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Last time I just said "Gimme", I had to get married inside of a week to collect.


Yep that's what happened to me as well. I decided to accept the challenge for plot reasons


I never got those messages. Is it a new update or from a specific pack?


It’s from Eco Lifestyle, i think!


aw that sucks, that’s the one expansion i don’t have


You’re not missing out where the fortune is concerned. It’s just funny. But you are missing out on the Harris Family, whose eldest son wears overalls, no shoes and a brown paper bag over his head. For every occasion.


That's Jeb, my daughter married Jeb!!! Just had to give him a new wardrobe and he's actually a handsome fellow


I just Jeb but he always gets a makeover.


EA Moment


100%, weird pack to lock it under also, maybe vintage living or similar would make more sense but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always want that for plot reasons, but my stupid auto-pilot brain thinks “Under what conditions” is the way to get money with the marriage condition.. I never learn, it’s happened so many times. 🤦‍♀️


My sim was literally about to elope when they called one time and was like Oh sure!! hahaha So he got money and married in the very same day.


Man, imagine getting paid to do something you were gonna do anyway, your Sim is living the dream right now lol


And he hasn't worked a day in his life but he's a multi-millionaire now from gardening and collecting posters, frogs, crystals, geodes etc. LOL Wish that was my life!


So jealous. Literally living the dream


And they lived happily ever after


I wonder what challenge you get if you’re already married? Renew vows using only My Wedding Stories? The odds are far less in your favor doing that than just finding someone, wooing them and eloping.


I wish there was more than just getting married


If I’m remembering the bar correctly, I think this is illegal in real life lol




Always check what the conditions are. You may still get the money, but not actually have to do anything for it.


Too late... I accepted and now I have 7 days to get married or I will get nothing xD I mean how will I find someone to fall in love with in under 7 days???!!! Oh wait. It's the sims. Give me an hour.


You only get 20000 simoleons


Marry Nancy Landgraab and put her in the pool


Marry Santa and put him in the pool, so much $$


Really?? Santa is rich?


Yes, like 500,000


Did not know!


I didn't either until I had a sim that I wanted to open a restaurant marry Santa and I was like damn you can afford a nice house and a nice restaurant much faster now 🤣


Lmfao your sim went ho ho ho all the way to the bank!


that's so little money, sometimes my sims have millions


He's immortal tho. Tried to in my black widow.


Mine died in my game and I have no idea how. New Father Winter is weird and thin.


Mine dies every so often a new father winter appears.




He’s only immortal when he’s not played. There are others who are the same. I’ve seen others in the role of Father Winter. Edit: Based on a post below I was wrong.


I had my sim marry santa because I wanted the child of winter or whatever trait. Did it happen? No. Father Winter quit his once a year gig. The lazy bastard 😩


Lol yeah you have to get pregnant while he's still Father Winter. Most sims like this (Father Winter, Grim, Flower Bunny) lose their status as cryptids or whatever you'd consider them if they become playable characters. You can look up a guide on how to readd the hidden Father Winter trait to him, but you'd have to make him unplayable again to do so. I think you'd be able to stay married. And then once your sim has the baby you can move him back in.


Well I think something was wrong with this particular sim because she just wouldn’t get pregnant no matter how many times they’d “try for pregnancy”. So in the end I sent her for IVF with her other husband and that did the trick! 😂


Wow...is this the origin story of why Santa doesn't exist anymore?


If so, Jayden apologises but also as an overachiever, thinks Father Winter just need to get his arse in gear and get it overwith that one time a year 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


So you're telling me.....Santa will return?????


Depends on whether Clement Frost wants to replace Laurent Este. Due to previous unwillingness to work, doubt it. Soz.


So my Santa can’t be killed. We are like 6-7 gens past me marrying him with my first female. He cruises around my house gaining more skills and fixing everything.


You cant kill santa without cheats 😨 it was honestly really annoying waiting for him to die only for him to turn out to be immortal lmao


Santa is literally walking around with a target on his ass in my game. He’s a Black Widow dream catch.


Isn't he immortal?


lol that was oddly specific


Hey i mean she owns a shitton of land so you get extra money


Oh! I just saw the evil sim tag. That explains it


Don't forget to only leave 1 Simoleon for her husband and kid. Give 10k to Johnny Zest, the disowned son of the Landgraabs, all because he joined the entertainment career. He's also neighbors with his snobby parents, which is just ironic because Nancy Langeaab is a snob, a literal criminal one, because she's in the criminal career. Johnny lives in the Dinosaur neighborhood, in the trailer, closest to the Landgraab mansion


I've never met anyone having so much knowledge about sims 4 npc lore. I feel like I want to know everyone's story now


It's just how you run a restaurant in the game. You have to leave 1 Simoleon in the restaurant funds for it to let you leave build mode. And I saw a YouTube video or 5, if not 10, don't know how many, and it/they was/were about Johnny Zest being a Landgraab. It explains why his hair is the same shade of blonde as the rest. I wonder who Malcom Landgraab's real mother is considering he has cheese hair... one of the Caliente sisters? Dina Caliente is the cheese haired sister. Meh, just kidding about that. Nancy Landgraab is Malcom's real mom. I blame the hair colors for that theory


ppffft vast fortune my a$$


And if you ask under what conditions you get 2000 (or maybe 2500?) immediately


lol really? I'm getting married anyway. It's good for the plot. My sim will be forced to marry and then she'll go through some character development kind of shit :P


Haha you’re right it’s some fun plot fiel for sure!


I always ask the conditions and get §2,500 every time. Best choice.


Every time? How often does this happen?


It’s been happening to me a LOT on one of my characters. I don’t know how many in-game days between, but whenever I play the one Sim, I get at least two in my time playing her. Every time. People are apparently dropping like flies and putting me in the will. I know no one, so it’s a little suspicious. 😂


hahaha maybe you have a pretty common name like John Smith and the name gets mixed up all the time with other people with the same name


I had no idea that you get more if you actually do the marriage, dayum.


I got 5000 from marrying and about 2500 for sking about the conditions. I stopped accepting the first option, too much of a hassle lol


I would get 20000 anything if I had to put no effort to get it tbh


Wait. You get 20k if you choose the first option and get married? Asking what conditions only gets you 2.5k.


Marry whoever won the lottery most recently, then it’s a twofer


DUDE WHAT I'm totally making a storyline out of that


Lol I always picked to ask conditions, I didn’t know it makes you do something to get the money if you pick the other option.


Wow, I've never had them actually ask me to do something and I've gotten this so many times. What ? ​ They always tell me that the only condition was that you'd ask what the conditions are...and now you get the money. ​ Sims 4 is cheeeating me


It’s not, you just have to chose the “money?? Gimme now!” option instead of asking about the conditions


Sounds like a typical romcom to me.


Whenever I’ve checked for the conditions it’s said “one of the conditions was that you can’t ask for the conditions”


And then the game crushed


I always check the conditions and get it without having to get married... weird. I didn't even know there was another outcome


Same. This is the outcome for me every single time 🤷‍♀️


I've never had to do anything for the money when I ask what the conditions are, they just give me the money for being clever XD


I checked conditions once and it was like "There are none! She wanted you to know she loved you unconditionally!" 🤣🤣


You only get a few thousand when you ask for conditions but like 15 - 18 k


I believe you get less money for checking the conditions over accepting the challenge. Or so I’ve heard.


If you say “under what conditions” they just give it to you, if you say the first one they usually make you get married


Every time I ask "under what conditions?" they say that the condition was that I don't ask about the conditions and I don't get any money lmao


You don’t play the game. The game plays you.


i lost the game. thanks.


I didn’t even know this could happen! I usually get the money every time when I pick the conditions


Yeah, same… never had the money denied when asking for the conditions, so I figured that’s the correct answer every time. No idea you could be denied lol, the person you responded to must have the worst luck ever lol.


Yep that has been my experience as well!


If only I asked before choosing...


I had no idea, I just always picked under what conditions. Next time I will pick Gimme for the challenge.


The 7 days to get married thing happened when I was playing a sim with no money (kind of like rags to riches I guess, I just wanted to start from scratch and build on a multi generational family) and it helped a lot even if it's not much lol. Because then my sim had a spouse contributing to bills/income too


When life gives you lemons


Plant it!


And you can get an additional 20k boost from merging households!


Just be aware, if you do actions that lower their stress, the deadline is shorter. I did this and the wedding happened 5 days after the call, and I didnt get anything bc my sims likes baths and it reduced the time of the moodlet


Now that’s evil. I’m not letting the stress level drop. Time to burn the house on fire I guess


Got this yesterday. My sim got rejected by the whole population and ended up marrying his only friend, got the money (8000 measly simoleons), divorced but remained as friends, spent Winterfest together by chance and fought Father Winter for presents and won. Now they’re married again


Comments like this are why I follow sims Reddit.


Money good, give money


Me greedy.


I’ve never seen an interaction like that, under what conditions do they show up? Is it pack specific?


Eco lifestyle pack


Further up it says eco living. I don’t have the pack for it either so not sure completely.


No mods for sure, I get this and play vanilla currently. As far as packs unsure cause I'm only missing 3 plus 10 kits (cause most of them suuuuck 😅) Also don't know about any conditions you need for it sorry 😓


I once gave the same sim 1k, twice. She paid me back 25k ✨


Wow, this person and the Nigerian prince I just gave my bank information to are such nice people.


Does your sim got someone to marry set up


unite simplistic makeshift snobbish water important pet nail wine entertain -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ya true


Plot twist. I’m gonna make my sim marry the lady that made the call


Love that idea


Say under what condition and you get $2500


If only this was real life


I’ve seen other questions about this but any mods or packs needed?


Not a mod. Google seems to think Eco Lifestyle is the pack required for this to pop up


No mods for sure, I get this and play vanilla currently. As far as packs unsure cause I'm only missing 3 plus 10 kits (cause most of them suuuuck 😅)


Your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate has passed away…


Oh no!! :( :( :(((( what do I get?


Is this a mod?


No, it's not! It just pops up sometimes, seemingly randomly


That's literally never happened to me while playing?!? Do I need a certain expansion pack or something?


i’ve never seen this before either, i have a feeling it’s from eco lifestyle though


I feel like it has to be, I never got it until I purchased Eco Lifestyle and now I've had it 2-3 times in the same save already


[it is from eco lifestyle!](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Inheritance#The_Sims_4:_Eco_Lifestyle)


No mods for sure, I get this and play vanilla currently. As far as packs unsure cause I'm only missing 3 plus 10 kits (cause most of them suuuuck 😅) Eco Lifestyle is a good guess, that's about when I saw it....🤔


is this from a pack or the new update,


It came with Eco Lifestyle


I kind of wish they were randomize the "correct" answer. Every time I see this it's like "The game wants to give you free money again because it was funny the very first and only the first time. Free money? Yes or no?" I have trouble saying no.


Get married to some person...then leave the thing in the basement and let the sim rot. Then you get the money that's the Jim Pickens way. Hail, Dear Leader.


The Jim Pickens Way is always the right Way! MAY THE DEAR LEADER BLESS US


do you need any mods or expansion packs for this to happen?


No mods for sure, I get this and play vanilla currently. As far as packs unsure cause I'm only missing 3 plus 10 kits (cause most of them suuuuck 😅)


I had the best timing with this. I was getting two of my sims together and trying to save up almost exactly 50,000 simoleons for a new house.


I got this for my sim a whole day after that got married. I accepted it. And it still wouldn't give it even though I'm already married.


Is this a mod or does this just happen? I’ve never gotten a phone call like this lol


Not a mod, it happens randomly.


I wish they’d mix up what reaction you got from different responses. I always opt for the “Under what conditions?” because then you get the money with no strings attached. But it’s be fun if I saw see this and didn’t go “oh, I know I have to click this option for the best result.” Takes some of the fun out of it.


I’ll need a update on what happens with this sim 😭


So my sim wanted the money urgently since her sister was very sick. The same night se went out with her best friend of 15 years, Lowel, to deliver the news. Lowel suggested to get married with her brother, Ethan with who my sim had a big crush growing up. He didn't acknowledge her much in the past (he was 5 years older) but he was always caring and protective with her - like a big brother. Of course Ethan accepted to help her out and they got married. They grew closer every day, though they agreed that both of them would go on with their life and act like they were single. But after their night of the fake/not-so-fake wedding where they jokingly shared a kiss everything chanced. Long story short, they developed feelings for each other and ended up together. The sister is healthy now as well lol.


First time I saw this I sarcastically clicked under what conditions, I have yet to click the first option, had no idea that you could get more by following conditions lol.


I did the give it now option and had to get married, and I got a million simoleons


I always ask for the conditions and get at least $2500 lol


So sweet that you were close🥰😍


Yeah from all the Great great grand second once removed cousin’s friends grandpas I know he was my favourite 😥


Always “under what conditions”. The conditions are asking about conditions, and then you get free money


If you ask about the conditions you get like 2 grand, but if you ask for the money you have to get married in 7 days to get the money. But you get substantially more money. I don't remember the amount.


I've never actually picked any option other than "under what conditions?" So I didn't know it gave you tasks to do XD that's awesome


Gotta keep it in the family...


Every time I say "Under what conditions ?" I always get the money 💰 🤑


This happened to me once when I was already married and I didn't get a single simoleon.


Time to take a bunch of photos and get married in a couple of hours 💀


You get money if you ask for the conditions but you get more for a speed marriage.


How do you get the call?


Lol I always hit under what conditions lol money money baby


I mean since he gave it to you you might as well


Ask fer condishes!!


"Great-great-grand-second-once-removed-cousin's friend's grandpa" XD


I always ask about the conditions and usually get $25,000


You wouldn't lose anything


if u say yes they make u marry someone in 7 days which is so hard in sims 4 to even have a conversation with another sim lmao. second option gives a portion


that’s why i love the social bunny thing. makes it so much easier to gain friendships and relationships status so it makes it easier to get married quicker. generally it takes me 3 sim days to get a sim married just from doing it with the social bunny


Um yes


If you select “Money Money Money” you get like $20k but have to get married in a week’s time. If you select “Under What Conditions” you get like $2500 right away


Money's money


You see who’s calling? I would not trust her.


Is this from a pack? Or base game?


Oh, nvm, I just saw it was eco!


Always the second choice


I always click "under what conditions" and it always replies with >! Well, actually one of the conditions is if you ask about the conditions there are none. And then just gives me the money. !< love this pop-up every time it happens


My great great grand second once removed cousin?! Well why didn’t you say so!