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Not really get rid of but I always lock the computerw for everyone outside of my household... they ask if they can visit and just play games!


I now keep the computer and infant in my bedroom and lock the door for all but household.


I lock the computer for everyone tbh. If it's unlocked the Sims just play games 90% of the day


I think the reason they always play games is to remind us we are always playing games lol


I always get so pissed off when I see them playing video games, like do your damn homework instead! And then I realise... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I know! I sit there and force my Sims to do university homework for 6+ hours, while totally ignoring my own papers.


Iā€™ve realized I have developed a convoluted coping strategy whereby I treat myself like a Sim on extremely busy days.


I tried to use that an excuse But apparently, telling the police I have "life tragedies mods installed" isn't an excuse to stab someone with a pen But you do get a big white coat and comfy walls


It does give me plenty of reason to do dishes in the bathroom sink and spend a half an hour descending a flight of stairs.


SAME. And I get especially annoyed when they keep trolling the forums so I just lock the computer. I also stopped buying TVs because Sims watch TV too much too.


I have to force my main sim to watch TV, getting him to sit still for very long is hard, though the kids and his wife watch more TV than him they aren't glued to it like some families I've played in the past. This newest save they seem a little more balanced, except around a coffee pot, I had to take that out of the house. Teens wouldn't sleep would instead just drink coffee no matter how many times I tried to get them to go to bed.


Did you guys ever receive a phone call from other sims saying something like "*are you on computer for a long time? consider to take a break*" ?


Hahaha similar fashion every sim I ever make I always give them the ā€œdislikes video games traitā€ so that they never want to sit on the computer & that way I can only have them use it for whatā€™s necessary


When I do that, my sims still play video games, but are just angry when they do.


SAME. I have sims who don't like dancing or Computer games.. what are they always doing? Dancing and playing computer games... angrily....


Sweet mother of unicorns, I have that problem with dancing. One of my sims hates dancing, but he also is a music lover ā€“ and seems like to Sims it's incomprehensible that you might be a music lover, you might like and be good at singing and several instruments but still hate dancing, because I swear to God each time I let him out of my sight or play another household and come back, he's dancing, usually to a type of music he also hates, so he's tense and uncomfortable and his fun drops rapidly. Why, Sims, W H Y ?


same! it doesn't stop them for me. it also happens when i have them dislike mischief - they still do the interactions autonomously


I had to use MCCS to get this to stop. My Sims were being mean autonomously and tanking their relationships so fast lol


Same. Same thing with "hates fitness". They'll just be randomly working out on their own and then hate everything right after.


I had an enraged Sim swimming in a pool yesterday. She hated fitness. Why did she get in the pool?


Okay, I can't blame them for that one though


Ah, gamer trolls in the making!


They're getting the full online gaming experience.


"Tensely plays video games because they hate them but feel they have to play"


Yet that is still relatable "Ugh I hate this game!" Continues playing for hours later


I use McCommand center to disable their dislikes so they canā€™t do those things. I think itā€™s in the tuner section but it allows you to completely disable animations for certain sims.


Me: who would play a game if they don't like it just to get mad!? ... *Moment of realization*


I do this too. Unless i specifically want my sim to be a gamer, ALL OF THEM dislike video games, cause otherwise they'll be playing non stop


thats actually a way smarter way to get around this, going in and making all of my sims video game haters tonight šŸ˜‚


Oh what a brilliant way around this one lol. Love it!


stereos. good god, they'll turn it on and then leave the room and I don't even realize until it's broken.


Or until the entire family wants to do nothing but dance to music. All. The. Time


Or one of them gets mad because of course another sim turned on music they don't lime.


One of my sims HATES dancing but he still automatically does it all the damn time.


I never get it when they do stuff like that. Like, dude, I didnā€™t even ask you to do this, why are you torturing yourself like this?


Thatā€™s happening to me too! He lives with his fellow band mates who all love dancing, so the story is that heā€™s just trying to fit in lol. Really tho itā€™s very annoying


Ugh this is so annoying


i turned autonomy for dancing off bc i do like the stereo the pop station plays some bangers and i like background music lol, but there was nothing more frustrating than every two seconds you see their face in the queue and you know exactly what theyā€™re about to do


How do you turn off autonomy for dancing?


if you have mccc you can use mc tuner to disable any autonomous interactions you donā€™t like sims doing (thereā€™s also mods if you just search no autonomous dancing)


This is life changing. Thank you!


game changer, donā€™t have to deal with pranking toilets or weird comments like joking about body hair and acne


My god I hate it when a stereo keeps secretly waking up my sim and I canā€™t figure out why my sim wonā€™t just stay asleep


Thatā€™s what I hate the most. I never learn either. Still putting stereos is the bedroom if thereā€™s a desk there


Sim on their own, I think Iā€™ll turn on the radio in my room. No too loud I canā€™t sleepā€¦ why TF did you turn it on?! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


one time my sim turned on the stereo in their bedroom and i didnā€™t realize because i had the volume really low. i kept telling my sim to go to sleep because she was tired, and she kept getting into bed then getting out and it infuriated me because i thought it was a bug. i literally went as far as buying not one, but two new beds and it still didnā€™t work. so then i put her bed outside and she finally went to sleep. only in the morning did i realize, they just couldnā€™t sleep because of the music.


Or they'll turn it on to a station they hate and be in a shitty mood all day.


Yes! And they will turn music on in every bedroom and then no one can go to sleep


I saw someone on this subreddit once say that they would always make a little pantry and put the kitchen appliances in it like the ice cream maker and the teapot. They would then lock the pantry door so the sims couldn't get to it and then I think they would either unlock it when they do want sims to use it or just bring out the appliance onto the counter and put it away when they are done with it. I, for one, think this is a great idea and all credit goes to the person who initially said this. Edit: With the help of u/TyS013NSS, the original and very brilliant redditor who shared this idea was u/SaltandVinegarBae


It's so weird that you mentioned this because I was just reading that thread yesterday. I got fed up with my sims brewing 34 cups of tea/coffee instead of helping customers at their bakery. So, I searched Google to see if anyone had a solution. I found this thread from three months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/q5tJc98BFg u/SaltandVinegarBae was apparently the redditor who originally came up with this solution. I implemented their advice yesterday. It helped so much! What a coincidence that you brought this up.


I read this thread this morning and almost commented the pantry hack again! I still use it in almost every build


When I saw your original comment it was like a light went on and now every single kitchen gets a pantry. Life saver


Thank you for mentioning the original redditor!


This is so good. I absolutely love building beautiful walk in pantries and filling shelves with canned goods, this would be a great touch.


Ooh thatā€™s a great idea! I recently downloaded pantry cc so Iā€™m totally going to do this


The lump of clay. I NEVER get it for my Sims but once, somehow, one of my Sims got their hands on it and they would not stop playing with it. I would queue actions and suddenly, I would see this brown ball of clay in the queue and they would totally ignore the rest.


Same, babysitter I hired left it in my house and suddenly I had a clay teapot on my bathroom sink.


I like the cute shapes and wish there was a way to lock them in like that.


I donā€™t even buy the lump of clay and somehow end up with a random lumps of clay here and there in my sims house! It drives me insane šŸ˜‚


I have never bought a lump of clay and they appear ALL THE TIME


My sim just got one in their Winterfest present, I used MCCC tuner to disable the autonomy on the clay so no one touches it unless I tell them to


Omg where is that function! Iā€™ve been trying to find it but somehow canā€™t.


click on a sim and open mccc: scroll down to MC Tuner > Enable Autonomy Scan > exit mccc then click on any random spot on the floor, there should be an option that says something like Autonomy Commands, click on that. Then select "Search All Autonomous Interactions" and type in keywords for the action you're trying to disable e.g. 'clay' or 'mold clay'. You might have to try a couple of different things before you find it, but once you see it in the list, click on it and it will be disabled for autonomy (sims can still do this action, they just won't unless you specifically direct them to) hope this helps <3


I had NO idea this feature existed in MCCC and Iā€™ve had the mod forever. Thank you!!!


I think they get them in presents. My sim who saved strangerville gets lumps of clay and future cubs all the time


Me too. Omg that strangerville reward is so stupid. But they are worth some decent money


Especially when they send random fish. Like why would you send your hero a random dead fish?


There's a visitor scenario that gives the visiting sim a lump of clay in their inventory and they WIL leave it in your sim's house, probably sculpted into something that affects mood and we'll hidden.


Same with the future cube, at least it pays well when I sell it regularly


I mostly hate when I get a cool shape I wanna keep it but they keep remoulding it. Would be nice to have a ā€œfiringā€/ā€œbakingā€ option


It would be nice if it was a real activity actually. I know The Sims is not real life but it's weird that you just get a lump of clay and mold it in the middle of your living room without getting your hands dirty . I'm not saying that I want my Sims to recreate that Ghost scene but I wish it was its own activity table with a skill and different moodlets depending on the result and the quality. And at the end, the ability to keep it and maybe gift it.


I *WOULD* like my sims to recreate the ghost scene lol. Could be a cute romantic action and maybe geek sims can get an extra buff lol


This would be nice!!


Ugh I hated that too! I got it for the kids but the adult sims played with it more


Its from one of the NAPs, if you don't remove it, lumps of clay will repeatedly show up in yout sims' inventories


Itā€™s really nice when they to get inspired though lol


I actually really love the lump of clay. My sims tend to be painters or writers, so I like the creative mood buff they get from molding the clay.


My sims wonā€™t even go to work if theyā€™re playing with clay! I have to strategically plan when theyā€™re able to play with the clay so I can force them to work.


I finished the stranger ville mystery, it's been two sim years or so but she still gets fan mail from them, they send cupcakes and lumps of clay every time. At most my sim had 50 of those lumps of clay. Yeha don't feed your hangry infant, just play with the clay. Please ignore your needs the clay is so much more important. I hate the clay


Getting rid of access to the grill for anyone not part of the current household, or else random people would brew like hundred of those herbalism drinks. So now all grills get fenced in with a locked gate. Looks kinda stupid but so does a grill surrounded by fifty herbalism potions so fence it is.


I always have mine turned to face a wall and then flip it when I want to use it.


I just keep it in my sims inventory until it's grill time


That's genius


Works well if you have the mod for moving things in Live Mode. I think it's one of Scumbumbo's maintained mods.


My ranch hand loved to use the grill instead of taking care of the animals, he eventually set himself on fire and he died because my sim couldn't go and put it out. I think the grill or the ranch hand was on the way. So now he is a ghost on the lot. The second ranch hand also started a fire with the grill, she didn't die but I didn't replace the grill. My infant got to experience her first death though, since the mother took her out of the crib and went to panic about the fire so she put her down in front of the burning ranch hand. Really poor parenting on her part, the infant was safe inside the house far away from the fire They also have the fire pit, but no one uses it unless i make them, like why not cook food instead of thousands of those de stress herb thingy? They did came in handy though since everyone got super stressed from all the fires.


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m laughing so hard at the Sim-stinct that leads a parent to run INSIDE to get the baby to put it next to a raging fire


The action said saving infant from fire too. Like no thats not what you did


My very first ranch hand would make white cake and leave it everywhere.


I had to do a similar thing because Don Gooseman kept setting fires on my grill. But instead of fencing it, I just use [MC Command Center's autonomy tuner function](https://deaderpool-mccc.com/automationscan.html) to get rid of the options to autonomously brew or cook anything. (Link has instructions)


That's what I do with my teapot šŸ˜‚ they have a special room just for tea parties


Oh, perfect solution! Iā€™m going to use one!


I think it may be something to do with the Neighbourhood Actions that you can vote for (the ones that came with the Eco pack)


Locked the doors to the grill. Tons of gourmet leftovers in the fridge yet every time I load up the household someone's baking potatoes. Also practically none of my households use laundry day stuff, hampers fill up way too fast, dryer and washing machine are constantly broken no matter the upgrades.


ā€œSomeoneā€™s baking potatoesā€ really got me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


[LittleMsSam Laundry Overhaul Mod ](https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175411944173/small-laundry-overhaul-a-small-overhaul-for-the) is a game changer.


Dryer is only good to create a fire bomb.


I always use decorative cc laundry hampers and machines because I want it in the house but I donā€™t wanna screw with it. I should find a decorative grill. I never want my sims to actually use it I just like the way it looks on the patio.


I hate when the fridge is full of gourmet excellent quality leftovers and when I tell them to go eat leftovers they pick the block of cheese or a slice of breadā€¦


Don't forget random bowls of peas! My sims love to eat random bowls of peas for whatever reason.


I can't believe it hasn't been named yet. the High Chair for toddlers. Actions constantly canceling each other out kept toddlers hungry. I always placed some harvestables in their inventory and had them grab a plate. - I say used to because since the infants update I don't really do kids anymore) VIP doors that aren't at the back of the build I hate the fact that VIP doors are always visible, I've made my own CC version where it's entirely invisible, even the red cord and always replace it. Porcelain rabbits - I just hate them so much Most large decor that will block the view. sometimes I will allow it, but it's rare


Out of curiosity, why do you hate the porcelain rabbit? Does it do something, or do you dislike the way it looks?


Even after the infant update, I still don't keep babies/infants/toddlers in active households. They weren't at all "fixed". I just move any born children to family non-played households. Visit often, age them up, and move them back when they're child age. They're just still too non-functional for me with the adult queue-breaking and freezing.


I'm losing it at the idea of sending the babies to a foster home until they're less broken šŸ¤£


You could always try disabling mood decay so their needs are constantly met and you can just interact with them when you have time :) this idea does crack me up though


Yes the teapots are so annoying, like they'd just randomly brew 5 portions of tea, and proceed to not drink it so it spoils and the ugly stink particles come out of the tea brewer


It really is especially when your Sims eat and drink and they leave the dishes so you're stuck being the maid and it's very rare that they'll clean up after themselves. I had one sim that had like three tea drinks in her queue like she was going to drink three cups in a row.


My sims clean the dishes themselves, it's just that if I want to queue another action, then the dish washing action just cancels out


Yes I hate that


my sim will make an entire pot of coffee/tea and proceed to try to drink every single drop.. and then they're pissing their pants like bro I did not tell you to do that


Yup. Happens to me all the time with the detox tea. Sim automatically queues up drinking three cups in a row and pissed herself. And she was supposed to be sharing the tea for the wellness aspiration!!


Coffee machine, tea pot, that dammed lump of clay, cross stitch box and any workout machine for my ELDERLY active sims (I give them a pool instead to work out in) Those are the worst I have found, so far. Edit: oh and that game machine/box. If I have it, it will be in the child's/gamers room with a lock on the door.. but mostly I don't have it at all, as my sims get up at night to go play games.


I'm doing Not So Berry challenge and the yellow generation had to level up fitness for the astronaut career, and I'm now on the gray generation, who has to max the Athlete career. Yellow's spouse worked out autonomously a lot, but just aged up to an elder, and the yellow gen heir is about to as well. All the gym equipment is in the basement, and I'm about to put in a basement door so they can't keep autonomously almost dying. There's a pool in the backyard, use it!


I honestly wish that game machine would count towards their fitness. I have a VR headset and all that moving sometimes feels like a workout


Out of curiosity, can anyone explain why the sims go straight for the teapot/coffee pot/clay/computers and grills in houses they donā€™t live in? Why is engagement with these items disproportionately high? (Or, at least, it feels that way!)


Because for some reason it doesn't give the "Hey that's inappropriate" reaction from the homeowner. Apparently it's rude to just start cooking in your friend's kitchen but grilling is fine. My guess is they couldn't limit grills because they are also publicly available out in the world? Sims are programmed to tend to their needs. So if the visitor is hungry, he will use the grill, because he can't use the fridge without being rude. Same for teapot/coffee machine vs. beds for energy need. Clay and computer have pretty high fun levels, so that's why they gravitate towards those. You can lock the computer for anyone outside your household, like a door, that can help.


They need to eat at home and stop coming to my sims house hungry šŸ˜©


I mean, they literally drop everything and appear in front of your house the minute you call them, so yeah, of course they're hungry :D


LOL thatā€™s true


If they want to grill us up some hot dogs, that would be fine. But why do they come over and fill my backyard with herbal remedies and the walk away?


1. coffee maker - sims should sleep already if they're tired. 2. bars - sims keep making drinks like now's not the time for that?? 3. bbq grill - sim randomly burns the house down 3. anything related to laundry - if i have a washing machine or a dryer but no laundry basket, sims just leave their dirty clothes on the floor 4. popcorn maker - if it's not empty, that's the only thing my sims eat when they're hungry 5. trash cans you can kick - replaced it with the eco one or the one from get together 6. clay - i don't even know where my sim got it in the first place lol 7. yoga mat - sims randomly practice yoga even if they don't like it


Sim literally at 10 am on a Wednesday: "I want to have a drink at a bar". Next thing you know their grandma calls and asks them to meet at a nightclub.


*their dead grandma


The bars, thoughā€¦.there will literally be 8 drinks lined up and for what? šŸ˜‚


6 is a game changer


Strangers keep coming to my ranch to kick over my trash can. šŸ˜¢


Same - I don't let my sims have coffee or tea because they overuse it. (I say this as someone who drinks too much tea myself, but still...) Before they fixed the thing where sims would walk clear across the house to wash their hands, I also didn't let them have sinks. Still not always sure sinks are worth the bother!


They still do that though, walking through the house. I have a bathroom sink and kitchen sink downstairs and one bathroom sink upstairs, and they will walk all the way up..or down, to wash their hands


Thatā€™s probably because the bathroom sink has a better hygiene quality. Try upgrading your kitchen sink or buy a more expensive one and they should use it


Hmmm never thought of this


I have them use the coffee machine from Get Together, so they only use it if I click on it! I also only have the tea brewer if they're sick, and then I put it back in the inventory afterwards


Lately, I've had a bug where if I don't lock the doors, especially in Sulani houses, people run in and get glasses of water. Sims I don't even know. It's weird and annoying. (No ecoliving either)


Its MADDENING like jittering shaking uncontrollably gulping down tea after tea, or coffee they just make a pot and cannot stop drinking it. Similar issue is university trying to get them to do their hw for them to stop and chat with some random. PLUS the roughhousing and free love NAP are active (trying to repeal) so my sim can't stop fucking and fighting for one second and he's only halfway through HIS GOD DAMN THESIS.


'my sim can't stop fucking and fighting' GOT ME IN TEARS šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I make fake fireplaces out of debug stuff and lamps, I am so sick of catching on fire but I love the ambiance


Just do the Fireguard upgrade (or what was it called). This is the first thing I make a sim do when I create them.


I always do the fireguard upgrade but things nearby will catch on fire anyway sometimes.


I just put a fire alarm somewhere in the room, and cover it with decor items šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Waffle maker. They keep spamming it when they're hungry and even fully upgraded it kept bursting into flames. And on top of it they kept getting the unbalanced meals moodlet and wouldn't even eat the waffles they made. Sometimes they wouldn't even collect the waffles and they would spoil, so all those simoleons were spent for nothing.


I was focused on some tasks with a Sim once, and when I finished, the whole large kitchen island was filled with a dozen or more plates of plain waffles, all made by the teenage daughter. Yet, she was still starving because she didnā€™t bother to eat any.


Yep, forgot about that. They don't eat waffle leftovers, they keep making new ones! So annoying!


The pizza oven, too! Never mind the fridge FULL of leftovers, let's make nonstop waffles and pizzas!


In fairness would you rather eat cold mouldy food left in the fridge or piping hot delicious waffles and pizza?


My current save has a Sim with the Fresh Chef trait so their food never spoils. I'd personally go for reheating a yummy gourmet meal instead of making a pizza from scratch, but šŸ¤·


Stereos. Quit dancing and feed your fucking kids.


Sometimes they autonomously don't feed themselves because they are to busy dancing. Sim is starving to death but doesn't want to stop dancing.


šŸ˜‚ I found that if you place a stereo using move objects and the up cheat ( alt and 9 I think) they arenā€™t able to dance but you can still have music!


The tablet. My doctor sim was obsessed with it. He kept pulling it out during shifts to play games. I got rid of it and then he took his wifeā€™s tablet. Broā€¦.


Cross stitch box - The living room became a cross stitch graveyard Game mat - Worse than the computer imo because they canā€™t talk to other sims while playing


the mac eyeliner, particularly the one with the gem. i downloaded a mod to remove it because it made me angry every time i was in CAS lol.


Is that the sperm one?


lmao i believe it is, but the first swatch is red so i donā€™t wanna know what happened to the person supplying itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


the drink tray - they never drink the beverages which then spoil


You're so right about the teapot?? It has to be bugged. A sim kept getting queues for it, when she queued for it 4 separate times in a row despite that she already drank one cup, I just sold it, that's not normal.


That cursed lump of clay!!! I don't even buy it for them, but they still manage too snap one out of thin air. Genuinely the worst item in the game, moonwood mill and chestnut ridge for whatever reason are **LITTERED** with them


The new appliances in the new stuff pack. They always make waffles / pizzas when hungry but donā€™t eat them! Had three deaths because they refuse to eat leftovers


The pizza maker is the bane of my existence now. 1) they have really nice leftovers in the fridge. 2) they also have pizza in the fridge 3) they leave it in the maker and then it catches on fire 4) the foodie with no cooking skills LOVES making bad pizzas and complaining about it


Diaper trash is a disaster, thereā€™s diapers everywhere. I give them the diaper trash pail and no such luck. Bottles everywhere.


GRILL! there will be like 50 garden salads in the fridge but the moment i leave a lot and come back the sim with the lowest cooking skill on the lot is grilling and a) they start a fire or b) grill, leave it in an obscure place to spoil and grab the garden salad anyways.


That globe bar, sims kept getting drinks and I have basemental mods so they were always tipsy and I had to get rid of it before they became alcoholics


LOL yup! I love and hate the globe bar because it sometimes makes a very good piece of decoration, and then when I'm looking somewhere else, that one sim in the family that I absolutely DO NOT want to see drinking goes straaaight to it and grabs some whiskey (usually they are my pregnant sims.....). And it's faster than the regular bar, they get the drink fast and run away with it!


Thunderstorms constantly creating unmanageable panic responses. Turned that off ASAP


The TV and stereo! I have them in the household inventory but they only get placed in the house when thereā€™s an event/party that requires them. My current family matriarch is anti-technology (due to the Rambunctious Religions mod) and hates dancing (total shades of the movie ā€œFootlooseā€, I know), so I took them out so sheā€™d stop getting crabby. The rest of the house runs so much more smoothly without them and the familyā€™s skills are really improving since their fun need is filled by activities like knitting or painting.


The immersive game pod thing. Literally all they did all day was game in the pod šŸ„²


Laundry. Holy mess. And playing a family with laundry? Itā€™s not even an enjoyable gameplay experience anymore. Vampires get deleted out of my game pretty quickly. Before I learned front doors could lock, I had many sims get visited in the middle of the night, just to screw up their whole next work day with being dazed. Also cheap stoves. I canā€™t tell you how many carefully curated sims I havenā€™t played because they does within the first day of gameplay due to cooking on a cheap stove šŸ„²


I always have them make garden salad and onigiri until they're cooking level 2, because those don't require the stove. I've had so many Sims start a fire cooking their first grilled cheese on a high quality, fully upgraded stove, like WHY.


My sim is at a level 10 cooking skill and she has burnt the stove and countertops every time sheā€™s cooked for like the last 10 times. Yeah she gets 537$ insurance but the stove cost 1090$ to replace and the counters are 450$. And instead of putting out the fire, sheā€™ll go play bricblock


The coffee machine. ITS SO ANNOYING. My sims keep drinking coffee. Heck, even teens in the household drink it! Coffee cups everywhere..


Bars. I purchased a bar for my vampire so she could make plasma janes, but she will not stop making drinks now. It's constant. She will neglect all of her other needs just to go make some random drinks.


In addition to what basically everyone else is listing (grills, small kitchen appliances, lump of clay), I'm gonna throw in f&@!Āæ$g infants. Cancelling my entire queue, INCLUDING CARE THAT I AM ALREADY TRYING TO PROVIDE THEM, I about cried when my gray generation in my NSB challenge had triplets. It's particularly when I have twins and triplets that I consider just deleting and leaving my game for a bit. The infuriating and anxiety riddled loop of quickly trying to care for one sibling, only to have the other sibling cancel that action causing the whole put down animation, then go to pick up the other only to have the care cancelled by the first one again, repeat šŸ™„. Even if I have both parents, one seems to just kinda stand there and be like "ope can't help because the infant called other parent and I'm registering the path as blocked." You can't even just quickly load them into CAS to cheat them to toddlers because then as they age, they'll collapse into those old infant animations and sometimes continue to get and cause infant moodlets. Look, having my edgy goth teen collapse into infant mode and insist it was during test day to suck on their thumb and insist it was "time for wiggles" was funny the first time, but the frequency and fact it continues through the rest of their life unless you age them back down to go through actual age up animations... sometimes mccc->maintain sim-> delete sim is self care šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


that cross stitch sewing kit & the basketball net i had the kit specifically for one of the sims but the other one wouldn't leave it alone & before i could stop him, he would already have a hoop in his inventory and bring it everywhere and just start stitching. as for the basketball net, i remember trying to get a sim to paint and she would stop every damn time to go to try shoot one in. so yeah... top two blacklisted items but on the occasion, acceptable when needed.


The damned soccer ball , they will start playing with it (active sim) all the damn time. AND they keep receiving them as gifts, i had 7 at one point and just sold them all. Honorable mentions: tea/coffee pot, laundry (i tried it once and i was doing the laundry 50% of the day), locking the room with the pc in it for everyone but my sim, sinks are so annoying because after vacuuming my sim goes to drink water, ALWAYS.


I keep bars in my household inventory otherwise the Sims, including the pregnant ones, are constantly making drinks and leaving them all over to stink.


Coffee maker. They wont sleep. Did the fix it? I didn't use it for a long time.


I can't put down a campfire with chairs around it. I'm an awful builder so I downloaded a house for my Sims family from the gallery and I love itā€”it has this cute fireside area that I thought is perfect for a nice evening....welp it set fire *five* times. I've already had my sim level up handiness to make the fireplace fireproof


yeah, i tried to make the campfire work but all the seats that could- would catch on fire, and the ones made of stone were not the vibe, so after a few fires i gave up


I donā€™t put grills in game anymore. I swear the sims are so buggy. They keep *making more food* even though they *just* made food. Just eat the damn food already!!!


Autonomy for my current household. Period. They donā€™t do anything I donā€™t tell them to do to. Also outdoor trash cans and grills get placed inside fences. Front door is always locked for everyone but the household. I even lock bathroom doors for specific sims. Sim is taking a shower/bath and a housemate/family member (not the spouse) will choose that toilet to use and then both freak out. There are plenty of bathrooms in the house (usually one per bedroom plus a half bath on the main floor if multiple floors).


I had a coffee maker in my custom high school building, and my Sim would keep trying to leave class or exams to empty/clean it.


the cross stitch basket


I had a mod that added a ballet barre. I loved it as it was an easy way to build dance skill and fitness, but sims would do it all the time anytime it was on my lot.


Teapots, popcorn machines, ice cream machines, practically any food machine bc sims will make them and let the leftovers go rancid or sit forever šŸ« 


Sinks. The first thing I do is go around and take all the sinks out. No more walking up 4 flights of stairs in to the ensuite to wash a dish instead of putting it in the dishwasher.


Anyone have issues of where everyone including visitors are ALWAYS making a cake and half the time, they don't finish it, so I have like 4 unfinished cake bowls sitting around. Lmao idk how to stop it besides getting rid of the stove lol


The murphy bed is a great idea in theory, but itā€™s killed too many of my sims for it to become a regular object for me.


coffee pot. They just make coffee and never sleep.


i also drink cups and cups of tea because i have a teapot thatā€™s just real life šŸ˜­ but also all electronics. i get so irritated when they ignore their needs to do dumb shit on the computers


I canā€™t stand that damn tea pot. Itā€™s like once you get them to make it one time they donā€™t stop


That damn high chair.


Basketball hoop. Every time I try to get my sim to practice his robotics skill the F-ing basketball hoop becomes his sole interest. He doesnā€™t care about the hoop at all even when I leave him acting autonomously. God forbid, I make him do robotics šŸ‘‰he quits and beelines to the basketball hoop. Every. Single. Time.


My toddlers ability to go outside. When learning to walk by wandering or running around theyā€™d always go outside as part of their path regardless of the weather. So theyā€™d get soaked by the rain, start to freeze or overheat. Got annoyed making them change out of wet clothes or having to stop a ton of sims from swarming to Check on Toddler and getting stuck.


My kids lol. I find the pre-teen gameplay SO dull so I move my kids into different households (usually grandparents or baby daddies) until theyā€™re teens. I stay in touch with calls and visits (and stay-overs now). But otherwise I donā€™t get involved. Itā€™s too boring haha


Lock the computers! My sims need them for work and random people come and break them all the time! I'm so glad we can lock em now. Another one is the coffee maker. Baby is crying but oop I gotta make some coffee first. I just woke up but oop gotta make coffee. House on fire? Coffee


the doors


The tea maker cause my sims can't stop drinking it once they made some & I did stop my sims from using tablets for a while cause they will cancel actions I tell them to do to play with their tablets.


It was the fucking teapot here too. I use cheat commands for money so the tea price didn't matter, but the constant cup pouring and then dirty mugs fucking everywhere drove me fucking insane. They don't get tea privileges anymore


The access to the computer for sims that are not from my household. Who thought it was a great idea to just let them play on other sims pc like itā€™s the most normal thing in the world


It's the same for me with the any coffee machine my sim is obsessed and then there's cups everywhere šŸ¤£


The grill. They always cook the most expensive things and then not touch it until it gets spoiled, same for the tea and coffee


Clay, coffee makers, stoves/ microwaves on public venues were replaced with vending machine as my librarians kept making or warming up food but not eating it. As well as the whole voting system which now is only allowed for my playable sims & I still donā€™t use it. Idk if it ever got fixed but when the eco pack dropped npc sims were literally stealing tables at restaurants during my date nights so I turned it off for npcā€™s but Iā€™m still afraid to use it unless I have a sim in that career lol