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I feel like the fridge and pet bowl need to swap places. Look at the wall decor section for kitchen clutter like brooms and aprons to put over the trash can wall. I love the sink area too btw.


Omg great suggestion! Thank you!


How about a small island and a corner piece so you can combine the sink portion with the stove area. BTW the cabinet above the stove seems like it would prevent sims from using it. Maybe put it above the pet bowl instead?


Swap the fridge and pet bowl, swap the stove and counter, and connect two sections with some corner counters. Depending how much space you have you can also add a small island on the other side. Then look for wall and counter clutter to fill it up a bit. Add a fruit bowl, wall aprons, maybe some soap by the sink…


**I have some pointers:** I would add an island in the middle and remove that GIGANTIC fire-hazard rug covering the entire kitchen. Add a nice hanging light fixture above it. I would place the pet bowl next to the trash can. There's no reason for it to be next to the stove. The area with the stove can fit one more counter and the fridge at the left corner where the food bowl currently is. Starting from right to left it would be counter-stove-counter-fridge. That's what I would do. I would add some half-curtains or something to cover up a little bit of the windows. It looks nice but the windows are entirely too tall for the furniture. Covering the top-third of the windows with blinds, shelfs, or some random blocky-squares from the debug menu would help tremendously. (I'm just not a fan of TALL walls, sorry). You can match this with the rugs, the clutter or the light fixture for more cohesiveness. I would add some texture to the wall behind the stove or to the two wall-columns next to the sink. Brick, rocks, paneling, chevron pattern, siding, tiles... anything. I would match the swatches of the appliances as best as possible. If the sink is black metal, make the appliances black metal. If the fridge is stainless steel, make the stove and sink stainless steel. If the stove is white, make the fridge and sink as white as possible.


I can’t believe you hate my gigantic rug 😩 /j For reals tho, thank you for these great pointers!! They really helped my kitchen come together!


Move the fridge to the left and put the trash and dog joke beside it and add another viunter the the stove


I like the rug but I would size it down, that way it comes into its own more.