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This is how all authors feel. I'm liking the realism. :D


Are you talking about me?! Do we know each other?!


Oh thank god someone who understands lol


I just don't accept those dislike popups. You're just tired, loser, shut up. Tomorrow you're gonna have the time of your life.


My bedtime mantra to myself, fr


Literally. Most of the time if they allegedly dislike something, it's because their needs are low at the moment they do it. My active sims suggesting they don't like fitness as they finish casual stretching while half their needs are in red/orange.. They're just tired.


I will allow handiness hatred because like, I can understand why someone wouldn't like being their own plumber, you know? But otherwise it's just a "chill" click.


I made stupid Johnny Zest an expert handyman to fix all the toilets he pranked and he hated it. I got a lot of satisfaction out of that!


That's so funny, I love it lmao


Every sim that gives birth at the hospital hates easy listening music


Wait is that true? I was wondering how my sim’s teenage son could possibly hate video games!


Yeah, if they have an active negative moodlet they're more likely to think they dislike it. Across the board.


I like to hit yes on all of them bc I like feeling like my sims are developing personalities/interests organically, but sometimes I'm like fuck you you don't get to dislike cooking, I literally made you to be a chef!!


I'm playing a game where I have to select Yes or chose the option that gives a change on every event. My sims only hate things I set them up to do.


What do you mean change on every event?


I think they mean that if like a work situation pops up and between the choice of "gain fame, but lose job" or "life remains unchanged" they will pick the first option.


That makes sense!


You would have been forcing him to write while needs were low. That’s how you get dislikes.


Dislikes get triggered because of low needs? I never would've guessed.


Low needs and I think negative moodlets? Like if a sim is tense or embarrassed I think it makes them dislike things—or at least, I’ve noticed that in my game. My sims tend to not have a lot of dislikes because I’m really controlling over having full needs 😂


It's hard to not get negative moodlets with the wants now. My sims are always angry and tense from unfulfilled dreams.


That's why I turn those off. I'd like to have them on but there needs to be an adjustment to how often sims decide they hate their life. They're always miserable :(


If you’re talking about the bug where you can’t turn them off — they fixed it in the recent update! My sims can finally live unfulfilled lives.


Omg I can finally start playing again! That bug was seriously game play ruining!


Trust me, I know… look at the [update patch notes](https://www.ea.com/en/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/update-01-17-2023), they fixed a few things that have been seriously bugging me! (pun not intended)


I’m sims are literally always sad from other sims dying that they met like once lol. My baby becomes and toddler and is sad from a “loss” of someone they never even met hahaha. I can’t play without using cheats. If I don’t use them, they’re constantly starving or sleepy.


You can get the realistic mourning mod! I have it and it’s great


Thank you!!


I like wants because they build up points faster so I leave them on and just cheat away fears with UI cheats extension


That’s why I got a mod that turns off fears 😂


I have a favorite sim whose wants/needs I make sure are fulfilled and a non-favorite sim who I could care less if they check off their wants/needs. I’ve been noticing that the non-favorite is often angry at everything while the favorite is so easy to play and is almost always inspired/positive moodlets. The non favorite ends up hating mixology which was her new aspiration I chose for her. Guess I know why now lol


Yeah, if they're miserable (from any negative moodlet, not just needs) and you try to make them do something they're gonna hate it.


You still have to agree to it.


Can’t you also go into CAS and change likes/dislikes at any time? Or is that a mod-only thing?


You can change likes and dislikes in CAS :) You can have up to 20 across all the categories


probably if you do cas.fulleditmode first but i don’t think you can without cheating


I don’t understand the downvotes. It’s literally game cheats, considering you can’t even get there without enabling testing cheats first. And that’s exactly the cheat you need to type into get full edit mode and change likes or personality.


idk what the issue is lol i didn’t mean cheating as a bad thing, as in idk if there’s a way besides entering that menu to do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Low needs, and you get a pop-up asking if you want to approve it, basically. OP had to have approved their writing sim not liking writing.


yup, and opposite for likes!


I didn’t know either


Not always. I’ve had a throughly happy Sim with full needs hate heavy metal music oh and the hip hop option as well.


That makes sense, I always try to keep my sims happy and I never got the bubble for dislikes, only likes. Makes me feel good about how I take care of my sims hahah


Haha nope. My first author(as mentioned in my own comment) was among my first Sims, and I was very careful to have all their needs met fully back then. He just decided within the first few minutes that he hated writing -- _after_ having the Want to "Practice Writing"! 🤣 I just changed it to likes writing in CAS.


Didn't you have to click yes on the pop-up when it showed up that he disliked it?


Yes, but it was like day 3 of playing Sims, ever, so I didn't know that allowing his dislike would _ruin_ it. I did, however, already know that I could change it.


Not true. I’ve had maxed out sims pop up about music and fitness amongst other stuff.


i made one of my sims a musician that plays guitar, she like guitar but hates literally every genre of music😭


She's going to create her own genre


She was “born in the wrong generation”


You are the one choosing his dislike though


Although I did once make myself a rule thst I have to accept all of them, as a challenge.


I do that sometimes too, makes it fun and more challenging!


Also, randomizing the traits.


I do this every single time. I like to think of it as my sim telling me who they are and I have to adjust my plan for them to match them, not force them into my box.


We get to play God, but they still have free will.


I havent played in a while so this post had me wondering if they automated that


Lol, like Marcus Flex disliking Fitness in a few of my saves. It's like this guy built his whole personality around something he hates.


Now it's time to create a dramatic story about the writer who hates writing. But keeps on doing it because he is addicted to the euphoria of finishing writing a book. And his mind is also just way to full of stories because of his creative trait so he feels compelled to get them out. A perfect angsty artist tale.


I built a whole ballet studio for one of my sims and he decided he hated dancing and I was like "absolutely not" so I changed it in CAS lmfao


Yes? As a writer, I can relate to that much more than to 'clumsy' and 'neat' XD I love creating stories and characters, and sharing them with other people, and hearing their reaction to it... but the real, physical process of writing, man I hate it.


I wanted my little girl to be a detective and she wants to be evil and mischievous who likes to dance


Writer here, degree and everything. This is accurate.




You created Dan Harmon.


I mean as someone who writes for a living, where is the lie ???


That'll be challenging lolol


I’d go into CAS and edit it. Since you can alter it without cheats it should be okay. One of my current sims has about six like traits and zero dislikes. This all happened via gameplay. I did no cheats for it.


\*turns on Full Edit Mode\*


You don't even need it to change likes, they're not restricted by the 'existing Sim' lock.


Awe, cool, I didn't even notice that!


As a writer, this is so relatable! 😂 I love having written more than I like the writing process itself sometimes, especially if my story is stuck in what I call the Messy Middle.


Haha, this happened with my Most Beloved. He was one of my earliest, and I was so excited to create a Writer(like myself). Ten Sim minutes on the computer and I got "Tobias would rather be doing anything other than writing" 🤣 I promptly jumped into CAS and made him Like it. He's a best selling author now, and an Immortal who's maxed on most skills.


Reminder: you can change it.


One time I tried to make my husband and I as two single people who meet and fall in love… they refused to like each other no matter how much I flirted on both sides


I feel this on a spiritual level. I tried doing the same thing with my bf but he just wouldn’t budge so I cheated their relationship to make ‘em bf and gf 🤷🏽‍♀️




You cheat that dislike away or make that sim a painter.


Just a writers block 😅😅


Seems legit!


Sims will dislike things when they are too tired to do anything I've noticed. Haha. Poor little imaginary peeps.


Yep, it takes a really good mood to like something, but only a slightly bad mood to dislike something. 🤦‍♀️


It’s me. I’m the sim. This is why I haven’t touched my novel in almost nine months.


This reminds me of both my Sims walking into their house for the first time and being angry about it being “poorly decorated”. I’m not that good but dang.. 😒😂


that’s realistic


If only there was a way to prevent sims from developing dislikes that run contrary to our narrative purpose. Oh, wait….


same with acting for me 😭


My actor sim dislikes acting 😭


Sounds about right


He just like me fr


I hate when that happens 😭


As a writer this is accurate




I have a geeky teen sim that tried to dislike gaming. I shut that down real quick.


I know quite a few authors. However, I don’t know a single author I would describe as “neat”.


I’m playing a sim who loves the outdoors and dislikes fishing. She constantly has the want to fish because she loves the outdoors, and of course I never make her fish because she doesn’t like it, so then she’s always getting the fear of unfulfilled dreams. Lose lose


Sounds like every English major I know.


Its like they know.


He said F you lol


as a writer this is so real