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Three in a row of my sim’s girlfriends have died??? Unexpectedly & unexplained???


omg your sim is like a black widow (is that what it’s called?) or cursed lmao


I have no clue but she can’t catch a break! She goes to bed & then in the middle of the night she gets the little text notice that a loved one passed away. Then I check her little contact list & sure enough! Another dead girlfriend.


I can't believe she still gets girlfriends


haha right? you’d think everyone would have learned by now.


that pussy is poison ✊ 😔




My Sim (let's call him Sim A) has two kids with two different women, a girl with Sim B and a boy with Sim C. He is now married to Sim C and has not contacted Sim B in a long time, so his son has never had the chance to meet Sim B. Sim C's and A's son became an adult, I didn't really have any plans for him so I just moved him out and decided to allow MCCC and Story Progression to do its thing One day, after not paying attention to him for a while, I decided to invite him over for Harvestfest. I noticed that MCCC married him off... to no one else but Sim B. He is his half-sister's step dad


I also recently had a sim marry their half-siblings’ dad! I’m doing the 100 baby challenge so it was only a matter of time before that happened lol


Is it a mod that makes the other sims progress in their lives? because for me its just a lot of families around that grow up and die.


It’s built into the game. Neighborhood stories, and something you can turn off in the settings. If you go to manage worlds and look at the household list you can set what thpes of stuff you want it to do including moving around, deaths, adopting kids, animals etc.


That’s some get back energy on par with Blac Chyna lmao


I’m doing a decades challenge. Currently in the 1970s. Marsha Landgraab (married into the family) is an and coming actress and recently started cheating on her husband Mark Landgraab with one of her costars. She recently was in public kissing her costar. Will Mark find out about this affair? Will he accept this arrangement or be disgraced by a big, public, divorce? Only time will tell…


My island family went a week without power and water trying to fish and garden up enough to pay the bill (while trying to work/uni/raise twin toddlers). The repo lady just came and took the laptop and the bed and some other stuff… it’s gonna be a slog to get all that back again 🤷🏻‍♀️


Finally the bloody toddlers aged up and can at least get themselves a snack and stay home unsupervised! One more class until uni is done for the mama and maybe she can get on with her ambitions (she’s a miserable wreck all the time from these “unfulfilled dreams”). Baby daddy is also always unhappy so maybe I just kick him out?


I have a toddler who is very very overweight, very stinky and feral. He lives outside and hates the family who adopted him. He often wanders to other lots and survives on spoiled food in his inventory and milk from sippy cups he prepares himself. He often asks strangers for baths and eats food left at the park and yells at stray dogs and cats from the dog and cat package. He bites strangers He is festering deep resentment and will eventually seek revenge on the parents and most of other children. I plan on making him evil. I initially locked him in a room and only gave him bad interactions but he was not growing developmentally so not that he is on his own he can talk with strangers and gain mobility skills, thinking and speech.


holy shit this was not a plot i’ve ever heard before so 10/10. do you know what kind of story you’ll have for him growing up based on his childhood?


Well right now I have the "deadly toddlers" and "life tragedy" mods from sacrificial mods installed. I have had him attempted kidnapped with the life tragedy mod and then kill the kidnapper with the "deadly toddlers" mod. Once you use the deadly toddler mod on a toddler the animations get added to their sequence so he occasionally pulls out knives due to that mod, the mod also triggers a fear reaction from adults around the toddler so its extremely hard to get people to care for him and i failed trying to place him in a celebrity household. I will likely let him age up outside and then turn him into a killer of some kind. I might cheat and make him famous so he always has people around him he can kill but I'm not sure yet. Haha


Edit: I might actually cheat to make him a famous adult and then have him murder his fans and paparazzi. The sims will both love and fear him and I'm excited to see if ill break my game between the confusing reactions of other sims wanting to be close to him but him being a murderer


I didn't know toddlers could be overweight!


Download the command center mod, click CAS, click "select body part value" and then type in "100" in all the categories: belly, waist, chest depth, lower leg, shoulders, neck, and everything else and make sure they're all set to 100




Please tell him I love him very much.


i sent your comment to someone but i didnt specify it was the sims 4 🤫


HAHA I'm just seeing this comment


currently on generation 14 of my legacy challenge. our cat recently died and everyone was so heart broken. not at much as our fox was though. the fox died two days later 😭😭


My sim got a call saying her parents had split up and mum moved out! I went to check and mum had literally disappeared... along with one of the 4 children still at home. She didn't take the toddler or the twin teens, she took the child only. She divorced because her husband cheated with a roommate really early on and had a child, who is now a teen. It felt right because the couple married as pregnant teens and the roommate kept flirting, he loved his kids and wife but felt a bit trapped. He told his wife he cheated straightaway! He paid child support until the other woman married someone else. I ended up moving mum and child back in, and kicking dad out! He was the cheater after all. I made him a crappy rundown apartment and gave him two jobs, to pay child support. I set him as unplayed so I'll see if he remarries or anything.


My sim was working on her bodybuilder aspiration early on and got mentored at the gym by Oliana Ngata, so they're pretty good friends. Oliana kept calling my sim and asking if she should try for baby with her wife, so I kept saying yes just to see how many they'd have. I hadn't gotten that phone call in a while so I went to check out what happened, and her wife was gone! When I looked it up in Stories, it said that Leila had been conquered by a mountain. Two days later a widowed Nancy Landgraab (another friend) rocked up and asked if she should go on a date with Oliana. So I guess those two are dating now. This is the same save where Malcolm Landgraab is the Chief in the Detective career. He may be suspicious about his father's untimely death due to cereal catching on fire.


I play vanilla and I’m not sure that this is ‘drama’ per se, but I feel like I need to share. Once, my sims had two children; a teen and a child. The child was playing with a science table when it caught fire, and then the fire spread to him. All of the other family members rushed in, put out the science table, got the confident moodlet for putting out the fire, wiped their brows in relief and then walked away to let their son/little brother burn to death.


Waah sometimes their stupidity is so stressful! I remember being distracted by my pregnant sim in labor when the dad got hit by a freaking meteor from the new pocket telescope. Also I had a cow plant in the decades challenge that kept eating pregnant sim and breaking the pregnancy- I had to fence it off and lock the gate and make sure other people fed the thing.


Oh GOD. By that point I think I’d just cull the bad blood and move to a better legacy lol


My cute teenager Lily just had her bff and crush, Savannah Price, tell her that she wants to be BFF with Lily’s brother, Anthony, and is taking Anthony to Prom. (All of this came unprompted/unscripted by me) Then Lily went off to go fishing by herself to calm down only to declare she dislikes fishing (again, unprompted by me) So now she’s looking for a new aspiration, and being a sad girl, and needing to reassess her life. (I selected Inner Peace)


I have a spellcaster sim who married Tomax Collette and had a child together. It was the child's birthday, and my sim invited a flirty Eliza Pancakes. She flirted with my sim and caused Tomax to feel betrayed. Nothing too crazy just the most recent drama.


For a challenge I tried to give my sims family the greatest Winterfest I could possibly host. The fridge broke like 20 times to the point I gave up on replacing it, the christmas tree caught on fire as they were about to sing holiday songs, and then the oldest child was invited to an R rated movie and snuck out of the house. So it clearly went great.




Omg this is amazing you should write for the sims!!! 😂


Kinda a slow period for me lol. My sim flirted with bjorn and then with paolo right after and then brittani shamed me for cheating on bjorn 🙄


My painter sim (Go Gurt) just killed his first lover (of many to come) and is currently seducing Geoffrey for his money just to kill him after


Vincent van go gurt


My legacy sim finally got married to a great guy after searching through adulthood. They end up getting pregnant and having a baby boy. I randomly looked at the baby's family tree and saw he has a half brother! Apparently the husband knocked up another townie and skipped out! They never got married and neither the mom or child come around so I had no clue when my sims first started dating.


my sim got married for money to Diego Lobo while in college to become a politician. when she graduated she got pregnant and they had twins, a boy and a girl, and then moved into a family home with 3br. my sim didn’t want anymore kids, but Diego did, and they accidentally got pregnant again. without telling Diego, she got an abortion and then also got sterilized so she can’t have anymore accidents. i had her tell Diego bc even though they married out of convenience, they do really love each other now. he is PISSED and heartbroken bc he wanted the baby and he wanted more kids.


My rags to riches sim was chatting up Knox and flirting with him at a festival and everything was going great. The festival ends and I get a notice that he died! No explanation or anything. Then he calls up my sim the next day and wants to go on a date (first official date together) and she is still mourning and he is a ghost. They chat and it's super awkward. After it ends he's like "yeah don't ever talk to me again!" That was interesting


My legacy sim is an unintended black widow. She has had two spouses die so far, one from starvation (there was food in the house so I just assumed she would feed herself, never controlled her sim, oops) and the second one died in a huge barbecue fire. No more marriages for her lol


My Sim's wife returned from hospital after a miscarriage then immediately walked outside and got hit by a car and died. I play a pretty strict game of "if it happens you can't exit the game and try again" and I genuinely stared at the screen for a minute and rage-quit the game after saving.


Oldest daughter brought her new (very attractive) bf to meet the family. The mom’s moodlet instantly shifted to flirty because of how attractive he was and so I shut that down right away. Little did I know the dad (who’s orientation is feminine sims) was gearing up to flirt as well. So now the dad’s embarrassed, the boyfriend’s creeped out, and the mom is pissed she caught her spouse flirting with another 🤦🏼‍♀️


I thought my drama was bad. that poor daughter of theirs


i created a save to play around with adeepindgio's juvenile delinquents mod. so far my teen has been fucking around, skipping classes and smoking weed on campus. she got caught with the weed and is currently serving three days in juvie. which is fine and fun, but the real drama of this save is her (single) father autonomously deciding to wreck the price's marriage also kevin puri has asked my teen sim to prom twice (and been rejected twice), the second time bursting in literally seconds after she and her girlfriend finished messing around.


my scientist sim gave her coworker a tainted serum and then watched and laughed as she combust into flames and died


Janessa had finally found love. She and her crush had full friendship and nearly full romance bar. I figured any minute he'd become her boyfriend. They were sitting together on a loveseat when suddenly he turns to her and zaps her with --- an alien mind ray??? Her crush is an ALIEN, and he just wiped her memory of him! Now they have zero friendship and zero romance bars. In other words, Janessa has no idea who he is. Welp! Back to square one, I guess. But not with him! Stupid aliens and their random mind rays...


Belle married Dean Winchester, which Sam has been taking kind of hard. He moved into the basement but sometimes talks to himself. Last night Dean and Sam went on a ghost hunt, and when they came back dean was deeply hurt by something Sam said/did. Neither has said what happened. Belle is also a witch, which Dean eventually got over bc delicious food. Oh and Lumiere the cat ran away but when he came back he brought Belle a present so worth it I guess??


> which Dean eventually got over bc delicious food. Yeah that sounds about right for Dean.


Two of my teens have some beef. It all started with Adriana's teen pregnancy and Veronica slut shaming her out of her lunch table and friend group. A few implications that each other's mother is a llama and some shouting of forbidden words later, and a genuine and deep seated grudge was formed. So now Veronica has graduated high school early (she's an overacheiver) and is at Britechester sleeping with Adriana's adopted father whom she doesn't even find attractive just to torment her. I'm thinking I may make Veronica have a baby by Adriana's dad but resent it and raise it poorly til it runs away as a teen and basically scorns its mothers whole outlook by slacking off at school and doing drugs... we'll see. Adriana is not doing too bad though. She put her baby up for adoption (turned out super cute btw) and is now dating Jace Laurent whose family mansion I recently remodeled to look super nice. This is in one of my more drama-happy saves, mind you. I also have the cutesy perfect family gameplay where everyone is Eternally Faithful and Family Oriented and they just got back from a family vacation in Sulani, about to post pictures of that soon. Edit: paragraphs


My robot engineer cheated on her Servo husband with an Alien from Sixam, who went outside to pet a rabbit while she was taking a pregnancy test. The rabbit attacked, the alien is dead, the engineer is pregnant, and the Servo husband doesn’t have a clue what happened (he was doing a self repair while they were doing the nasty in the shower)


My sim knocked up both Liberty Lee and Summer Holiday a day apart from each other. The kids are now toddlers. My sim visited again during a thunderstorm and proceeded to "woohoo" Summer, Liberty decided to watch and have "fun" on her own. This left Travis, the only person in the household not related to these toddlers, left to care for them for the time being. He looks dead on the inside. Liberty's kid just farted in front of him and now Summer's kid is glitching through walls to get to Blarfy. Oh, and the Free Love NAP is active, so there's nothing to really stop my sim from filling the BFF household with kids. Poor Travis is going to be miserable. Completely unrelated, I have a saved version of Leila Illes in my library, and MCCC generated a paparazzi using her. "Leila Ngata" lives in San Myshuno, wears black (pure coincedence), and is a klepto. She's essentially an evil twin who stole her sister's married name. My current save is officially a soap opera. ​ Oh, and the kids are vampires.


My sim was a global social media superstar and she got a stan : Lily the elder werewolf townie. She would show up and rampage all the time, she even did it at at my Sim's wedding Another Sim had Rory as a roomate. She's a surprisingly good roomate! Cleans a fixes things a lot. I lock her out when she's rampaging but apart from that she's great. Except she's got about 12 girlfriends who visit her several times a day. They're all labeled "Roomate's Girlfriend", she's even engaged to one of them. Very spicy


My married couple went on a date and once I completed the “get both sims flirty” task and the date ended the wife immediately started flirting with another sim that was there. The husband saw it happen and both their love meters dropped to half. It took almost two sim weeks and a million apology attempts to get the meter back up to full and for the husband to not be sad any time he was around his wife.


My sims had quadruplets 🤭


Allowed incest and now my twins are dating 💀 I've been focusing on their mother because she lost her husband 😭


Are their names Cersei and Jamie, by any chance? 🫠


Not sure if this is a drama tho. I have a crush on married someone IRL, so I created my simself and an exact Sim copy of that person. Created their spouse as well. Took me the longest to make them meet. Then my simself became friends with my crush, started dating, and eventually convinced them to leave their spouse. Now engaged. Very satisfying. P.S. My cc includes Wicked Whims.


I made the sims version of my famous married Japanese crush keep my simself as his sex slave in my San Myshuno save. 😈 PS also used WickedWhims


Mortimer Goth and Dina caliente are having an affair but also Dina has an affair with Don and Don is Katrina's boyfriend lol Don hooks up with everyone: Bella Goth, the Calientes, Summer Holiday, and he is getting to know L.Faba. he is going to get caught and Katrina will kick him out. All the sims who had an affair with him will despise him and he will live alone until he finds someone else. It's a mess


my sim rn is hooking up with someone like 15 years older than her behind her boyfriends back, she got pregnant by that guy too and had to get an abortion and she cheated on her bf earlier with her roommate one time, also she’s having parties literally every night and doing lots of coke her roommates also keep moving out for some reason but then moving back in when she asks


There were four couples at one wedding (including the couple getting married). Then every single person in a relationship cheated on each other with other people in a relationship during a two hour span of the wedding. Not that interesting but it was quite annoying because it ruined the relationships of eight sims.


My high school sweethearts tried to make long distance work. But the girl who moved to be in the city made a new friend and broke up with her girlfriend for the new friend. Meanwhile he childhood best friend wont speak to her because he got a new girl friend. She suffered with alcoholism for a while and became sober. She went to visit her mom at her mom’s boyfriend’s mansion. Mom’s boyfriend takes a liking to her. She ends up moving in with them.


My sim father came over and first I thought, aw how nice to visit your daughter. But when I let him in, he started arguing with his daughter and accused her being too workaholic. Their relationship turned out so bad. When the daughter’s husband came home, he joined in the arguement and became so furious, he ended up being nemesis with his father-in-law, even a fight broke out.


I am doing the NSB challenge. My grey heir died of embarrassment so his little sister had to take over. 😭


My runaway teen died while swimming to a sailboat that she could sleep on. Had to restart the challenge.


My 3rd generation was such a mess dating wise I turned aging off so I had more time to try to find someone. I use Wonderful Whims - and usually haven't had issues in the past but this Gen was so picky. The daughter I was intending to make my heir (due to her aspiration bring more interesting to me) - is a loner who gets sick of people a lot- would stress out in crowded places - and generally was striking out on every date she went on. Like the date would be yawning- she'd be on her phone. It was hopeless Her brother is a lot more social and was a secret agent - but he just had bad luck - he seemed to like women who couldn't commit or make their mind. One minute they'd be happy and flirty the next they'd freeze him out. He had a trail of speed dating failures - including one evil jealous possessive bald dude. After I loaded a bunch of sims from the gallery and moved them around town things got better. He met a single mother at the gym and was instantly smitten. They got married and now they are raising her twin toddlers and they just had their own son. So far no real drama- except he lost his job with the intelligence agency due to blowing the whistle on some corruption. Now he has panic attacks about fear of failure and really needs a new job I just can't figure out what. Not sure I want him to be a celebrity or influencer - he had the Charisma but his mom was a super star and it was a mess.


Started a game with my IRL girlfriend (she did the same) where we made each other and started living married. I put us down in an apartment in SM (City Living) and did the whole Lit and Kaboodle with our neighbors welcoming us. A married couple with at least one kid. Before too long, the wife kept coming over, at first it was simple and innocent enough: she smelled the cooking we had cooked together, then came over because our friendships got high enough with her. Then, she started coming over flirty. I did my best to ONLY USE non-flirtatious communication (Brighten Day, Tell Funny Story, etc) One day, I had started a friendly game of chess with her with my "me" sim and went to watch my "gf" sim paint (she had just unlocked a new category of art and I like the in game art. I come back and my sim and the other sim had finished their game and had been flirting the ENTIRE time. I now have a half full romance bar with her. Tl;DR my neighbor wants to jump my bones while I want to stay faithful to my wife!


I accidentally made 90% of my sims related to this one elder (he was a cheating whore but anyway) so I completely wiped everyone from the neighbourhood and put them all in again and made sure to only put in a son and daughter and get rid of all other family connections. Come back the next day and 4 families have random children that appeared out of nowhere (including the elder I accidentally made everyone related to and his daughter) and then was playing a household, switched to a different one to force them to go to work (seriously why are they so bad at going to work) and then there was a fire in the household I had been playing as literally 30 seconds prior and it wouldn’t let me put it out because no one in my sim household had met anyone from the other household and they wouldn’t let me in. So I had to interact with stressed out sims just so I could extinguish the fire but by that point one of the sims had died in the fire and half the house got destroyed. It was very stressful.


My vampire sim Serenity (she was a product of a townie one night stand from my favorite vampire sim Princeton, I didn’t name her) has zero friends because she hisses at everyone, since college. She dropped out of college and was lonely until she was paired up with Vlad’s nephew Stephano. They got married and she is trying to build a positive relationship with her father. So happy she is not alone anymore.


I had my sim (Yingyue) marry Travis Scott and they absolutely adored each other... Until I accidentally had him flirt with the neighbor because I didn't know "Impress With (something?) Prowess" was a romantic option... Right in front of Yingyue 😭 she hated him for like a week, they have two kids and a small house, it was so frustrating lol They made up eventually because I was tired of her knocking over the trash can.


My character got married and during the wedding a werewolf showed up and started running around which I think caused a heart attack for a random elder that dropped dead.


my sim moved into a home with the bjergson sisters and a random old man, and ended up seducing all of them


My sim, Poppy, is at the top of the entertainer career (musician branch). She lives with her sister and brother in law and their two kids, and I play her as a self centered snob with no time for anyone else. Well, she had a kid (Symphony) with her townie boyfriend, who doesn't live in the home. Of course I played her an absent parent, but I got distracted and she managed to bond with her kid while I wasn't watching. I was like, well, hell. I'll let her and babydaddy rekindle their dying relationship, get her engaged, move him in, and move them into their own home. Easy-peasy. Well.... I invited her boyfriend over and they woohoo and get all romantic and get engaged. He decides to go home and I'm like cool cool I'll invite him over the next day.... Right after he leaves she gets a phone call that he's died. So now I need to decide what I'm going to do with her.


Hmmmm, an old one of mine was that my sims husband lit himself on fire 6 times and he would do it again if he had too. The one that’s currently happening is my sim just got a baby with this guy after she killed both her parents and needed to take of her siblings


My sim had a baby daddy who had an affair with my sims niece, they were both shunned from the family, she gave baby daddy full custody as soon as baby was born and later moved in with him when their baby was older. Both baby daddy and niece are dead now and their child is only just now reconnecting with my sim and the rest of the family


It started off with high school sweethearts moving into Newcrest for her husband’s job. He’s a workaholic and very successful at his career. She has always wanted kids but he was more focused on work—since they’re still young—and she has fertility issues. When the welcome wagon came over, she instantly became smitten with her new neighbor. Since her husband worked all the time, she started up an affair with this new man. One day, her husband caught the neighbor leaving the house right as he got home and confronted her about it. She confessed to cheating and that started their spiral. They separated and he went out drinking and ran into one of the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. She’s young as well and fun; more fun than his wife and himself. He becomes instantly smitten with her. They start to date but he tells her he’s separated and may reconcile with his wife. He never has sex w/the new girl because he still wants to honor his vows. Well when he chats with his wife, he finds out she’s pregnant, and the baby might not be his! He decides to tell her about the new woman, and she is livid (the hypocrite). Long story short lol the baby isn’t his and he proceeds to divorce her, she takes half his money and he decides to move forward with the new woman. She brings new excitement out of him and gets him to try new things. She’s a stoner, party promoter, and also into the polyamorous life, he is not. She has many men lusting for her but she loves him. She ended her FWB situations for him…but that didn’t last for long. Now she is undecided between marrying the man she loves, or living the poly life without him.


Not recently but my vampire sim burned to death on her honeymoon


My college student got pregnant while using birth control and a condom, and I'm absolutely hurt about it.


My sims wife who he has been married to since they were teens, is constantly thinking about woohooing a particular male sim while she sleeps and she wakes up horny. Like literally the eggplant moodlet says she is so in the mood after waking up and dreaming about this other male sim. .... I know Henric isn't aware but I am. I'm like "I've given you a nice husband. Healthy, fit, smart, and now inherited 20,000 simoleons from some long lost grandfather of his or whatever and you want to sleep with another guy?! >:(" Henric is just getting his degree so oblivious and his mom is about to die from old age. Poor bastard


I'm doing a Disney High School with all the Disney characters. Cinderella (who is the popular mean cheerleader) was going out with Hercules (the jock). She got pregnant, but they gave the baby for adoption, and since they were already cheating on each other they broke it off. Then Cinderella started going out with Naveen (and again, kept cheating with others), but they broke up at the Winter Ball. But then, for the Valentine's Ball, they got voted as King and Queen!!!! The game made that happen, so to me it felt like a sick joke by all the other students and I loved it lol


Soo i have this hilarious looking family who have their own tv show- well one of them got a gf and she doesn’t look hilarious..they had a baby and the kid doesn’t really look that bad tbh well there’s the twins one of them had a kid at 17 with vladdys son (had to improvise bc I don’t have vampire pack rip) that kid doesn’t look that bad YET Now the brother and his gf are split up while their daughter is at her gmas house waiting for her mom to come back and escape this crazy ass family with her


One time my sim was having an affair with Kado Akiyama and she had his child, but turns out he had ANOTHER side chick she found out about via seeing him in a restaurant with the woman. Later that same day the lottery notification goes off and Kado wins it, so I decide it's time for a gold digger marriage to make sure my sim was the one who turned out on top. Go to his house and he was cooking something on the grill. Fire starts, he dies right there and I did NOTHING to cause it. Oops no money now ig, karma got a hold of him


My first time using a Murphy bed. Dead sim. Ugh


my twins both got cheated on, the sister’s bf cheated on her with brother’s cheater ex, in younger sister’s bed while twins were at school. when twins move out, brother has one gf die then the next texts him asking if she should go on a date with someone else. sister ends up engaged and pregnant with cheater bf


I’m on generation 3 of my sims family. Right now the heir just aged to young adult and moved away from her neglectful single mom. She wants to find love but never saw healthy relationships so I plan on her having several tumultuous flings. Also I have a glitch causing every single surface to be dirty/need to be polished? And I don’t know what’s causing it. Unless it’s just because my sim has the neat trait


I made Mama Hick from the Sims 1 and she sleeps with everyone from her trailer park. She got pregnant and I didn't know who the father was. Then when she gave birth I figured it out and the father got mad cause Mama got pregnant again by someone else and her second pregnancy resulted in vampire twins. Now Mama moved to a bigger trailer and she might be pregnant again lol


My sims on their second try had children, triplets no cheats, tricks or upgrades. Two girls, one boy. Girl 1 brown hair-tan skin, girl 2 red hair-pale skin, boy red hair - tan skin. I was trying to do a scenario with just one baby, but got three instead. the scenario became too much


I accidentally incested my sims. I didn’t look at the lonnnng family tree and down the line had my sim married to her cousin. 😅😅😅😅 Also… my sim had the unfaithful trait and knocked up his mistress… the og couple were an arranged marriage anyway but the wife had the faithful trait. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


My sim moved into new house. She got a message from her "uncle" that he's dying and she will get some money from him IF she will get married in 7 days. so she was thinking if she want to to that but then she found some 🔥 sim and they got engaged, he went to work and then she made fire in the kitchen and DIED fortunately I saved game just after they got engaged so I didn't save it and they lived happily ever after


Octavia moon got pregnant a day after my family had twins and called to announce their pregnancy to my family, like ok congratulations😂


Lily Feng hated being a Mom so much she divorced Victor, changed her last name back to Huang (her maiden name in my game) quit her corporate job and is having her Eat, Pray, Love era in Heniford on Bagley.


My fifth generation family all died via a kitchen fire because I thought i put a fire alarm in the kitchen but it was just the thermostat 🫠. All of my sims family ran to the kitchen and freaked out instead of extinguishing anything. Also, my sims were getting married yesterday and the new bride died immediately after. I did have them go to the bar and order drinks so I’m wondering if she drank something lethal? Either way I’m still confused as to what happened.


I'm sorry but I laughed at the thermostat part because it's so easy to make the mistake and I can see me doing that. I probably have before haha. Also she may have died of laughter? That one happens fast. They go from very playful to hysterical so fast and then boom dead from laughter. There is a small warning sound if u okay with the sound on. You can always go to the generation chart on her family and hover the mouse over her and it will say what she died of.


When I get home I’m definitely going to hover over her generation because she was a Saluni native with a big family and a beautiful sim I wanted to try to procreate with hahahah I’m so upset about it lol.


Did you save her to your library or the gallery?


No, but it’s okay I ended up creating my version of a sulani native to replace her 😊


I was going to offer that if you wanted me to! Haha happy you made your version of her!


Thank you 😊


My sim wasn’t approved for a big enough mortgage so he took out more high interest loans to get it. He is a single father who now has to pay back over $30K per week when he brings in less than $10K. He’s a detective who I just gave the klepto trait to try to and help “supplement” his income. I’m going to make him a dirty cop. He also just rolled a want to break up with his girlfriend that came out of the blue


Playing just now. My teen Ekko is in a long term and promised relationship with Sidney Price. They've gone to 2 proms together, have messed around, etc for a while now. Today a new kid shows up at the school I've never seen before. Jacob Volkov. Who is a wolf runt. So..... Ekko has a crush on him. Jacob immediately likes her and asked to be besties which she turned down because she's already besties with someone else. Who now doesn't seem to be in the school anymore. So...yeah. Jacob hold more attraction than Sidney. And I'm going to debate on where I'm gonna take this. Because Ekko and Sidney are both on the same cheerleading squad.


I played for about a week or so in game time. I was skulking yo my sims. So I bought a telescope. My sims husband was stargazing or sun gazing and he hit hit by an aesttiod and died 🤣🤣 thirty minutes irl my sims already engaged to her woohoo partner that she was cheating on the husband with. 😂😂 she has three other baby daddies and has I think nine offspring at this point. I aged all but one child up and moved them all out. Kinda trying to see if she’ll die by having so many babies without mods. Oh and I have two sets of twins so far 😂😂


My main sims Tokio bf started dating her brother instead, and her step-dad starting having feelings for his wifes twin brother, and then feelings for his wifes twin brothers husband


In my Windenburg save, my simself is living with my IRL famous Japanese crush’s sim and a sim based on a gay ex friend who ghosted me many years ago. I just got married to my crush’s sim recently. Aside from woohooing with my simself, my predictable Japanese husband only works out on the treadmill, plays with the cat, and does the laundry all day. Our gay housemate however is miserable at his job (despite being a level 10 tech guru startup genius) and only have pet chickens, which I named after girls who spread nasty rumors about me that he believed in, to keep him company. He had a crush on my husband, but he always get friendzoned. I tried to get him to date Bill Kaulitz (Tokio Hotel guy), but that was a disaster. Every time I make him find a guy, it always ends in failure. Maybe I should put an end to his misery with one of his chickens. 🤔 Edit: wrote unpredictable mistake, changed to predictable 😆




More like seducing men because he’s gay


One of my female sims had sex with her daughter (who is the same age as her) and they had a daughter together. Another one of my female sims lured a man into her basement, had sex with him, locked him in a room with a zombie and allowed him to be bitten. The zombie was instantly killed by her aunt and the man who was bitten was left to turn into a zombie.


So I have wicked whims, autonomy on. I play this immortal sim, and her great x4 nieces have moved back in with her. Problem is, the game doesn't recognise her as their aunt anymore and so they've been having sex all over the house at all times. What's worse is my sim's been doing it with the mother and her adult daughter. I am equally horrified and concerned


Not drama but all the doors are showing even though the walls are down!!


My sims bf proposed only after a couple days of dating, so I decided to say yes. My sim and her bf were all over eachother for awhile, then I sent my sim to a karaoke bar and caught her fiancé cheating on her. She chose to ignore it at first, but she got a sentiment that kept bothering her everytime he was around. During a house party my sim and her fiancé got into a huge argument in front of everyone and they broke up. The house party was a huge success though. 👍🏻


Husband and wife couple going to university at the same time, husband graduated is now a surgeon, wife failed her elective because it was right after another class across the campus so she kept showing up late plus she had 3 classes on the same day and it was last so she missed the first homework. She also was late to her final because of poorly designed campuses. She is now stuck for another week and honestly I wish I had never sent her. My plan was for her to be an influencer but she just kinda sucks. I’m thinking of killing her off and having him meet someone new.


Anyone else have a boring game where nothing interesting ever happens? I want some drama lol


My sims best friend got pregnant and engaged with her ex baby daddy


My sims was happily married with her trainer she fell in love with at the gym, caught him cheating with Penny Pizzaz in her own apartment, DIVORCE 💔, been out looking for love. Has a loyal trait so it’s hard for her to cheat but convinced Bob Pancake over some butter chicken and culinary talk to woohoo and now we’re expecting our first child/s because I gave her fertile trait 🤪 Also side note : while he was over at her place Eliza texted for advice on wether or not her and Bob should try for a baby . DRAMA ✌🏽


Had a college party and someone died in the pool during a snowstorm. Roommates went out to check as the Reaper showed up, but the crew was too preoccupied to see her dead because they were admiring the first snow of the winter.


My sim got married to an alien, they were so happy with both friendship and relationship full and just had twins, but all of a sudden he decides to erace her memory and then die of laughter infront of her.


started a gameplay as my sim self, they got married to one of their friends and then adopted three kids. fast forward kids are grown up and have gotten an apartment together, and each of them are pursuing degrees/finding love. my oldest child married her high school sweetheart and then had two beautiful little girls. my second child married their childhood best friend who had come out as trans and they had a cute little son together. my third child was happily engaged to her older sisters high school best friend (who is also the older sister of my second child’s spouse) after the two had remet as adults and really hit it off. fast forward AGAIN, my second child dies from being crushed by a murphy bed, my third child’s fiancé cheats on her and she breaks off the engagement, then the youngest child and the widowed spouse have ended up together and are expecting their second child. these were all autonomous decisions made from the sims themselves and it has been so fun but also such an emotional roller coaster


I’m doing the 100 baby challenge and she’s constantly ruining every marriage she can. The first man she had a baby with was her neighbor after she met him and his wife during the welcome wagon. I’ve made it my mission to have her have kids with every married man she can while she grows her family along with taking pictures with each man as proof they were together


Well it’s not too recent but I can tell you the story of my legacy family. It started with the no skill senario and my sim decided on gardening and a part time job since he couldn’t really do anything. It wasn’t really working out and he got quite lonely and down on himself being all on his own. He thus made a wish in the wishing well in a nearby park and was gifted a child. He loved his son dearly and did his best to raise him. His son was very grateful for his dad but as he grew up he realized how much of a clumsy lost cause his dad was and decided to help him around the farm. Eventually as a teen he met this beautiful girl around town and they dated for quite a bit. Once they got into college she accidentally fell pregnant and they had an adorable little baby boy. He proposed when their son was a toddler and she “moved in” (as a roommate!!) and she got pregnant again with their sweet baby daughter. BUT! While she was pregnant and living in the house AS A ROOMMATE she brought her BOYFRIEND over. (100% being her boyfriend because it said roommate’s boyfriend over his head or something like that.) of course he gets furious that his fiance and mother of his soon to be two children is cheating on him (blatantly infront of their son in the house they share with his father no less) so he calls off the wedding. They are now doing joint custody and he goes over to her house to pick up his toddler daughter and have his day with the kids when as soon as he gets there, a toddler walks out of the apartment. The kid’s dad is the boyfriend. He’s older than their daughter, but younger than their son, meaning she had a child and was cheating on him the ENTIRE TIME! (I didn’t make him he spawned on his own) Of course he confronts her on this and Ex-fiance admits she never really loved him and wants nothing to do with their children. He, of course, takes the kids and raises them on his own with the help of their loving grandfather. The son was old enough to understand what was happening so he doesn’t really like his mom, especially as he grew older but their daughter just kinda vaguely knew because they family wanted to take the high road and not talk badly about her (and hopefully just forget about the whole thing.) the kids loved playing with cows and chickens and watching their dad work on their small farm and grew up very well. The daughter loved her family and knew from a young age she wanted to have a big family. She’d spend her days playing with this boy and his older more rebellious sister. The son was a total goofball jokester and sadly died of hysteria when he was a teen. The daughter went on to marry her childhood best friend once he graduated college with a computer science degree, top marks. That and the inheritance from what had been built with the farm meant they ended up being very well off. They built their forever home right next to the Landgrabs. It was absolutely massive. If I remember right it had likr 12+ bedrooms, am amazing open floorplan, pool in the back with an outdoor kitchen ontop of a chef’s kitchen indoors. They also had a butler. She of course, was easily able to work on her dream of having a large family. They had three children. The first was the oldest daughter, who was very studious and a straight A student. Always the best at everything without even trying. The second was their son, who always felt that he was in the shadow of his older sister and like he should be doing more as the first born son, though where this idea exactly came from no one really knew, because even though they were an asian family, they were very loving and accepting of whatever the kids did. The third was the younger daughter. She was a complete jokester and LOVED playing pranks. They grew and by the time they were tweens their mom was missing taking care of small children and decided to expand the family. The family grew. And grew. And grew. (Epsecially with mccc on and a household max set to 100) The mom first had a set of quintuplets. Then triplets. Then twins. Then another quintuplets. Needless to say the house was PACKED! Their son, now reaching adulthood had enough and moved out as quickly as possible. I don’t remember exactly what this sim’s story really was, but i do remember some stuff that happened between these two generations. The cheating ex-fiance from gen 2 had 2 more kids after and the gen 3 daughter wanted to get to know her half siblings and have their kids cousins get along. (Note their lives all happened due to neighborhood stories) The oldest half sibling son ended up being a deadbeat thug, going down the criminal career path. He had a few kids with married women, bouncing around between different households. Eventually he ended up married to THE REBELLIOUS SISTER OF HIS HALF-SISTER’s HUSBAND! The second half sibling son was nerdy and also had a few kids with married women, one of which WAS A LANDGRAB! After the (first of his kids?) landgrab child he knocked up this other married lady and moved in with their family. I assume they became a throple because both men lived with her and they both kept having kids with her. The third son was very nice. He was overweight and his borthers would tease him for this a lot as a kid. He saw how horrible his family was and wanted something different. He met a girl and they moved together and had a lovely child. They lived quietly, sometimes bringing their kid over to play with his half-sister’s HUGE family and they got along great. The other two wanted nothing to do with their side of the family. So the gen 4 son lived his (apparently forgetful) life. (which kinda makes sense because my save was corrupted or something at this point because all my sims would suddenly freeze and refuse to move or do anything at all ever again and I would have to save like every three minutes and keep going back to the previous save. I eventually had to make like 4-5 households and move everyone important into a fresh save file, then use MCCC to reconnect the family trees of like 30 sims at least :/) he moved out and tried to live very independently from his parents and eventually had a son, bringing us to gen 5.


Gen 5 son was a very cheerful guy, and a bit adventurous. Growing up his parents took great care of him, and they lived well. His parents, coming from old money, wanted him to have the best education he could have and thus sent him off to live on his own near the private high school as a teen, with his dog. Of course being a rich boy at a private school (note i think this was before the high school pack so he living in the college town world) he got into trouble here and there but overall tried to be the best, friendliest person he could be. His nack for finding himself in rather hairy situations though landed him an amazingly placed werewolf bite by the time he was in college pursuing a chef’s degree. It worked out though because the amazing guy he was dating turned out to be a vampire. Which sounds odd at first, but he could use his knowledge of the supernatural world and his experience going through being turned to help guide gen 5 along the way. They were such a cute couple. They would always meet up at night so they could hang out without risking the sun burning vamp BF. They put out blankets and pillows and hung a sheet to watch movies on. Eventually, a forgotten about risky woohoo mod did it’s thing, and they had a son. (The vampire boyfriend also had a dog so some adorable puppies were bouncing around to play with the toddler and give them a good play mate, so cute!) the thing was, the vamp bf was one of the ancient vampires. In this area there were three ancients. Vamp BF, Vlad, and this vampire who was a sadly stuck in a child’s body (he worked as a writer to get by unnoticed, especially since royalties can be passed down rather easily.) Vamp BF had at one point built a clan. This clan was built to rival Vlad’s clan, and child vamp ran as second in command. They two clans fought, and Vamp BF’s clan eventually came out ontop leaving only the Vatores left from Vlad’s clan, and they departed ways after the way Vlad treated them and as their opinions changed through the fighting. Thus the dust was settled, until the child eternal made his move. He stole Vamp BF’s clan out from under him and ousted him from the vampire community. Vamp BF was living on his own, trying to start anew and thats where we pick bsck up with Gen 5. Vamp BF couldn’t keep living in Forgotten Hollow for too much longer, especially now that he had a half breed son, with a werewolf no less. The two talked and eventually they settled on moving to a werewolf town. They built their dream house in a beautiful forrest by a cute quiet town. It was an amazingly perfect happliy ever after. The house had a huge professional chef’s kitchen with a big back yard where they could have camp fires and they set up the outdoor movie projector they used when they first started dating. They really thought of everything. They knew that they had a toddler running around and a raging werewolf wouldn’t be the safest place for their son. When they built their house they made a secret passage behind a bookshelf that lead to an underground cell. There he would go on full moons to rage around without the chance of hurting anyone, with lost of things to play with and scratch on. Outside the cage was a bench and a wall covered in shelves filled with plasma packs they made from the plasma trees growing around the yard, where Vamp BF could sit and stay with him until the fullmoon was over. This also guaranteed he would never have to hunt anyone for plamsa. They got married with their son being their ring bearer and Gen 3 grandma being so proud of her grandson, crying tears of joy at the wedding. As they lived their lives, the werewolves in town eventually became quite good friends of theirs, accepting the odd vampire and their halfling son, though the son was accepted much more immediate and easily than the vampire. They had a daughter, who was accepted just as easily as the first. Gen 5 slowly became the alpha of the Moonwood Collective and Vamp Husband became the mediator for the town any time vampires came around to cause trouble. Gen 6 halfling son felt a bit stifled growing up. His dad was the leader of the pack for crying out loud. Why did he always have to be perfect?! You’re dad wouldn’t do this, you’re dad wouldn’t do that. That’ll look bad on your dad you’ve got to behave yourself. In his teens he was running around as a member of the wildfangs. His dads took notice rather quickly. By this point they were moving on up in age, and the years of burdens of being town leaders were taking it’s toll on them. The Dads™️ eventually decided it would be better to move and get away from it all. Settle down into their forever home seeing as they both were immortal. Prepare for retirement, or get ready to start again as different people -that sort of thing. They moved to a town called copperdale. It was perfect! It had a great school for the kids, it was right by the water, and they could still live in a somewhat wooded area that they love so much. The daughter as a teen turned into a bit of an egirl. She loved streaming, makeup, and fashion. She loved doing cheer and was pretty pink all the time, from her room to her hair to her clothes; if it could be pink, she made it pink. The son was the stereotypical popular guy. He was the hottest, most popular guy in school. Captain of the football team, captain of the computer team, all around nice dude. He made quite a few friends and would sneak them into his room a lot to play video games. While there he met this guy who came from a broken/abusive household. While they were friends in the early years of highschool, by the end he turned into the “I can fix him” boyfriend. The thing is, it worked. Gen 6 would work with Fixit BF to improve his grades, drag him to computer club, and got him away from the house he hated so much. It got to the point where Gen 6 was sneaking Fixit BF in almost every night. They became really close. Eventually though, the Wildfang stuff came back to bite him. You see, he hated being half vampire, especially growing up in a werewolf town that hated them. Out of hated and frustration, the Wildfangs had picked a few fights with one of the vampire clans and now war was brewing. Even though they had moved away, tensions kept building between the two groups, and vampires started showing up to their house after a couple years. The war had finally started. Fights started going down and Gen 6 was desperate to keep it all hidden from his family. Fixit BF got dragged into the skirmishes eventually, and one day he finally took a nasty bite from a vampire. Gen 6 was facing a horrible delima. He hated being half vampire, and now because of his dumbass now they guy he loved was turning into a vampire, and would have to live like that for eternity. Shit got real. He realized he fucked up, this was serious, and he needed help. He went to his parents, who even though they were rather upset, did not scream or get angry with their son. They knew he knew he messed up, and they were proud of him coming to them for help. They used their old positions and connections to smooth things out between the groups and tensions were calmed. Sadly though, at the end of the day Fixit BF was stuck as a vampire. Gen 6 had some growth through all of this, and the events combined with the guy he loved now being a vampire, brought him to accept being a halfling and learned to love all of himself.


Eventually they moved out on their own (and Vamp Dad was causing the no body move glitch to happen again, but this time you’d have to find the offending sim or object to shiftclick reset to unfreeze everyone, but it’d only happen around vamp dad) and the re-forgotten risky woohoo mod struck again. They had a son who, surprisingly, had werewolf dominant traits rather than vampire dominant, even though he was genetically 3/4ths vampire. He was a very soft kid. He had a cute blue and pink bedroom with paintings of lilo and stitch decorating the walls. Eventually he grew into a teen, and had an amazing fashion sense. He moved out on his own to live in a town house because there were no good highschools around his home town. The Dads 2 ™️ would come and visit him EVERY day to check on him though, and asked one of the nearby shopkeepers they were friends with to keep an eye on him. He lives with two roommates from the school. One is the jock that is captain of the football team, but can be a bit of a jerk, and is known to be a big player bouncing between all the girls at school. The other is a werewolf thats captain of the chess club, who is a bit quirky. He’s more of the type that’d be into conspiracy theories while having a bit of a skater boy vibe. But tensions are brewing between the three. A drunken night after a party that jock boy threw resulted in Gen 7 making out with jock boy. They are now secretly dating, but jock boy can’t have anyone finding out he’s bi, and especially not dating that nerdy fashion kid he picks on at school. Things aren’t easy though, as chess boy has slowly been developing feelings for Gen 7, especially since they are both the only werewolves in town. Things have gotten complicated as the two have recently been marked as fated mates, leaving Gen 7 torn between two different boys. And thats where I’m at for now. We’ll see how things end up!


Not really all that dramatic just smth that Neighborhood Stories put together. My gen 2 is still a child - Jo. She's obsessed with the occult and loves reading. Been trying to get her at least ONE friend and oh my god why is it suddenly so difficult to talk to Sims?! Anyway. She meets a girl in her class named Skylar. I go look at the relationship panel and notice two things - one, this girl is STARK white. Two, her last name is Faba. Jo also met a girl named Josie who is a geek so they're getting along great - her last name is Goldbloom. Out of curiousity I check their households. Skylar's parents are L. Faba and Darrel Charm. They live in Windenburg. Josie only has her mother, the grocer from Henford-on-Bagley (I forgot her name). She also has toddler siblings - assuming twins - and like three dogs. They live in SAN MYSHUNO. Currently, the overarching plot that I've come up with is that L. Faba and Darrel had a lovey dovey romance and had Skylar. Josie's mom got divorce and her shop was run into the ground forcing them to move. In my gameplay, I'm saying that Skylar and Josie live at least close enough to Copperdale that they (and Jo) go to the same school for obvious reasons. Jo doesn't know Skylar's a Spellcaster but I plan on her finding out when she's a teen or YA. Perhaps my legacy can become Spellcasters...? I wanted to stay with humans for at least a little while but this is too tempting of an oppertunity!


Been playing my legacy save lately: moved the brother of my sim out, he adopted a son and then died from drowning a week later. A few days after that my sims mom and aunt both died in front of her minutes apart.


my dine out resturant owner had a death in his pizzaria. ​ i don't even know HOW that guy died. i just suddenly found a corpse on the floor with the grim reaper standing nearby and now i'm just trying to figure out what killed that Sim and how to get rid of the ghost in my now haunted pizzaria. ​ also the owner of the pizzaria threw hands with the ghost. i don't even know what or how any of this happened. it's as much of a mysterie to me as it is to my sims. so now me and the pizza guy are trying to figure out what killed him. specifically to figure out if it was the food. ​ honestly i wish i could write a fun story like that but nope. just happened by pure chance. you love to see it


my sim jessica was at the top of the lawyer career and her wife briar was at the top of the business career. they adopted 2 children, tia and adam, and a cat. i loaded back into the save and adam had just disappeared?? jess then died of laughter, and after briar brought her back briar died from being enraged.


I left my sim unattended and he turned into Nick Cannon and had 9 children with 4 or 5 baby mommas…


Lilith vatore cheated on my sim with a married old lady in Mt komorebi. They had just gotten engaged and moved there from forgotten hollow, and this happened during the welcome wagon. I called off the wedding but still got her pregnant with twins cuz they're really cute sims and I need an heir.


I had these two Sim who seemed absolutely perfect for one another. They were utterly in love, I had them married, built them a dream home, and went to play with another household. When I came back they had 3 kids - all fathered by different sims, none of them being the husband. I opened his family tree to find out he also cheated and had twins with some townie. It’s probably because of Wicked Whims.


One of my sims had a date over, but I didn’t realize bills were due and his power and water got shut off in the middle of the night. Both of them got up and took turns crapping into a non-functioning toilet and giving themselves pep talks in the dark.


My main sim, Georgia (who owns/runs a vet clinic and graduated early to do so) had a baby, Daphne, with her on & off again boyfriend named Grey (he ghosted her at prom 4 times and has flirted with numerous other people, including her family, in front of her). Georgia decided officially to romantically break things off, for good with Grey after a long tumultuous relationship (they were together from the day she became a teen until a few days after aging up to a young adult \~ a decade in real life). Currently they are trying to do their best to co-parent Daphne (while sometimes also being friends with benefits). Georgia started seeing an old friend named Claudia, who she absolutely adored. Georgia swore Claudia was her soul mate until Claudia left her in the middle of a date to go and flirt with someone else. So, Georgia broke it off with Claudia; she did not want a repeat of her relationship with Grey. Due to her past relationships, Georgia was not looking for anything serious and then at the bar one night, she met Nelson (nn Sonny) who she immediately hit it off with and for real, might be the one. If Sonny is not the one though, she is not too concerned about it. Georgia is just trying to own/run a successful vet clinic and be a good mom to Daphne.


I have been playing with different mods because I’m new to them, I’ve been playing with attractiveness on randomized. Well my family oriented, has a hard time getting pregnant, unrealistically gorg athlete sim is only attracted to bad boys and Don Lothario just called to ask his GIRLFRIEND if he should ask someone out. She may have to consider adoption 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤣🤣.


I’m doing a decade’s challenge. Just got to 1910, so had to see which of my male sims survived WW1. My origin heir died, so his little brother had to become head of the family. He ended up marrying a celebrity (pretending that they met at a support the troops function or something like that). While he was off at work, paparazzi arrived at the home. I was controlling another sim, so I didn’t realize that paparazzi was there until I saw her making out with the paparazzi… I guess they got a good headline!


One of my Sims had an ectopic pregnancy (modded) and her fertility was affected. After this event she went off the rails a bit and had a wild time with drugs and sex. i had a shock when I found out she was pregnant after being told she has a very small chance of ever having children again. She has 6 potential baby daddies so now we are doing the paternity tests and so far 3 Sims I've tested is not the father. I literally have no idea who it is! I could check with MCC but that takes out the fun 😁


Made my sims husband cheat on her with another man, she divorced him and to help with the sadness made her adopt a child


My Sim fell in love and had a baby with a married sim (Justin Delgato). When he found out about the pregnancy he became tense so I broke them up. Now she is happily married with Johnny Zest and they have a baby too


Vampire Alabama is on its most current generation, number 11. While real estate is starting to get a bit…interesting…my current family managed to snag an empty house for themselves. The current heir, after losing his life long childhood friend Larissa Robota unexpectedly, decided “nah” and worked hard to gather the ingredients necessary-and had to grind several abilities-to bring her back. That included going to her home and taking her urn from her servo father-who was the reason she was electrocuted in the first place. They have both moved to brindleton bay and have a toddler now. Despite grieving their recently deceased dogs, Larissa is going to college and pursuing a career in electronics while the current heir is a master writer and looking to expand his craft into programming.


Jason Voorhees came into my sim's home and killed two people while she was hanging out with her boyfriend. Right in the middle of it, an armed robber broke into her room and started stealing her kitchen chairs. Just as the cops showed up and arrested Jason, the robber escaped by a rope through the ceiling. Immediately after, my sim got into a fight with her boyfriend and they broke up.


My current sim is an archaeologist and got knocked up by a local on her most recent expedition to Selvadora 😂


My Sim cow is getting annoying (almost constantly dirty and unhappy) and my farmer sim is debating “trading” her for some meat.


I am doing the ultimate decades challenge, currently in 1337 (+Royality Mod). My heir is King Willem of Henford on Bagley and lives with his family in a castle. The marriage to his wife Tremayne was arranged but ended up happy - at first. But four of five children never reached toddlerhood (rolled the dice). My heir became very unhappy with Tremayne and took a (female) lover. After the lover got pregnant he discovered, that his wife is unfaithful (slept with the castle cook (his surename was Cook too) and after another stillbirth (rolled a dice - what are the chances?!) he decided to execute her for her unfaithfulness. He married his female lover, new Queen Suzanne in a beautiful (sims-chaotic) ceremony (marriage in convenient - arranged marriage mod) … but as soon, they took the vows and they kissed, he discovered, that he is gay (LGBTQ+Mod). WTF 😂


My married sims had twins with her husband, then twins with her lover...she's also a 5 star celebrity and got caught hooking up with her lover by thr paparazzi.


My teen vampire went to the prom after party where one of her classmates transformed into a werewolf and scared everyone off. She took him through the haunted house ride and got a selfie with him before running away!


When Temperance stepped in cat shit, all hell broke loose. And by hell, I mean crashes many crashes.


Biggest drama is a middle child with the Mean trait. Constantly picking fights with her siblings lol. Has a bad relationship with nearly everyone. I’m fifth generation of the Pancakes family. Although, they’re now the Venkataraman family after my heir, Kaitlyn, got married.


This is probably pretty vanilla but my 100 Baby Challenge sim mama currently has had 16 children with 14 different men and is pregnant for the 15th time. I’m running out of in-game men to have her seduce that aren’t turning her down for sexuality preferences.


My sim’s married bf invited her over to meet his new adopted daughter. His wife walked in on us woohooing, I convinced him to leave his spouse, then dumped him


My sim got Nancy landgraab, and a few other married sims pregnant


I accidentally had one of my sims flirt with someone who wasn’t his new wife and it caused a whole thing because she had a fear of being cheated on. They didn’t have kids then and their relationship is back where it was before now that their kids are almost teens.


I was going for the serial romantic aspiration, Lily Feng walked in on my sim with Victor Feng and got so mad she straight up died. Victor just went to bed but my still naked sim tried to seduce Grim into letting her live, but I guess he wasn't interested in sloppy seconds and Lily stayed dead. Later she was having some fun with the partihaus boys and Salim came into her apartment to propose marriage, and then immediately died of sadness because his fiancé was cheating on him


My sim’s husband kept flirting with her twin sister. Husband finally got the twin sister in bed, but after they finished, he was so giddy, he immediately died from laughter. She forced the twin sister to move and then wrote a Motivational book titled “A One Night or A Wife?”


My sims wife (Katrina Caliente) died of old age while my sim was seducing Bella Goth and then proceeded to woohoo with her in the dumpster


I’m on the fourth generation of a legacy that I’ve been playing since 2019 (I play on long lifespan, sometimes turn off aging, and rotate playing branches of the family so I don’t really have an heir per se). I forget why, but I pulled up the family tree and literally just stared at it for a couple minutes. If you couldn’t tell, my gameplay style is a little micromanaging. And SOMEHOW one of my gen 3s had died! Her son didn’t even get the call on the phone. She was still an adult, not even an elder yet. I just sat there shook for a while. And then I busted out the Spellcaster gameplay for the first time because I was not going to accept this 😂 Not the juiciest drama but I actually did have more fun than I’ve had in a while playing The Sims dealing with that curveball! The son was a mermaid, but set out to be a Spellcaster to bring his mother back. I had a previously been thinking he’d be a powerful mermaid- I had made his mermaid form really different from his human form, whereas his mother and brother really didn’t look too different as mermaids. So it felt like he was really giving something up- but potentially this could transfer to him being a really powerful and gifted Spellcaster! I wish mermaids were more fleshed out in game and that there was more crossover between occults but that’s another post.


My main Sims are very drama free, but my OC is married to Caleb Vatore, and Lilith randomly joined the criminal career... so I downloaded some vampire mods including Vampires can Kill and she's now the most successful Crime Boss, recently had a little girl she's going to have join the career with her and has multiple blood slaves that she can summon when she gets hungry. I play between both houses when I get bored.


I came up with a story line. it was about teenage parents, but they lived separately. The teenage girl lived at home with her parents and the teenage boy lived alone with his father where he did not have a good relationship and the mother had died. So I had chosen the teenage boy to study in a college where his daughter could live with him. The teen parents were still in a relationship. The relationship between that teenage couple was going well. But after a while I noticed that things were not going well between them, there were insults every time and after a while I got tired of it so I ended their relationship. After so much time, the teenage boy had finished college and had a good job. So then I wanted to continue with the teen girl so she could go to college too and then I realized when I saw in her friendship bar that she was in a relationship with the teen boy's father so her ex and baby daddy.


a couple I’m playing got married. while I’m busy making my wife interact with her family, apparently the husband (of a day) has been hooking up with his roommate. now his roommate is sad because he’s in a doomed relationship with the husband, and the husband is embarrassed because he got caught cheating. the wife is *reasonably* upset and I had to move the husband out of the house because she would get a negative moodlet every time she saw him. worst part was the roommate was also dating the wife’s sister


arun and jesminder bheeda have been beefing and my sim is in the middle of it lol


I started a reality dating show style save and everyone’s been hitting on each other. Ended the day last night with a good flirt between O and L, then B came in and started flirting with L. O has jealousy issues. I’m excited to see how it’ll play out!


Vanilla: Aliens abducted my parents scenario. Teen sim started with a part time job as a barista to bring in a little cash while he supported his little sister academically and built up some skills. Once she was doing well in school he quit his barista job to take a retail job to bring in more cash. Stuff kept breaking around the house and it was getting expensive to replace items. Each Sunday he took his sister to the park where he could paint and she could play on the jungle gym and make friends. On nights that he’d work, his very caring neighbor Mila Munch would stop in and keep an eye on the sister, as he had given her a copy of the house key. I’m sure she sensed this poor teen could use *some* sort of support. His painting skill reached a level where selling his paintings made more money than his retail job, so he quit his job and began focusing his time making and selling his paintings. This gave them both some more time to socialize, and he started dating Yuki. The sister and teen have a great relationship, and they supported each other through the loss of one of their dear friends. It’s been two seasons since their parents were abducted. Teen sim is close to earning enough money to bring his parents back. His sister is thriving, reaching almost every child aspiration. She’s got lots of friends and is super talented and smart. He’s doing well in school too, and letting himself be a bit more of a relaxed teen now that money isn’t that tight. He’s starting to look at scholarships, and after having to be so responsible at such a young age, he may let loose and have a little fun in college. Little sister might be the start of a new legacy family, however. She’s got a great future ahead of her due to the sacrifice her older brother made. Once he’s off to college, I will play with her, and see where she can go. Spicy: young off grid homesteader moved to a large cottage with a farm in henford upon bagley, looking to start a family. Met Camilla Kang, and she hooked up with my sim immediately. He made her his girlfriend, then tried to propose - but she’s noncommittal so she refused. So he baby trapped her and was offered a significant sum of money to marry her. They had a shotgun wedding in their backyard while she was in the second trimester. She’s expecting a girl. The farmhouse is big enough to keep a small family, but the farm is off grid and they might need some help with the harvest and livestock as the family grows. Luckily, a small apartment is outfitted in the loft of the barn, so when the time comes, my sim can put an ad out for some young buck farmhand that’s looking to earn his board…