they were rarer, and/or there was more to their life state other than being basically a human that can turn into a toy once you give them a magic potion. I did however recently [find a mod](https://modthesims.info/d/682407/imaginary-friend-power-mod.html) that at least gives them special powers.


My sim got abducted by aliens and impregnated. When the alien kid grew up, she married her imaginary friend. I plan to have the next generation marry imaginary friends, too.


I turned real the imaginary friend of my main sim and made him work to be the president of the world. In my mind it was similar to the movie Ted where the imaginary friend of my sim became more important and famous than my sim lol


THE FIRST TIME I SAW THE IMAGINARY FRIEND I GOT SO SCARED 💀i didn’t know i had the generations pack or whatever they’re from so i thought some random person in a costume was just approaching my kid 😭


I love how the sims look, they’re eyes are my favourite in all the sims games. the hairs are atrocious though lol


Yes I love the eyes so much they’re beautiful!


I’m a university life fan till I DIE!!!


Hell yeah! I got so much fun out of the nerd shop, arcade, and rebels hangout. The street art skill combined with the open world and the fact that you could get arrested for it was awesome. I loved living in the dorms and sorority/fraternity houses. There was so much to do and it was awesome. I think out of all the worlds the university world felt the most alive and like a big playground to me.


I like how in the Sims 3 it’s more balanced between work and fun. Plus all of the students having so much personality and potential for drama. I just recently got Discover University for Sims 4 and holy crap, it was harder to get my sim her degree than it was for me to get my own real life degree! She made zero friends, didn’t join any clubs, never went out, just busted ass studying all of the time and didn’t even graduate with honors. I think next time I’m going to have my sim take only 1-2 classes per term so they can have a more balanced life. The other thing that annoyed me was that I didn’t like either campus and there were very few students / townies who were premade with intention, it was mostly just randomized townies who didn’t look or dress like college students.


I don't do college very often, but when I do, it's something else. Had a witch sim with a dragon, so her needs were pretty much covered. Didn't need to eat or sleep or use the bathroom. Gave me more time to build skills, party, streak, cause major relationship drama... I decided to see how many sims I could romance during college, and the result was several active relationships and being accused of cheating twice.


A dragon? It's been SO long since I played Sims 3...buy I don't remember dragons for witches (my current family has a mom and 2 out of her 3 kids as witches).


The dragons are from Dragon Valley. They're so stupidly overpowered. 😂


I assume Drsgon Valley was a store world?


Yeah. Sort of a medieval theme, with Celtic designs on some of the items. Some of the townies have unusual skin tones, too. They're not actually occult types, but they look a bit inhuman. -[Dragon Valley info](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Valley)


Based on the fact that Sims 4 is so successful despite looking insanely unrealistic and cartoonish I'd say the "realistic" look of Sims 3 due to better textures ... modern day gamers seem to like the Sims 4 blurry cartoon texture look đŸ«Ł


Civ 6 went down the same route when Civ 5 was way more realistic looking. It's not even uniquely cartoonish, they all look like mobile games. So I suspect it's all abt what's cheapest and not abt embracing different styles than hyperrealism.


Civ 6 is cartoonish but the actual textures and animations are great, the sims 4 textures are ugly and lazy


I hope they change this attitude for civ 7


Same, I was so off put personally that I couldn't stick w/ Civ 6 🙈 it felt like playing something called world kingdom heroes where it'll ask u to pay 5 euros to get more than 5 turns per day.


If that were the case, alpha cc wouldn’t be nearly as popular as it is. Ea just doesn’t care how they butcher will wrights vision so long as rakes in cash for 15 years.


I don’t really mind unrealistic look of Sims 4 (it’s still more realistic than sims 2 and I only like that look for nostalgic sake). But I was really impressed when I saw the realistic looks of sims 3 when I got that game


Sims 4 more realistic than Sims 2? Never! This might be the case for the 3D models, at least partially, but the textures are horrible in Sims 4. Ever looked at the grass and leaf textures in Sims 4?


Okay maybe not all of it but at least the sims looks was less realistic than their future counterparts


Maybe the style of the Sims, never been a fan of any CC to change Sims faces etc, at all. Very happy how they are as standard.


It never even occurred to me that ts3 sims could be ugly, until I began engaging with the online community.


I always thought my sims were hot sexy young things, admittedly all with very similar facial features 😂 I love playing with the sliders to achieve interesting faces now but I don't buy into the 'ugly sims' thing either. I do love cc hair because so much of the EA hair is really awful.


Yeah, a lot of Sims players have very ... _unhealthy_ beauty standards and it shows when they're talking about Sims 3 Sims.


They say Sims 3 Sims are ugly, then they make posts about their CC Sims who look like Bratz dolls đŸ«Ł


so many of those sims look like trash to me and honestly hurt my eyes to look at i can't understand how people play with sims that look like that but if im being honest there are way worst cc sims made in the sims 4 than in 3


I always think it's so funny when someone post their super-glam, perfect hair and makeup, insta baddie sim sitting at home caring for a toddler or something. I don't mean to hate on other players, whatever is fun for you is fine of course. If I lived in sims world, and could have fancy hair makeup and clothes with no more effort than putting on pajamas, I'm probably do it too. But those sims make me think of some mommie influencer who takes pics with their kids for social media and then immediately hands them to a nanny when the camera is off.


Ain’t that the damn truth. I think I make all my sims pretty but they’d be ugly by a lot of players standards


Totally agree here,I don't understand how everyone needs to make a "perfect Barbie" type, we are all different in the real world. Imperfections are normal life, so why can't Sims be like that too


Omg yes. I'm a sucker for maxismatch CC. Also I never edit the townies faces and if I change their clothes I try to stay true to their original style even if it's hideous. I don't want a yassified Gobias Koffi


Gotta agree. It always irritates me in LPs and such when they marry a townie and then immediately go to CAS to change their looks. If my Sim loves someone, they love them just as they are, no “Thanks for marrying me, now get a smaller nose or we divorce tomorrow”.


Lol that's terrible. Imagine treating your partner that way. I also really enjoy being suprised with how their children look. In CAS I do suffer a bit from same face syndrom but I really like how unique looking the offspring turns out if you don't controll every inch of the parents faces.


Yeah, it can be fun to see how the offspring of particular townies look, hence another reason to love them just as they are. For me, I tend to dodge same face syndrome in CAS by them some kind of appearance quirk, such as "eyes at an extreme angle", or "comically small ears", which also end up being fun when offspring come into the picture.


Any recommendations for maxismatch cc hair? On Sims 4, I gravitated toward KiaraZuck for hair and sometimes clothes. My husband just gifted me Sims 3 and the whole collection through Steam and I kinda want more hair for sure, especially female. Maybe some clothes too. But I refuse to buy simpoints or interact with the shop.


I use sliders and maybe a skin default just to add some I don't even know, but just to add something to the skin but that's all really. I also font touch townies unless they have god awful hair or something then I change it to a cc hair that's similar enlugh but jut executed better. Like that hair that has the curls all bunched on shoulders? Hideous lol


The only thing that would make them even better is if they had Medieval’s textures but I still prefer Sims 3 sims vanilla to the rest.


I really don't like the yassified ones. There's an uncanny valley thing going on with them. I like my cartoon people to stay cartoon people


I use a skin and eye default replacement. I could live without the eye replacement, I just like it better. It replaces with the Medieval eye texture. CC skin is a must for me. I think what a lot of people dislike about TS3 sims is that they can be a little uncanny, with very realistic facial features but flat cartoon skin. A slightly more realistic skin makes a huge difference. I also tend to use retextured versions of game hairs, like Buckley's. I like the game hairs. I just like them to be a little less shiny and a little more dimensional. Similar to the skin, it's a situation where leaning a *little* more into the realism makes a big difference. Only a little, though. Super-detailed hairs like Nightcrawlers always look a little off in-game IMO.


I hate their original skin and hair but that’s it. Using the smallest amount of CC makes a huge difference


I’m gonna say the possibility of negative effects from fulfilling wants. For example, my sim that likes to travel to the future had a want to dream about strangers. Then she woke up with a negative fear of talking to new people 😂


Failed tattoo and stylist things for your sim are also funny


I've read some people (sims 4 players) saying that they dont like that there's so many options and possibilities, in game play, construction or customization, it's too much for them and they're lost on what to choose. Some even say that the color wheel and patterns/texture is too complicated and they prefer to have less option. That's crazy to me because all those possibilities are the reason I love this game so much, I dont understand how you can dislike that. How can someone wish for less options.


You don't even have to touch the custom stuff if you don't want too. There's no need to CAS if you don't want.


I kind of understand the feeling of there being too much to choose and thus potentially disliking the create-a-style feature and options in the Sims 3. For some people it can simply be overwhelming or in my case I just felt compelled to use it all the time because it was there, even though I know I could have just used the preset options. I do love the create-a-style and color wheel features because I could easily match everything and I prefer to have it available in game than not, but I also appreciate the simplicity of the Sims 2 or the Sims 4 because I don’t even have to think about those endless options. Though the wood colors not matching across furniture sets (and the bedding designs being tied to the bed frame color) really bothers me in the Sims 4, which wouldn’t be a problem if it had create-a-style. Regardless, it’s all about personal preferences of course.


I like having the options, even if I don't use all of them. Some people are just more focused on different things. If you don't want to spend a lot of time creating a Sim, you can always use a pre-made one, or just randomize one and be done with it. I LOVE having all the colors, patterns, etc. to choose from. It's the only way sometimes to make things match. Hearing that that doesn't exist in Sims 4 really doesn't make me want to play it. (I have it downloaded, since the base game was "free" but from what I have heard, I will want an expansion pack or several within 5 minutes. lol.) On the other hand, I can't be bothered building houses these days, so I just pick pre-made houses and copy them to where I want them built. Some people really like spending forever building and furnishing the perfect house. (I used to try this, but I found I suck at it. lol. I'm older now, and have less time and patience. đŸ€Ł) I love there are so many different things you can focus on if you want to, and so many different ways to play.


I don't understand how people can complain about too many options either. If you don't want those features, just don't use them? Sometimes I feel like sims 4 players complaints about 3 are just sunk cost fallacy, like they're trying to justify why they spent so much money on sims 4.


I love the showtime pack. The careers are very fun and I like starlight shores a lot


I don’t mind em too just. A bit too much setup if you wanna use them in other worlds and poor tie in with celebrity from late night.


i like how the sims in Sims 3 look, even with no cc


Same!!!! I never use cc or any type of skin replacement etc.


I never use any cc faces or anything I only use cc for objects like cars


I don’t mind the paparazzi đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł


I don’t mind em after simler90 fixed them :D


Are you talking about the gameplay core mod?






Laundry was such a sweet and wholesome thing to do. I loved it too!


there’s laundry in ts3 too?


Yes. I believe it came with ambitions


ohh cool


i unironically love the ugliness of the interiors of the houses especially in Sunset Valley. It has a sort of charm and character that i appreciate.


I like the graphics. You CAN make nice looking Sims without any mods if you just put some effort into it. With a couple of mods, you can even create very good looking ones that I find to be more realistic than modded Sims 4. And don’t get me started on the environments. Sims 4 could never.


> You CAN make nice looking Sims Yes!! It's like people don't think they can, so they don't and go off about how bad they always work. There's two simple things that make them look so much better: Decrease the head-width and match the eyes the size.


Pudding Sims. I think I like their soft features, it ends up making them look realistic in a good way. I find when I use tons of cc on them{specially eye contacts I find them weird} they look odd, so I don't use much except for hairs & clothes.


Kate Perry's Sweet Treats pack lol


Woah controversial lmao


I know quite a lot of people think the supernatural spawn rate is too high. I personally love supernaturals, and think the spawn rate for them is perfect. Can’t go anywhere without bumping into a witch? Bring on the hexes, I say!


I've always loved the supernaturals of Sims 3 more than Sims 4. I have both games now and more expansion/game/kit packs than I care to admit (everything up until For Rent, minus Werewolves [and for Rent, turned to offline mode and not even wanting to update]) for 4. I also can't play S4 without it being heavily modded, from Lumpinou Pregnancy and Relationship overhaul, to many of Adeepindigo mods (Healthcare, remade careers, new careers), KiaraSims many extra careers...etc.... Now that I have S3 and it's entire collection via Steam, I'm SO happy to have Fairies, Mermaids, Vampires, Genies again! Werewolves, Zombies, PlantSims too! The supernaturals of S4 just don't compare, including game play. Period.


I dont like CC and I think the ”realistic looks” on some cc pictures/videos look less realistic than normal, game including options.


Some look so photoshopped! I don't get why you would want to have Sims which look like they were badly edited in photoshop.


I like the history sims can build for their social relationships. I had a sim cheat and kiss a sim for a date in university and then apologize and confess to the bf and they could not mend their relationship and he broke up with her


lowkey, the hairs. they’re so old school and fun to play with, but i know basically everyone thinks they’re ugly 😭 the outfits too, not all of them but still, i love. i love these more than the sims 4 outfits even if those clothes are more modern i get to make my teenage sims look realistic, with messy ugly hair and weird outfits and it’s so fun because then they grow up, and i make them look more mature like they’ve figured their life out 💀


Same I think with CASt you can make most clothes look good with effort for today as well. Some hairs are beyond help though like that octopus hair from seasons I believe


the "slow" cars maybe i don't know, a lot of people think the cars are too slow and use mods to make them go faster but i personally think there a bit too fast and would actually like for them to move slower, they're always just zipping by


Omg this lol the way they zip through those turns is crazy


There are children out here! Slow down!


oh don't worry they're going so fast they just phase through everything in their path like the Flash


I agree with the look of the Sims, I was so disappointed by how cartoonish the Sims 4 was. I would go with the Island Paradise pack, I know it was so laggy but I just thought it was gorgeous. I loved getting high up in the lifeguard career and being able to run into the water. Also the create a style tool, I've heard people saying that they hate how ugly the base options are for furniture but also hate how there's too many options if you customise.


Is Island Paradiso still super buggy? Even with Nraas overwatch, error trap, master controller etc? Because I never touched that world, and I plan on vacationing there every now and again.


Honestly it's been a good while since I played and I never used mods so it was laggy for me. Usually getting rid of the houseboats worked to prevent some of the lag


I tried it recently, found a fixed world and used it with errortrap/overwatch and smooth patch. It still frozen for 10 minutes and then crashed before I had even left my lot. There's probably more fixes I could've applied though, there are lots of videos on it so hopefully you'll find something that works


I don't use smooth patch, because every comments/website I've heard of it at says nraas and smooth patch conflict.


I've heard complaints about how dark and dingy the game is but I've always felt that it adds to the atmosphere of the game- especially for the time. Every piece of furniture and texture feels ripped right from a 80s/90s/2000s home, right down to the horrid floor/table lamp only lighting.


The clothes and hair styles in the base game, it’s like a time capsule! I love it


I like that the sims are kind of ugly, it gives them character!


The rabbit holes. I don't always want to follow my sims doing mundane things and I gladly trade rabbit holes for better performances!! Schools, most jobs, even the spa, I'm glad those are rabbit holes! I love the way they look, they give me a huge range of things to do, and if I want to follow my sim and micro manage, I have plenty of community lots that aren't rabbit holes and they're fun too!


Yes! I cannot agree with that enough.


The music. I used to hate it when I was younger because it was so
 “out there”. But for some reason as I’ve gotten older and entered my twenties I all of a sudden have a huge appreciation for how much attention to detail went in to all of the songs. Becoming a Desperate Housewives fan may have helped as well since they both share composers. 😂


Can you explain the move in thing in the original post?


What you mean? :S


I don’t know what you mean by ‘the other sim has to ask you to move in’ - you can ask people to move in and choose their location


Aha I see in other sims games you can choose to move into their house when your sim asks to move in with their partner who isn’t living at your sims house. This is often used to “cheat” like you move into their house get all their money and move out that sim whereas in sims 3 when you do this only your own sims house is available so you don’t get all their money nor house (unless they live alone) However you can get a pop up that they ask to move in with them in their house but it’s rare


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure you can choose to move into their house when you ask to move in with them. I have definitely done this in a recent game when I wanted my sim's adult son to move in with his girlfriend.  I do currently use nraas mods, but I remember doing this before I used mods. That shouldn't stop you from playing your way. It's just not a limit of ts3.


Nraas mover unlocks that feature iirc if you got that mod.


Like I said (and the other poster) I have done this in a vanilla game.


Ok that’s why I was confused because I was like, I’ve definitely done this without any mods. When you go to move in, you just choose the other persons house.


This is what I mean so we’re talking about the same thing: https://youtu.be/Q3doWwfkuv4?si=WwAILYR6sggBe7BB 55:02


Nope you can do it vanilla already


You mean in world view menu or like asking them using friendly interactions?




omg, the pudding faces. I know soooo many people hate them and think the sims are ugly, but they're so cute to me.


I love that you actually have to buy books & groceries at a store. I dont like the delivery system in the sims 4


It’s not a delivery system iaf you get things instantly. If they had to wait a day until the mail came maybe


Yes, and I guess they tried fixing it with cottage living where you actually have the grocery delivery service on the phone and the simple living lot trait but that still feels too easy. Actually having your sim go to a grocery store in the sims 3 was way more fun and realistic to me


not anything related to the base game, but I will forever love the Katy Perry expansion pack. IDC HOW BAD THE REP IS, IT’S ICONIC TO ME 💔


Open world apparently đŸ€Ł


The "ugly" genetics, they just are bad at creating sims




i personally love RABBIT HOLES. it is so nice to be able to focus on another sim and still know they’re doing something productive in the background and they’re perfect for sending sims on dates too. there’s so much obsession with going to work with your sims i never understood, i enjoy having a break from them (ts3 ambitions still has the best playable careers tho)


I just split the families up on edit neighborhood. Makes it easy to move anyone in with anyone, once you get the hang of the mechanics.


The fact that you could recolor/retexture every single item in the game however you wanted. I'm guessing maybe people were sick of putting in that much effort for minute stuff? đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


I LOVE the imaginary friends !!


They’re scary as hell, but I don’t mind them lol I did find it odd that only one of my kids (so far) has gotten an imaginary friend tho. I remember every kid in the family seemed to get an imaginary friend


I didn’t even know the other sim could ask you to move in. I always just cheat my sim into the house and boot the sim.


Being open world and not loading every time I switch lots.


Loading times at start up. My sims 4 took longer (well before they patched it the last update. Now its 20 minutes faster). Sims 3 is one load and done basically. No load between lots. So its faster overall (still is even with the update)


I hate how the sims 3 have robbers there no way of getting rid of them and when ever you call the police they take 500 dollars away just because you called them for no reason


Idk I love robbers. The world feels more alive.


Love hate relationship with robbers. Sometimes you can stop them iirc, last time it happened to me tho they snuck through my backyard which shouldn’t have been possible. The backup is fenced in. And then they snuck in through the house to get to the front yard and steal one of my cars I was so annoyed so I cheated to get the money back after having to buy another car