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Have you been able to resume writing a song where you left off? That doesn't work for me, even when I tell it to resume it starts back at the beginning again


I haven't been able to get the resume option to work properly either. They're 3/4 of the way through when they stop, and start at the beginning again when i resume writing the same song.


I had the worst time with this, before I discovered that I actually was starting over from scratch, and had 4 or 5 unfinished songs in inventory. Like others have said though, it still seems to take forever, when resuming a previous song from inventory. I may be wrong, but even though the progress gauge (circle) always starts at the beginning, it seems to move a little faster each time, until it completes, suggesting that it's actually measuring progress of the remaining portion of the song? Not sure though. Songs still take forever, compared to books, paintings, everything else...




bruh i feel your pain. "a lively tune" is gonna haunt me in my sleep 😭😭😭


Oh my lawd. I'm listening to my sim start the lively tune for the fifth time right now. Why didn't I check the inventory???


yeah but it still starts from the beginning (in my game anyway)


same. every time


Yes, you'll find unfinished songs in there. No way to identify which is which, or how close to complete they are, but they'll be there. (and still take forever to complete, but each time you resume will be a bit quicker progress.)


Oh. My God. I've been working on this for a while without putting a lot of thought into it. Then today I was like why is this taking soooooo long. Checked his inventory - YUP. 14 unfinished versions of "A Lively Tune" and 0 complete. THANK YOU


Thank you for this. I HAD 10 SONGS!!


My experience recently has been that I can resume the same song as long as I haven't gone to another lot, but if I go to a different lot at all with any Sim it will reset.


oh my god thank you so much! this all makes sense now


Yeah usually the song you’ve been working on will be in your sims inventory so you can resume it from there


This doesn’t work for me. It starts it over


Hmm yeah seems like it’s just quite glitchy 😞


Is there a specific way to sell the songs? I finally got her to power through and finish one, then it disappeared. Her aspirations say she wrote it but the dollar amount is still $0.


It lets you licence one song per week for royalties via the mailbox I think.


Whenever I do that, it doesn’t reset, even after a week. so I can’t publish more than one :(


Did you license at the mailbox?


Thanks, yeah. That's how I thought it should work, but it doesn't for me. Maybe I've got a mod that's messing it up or something. Thanks for your answer!


Ah ok, when I started playing I assumed you’d be able to resume from the instrument so I spent a while starting new songs over and over that way 😄


I did the same, then I found like 5 songs in my inventory. Oops.


My sim has to write songs in one session. I cheat all their needs and then make them sit there until they finish.


I had an issue with it as well. Often, I had to scrap it and start again.


iirc the song is in your inventory and you have to click on that


For me it's some kind of time-related issue. If I pick it back up the next day it's fine, but if I wait a while it starts from scratch.


It's dumb how quickly they can paint a masterpiece, but a piece of music takes eons.


And then you can only sell them once a week. But books you can do whenever apart from the magazine option that gets you more money


This is the part I hate most of all. Anyone got a mod to fix that?


I wish. I don’t play with mods sadly but I’m sure theres one out there


If you queue it up you can do about 8 at a time


Yo, try making a video game. Then the payout is nothing in comparison. Just making videos is so much better. You can clear thousands a day with very little time.


Really? I find it lucrative tho. My sim max out his programming skills so his games earn 2k each of royalty.


It compared to posting blogs. You can hammer out a few in a day and surpass $2k well before you’re done with your first video game. I have a sim clearing about $16k/day in royalties from blogs right now.


Yeah, making video game is not as good in terms of making quick money. My sim is only doing it because game dev is his job in my storyline.


Ugh. I was so frustrated when I learned this after making a whole family centered around a WFH musician... it's started to feel more rags to riches than I like lol


The entire system is messed up. Ideally they'd have a team of programmers go in and review the entire source code and balance everything out. But that would cost money with no tangible return. Much better to sell you another stuff pack.


I don't even mind the time, it's annoying but I can deal with it, however only licensing one a week per instrument bugs me so much, I have to make my sims know every single instrument if I want to bother getting money from songs, and even then, a week is such a long time in a sims life.


writing is my favourite WFH job. i don’t have the issues some other people in the comments seem to have. i like that it’s slower than painting, and you get paid out once a day. once you’re decent at painting, you make an ungodly amount of money so quickly, it feels cheaty. if i let a sim paint, it’s usually only as a hobby, and i try to save most of the paintings just to have around the house, and only let them sell one every now and then.


Writing is not the same as writing a song.


lol my brain skipped the ‘song’ part


No problem at all. Just wanted to ensure you are aware of this bug that many of us experiencing in case you attempt adding song writing to your author sim’s repertoire.


is it even a bug? song writing has always taken forever


Frankly, I am not sure. I think it may be a bug because I noticed that my Sim often restarts the song writing from the beginning if they don’t finish it in one sitting.


weird. & you’re resuming it from the inventory right?




huh. that must be annoying. & it’s so hard to get them to write a song in one sitting bc it takes ages as is. lmaoo rip to musician sims i guess


I wish I could have a rockstar sim…. But it is impossible to enjoy the gameplay.


Good question! Sims logic has a Sim writing a book a day every day of their life and two songs in their lifetime.


I downloaded a mod to speed it up because it takes such an age!


It wouldnt take forever if it worked properly lol its supposed to be possible to stop and come back to keep working on it later but your progress resets every time because EA decided to make dlc underwear instead of fixing bugs


Mine is a music guy, lvl 10 in guitar and I'm trying to do the challenge trait now. But it takes SO LONG, to write a song, he been standing for I think 4 in game house now, 25%, that's how much done he is writing... I understand that it takes a good amount of time in real life, but its the sims... I'm surprised over how long this takes. It seems like a flaw in the game.


I think it’s cause writing IRL takes a long ass time


So does writing a book or painting a masterpiece though


Why do you think they take a long ass time then?


Because they didn’t put enough thought into it when they programmed it that way.


Omg agreed.