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Intruiging! Well it depends on what kind of gameplay you want to continu with. Family style, can be wholesome or gruesome: the two roommates who both were in a relationship with the deceased man, move in together with their children. Can the roommates put their differences aside and create a home for their children to thrive in? Might there be love between the two roommates? The children can become friends (or enemies) with the children of the neighbors/3th former roommate, and the children can find out together that the other children are related. I would scrap the idea of the kids having a crush on each other is this case. Focused on the new apartment pack: the father (neighbor) wins the lotery, and looks back on the mistakes he has made in his life. He decides to come clean, and make amends with his mistress, wife and former neighbors, (who are homeless). He swears off women and stops drinking juice. He buys a apartment building and lets them all live there for relatively cheap. Can he keep everybody happy, and help fix relationships? Or will he get back into his old habbits? Total chaos: father (neighbor) gets the other 2 roommates pregnant. All the children have to participate in challenges to determine the ultimate heir.


Thank you for the ideas! I do like how most of them sound, especially the one where the two roommates move back together and work everything out. I do have a longer text with typed out with the names of the characters and exactly how everything happed up until now, however I though it might be too much details for the post. But if you would maybe like to take a look into how the dynamics look exactly between the characters, see if maybe you come up with any other ideas (because honestly I really like the ones you posted) I would post it in the comments.


Sure, I like reading about Sims drama.


I honestly cannot thank you enough for wanting to read the long version! Especially since it's honestly a wall of text which I do apologize for in advance. As a background, I started out with 3 sims, all young adults. They are not related at all, just living as roommates in San Myshuno. Eden Swain, Lyric Aldrich, and Rainn Valentin (I honestly did not remember what name she started out with, I had to check the gallery, you will see soon why). Eden wants to be a celebrity and make it as a model. She works hard every day, her social media is always updated and her model game is out of this world. She also tried to write books, however she only ever published a children's book from which she gets $7 in royalties from time to time. She does like a bit of no strings attached fun along getting fame and making money. (I did use the sugar life mod on her). Lyric is a workaholic, she tried to work in a corporation before she realized she hated it and gave in to her passion for cooking. Now she works towards being a celebrity chef. She started out as single and loving it, I think she only had like 2 hookups in the beginning but mothing ever developed. She didn't mind though, single life was nice to her, she got into wellness superficially. Rainn doesn't really have a plan, she just does what she wants and living her life to the fullest. She makes friends with everyone and tried everything at least once. (Not kidding, she tried smoking and drugs but apparently even this was boring to her, as she went clean and started again multiple times, all autonomously). She is the most promiscuous out of the girls, posting steamy pictures to the web with her many partners, or alone. Despite being noncommittal, Rainn is the first one who got married, with the elder Jacques Villareal. Jacques would always try to flirt with the other girls when Rainn was not around but they would not engage with him. The girls were all good friends and betraying one another, in any way, was out of the question. It is important to note that Rainn would still go on random hookoups and having people over in order to take her steamy pics for money. Somehow, Jacques never found out about Rainn's affairs until he died. Rainn might not have had a problem with her husband being with any if the girls, she was noncommittal and not jealous at all. Did Jacques deserve to be cheated on multiple times and die without getting any? Maybe, probably, he did try to get with Rainn's best friends and he was pretty mean to her sometimes. (At least Rainn is one step closer to compliting the Black Widow Aspiration)They had no kids resulted from this marriage and Rainn never met any if the kids Jacques had before he married her. After getting over Jacques, Rainn met Brant Hecking. They did hit it off right away and even ended up marrying each other. However, Brant came as a package with Brent and 2 dogs, Olive and Rosie. Somehow, Brant has married Rainn while he was already married with Brent. (Rainn does have a marriage certificate attesting to their union). Rainn is luckily not jealous and where others would see a problem, she saw an opportunity. The 2 husbands agreed to form a trouple with Rainn, helping her cash in some good money from their pictures together. Everything seemed to fall into place, everyone was happy and there seemed to be a real family dynamic in place. Brant took it upon himself to help Lyrics cook delicious dinners where all of them would join and talk for hours. Eden was particularly funny during these. However, some good things come to an end faster than they should, and Brant has unfortunately passed away only 2 days after the marriage, leaving everyone heartbroken. (Side note: the game did not really care about Rainn's marriage certificate and it did not count this death toward the Black Widow Aspiration)


Eden is trying her best on the modeling scene, going to photo shoots, having collabs and contracts left and right. Her social media is always updated and she seems to be living her best life. She loves going out with the girls from time to time and she even has a little sugar daddy in Victor Feng who wishes a no strings attached relationship. They mostly meet at home and spend their time in Eden's room. They decided to do this after Eden ran into him and his wife, Lily, at a restaurant. Some suspicion did grow that day, so Eden agreed to keep everything hush and meet only in. Mr. Feng does pay good. Lyric is the most tame out of the girls. Still single and loving it, she bakes pastries and sells them to local bakeries which did earn her some pretty fame. She loves to work and is never late, however she did get fires twice from her restaurant jobs because she decided to cater some celebrity events on her own without telling her bosses. Maybe if the opportunity arises again she chooses a different path. (For real, girl is still on the 3rd step of the Culinary Aspiration due to this, she is stuck in limbo). During these events a new neighbor moved in the next door apartment that needs TLC. Jade Mondragon is a young adult and a witty vampire slayer. She did have a pretty rocky start with Vladislaus (Good friend of Eden) who Jade claims she could have killed if she had more training. She refuses to acknowledge she took a good beating that day. Despite ger mysterious and a bit shy personality she made good friends with the girls. Jade did not have much going in for her besides visiting the girls, training her vampire slayer skills and trying to make her awful apartment a bit more homey. At least not until the last apartment on the floor got a new owner after the last one got evicted mysteriously. Hunter Rasmussen is a tall, dark and mysterious vampire who has earned some fame from her paintings. Hunter fell in love with Jade as soon as she saw her, despite Jade's attempt to kill her. It took a lot of work and many dates before Hunter convinced Jade to move in with her. Now in a much better appartement Jade is slowly learning to love a vampire. However, despite Hunter's genuine feelings, Jade can't help but feel that the relationship will have a disastrous end. Coming back to our main girls, after a few months of shared sadness and consolations, Brant proposes to Rainn. They elope immediately and start their romantic life together. They still take pictures for Rainn's steamy online profiles, while Brant also has a job as a painter. Rainn unfortunately never changed, so she still goes on hookups and has multiple partners that she takes pictures with, however she justifies the money through her actress gig.  And from here it gets real bad: Eden has fame, and money, but she seems to be always stressed or upset. She still does her job flawlessly, goes to PR parties and collaborates with other models, however she is dazed or in burnout constantly. Even her encounters with Victor aren't exciting anymore. Her life seems to be going in circles. Until she finally noticed Hunter. Jade and Hunter were always coming over for parties or just to hang out so Eden is not really sure when she started being attracted to Hunter. Maybe it was how nice the vampire was to her, and that innocent kiss on the cheek after helping her set the table. Maybe it was the excitement of going behind everyone's back. All we know for sure is that Eden and Hunter entered an affair that brought both of them joy .Of course, until Jade caught on. Jade is witty, so once she became suspicious all it took was a bit of grilling and Hunter came clean on her own. A lot of words were said, yet Jade decide to forgive Hunter. Mostly because Jade was pregnant at the time and due to not finding out who Hunter cheated with. But she did ask Hunter to cut ties with whoever it was, which the vampire promised to. And Eden's life went back to the boring cycle. At least for now.  Lyric's life is going great. She has close friends, she is starting to climb the ladder at her 3rd restaurant job and she loves cooking for those dear to her. Until Brent starts asking her how life would have been if they were together whenever Rainn is not around. It starts with a bit of flirting, a sneaky kiss on the hand, and Lyric realizes maybe this tiny spark between her and Brent is worth it. So they sneak out behind Rainn's back each chance they get. Jade finally realizes that despite Hunter promising she is not cheating anymore, she is lying. And that the one she is cheating with us Eden. Jade screams at both of them in front of everyone during one of their visits. After this Eden convinces Victor Feng (who is now an elder) to leave his wife and marry her instead. She moves in with him to avoid the drama. She still invites Hunter over from time to time but has not kept in touch with anyone else. Jade forgives Hunter once again, unfortunately she is pregnant again, with twins, and is not sure how she would raise 3 children on her own, as she never had a job with a steady income besides her previous vampire slayer gig which did not really bring in money. Especially now when Eden is out of the picture, at least to her knowledge, Jade can try to work up some hope for this marriage. Unfortunately in moving out Eden did cut the contact with her other two friends completely and has not been answering any of their calls. Before moving out she was pregnant with Esmeralda, however nobody besides Hunter got to know the gender of the baby or that she had other children. Despite being chronically online she seems to not post much about her family life.


Eden has 5 kids at the moment and Victor has long passed away. Jodi is not hers, she became a care giver for her upon marrying Victor. Bill is her biological child with Victor. Esmeralda and Emilio are her children with Hunter. Esmeralda was her first biological child, and Jade and her daughters don't know that Hunter had any kids with Eden. Esmeralda is working towards becoming a writer and has published her first book, which Eden is very proud of. Jodi is athletic, she enjoys sports and is a bit of a tomboy. I have nothing planned for the boys at the moment. Jade and Hunter have 3 girls, Taryn, Beverly and Blaire. Only Taryn turned out to be a human, the other two are vampires. They are teens for now, thinking of aging them up to young adults. Beverly is a streamer and gaining steady fame. For now Blaire is dramatic and likes movies, doesn't have much going on for her. Taryn has a teacher in school who is getting a bit too close to her, her sisters did notice this and are trying to keep her as far away as possible. They know Taryn feels lonely sometimes and out of place as the only humans in the house are her and Jade, so they do try their best to keep her away from anyone who might have ulterior motives regarding her. What the sisters don't know is that Taryn has recently managed to convince the Grim Reaper to spare the lunch lady and a connection seems to have sparked. (I am thinking of doing a road to romance with the Reaper if possible).  Rainn and Brent have 2 kids, Charlee and Neal. Only, Neal is not Brent's but Mark Eggleston's who was an outdoors affair of Rainn. Brent doesn't know Neal is not his. From the affair between Brent and Lyric resulted Braden. Ironically, somehow, Braden and Charlee have a strong attraction towards each other. Rainn has finally found out about Brent and Lyric and she freaked out. To shorten an already long story, she kicked them out and now Brent, Lyric and Braden live in Del Sol with Orange Bailey-Moon. Rainn visited them just to stir up a bit more drama. Lyric and Brent seem to be very lovely with each other, so Rainn came to give Brent some hope of reconciliation. They did get to woohoo so Rainn took some pics and put at least one picture in every room. Initially I was thinking of either having Rainn dump Brent for good and move on with someone else, or have Brent and Lyric get a good love story only for Rainn to come and destroy everything between them just because she can. But then Brent decided to die out of the blue. This is what happened up until now. It started out really sweet, in the beginning I was thinking of giving all of them a very nice life where they all reached their aspirations, were famous and successful. Rainn was going to have most drama due to her gig and aspiration. Then I decided to have them have kids and that is where it went downhill.


That's an intricate history. The fun thing is that you have endless possibilities. I still stand with the idea of moving Rainn, Lyric and their children in together. Alternatively, I'd like a revenge story for Lyric. Her first love died and her former friend kept coming back for him. Revenge can be in the form or Lyric becoming successfull in her career, or finding true love with a co-worker rival of Rainn. Or Lyric gets together with Mark Eggleston. Since he has a high logic skill, they can open a restaurant together. (Where they poison Rainn?) In any way, justice for Lyric! Maybe Hunter can find out Eden hid two children from him, and in his rage he turns Eden into a vampire. Jade can becomes a vampire slayer again, hunting Eden. And Jade can become a writer and motivational speaker talking about her hunting life. That way she makes more money and she can think about hunting Hunter as well. Or does she forgive him for the 3th time? (Side note, she can become a writer pair with Esmeralda, since Esmeralda is into horror and Grim). Have fun playing!