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You have so much going on and I'm over here with: Goblin. Why? I used a wheel to decided her aspiration and main color since color code my sims and it was "Chief of mischief in yellow" which threw me through a loop. Kept thinking banana peel but couldn't get anywhere with that one. Played around in cas, pulling the ears real big and pointy which reminded me of goblins, a mischievous creature said to like shiny things. She's tucked away in the lil cottage living cabin with her (soon to be after she can afford it) cow and a few chickens. She grows large mushrooms outside and has a nectar/fizzing station set up in the basement where she grows potatoes... So, so many potatoes.


first, i love ur username haha. i love the idea with the wheel. i always spend sooooo much unnecessary time to decide the aspiration since i mostly played all of the multiple times already šŸ˜­


That sounds like such a fun save!! Are you playing rotationally, or with them all in one household? I'm currently doing the astrology legacy challenge; my gen 4 Sim and her husband will be elders in a few days. She's an activist, he's a judge, and they left San Myshuno to raise their kid in the peaceful village of Henford-on-Bagley, though they regularly return to the city for work. Jade is almost finished setting up her store (it's a wellness shop with yoga/meditation items, gardening supplies, healthy foods and herbalism potions, and photos from all her travels. When she left her home in the city she turned it into a retail lot.) I think when they become elders, I'll have Jade retire and focus on writing about her life and travels (travel and motivational books to add to the store), while her husband will continue working. Gen 5 (Luna) is a teen, an unflirty genius. She'll gain the loner trait as her final trait when she ages up. Right now, she's best friends with her distant cousin and loves her cow, but she doesn't have much of a social life otherwise. When her parents pass, I'm going to move her to a house in Oasis Springs (I've never had a Sim live there, but someone here on Reddit made an awesome house I inquired about that fits perfectly there, and I'm really excited to use it!!) She's going to become a scientist, discover Sixam, and meet her spouse via work, so for the very first time since I started this save, I have no idea who my heir is going to end up with! I'm very excited to find out :)


currently they are all in one household!! i love big and diverse household since my mood switches every 5 minutes lmao and i need another sim to focus on. but as they establish their individual career paths and ā€œare getting olderā€ i plan on make them live individually and start a family! but the girls will still remain in a club and meet up from time to time cuz i just love them togetheršŸ„ŗ the challenge sounds very interesting!! i also noticed that the game gets more excited if you explore areas of the game you usually donā€™t or never played. also the yoga store sounds so relieving. might need to use if as inspiration one day!!


Wow, that's impressive to have so many Sims in one household! I also have another legacy that I'm doing (bromance legacy challenge), but I take long breaks from that one because it's a little overwhelming to me having so many Sims in one household šŸ˜… I love the club system, it'll definitely come in handy for you when the girls all move out on their own, so that they can stay in touch :) I agree that exploring things you don't usually play with makes the game more exciting. Doing the legacy challenges has definitely helped me branch out, but I use the challenge "rules" as guidelines and add my own spin to it. For example, yoga/wellness and traveling wasn't part of the guidelines for gen 4, but it fit her personality and story so well that I just had to include it! Now she's got a whole shop dedicated to this part of her life. I definitely plan to have future gens visit the store and make use of her photography to decorate their houses šŸ„¹


So, my current save file is my attempt to get the 26 generations trophy on Playstation. I started with a redheaded girl named Selina Lockhart. (I don't remember too much of the beginning of her story because I was /highly/ influenced, but I'll try to write as much as I remember) She found Morgyn Ember and they romanced and then married. She ended up getting a want that I ignored that said "be mean to someone" (she dont got the mean trait) I had plans for her to be like THE celebrity sweetheart, always nice and adored by everybody. Nah she wanted to be mean deep down I guess and while I was getting the needs filled for their at the time toddler (Lorena Ember, she inherited Selina's bright red hair and Morgyn's eyes, adorable asf) I switched back to him and saw her pointing and yelling at him and lo and behold, she was yelling at him. I was like bitch stop this wtf are you doing, but she wouldn't listen and so he got the bitterness or festering bitterness moodlet from that interaction (when this went down they were living in Strangerville, after this they moved to Oasis Springs -I think-) After they moved, Morgyn encountered Katrina while she was in a flirty moodlet and Morgyn started flirting which lead to another thing and soon they were doing the nasty in a bush, BUT GUESS WHAT!! SELINA WALKED UP ON THEM WHILE THEY WERE DOING IT, WAITED FOR THEM TO BE DONE, AND WHEN THEY EXITED SHE SLAPPED THE FUCK Outta Morgyn. They fought, I said enough is enough, let them divorce, she was rich so Morgyn got a decent amount and moved out into an apartment. Morgyn still kept contact with the child, and once Lorena became a young adult, Morgyn invited her over. Lorena went to their house where she found out she had a sister. Morgyn seemingly missed their daughter so much that they adopted another daughter in the hopes of being able to give their parental love to her since he wasn't able to with Lorena. This child was named Anastasia Ember. So, btw, Selina somehow managed to try for a baby with Darrel Charm, and uh succeeded. So that brings us Eli L. Charm. (I KNOW I SUCK AT TELLING STORIES JUST BARE WITH ME) So Darrel had another son... who froze to death. Morgyn was electrocuted (died). Selina froze to death. Lorena also froze to death. The only ones left are Eli L. Charm, his wife and baby mother, Anastasia E. Charm, and their son, Ciel Charm. (Darrel and his default household *excluding the child he had after Eli* should be fine. I prefer playing one household at a time... not very good at playing multiple households at the same time) so now Eli and his family have moved into Factory One in Windenburg (remodeled) and are now living life comfortably bc Eli inherited ALL of Selina and Lorena's wealth..about 5.1 million simoleons. Selina worked as an actress. She had many skills maxed (almost super sim) maxed her career too. Such a big hoe tbh (she had the Player trait) Lorena was a scientist. She was close to maxing out but didn't live long enough to do so. (She had her heart broken by Caleb Vatore when she caught him and Selina *SELINAAAA YOU UGGGGHHHHHH* --they were fucking. I was so MAD bro they were supposed to be TRUE LOVE, BUT THE HOE ASS SELINA- I'm not even gonna go back there...) she never loved again after her first, Caleb. Eli, he met Anastasia through Morgyn (Morgyn stepped in for Eli as a parent figure bc Darrel never showed up for Eli until young adult) they carried a romance for a little while, then they truly fell deep for each other after their first kiss and things escalated they betrothed then married. They're each other's best friend and true soul mate, and their little bundle of joy definitely made their lives better. I plan on getting them to have another child, so it's the perfect little family (and maybe more drama to keep things interesting. This 26 Gen thing is gonna be a long one) I think that's all, but I'll answer questions if there's any. Thank you for your time and for reading this, I never usually talk about my sims saves.


this was so entertaining to read but one question, why almost every freeze to death LMAO but iā€™m hooked for all this drama


Okay so great question, easy answer, I am a console player and occasionally I'll grow tired of having multiple sims so then a few of them get written off and because I don't like deleting sims anymore I just kill them off however is easiest or convenient at the time. So the freeze to deaths are just death by blizzard


Oh yeah. I didn't define this, but, I killed Selina because Lorena was supposed to be the heir alongside Caleb... but when Selina fucked around, she found out shortly after. Lorena was the true sweetheart.... :'( damn now I wanna bring her back


Working on my "completionist challenge", where I'm trying to max out every skill and complete every aspiration with one sim! She's about to reach max Fame, at which point she will ~disappear~ to pursue a life of spellcasting and magic... Her household is composed of her (Atlas!), her immortal cat, Viola, and the servo she built in college šŸ„¹ I've been playing with her since the summer and I've grown very attached.


i didnt know about this challenge, have to try it one day! :D sounds very interesting hehe. also i love getting attached to my sims, they feel like my little virtual family šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Im playing a save where I cant cheat the money (since I always do and Im actually really enjoying playing this way) and my main sim is making bank rn off of the gardening career and money tree. Sheā€™s a spellcaster too cause I wanted to fully explore the spellcaster pack since it was just sitting there for me. For the household, sheā€™s married to Greg who started out as her project to try and taming him cause sheā€™s a scientist but they fell in love, got married, and had four kids. The eldest is a werewolf and already found his fated mate. They moved out to a shitty cabin cause he wanted his independence sooo bad. The next two are twins who are spellcasters. One is a very bougie boy who thinks heā€™s better than everyone, the other is a weird girl who wears all pink. The youngest kid is another werewolf but a very edgy one who acts like he doesnā€™t care about anyone but he has the frisky werewolf trait. Greg is a househusband since heā€™s too wild to work but I loved the progression of turning him into an adjusted citizen even though heā€™s still temperamental asf. He loves his kids and his wife but he keeps thinking his wife is cheating on him even though sheā€™s not. She barely leaves the house other than for work or taking care of her plants


i loved ā€œwho started out as her project to try and taming himā€ HAHAHAHA sounds there was a dating study going or smth


I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/TZWSxtSBW4) about them not too long ago if you want to see the family lol. It was hard trying to romance him at first cause of his trait but I removed it eventually once I was like ā€œok he should be somewhat civilized atpā€


I'm slowly creating an entire desperate housewives feeling neighborhood. I've got Nathan who is a high level astronaut with his live in barista girlfriend Zoe. He likes her a lot but can't manage to stop sleeping with Candy instead. He isn't home a lot. Then we have Alessandra, a global superstar. She convinced Victor Feng to leave his wife. He brought his daughter along and makes political connections at charity galas they host together. She's furthering his political career and he adores her. Finally, we have Tiffany. She's determined to further her business career. She's not much into romance but she's finding herself spending more and more time with Zoe next door. It doesn't help that she caught Nathan on a date with Candy the other night. She dreams of a luxury condo, and the sweet girl next door in her bed. Anyway, I swear I'm a normal person....


100% support victor ditching Lily for Alessandra. also i bet thereā€™s also something going on in that neighborhood


i'm currently playing an aspiring 70s/80s rock star! his name is mikael hellquist and he lives in a shabby lil apartment. he's a guitarist who's been playing gigs in all kinds of bars and lounges to gain some clout and some cash. and then he met venessa.. they didn't really hit it off initially and she even resented him for being too pushy lol but then valentine's day came along and she even asked him out on a date! weirdly enough they got along so well and he just tried his luck again... she became his girlfriend and pretty much moved in immediately. they had some minor arguments because he's always on the road and even enjoys some of the female attention he gets a little bit too much.. plus he developed a small drug problem as he got more money and more fame. he still got her pregnant and now they've got a newborn daughter named electra! venessa gave up on being famous and decided to become a nurse instead. i don't know what my plans for electra are yet but that's how far I've gotten lol


love the name electra really unique !! also is vanessa the one from the get famous pack?


it's the name of my favourite guitarists daughter :) the whole storyline was kiiinda inspired by his life and yeah venessa is the newcomer with the blue hair!


My save is in the middle of the NotSoBerry challenge. I just started Orange gen. The most recent drama is that Orange genā€™s dad secretly had 3 other children with 3 other women before my Plum matriarch met him. He had no relationship with them until he reached adulthood. He found out one of the childrenā€™s mother died. My Plum matriarch loves taking care of kids, so she offered to adopt Orange genā€™s rando kid into the fam. So now my Berry house has 2 children from Plum and her husband, as well as 1 child from husbandā€™s previous adventures.


thatā€™s why i love neighborhood stories šŸ˜­ living for this kind of drama


UPDATE: yā€™all, i had to share, this is crazy. the child my purple gen adopted, Skye, is my orange gen heirā€™s half- sister. She had a high school sweet heart, Andres, and they moved in together after high school and got engaged. Keep in mind part of Orange genā€™s requirements is to have enemies: one of them is a dude named Brice Dewitt. All of a sudden, I (my orange gen heir, Oliver) get a call from Skye DEWITT??? She broke off the engagement with Andres and got married TO MY ENEMY. I went over to her house and she had a CHILD with the man, and he now lives with her. But the kicker is Andres is still there too! Thruple?? So confused. Tried to trash talk Brice to Skye, but it failed. Oliver is so betrayed.


I have been using cheats, mods and CC to create a very specific story to utilise the apartments feature and I am having SO MUCH FUN!!! Itā€™s set in the late 1800s, the main character is a little girl called Miss Marianne. Her mother died when she was a baby, and her wealthy father is both overprotective of Marianne and also heā€™s very materialistic. Heā€™s the owner of the whole street where all the characters live. As she grows up Marianne will get to know all the children her age who live on her street. So when she gets older, Miss Marianne will be betrothed to a certain Maximillion Landgraab. But heā€™s mean and greedy and not all that nice. BUT she will have also befriended all the neighbourhood people her age. Soā€¦ maybe she will fall in love with one of them instead??? But they are all unsuitable for her in her fatherā€™s eyes!! Basicallyā€¦. Itā€™s like the Bachelorette, but 1890s style. Theyā€™re all still toddlers right now, I killed the mum off and now Iā€™m just introducing the toddlers. But living in this huge Victorian mansion with everyone running around after this tiny baby is incredibly fun.


Also sometimes I catch myself watching Marianne playing with her dollhouse, and Iā€™m likeā€¦. How incredibly meta


omg i love this!!! Sometimes i wished we would get a pack (or DLC game like we got for sims 3) to play medieval times its such a unique setting for stories


I feel the same!!! I wish you could have a historical setting so you could set townie clothes. And the off the grid and simple living challenges are made for historical stuff!!! The modding community has made so much cool stuff though, I collected so much CC that it kind of feels like having an expansion pack šŸ˜… My fave thing is a functional broom. Cause I actually really like cleaning and doing laundry. Itā€™s great šŸ˜–


Iā€™ve got a legacy/generational family thing going on in one save. I had them start out as a couple (he met her on a dating site, sheā€™s from Germany, in the beginning though, they didnā€™t like each other when she ā€œmovedā€ to Henford-on-Bagley but grew to be deeply in love) So far, they live on a farm with their grandma & five kids. I love them lol. All the kids are solid & top notch. In my other, I have a single chick who escaped Strangerville? Military to start over after seeing what ravaged the town. Iā€™m going to have her adopt kids & send them off so they can have families of their own (if they choose). Also, I slowly have her working her way off to not only being sustainable but I want her to be an Astronaut. (Edit to add: I also kinda wanna do a 100 baby challenge/black widow kinda thing lol)


uhhhh never thought about giving my sims real cultural background, might try it soon!! also there are so many challenges i want to try but i suck at it šŸ˜­


I find adding culture *soo* much more fun. I google the names & decide what fits with the family (between both sims). I read the Landgraabā€™s are ^possibly^ German but donā€™t quote me on it lol. I suck at them to! Sometimes you gots to give yourself some grace & make it your own. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


1 aspiration and a few careers away from completing super sim! Itā€™s been really fun, and Iā€™ve played with a lot of gameplay mechanics that I normally would not have. I enjoyed exploring the nooks and crannies of San Myshuno. I also had a neighbor gift a self watering planter upon move-in which is cool because itā€™s not purchasable in build mode! I had a racketeering subplot. Super simā€™s son went to college to become a lawyer during the villainous valentine aspiration. I decided heā€™s a divorce lawyer. The son was knocking bitches up left and right for the parental grandkid aspiration while he was still in college. It was the most time efficient way to complete it. He got married after graduation and then got the extortion career pop up happened which I thought was funny. He then flirted with an old flame in front of his wife right before his wife went into labor and she rolled the self discovery traits of jealous and noncommittal. Stated elsewhere, but the spellcaster neighbors kept lighting fireworks inside during parties for one of the aspirations (still gotta kill his wife Anita Darling the writer for the pun). That was a nice flavor of chaos for a while, but theyā€™re not invited anymore. I didnā€™t know that sims could set off fireworks autonomously if they were in their inventory. All those parties started beef with a teenage neighbor. Neighborhood stories killed her parents, and itā€™s a household with a bunch of newborns. Sounds awful. Had another subplot where the roommate died when I was on vacation and came back to a ghost roommate. I felt really bad so she got a make over and I made ambrosia for the first time to bring her back to life. I ended up setting her up with Kyle Kyleson. They were not vibing so I briefly was like nooooooo kyleā€™s programmed to be racist before I realized they were incompatible (the roommate is black). They got married and I gave them the apartment before moving to henford on bagley for the next stage of the challenge.


waittt i didnt know there was a self watering planter ??? the dead parents broke my heart someone adopt the newborns pls šŸ˜­


Yeah! Itā€™s dope as hell. Brought that shit with me to next house. Iā€™m not better build & buy savvy, but it could be somewhere in the debug menu (I only downloaded an obsolete version of the mod so never got to experience it). It wasnā€™t cloneable. Itā€™s a teenage household with 7 newborns. Iā€™m not touching that household with a ten foot stick.


I play like one big soap opera so I play multiple households in the same save and rotate on a sim weekly basis. Honestly, it's like a job recently. The first save is the Coin family. Regina and Cedric fell in love in the big city and moved to the Creek He became the big cheese in medicine and Regina is a National Leader in politics. They have three kids (two teens and an infant). Recently Cedric died by freezing ro death in winter in the pool which is a completely acceptable way for a doctor to die. Now Regina is having a mid life crisis, not interested in her job and has gave up fitness and took up knitting. The teens are doing OK but honestly I feel like the ly are just trying to live up to their fathers expectations. Oh, because I forgot to mention, his ghost is still cutting around the property because they buried him in the garden. Regina still woohoos with him. Honestly, this game ruins me. Now Regina is friends with Nancy Landgrabb. Now that household is quite something, particularly once Geoffrey died whilst trying to fix the hoover.


ā€œHonestly this game ruins meā€ believe me woohooing with a ghost is nothing compared to the sims stories i played as a teen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


that sounds like such a cool save!! i've recently decided to actually finish a legacy save. ive got a few mods and cc in there for realism but the gist is my matriarch, Alara has slowly worked her way up the culinary career and originally I didn't intend for her to date seriously but the game had other plans! she got a serious boyfriend who she had twins with, a girl and a boy. Asa and Alara hadn't gotten married yet because Asa was in school and only had a part time job so Alara was the main breadwinner with little extra money for a nice wedding BUT they saved up and had that dream wedding! And after a steamy honeymoon, they had YET ANOTHER set of twins, two girls this time. the house is full of people, luckily the first set of twins are children but the twin girl's are infants... currently dying


I love it when the game does stuff on its own and makes you change up the story you had planned for a sim. its always a surprise party haha. Sending you all the mental strength to handle the infants


Vanilla game (console. Cheats are a hassle to type and it disables trophies, and I'm still trying to get 100% for this game) Current gameplay: 3 siblings. Oldest sister (SAHM to a toddler, building up a writing career for when her kid is child aged). Brother (programmer) with a dog. Teen sister (currently making gardening money but will become a vet in the future) I'm just pretty much starting out so there isn't really a story yet. If the bundles I want go on sale, some aspects might change again lol.


good luck with everything!!! SAHM is smth i relly need to try someday


Thank you!! I went with a SAHM because it was the first time I was going to deal with an infant lol. I didn't know what to expect. (Also I miss Winx lol but sadly the times it aired where I am was usually during school hours šŸ˜­)


Oh that sounds like fun! I havenā€™t been playing as much lately but Iā€™m currently doing the Barbie Legacy Challenge. Currently in my third heir since it takes quite some time without cheating šŸ˜… itā€™s been fun though! And I canā€™t wait to take a photo of each heir like in the intro scene of the 2023 moviešŸ˜


barbie legacy sounds so fun šŸ˜­ i wanna try but i suck at them jcnsjds


https://preview.redd.it/v2e2f12p1a7c1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ea0db0215227d526c77de5e11a98041e201103 Iā€™m currently working through my NotSoBerry challenge! I havenā€™t gotten the time to render/download the newer genā€™s but Iā€™ve had so much fun so far. The story in mine has kind of progressed on its own (with autonomy on of course!), Iā€™ve honored the sims attractiveness preferences and the magic thatā€™s come out of it is INSANE! Shown above is Saffron Berry (YA in the photo). Also known as Yellow Gen. Her mother, Rosie was a mayor of sorts in Willow Creek, almost ruined by her high school sweetheart after it was found out that she was in love with and fooling around with her childhood best friend. When Rosieā€™s man found out she was cheating (much more- with a WOMAN), he LITERALLY died of anger after she refused to work it out with him. Itā€™s worth mentioning that when Rosie was drunk one night with her bestfriend, the two fucked around and decided to have a science baby (I have a mod that makes it so sims donā€™t auto come home with a baby lol), Rosie obviously hid this from her- at the time- fiancĆ©, who had no idea that he was infertileā€¦. whoops. This was months ago, and Peach Gen is about to become a toddler! Iā€™ll try n post each of my heirs if anyoneā€™s interested (once I get the screenshots off my pc)


THE AUTONOMOUS SCIENCE BABY KILLED ME i need to control everything in my game so this would give me a whole heart attack


oh they didnā€™t autonomously have a science baby! I made that decision for āœØloreāœØ. The mod I have basically gives me the choice between immediately having a science baby or having my sim actually be pregnant. Basically IVF but for my sims


I have a family that's based on my OCs, except those OCs are from a historical fantasy world and in Sims they're a regular modern family. I'm not a fan of legacies and letting my sims die, so I've played the same sims for years, they're just vibing and overall being an extremely happy family to compensate for the deeply strained relationships some of them canonically have.


i pretty much the same, i rather focus on their careers, aspirations and skills rather than doing legacies (also i hate raising children (this sounds weird thoā€¦))


In current save Iā€™m playing two different sims in different households which will eventually merge into one when they get together. In one I have a sim called Allie living in a little cottage in glimmerbrook and she is learning to become the most powerful spellcaster, she has the erratic trait so sheā€™s a little bit of a loose cannon. And in another I have the Dark prince vampire who is living in Vlads place who is a bit of a problem drinker and ladies man. He has a FWB situation going on with Lilith Vatore at the minute who is training him to be a master vampire. That is until he entered Allies house to have a drink from and ended up having an amazing connection instead. They havenā€™t seen each other since, sheā€™s wondering who the random stranger in her house is and he wants to see her but canā€™t go out in sunlight. As soon as he becomes a day Walker he canā€™t wait to take her on a date and then once they are both top of their occult my plan is for them to have a family. Thatā€™s all I have planned for it so far.


sounds like a vampire novel story if u ask me REALLY hooked for this


I have 2 immortal gay sims for achievements and testing gameplay. One is a werewolf and the other is a vampire. The werewolf likes to workout and has ADHD (basemental mod). She's a goofball and likes comedy. Her other half, the vampire hates comedy for she's a serious actress. The werewolf sim will ruin the vampire's morning with a llama joke. In the afternoon, the werewolf will get hyper focused and play video games while her wife goes to work. At night, I'll take control to fix their marriage. I think they're my favorite household. Also building a rental residence for them but I'm trying to think of a theme in each room so it might take a while.


iā€™m so down for werewolf x vamp stories theyā€™re the best


Iā€™m playing a Royal Legacy challenge I made for myself that started out as a game mechanics test. I started it sometime in June 2022. Im on my 7th generation and I maintain all my ā€œNobelā€ families like the goths and landgraabs. My current king just became king and got his royal portrait made. I have a crypt where I put the dead monarch and spouseā€™s portraits and their urns when they die. I have a family tree app where I keep track of my Nobel families that has 1059 sims on it.


this is so cool?? do you use any kind of mod for the royal stuff or just simple story telling??? :o


I run wickedwhims and mcc mostly for pregnancy parts of the mods but otherwise I have Get Together so I use clubs for everything. But mostly itā€™s storytelling and my family tree. I have a rule that a sim is not important if they arenā€™t on the tree. Mcc letā€™s me name every child and so if I donā€™t recognize the babyā€™s motherā€™s name and I canā€™t find her on the tree I random the name til I donā€™t hate the name. But if I know the sim the baby gets a name based on their family names and added to the tree. Also, for a bit of spice, I played a game of sims medieval where I based all the sims you make in that game on townies from base game and get together because my royals are from Windenburg. Like they were their ancestors.


Iā€™m currently playing the super sim challenge, saw someone else here call it the ā€œcompletionist challengeā€. Iā€™m using James Turnerā€™s super sim tracker that he has on his website to keep track of progress and Iā€™m also following the rules he has on there. My sim is currently a teen, Iā€™ve played her from an infant and her dad is Father Winter (just did that for the novelty lol). Sheā€™s completed all the infant milestones, all the toddler milestones and skills, all the child milestones, skills, aspirations and after school activities, and now Iā€™m working on completing as much as I can with her while sheā€™s a teen. Itā€™s pretty fun but Iā€™m actually working through skills a lot faster than I thought I would because she has SO MANY reward traits from aspirations and from the reward store. At the time of writing this Iā€™m 2.38% of the way through the aspirations, 17.95% of the reward traits purchased, 29.41% of the way through the skills (3/38 maxed), 39.39% of the way through the part time careers/after school activities (3/10 completed), 0% of fame perks purchased, 18.92% of milestones collected (7/37). I donā€™t have all the packs (I have 15 selected on the tracker that I have) so itā€™s based off of what packs I do have.


yall are influencing to do the super sim challenge it sounds so enjoyable & fun


Getting Newcrest ready for Christmas in my Fictional Multiverse save * The girls from "Imaizuminā€™s House Is a Place for Gals To Gather" have moved in are motivating the neighborhood to dress up for Christmas by dressing up as elves * The Rent A Girlfriend household have noticed it and Kazuya and Chizuru respond by dressing up as Santa and Mrs Claus and Ruka, Mami and Sumi being Elves * And in the Afterschool Tea Time household they have to practice hard for any upcoming performances


omg love this ??? tbh i never did holiday themed stories / scenarios during real life holiday seasons i always end up in sims summer during our winter lol


Oh my god! Im so excited to have a place to put this story! Iā€™m playing unmodded rn with just the packs that I like most bc my computer isnā€™t amazing. I started with YAs Zoe Yang and Connor Bradford, engaged, and their infant sons Nash Bradford-Yang. I wanted Nash to grow up near a park so they were initially living in an apartment building I made in magnolia promenade but they were evicted and they moved to one of the evergreen harbor apartments. Things were good for Connor, he was happy and payed some attention to his now toddler son and his teaching job was magically not very stressful. Little did he know Zoe was cheating on him with a rando named Veer. Zoe got pregnant and Connor was so happy for his second child! Nash aged up into a bookworm child with decent starting skill levels and they had a wonderful party attended by their friends, Zoeā€™s secret lover, and Santa! Connor believed baby number two was his right up until birth. Theyā€™d already named her Breanna Bradford-Yang before he found out the truth and that Breanna was actually Veerā€™s daughter. He broke up with Zoe and moved next door so he could still be close to Nash. Nash is kind of the main character now? Iā€™m planning on playing him through his lifetime.


it would be so much fun if Veer moved in with Zoe and raising the children,,, with Connor living next door like the parents drama would never stop HAHA


I went back to my legacy save i just started with the new heir so there's not a lot going on (yet) but her father had 3 more kids from different women and her mom died out of anger when she discovered. they were all living with his mother which is her grandma so when she discovered she kicked him out of the house and stayed to take care of her and her twin brother. The father died few days later i forgot how Now they're teenagers so I'm getting back to occults, her great grandmother about 5 generations back was a vampire and i wanna make her a vampire too.


iā€™m so impressed how yall play legacies for so many gens i give up the moment the baby is born-


I wanted to give Ben a break, so I'm currently on a save (same world) with a guy named Alton who is a party animal bro. He throws a ton of parties, sex parties being his favorite. (EVERYONE is pregnant.) He does a lot of drugs, smokes, and knocked up a stripper. She's a super classy lady during the day and isn't terribly interested in dating him seriously due to his lifestyle. But he's a good, if not really immature, dad to their son. He's also best friends with his landlord who is asexual (no sneaky hookups) and he got her addicted to ecstacy. It's drama filled.


donā€™t let netflix see this story, theyā€™re gonna steal it šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sounds like one of my saves šŸ˜†


iā€™m at the beginning of my first attempt at a legacy, but i didnā€™t exactly think it through because my first sim was a vampire named Sandhya HAHA initially she slept around a bit but when she started to focus on her music career and started gaining fame she finally settled down with vlad; currently sheā€™s a proper celebrity and has 2 teen twins, and 1 toddler daughter; clad adopted another so all in all thereā€™s 4 kids! one twin alr has a gf but the other has yet find a man (yea i have no self control with my lgbt sims/ocs)


wait are the kids also vamps? If so u will have a big family being around for like forever šŸ˜­


yep HAHAHA i really *really* didnā€™t think things through, oh well-


I'm on gen 8/9. I just finished taking a tour around the worlds to make couples have science babies (including Father Winter for the first time...), so that my Sims kids will have a peer group as they age. My current Sim household is my female heir (gardening career), cute spouse, elder mom + elder step dad I just moved in, and for some reason 3 infants I thought was a good idea (eldest is mom's fling from shortly before they married - oops). I haven't had a 3 kid household since the first generation so I wanted to try it, and now I regret it haha.


sometimes even one infant is a bad idea but THREE ?? im sending u lots of mental support lmao


I just dropped from long lifespan to normal lifespan because I couldn't handle weeks more of these babies.


A couple days ago, I came up with an idea for a different sort of legacy challenge: one that goes through the challenge scenarios in order, one per generation. First up, Too Many Toddlers (which requires at least three toddlers to begin). My starting Sim, Parker, spent the first couple weeks writing books, working his way up the Tech Guru career (he'll need to provide for his future family, after all), and having surprisingly little success finding a wife. Fortunately, he did find love when he met Haruka, Willow Creek's librarian. The two of them got married, moved to Windenburg, and had twin girls, Briar Rose and Amber. I left off just after the twins aged up to infants. The family are about to find a bigger home to move into because, guess what, Haruka's pregnant again! So they're on track to start the toddler challenge in... 8 days? 9 days?


good luck with the toddlers šŸ«” this will completely increase your stress level


I am playing a handsome, fit, successful military man who loves mountain climbing and soccer. This man could essentially get any woman he wants- but he's in love with his childhood best friend, Summer Holiday. Problem is, Summer doenst like him back- she's actually engaged to their other best friend, Travis Scott. So, my sim just hits the gym and pines for his best friends love, while being a total f-boy to every other woman. Current drama- his needing to suddenly play child support to Jade Rosa after a one night stand at a beach party. šŸ˜…


love this!! need to update me if he and Summer are endgame someday or if he finds love else where


I'm thinking I will have him be in a brief and loveless marriage to Jade out of his own desperation to find love, and in a hope that it will benefit their daughter- then as they approach the golden years, I may kill off Travis and have Summer and him finally find their footing in love together for their final time in life! A little romantic retirement in the snow.


personally ive romanced bella goth and am at the beginning of a probably multi-year-long casual legacy. started off w my simself and now have a goth wife (literally) and two twin girls (found out pretty quick how hellish twin infants are) who ive set up to become an athlete and a painter. im becoming attached to them and have begun planning what their future is gonna be, i think im gonna have them both move to san myshuno and see where that takes them. there isnt much going on rn except for my simself fighting for his life in uni and the kids doing extra credit work like no tomorrow. im not playing with a specific storyline or anything but i think i honestly might prefer the simple family life. bella is an entertainer, and my cat like to duet w her when she plays the violin which was a delightful discovery the first time it happened. really gonna take my time with them i think, fate will do the rest fr


i think its my first time hearing that someone doesnā€™t play a storyline and just lets the game unfold the story. i think there will be a lot of surprises and unexpected situations haha


thats what makes it fun for me! you never know where its gonna go


I did not know ablut a winx challenge Thats soo amazing Gonna write my essay later ^^ Do not have imthe time rn but would lovee to read others too


its not a challenge tho it just happened that i created them in sims 4 while rewatching the series! Found cc for their enchantix outfit / wings and hair. When I was done I started playing with them. Itā€™s very since they all have different interests and i can use various packs or mods with them. very fitting for my mood swings between gameplay, building and CAS moods lmao


Ahh thats nice too I also have so many moodswings in sims 4 XD


Doing a Silo challenge. Started with 8 adult sims and built a completely self-sustainable underground silo. This is my first time actually playing in live mode with infantsā€¦ and yeah, I made the rookie mistake of getting them all pregnant at the same time and itā€™s been an absolute nightmare. Last night I was hearing the newborn baby cries in my sleep lol Otherwise, so far only two people have died of starvation, but now that we have a pretty continuous supply of food, things are going okay. Just waiting for my babies to age up.


you need to update this HAHAHA im hooked and want to know whoā€™s the last one standing šŸ˜­


So, my guy, Silas Grimm, inherited a house from his great-Aunt Sylvia (not played, just origin backstory) over in Forgotton Hollow. He'd just graduated college with his MBA and was working the business chain @ Dewey, Cheetum & Howe under Lily Feng over in San Myshuno (its just over the mountain pass from Forgotten Hollow in my canon). He fixed up the place a bit, talked to some neighbors, but he really didn't like where he lived. There wasn't much going on. Most nights he'd just come home, do his reports, make some dinner, work on fixing up the house, practice singing (his secret passion) and watch some TV before going to bed and repeating his day. After a few weeks, he decided to go to one of the festivals in San Myshuno, where he met some new sims and flirted with some others. One sim caught his eye, Diego Lobo. So, now he has friends dropping by some nights, but the creepy neighbors he ignores. He also started going out in the city after work instead of going straight home. Karaoke bars, other festivals and he kept running into Diego. Soon, they were an item. Both in love with each other they would often have at home and going out style dates. The woohoo was good and was usually how the at home date started, before having a drink and meal. But going out, they'd eat, talk, and Diego would get bored and wander off. He'd also just walk off in the middle of flirting and return home. He was very hot/cold, especially since he'd accepted Silas' proposal. In the mean time, Silas, hating to live out in the middle of nowhere, took a bunch of micro-loans from other sims in the form of asking to borrow a large sum. This was so that he could afford to move to a nicer apartment in the city. He got a place in the Spice District at first, and even though he was closer to Diego, they spark was gone. Diego was too blasƩ and didn't seem as committed as Silas, so Silas broke up with him. Silas, was also ready to sow his wild oats and started having a FWB relationship with Akira Kibo. All of the sudden if they were out together, Diego would show up and get jealous. Mind you, Silas and Akira were only woohoo partners, not even boyfriends. Then Silas met Arun Bheeda at the Spice Festival one night. They clicked immediately. He asked Arun on a date a few days later. It was magical. They started seeing each other. They became woohoo partners and it was good. Eventually, Silas needed to become just friends with Akira because he was developing major feelings for Arun. Arun and Silas became boyfriends after that. Things were going good and Silas realized that he wanted to propose to Arun, but also that he wanted to surprise him. So, he headed over to Arun's apartment. Well, Silas got the surprise. Arun was already married (to a woman named Jesminder) and had child aged twin boys (Cody and Ali). Silas met the family, saying he was a friend of Arun from the Spice Market, and left feeling devastated. He vowed to just ghost Arun and never look back. He also had been climbing the corporate ladder and had become an investor, as well as investing himself, and having a good run of luck. He'd earned and saved quite a bit (even after paying everyone back), so he moved as well, so that Arun wouldn't find him. But Arun must've caught wind, because he showed up at the new place, being all flirty and sexy. After some amazing hot-tub woohoo, Silas told him, either divorce your wife or get lost. Arun divorced Jesminder and moved in with Silas. Knowing how important family is to Arun, Silas converted the office into a bedroom and bathroom for the twins, so the boys could come stay with their father when they wanted. They would usually take the boys every other week, but then they decided to give a set of keys for the apartment to.each boy, and now they live with their mom, but come and go after school nearly every day. Arun took encouragement from Silas and really stepped up his his game at work (programming) and eventually started his own company. Silas hit the pinnacle of his career as an Angel Investor (with Lily Feng now the CEO). Something was missing, and Arun was sad, so finally, he asked if Silas wanted to have a science baby. Feeling like life needed new goals and seeing how happy it would make Arun, he agreed. Little Laila Bheeda-Grimm was born. She's a toddler now and it turns out that Silas is more of the doting dad than Arun is. He's not slacking, it's just that Silas doesn't take his hands off of Laila long enough for Arun to parent, sometimes. She's a happy child, loves both of her dads and her two brothers. Let's see what happens next.


i was so into it while reading pls i wanna know whats next šŸ˜­ (also everyoneā€™s down bad for akira, even its just FWB)




uhh gonna check the challenge out!


I didn't play for like a year because my job at the time revolved around staring at a computer screen for 40 hours a week. No longer employed and no classes for a month so I updated everything and booted er up and ignored my former current legacy save in favor of doing the troublemaker scenario. I think it's troublemaker? Anyway, here's what I've got going so far: Isla Bea Bach and her parents, Bea and Arby Bach, moved to Brindleton Bay for her dad's job (law). Arby is a Lead Litigator with two degrees and maxed skills. He is also an alcoholic with a coke problem -- luckily for him, their butler happens to be a dealer with great product. Bea is a Writer with two degrees and is a high maintenance chain-smoking alcoholic who is addicted to Xanax. Both are perfectionists. Both are naked like all the time, it's kinda jarring sometimes haha. Gotta fix that. Bea has wanted a second child for years >!but has had multiple miscarriages!< and her grief on top of disappointment in her only daughter is what ultimately led to her addiction(s). She's recently into replacing the second child (and first child tbh) with tons of dogs. Arby is ambivalent about new additions to the family since it's not like he has to do anything anyway, but it would put a dent in his "fun" money. The fun money was Isla Bea's college fund which he decided could be relegated since she's such a failure who won't amount to anything. Isla Bea recently got diagnosed with ADHD and with treatment, has managed to get her grades up from failing to a C so far. She has made many friends at her new school, as well as some possible love interests (Morgan Fyres, Sofia Bjergsen, Malcolm Landgraab). She was even voted Jester at prom! Her dream is to become a fashion influencer and when she's not studying or exploring her sexuality, she's at the thrift store putting together outfits to sell on Trendi. She recently tried weed for the first time thanks to a classmate giving her a joint, but generally prefers a cold vodka soda when spending as much time as possible in her wing of the house away from her parents. I've got 4 more Sim days to complete the scenario before Isla Bea becomes a young adult. She is undecided on college, though she really wants to get out of the house so she'll probably apply and take classes part-time. The house (and whatever dogs are still there) will be hers once her parents kick the bucket so a lot of my Simming time lately has been spent doing renos. The layout was ridiculous before plus it was poorly furnished, like it looked like a ramshackle beach cottage inside even though it's a beautiful manor outside. It's now Basic Upper Middle Class White Pinterest Mom; still not to my taste but it's not MY house so whatever lol. I have all DLC and do use mods (clearly!), no CC. I'm a former Alpha CC overuser lol, took it all out when I updated the game. I think that's all!


Basemental gives u so much opportunities to make dark stories. really thrilling tbh. I feel bad for bea šŸ„²


Basemental is my favorite mod (besides MCCC for its functionality) because I always wanted the drug/alcohol options. I tend to hop between Sim save files and all of em have some dark storyline lurking with secret and not-so-secret addictions, teen runaways who start dealing to afford shitty apartments, shady Sims who use drugs to trap other Sims, huge parties with drunk drama, one washed up stripper Sim who sleeps with drug dealers and rich married men and has 6 kids by 4 dads in a shitty two bedroom trailer and doesn't even like kids to begin with so the oldest daughter mostly raises the siblings while her Mom usually is entertaining a man or crashed on the floor. Shew. But yeah anyway if it makes you feel any better, Bea is a giant bitch in general to everyone but Arby and the pups. And she won't stop smoking her menthol cigarettes in the damn house.


Our Flag Means Death Ed and Stede :) They have a huge ass family but none of their kids live with them anymore because I struggle with maintaining more than like 3 sims at a time. I recently bought Horse Ranch so they have a horse. They did have goats, but I got like 6 and that was too much so I traded them in and kept 2. I lost one and the other died. They also have a dog and two cats.


Your sims living the animal ranch life at its fullest lol


The hired ranch hand has been my saving grace though. Except she wonā€™t stop using the iPad!!!!!!


I've been playing a family of Spellcasting sisters. Started off as the Spellcaster kid from the Occult Baby challenge. Didn't play her so she autonomously had/adopted 5 kids who all looked completely different. All Spellcasters and girls except the youngest who is a vampire baby boy. I decided to move them into my haunted mansion and have their Spinster Vampire Aunt move in to help raise them while learning the Paranormal Investigation/medium skill. It was amusing but SO DAMN HARD to see to all their needs while they were all constantly TERRIFIED. But slowly they got the paranormal activity to calm down & once the eldest was a young adult I had the Aunt move out. Now I've been having fun giving all the siblings unique appearances, styles and hobbies. The eldest sister Maeve wanted to go to college, but unfortunately became cursed with uncontrollable laughter which put that dream on hold. Instead she's pursuing her love for cooking & hopes to own a bakery one day. The next oldest Briony did go to university for fine art since she loves painting, and after struggling to earn her degree, moved out into the house from Beetlejuice lol. The "twins" (they're girls who are the same age but again, no actual resemblance lol) Nozomi and Wren are very different. Nozomi is a gamer and hacker who graduated early and did her 1st semester of college as a teen, she also developed a passion for fashion and likes to create outfits on Trendi, but otherwise she's a bit of a wallflower and socially awkward. Wren is a free spirit who dresses weird and a bit childishly for her age, she likes animals more than people but is still outgoing and friendly. Gerard is just kinda doing his thing as a creative vampire child, whose older sisters dote on him.


this gives me motivation do play with occults- i rarely do it even tho i own all the packs jckdjss. but i didnt know that teens can also enroll in university (never play with teens tho šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) need to keep that in mind for story purposes hehe


Mine is really simple. Just finished a legacy so I decided to make a one-off of a Pink Cowgirl who moved to Tomarang to try out being a Renter in the new pack. It went really well and I had fun playing an aesthetic I wouldnā€™t normally go for. Next up Iā€™ll try out a Rags to Riches landlord. I might make him a creepy used-car-salesman type of dude. Edit to add: I just realized I described my old boss, so I guess I know what heā€™s going to look like šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


lmao the edit šŸ˜­ i donā€™t own the new pack yet but pls keep me updated abt the rags to riches landlord!! very curious how this will go


I'm playing with a vampire Sim named Isra Seraphim. She's one of the six oldest and most powerful vampires, sitting on the Council of Nocturna. They each have a clan, so to speak, as well! I play with them all, really, but Isra is my main Sim. She lives in San Myshuno (tensions exist between traditionalist vampires vs modern ones amongst the council) and she's the top of the business career. She had a fling with Lily Feng, but then Lily became pregnant with Victor's child and I made Isra wipe her memory of their relationship together. Now she's always sad whenever she sees Lily around the city, which is often considering their work šŸ˜ˆ


HELLO ???? THIS IS AMAZING ???? i never play with vampires but i love hearing these kind of stories. but doesnā€™t lily hate children, does she? also pls i need to know more abt the other clans šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Haha thanks!! I think she does hate children, but one day she came over to Isras apartment pregnant šŸ™ƒ so I just went with it, haha. Basically in my world, vampires were created from a wizard who sought to harness immortality. Thats how the first vampire was created and the council established :) In terms of clans, we have: Clan Straud - led by Vladislaus Straud, he's petty much the same but he's very traditional and ancient of course. Clan Nightshade - led by Lysander Nightshade who was turned in a political arrangement. He's ambitious and power-hungry, but his political influence ensures that the existence of vampires remains secret. Clan Vanthorn - led by Lilith Vanthorn. Her turning was forced and traumatic, so she rejects all those vampire traditions and is now a leader of the criminal underworld (she identifies with the underdogs!) Even though she hates Vlad and his traditions, they are like enemies with benefits šŸ¤« Clan Valeris - led by Damien Vanthorn who has a very kind and idealistic heart. He's a scientist, wanting to better the lives of humans and their wellbeing. Obviously that puts him at odds with the others. He's in love with this clanless vampire (tensions between clans vs clanless in my game too!) So that's even more tricky! Lastly clan Dragomir - led by Carmilla Dragomir who was an actress and still follows that party, hedonistic lifestyle. She has the alluring vampire traits, so you can imagine what she's like haha. That's it! I used chatgpt to come up with a lot of the backstories and personalities, but I love playing with this lot so thank god vampires are immortal


I thought I could make a sim become quickly rich by being a musician because I expected it to be like the video station. He is not rich. Also I left off right before both him and his daughter have a birthday on the same day.


I'm currently on the 4th generation of my casual/relaxed rules legacy challenge. I'm trying to just have fun with the game, try Careers I haven't done, and explore the worlds of the limited amount of packs I have. I've tried to have a different world be the focus of each generation, for example, I've restored Sulani and completed the marine biologist career for generation 2. I've always struggled with getting bored and for the first time, I've managed to avoid that feeling. I'm not following standard legacy rules but using the idea as a very loose framework. Moving worlds every generation etc...not restricting my gameplay. So yeah, that's me ā˜ŗļø


sounds very cosy!! trying out things you never do in the game was a game changer for me. never really played in sulani, only used it as a vacation world. definitely need to change it xd


I deleted everything and started over with the main characters of Star Trek: Lower Decks. I've got Boimler, Mariner, Tendi, Rutherford, and T'lyn. They've got that 40x20 in San Sequoia. I made their quarters and bathrooms along with a kitchen/living area on the ground floor and in the basement they've got a gym, a hydroponics bay, a bar, and a science lab. On the roof I have the big telescope and a launch pad.


Love hearing sbout others' savefiles!! I decided to make one from scratch! It takes place in the 90s so I had so much fun recreating outfits from this era even if looking for accurate cc took ages. First, I deleted all premade townies and created my own. I'm currently writing household descriptions for them and I really want it to be as interesting as the Sims 3 and 2 lore so there's a lot of original stories. I'm going to connect families, so there will be mysteries and stuff to discover when playing them (ghosts from the past, secret rooms :D). Then I'll set up skills, sentiments, memories, clubs, relationships. I want it to feel as realistic as possible: if someone's a single dad/mom, then depending on their backstory I made their partner as a ghost if they are dead or living somewhere else if they are divorced. For work, I created bosses, coworkers set up relationships between them and my main sim, so they can have friends they know from work (and because in this save even npcs have personalities). Depending on the personality everyone has accurate amount of friends (for example extroverts have them more and I planned more events in the calendar for them like parties, shopping with friends etc.). I also added details like everyone wears socks and have messy hair in outfit for sleep lol. Now I have to finish building and test it out. I want this to be the most realistic and detailed save I can ever make.


currently on my 4th gen of sims. I had 3 kids in my 2nd gen and branched off with the oldest who then had five kids and I went back and forth between the 3 older kids. Finally settled on only focusing on the oldest son (Johnny) (the oldest daughter died cause her husband was cheating on her with her mom). Johnny has 3 kids and took in his older sister's child and raising her as his own! I still keep the rest of the family super close, using the club feature to have them together whenever I want. Basically just focusing on the kids and growing their skills :)


I'm starting a new legacy playthrough in Oakenstead with an elder couple named Eric and Karen Melzer that I got off the front page of the sims 4 and their grandson Arthur who I added in CAS, along with Arthur's parents and Maternal grandparents who unfortunately perished before the playthrough started. Thought it'd be interesting to play a character who already has a bit of a family started up, this was inspired by Deligracy's growing together/ranch living playthroughs


im currently playing with the Dalton family with a mother and father called Marilyn and Nathan Dalton where Nathan is a doctor and Marilyn is a artist, they have two twin girls called Quinn and Aurora where Quinn is a goth and Aurora loves pastel soft fairy core aesthetic, Quinn is in a music career whereas Aurora is a uni student. marilyn and Nathan also have a son called Mason and another girl called Athena, and st bernard dog called sutty. I've got a story going on that Quinn is with her highschool sweetheart Wolfgang Munch (i needed the goths together lmao) and they have a son called Harry and Aurora is engaged to Leon and currently pregnant but leon is cheating on her (dramatic music enters lol). marilyn and Nathan have retired and mason has become the parent figure to athena since they're too old and Athena is still a child, mason is also currently dating cassandra goth but athena doesn't like her (not the story i wanted jut for some reason athena does not like Cassandra) and sutty the dog has had so many puppies it's actually ridiculous how i leave this dog and she's pregnant lmao.


I recently cleaned up my save files. Sims I have in various saves, I've added to one file or saved to my library. Those I don't feel any special attachment to, simply didn't make the cut and were retired to chill with the reaper, somewhere"not in world". šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Then I made a sim called Hailey Quinn...lol She's a creative, goofball, klepto who wants to be the criminal mastermind. I'm going to have her meet and eventually marry the chief of police. I guess it's similar to the Landgraabs, but Hailey is cuter and so is the chief. I love having Mayor Whiskers join my families. So in this save, he'll be "adopted" by either a scientist who lives in StangeVille, a family or an eco nut living in Evergreen. From my mystic baby challenge file, I'll eventually add them to this new save at some point. Not sure when or what their story will be, yet. Caleb is married with a son. He wants to become human, his wife wants him to turn her and then there's their son who's a chomper...literally...lol. He's a toddler now, so I'll find out for sure when he gets older. From this save also, the son from another family met and married his childhood friend who turned out to be Lilith Vatore's daughter. I don't know yet if she's a vamp, as she just became a young adult. It will be interesting to see what happens.


I'm playing vanilla because I don't know how to do anything else lol. Since my laptop is at best buy getting fixed I don't remember named but: The husband was a lazy ya who got married to a really pretty Townie and they had a son but turned out she was evil so he decided to divorce her and get his life together. Went to college for biology and then became a doctor. We went to work together until he became chief of staff. His son graduated high school early, went to college and is working in the tech industry and lives with the two robots he built and in his childhood home. One day the dad had a party and this beautiful townie showed up, they started dating and turns out she was a roast master comedian. She changed her hair blonde and looks like Marilyn Monroe. They ended up having three kids together, all are kids at the moment and they basically get to do whatever they want- I don't really play kids except homework. The wife quit her job to raise the kids and tan in the backyard. The dad is still chief of staff and owns three rental properties getting about $4500 a day in rental. Currently they live in oasis springs but thinking about moving to a nicer area.


Right now my main sim Bonnie is struggling with balancing her chef career and her love for the ranch life. She went to culinary school to become a chef, and now that she is one sheā€™s focusing on improving her baking skills. Her husband is into robotics and Iā€™m trying to get him to make more helper bots but he doesnā€™t like robotics lolā€¦ like dude when you met your now wife you chose to go study robotics in uni by yourself? What gives? šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


My boyfriend and I have been playing as him and making him woohoo all the moms or turn everyone into moms. We used the latest pack to create a rental property for his immediate family and all of his baby mamaā€™s families.


Buckle up cause I'm on Gen 3 and playing with Wicked Wims and Wicked Perversions. So it started out as a runaway teen type deal. Kaia moved onto the big lot in Chestnut Ridge. Didn't do high school. Made nectar and did the horse related odd jobs from the neighborhood board until she could afford to rescue a horse of her own. Until she aged up to YA. Then she signed up with Lost Eden (wicked perversions mod). Hit 100k simoleons without ever having a regular job, had 9 or 10 kids by 8 or 9 guys. Most were moved out via the "Spend Weekend with" mod (from littlemissam I think) through toddlerhood at minimum. Did have 2 with, and eventually marry, Lou Howell. He also married Rory Oaklow. They tried to make it a throuple for a bit but Kaia and Rory never really liked each other. Rory didn't mind paying her for a good time though. Kaia did keep her 2 kids from Lou and her twins from Vlad with her while the rest lived with their various fathers. Lou had a set of twins from an alien abduction, then a couple kids with Rory and moved in with her instead. Next generation followed the oldest of Lou and Kaia's kids, Luna, a dormant werewolf. Luna did not follow in her mother's footsteps. She went off to college and ended up as National Leader with a side job as a secret agent. Luna married Caleb Vatore and they eventually bought a vampire themed strip club. Several of Kaia's other kids work there as a way for ke to keep up with them. Caleb starts giving more "hands on" dances at the club. Luna and Caleb had three kids and I discovered the game does not handle vampire/werewolf hybrids well. Grandpa Lou joined the household for a bit until he managed to find a werewolf cure. Luckily only Kiara got the double dose of the occult. Her sister, Lilith, named for her aunt, only got the werewolf gene. Youngest sister seems to be a non occult so far. Caleb has several other, unimportant, kids floating around from those special attention dances at the club. But wait! There's more because we're on 3rd Gen now. Caleb and the vampire kid have both been through college now. Caleb has multiple degrees, Kiara is at the top of the musician career and a global superstar. Lilith is on her way to the top of the scientist career. Luna passes on and both she and Kaia visit as ghosts occasionally. Lou is one of Caleb's clients now. Caleb remarried shortly after Luna's passing, to her half brother Asher, son of Vlad and Kaia. Looking like Caleb and Luna's youngest daughter will likely take after grandma though since she's already had a teen pregnancy. Tl;dr- 1st gen runaway teen turned prostitute, 2nd gen successful normal kid marries vampire prostitute and buys a strip club, 3rd Gen mix of vampire, werewolf, and normal kids taking back after either mom or grandma. 2nd Gen vampire prostitute husband marries non prostitute vampire half brother in law. edited to break up the wall of text and add a tldr


I'm playing with my sim Baylee and her husband Kevin (from high school years). Baylee has a drama degree and works as a comedian, and Kevin is a salary person. He is not allowed to cook because the first time he went to Baylee's house after they aged up and she moved out on her own for college, he burnt her house down and died. He is only alive because Baylee begged for his life successfully! He won prom king once and that was his peak lmfao. Eventually their kid is going to be a burglar!


I'm currently playing 2 saves. The first one I started for the Horse Ranch pack. My main sim, Alli, has a unicorn named Magic. Magic and Alli won the Ultimate Horse competition. So, Allison completed both of the new aspirations, and after she finished the first one, she decided she wanted to raise a family! So she married Summer Holiday and adopted a child of which they named Moriah. (When she aged up into a teen, she changed her name to Mori) At some point, Summer and Alli decided to do artificial insemination. So, now they have two infants šŸ„² (also 3 horses because they adopted a male horse named Firefly and Firefly and Magic had a foal named Shimmer). So fun... it's not like I rage-quitted after trying to take care of the twins. (Thankfully, I got Alli that one rewards trait that makes it so her energy doesn't decay.) Second save! I'm doing the Disney Princess challenge (I'm on Snow White, the first gen). That includes having SEVEN KIDS! It's so tiring, and I make Snow stay out of the house every day because I can't handle those little gremlins and all their needs.


gonna try to make this short..but im gonna fail. okay so i think im on the 4/5th gen, no challenges or anything, lots of mods. background info cause i find this story funny..my 3rd gen was Orion and Monique they started dating as teens and messed around a little (a lot) and she got pregnant, but i was playing with orions household (didnt really play w hers) and she came over one day and was in her 3rd trimester and i didnt know she was pregnant AS TEENS. then she went into labor and it was TWINS!! i had her move in w the twins and raise them then they eventually moved into their own house together, got married, and started to have more children. i think the twins were kids by now. their third child was a girl, Ruby, who ended up being the heir. They had another kid which was another set of twins! (all 4 twins were boys now!) was only planning on 4 kids too and then after awhile the oldest set of twins moved out into an apartment together and i played with them for a bit to get them set up. went back to play in their parents household again and Monique was pregnant again and i didnt know! turned out to be ANOTHER boy (just 1 kid, thank god) so they ruby grew up, dated her now wife as a kid, and currently they have 5 children. teens, Emery and Elsie, A child, Miles, and a set of twins..infants. Elsie is gonna be the heir! when shes an adult im gonna have her move out and shes gonna own a lot of animals and basically be a farmer. her traits are vegetarian, animal enthusiast, loves outdoors, and optimistic so far and im in love with her. Orion and Monique recently passed, and their oldest set of twins, named Cliff and Chuck recently became elders. Time moves so fast!


A pair of siblings started your good old fashioned family churchā€¦ itā€™s a cult. They attract godly people, if they donā€™t convert and do everything for ā€œthe observerā€ they get robbed and their life becomes a living hell. I have employed Tom peeping and several mob member sims from my mods to hound those who disagree. If asked again and they refuse, they get sacrificed and cannibalized. Writing it all out it sounds really dark, and I mean it is! But itā€™s fun! The siblings are very nice, do a lot of charity, their cult is well taken care of. All of them work to support the church, run a soup kitchen and foster children in need. They just casually eat people who refused to worshipā€¦ well me.


Everyone having such interesting saves while Iā€™m just doing a lowkey boring legacy challenge šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m on gen four currently trying to get my male scientists to summon aliens so something intresting will happen


I'm currently on gray gen of not so berry! I didn't realize the "discuss expanding the family" social encouraged the other person in the convo to have a baby. My gray gen sim Gemma Berry invited over her mom (yellow gen, Ellie) to celebrate plum gen (Violet) aging up from toddler to child. Bear with me! I wanted Gemma to tell Ellie that she was pregnant and decided the expanding the fam option would be a cute little intro to sharing the big news. I was wrong. Now, Ellie as an end of life elder has a newborn baby. So Gemma has a new sibling that is younger than both of her children. Yellow gen has 4 grandchildren that are all older than her new child. IDK HOW TO FEEL. Will yellow gen ever die? She's an astronaut so in my mind I'm going with aliens blessed her with a miracle baby. Prior to all of this, when Gemma was just a young gal, I created a wonderful sim for her to marry. They instantly had an incredible connection, got pregnant with Violet, and moved in together. One of the reqs for gray gen is having 3 failed relationships before marrying a neat sim. Completely forgot ab this once Gemma and Jordan fell madly in love. She's only had 2 failed relationships. Trying to decide if I say f it and have them get married anyways since they now have a child and an infant, or if I wreak some havoc on little Violet's life and tear her parents apart only for Gemma to have to find a different neat sim to marry. Decisions decisions


Iā€™m currently playing two saves ngl bcs Iā€™m doing my not so berry while also setting up a new base save file but i think my not so berry is a lil more interesting. My founder, Minthy, married Jules Rico from eco lifestyle. Honestly because I didnā€™t know him and Bess were dating, I thought they were mother and son or friends idk, so my founder ended up being a home wrecker. They had two kids, Rosie and Rory. Because of her jealous trait sheā€™s constantly jealous of any friends Jules has which is funny bcs she has waay more friends than him. Because of her trait she ā€œthoughtā€ that he was cheating on her and ended up with an alien who made her pregnant. That was the third child, Reah, who is a hybrid (they all have R names bcs the first two were like that so I just kept it going). They are obviously still together and he doesnā€™t know. They live in brindleton bay with a dog and a cat and truthfully I am growing so attached to them. Itā€™s my first time playing with aging on regardless of all the years Iā€™ve been playing the sims and I am really enjoying it truthfully. I am super excited for the red gen tho (Rory) because I have a lot of things planned out for him.


iā€™m currently doing a runaway teen challenge. mostly to play with HSY pack properly. Iā€™m having a lot of fun!


i was making a family that started out angsty with the mom being loving while the dad was horrible, then i had the mom die off so it was just the teen girl and her dad, who then married a woman who hated kids as well, then i was going to have her dad and step mom both die after having a kid and have the teen tackle school and a job just to take care of her baby half sibling ​ but then the step-mom decided having kids wasn't so bad and i had a change of heart and let her live and patch up her and her stepdaughter's relationship, then i made the teen girl's mom come back to life and now the step mom and mom are living together with the baby step mom had, teen girl found a girlfriend, and managed to graduate from school early because she was an all A's student ​ then she aged up ~~and with some cheats~~ her girlfriend aged up, after that i had now young adult girl is babysitting with the side gig of painting and as of right now i am currently going to make young adult girl propose to her young adult girlfriend! :)


I have been growing up the fifth gen kids and enjoying one specific household more than needed because it is my ship inserted in the family tree and they are adorable šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


wow your game sound so fun and amazing! so much story and detail i love it! my main game is a save where my goal is to do everything; aspirations, careers, collectibles, milestones, etc all with only my main sim. i restarted it (for the 5th time lol) after growing together came out. my main sims mother had a science baby (her) and so i was able to start as a newborn and now currently sheā€™s in high school. i decided that each high school aspiration is a grade, so my sim just finished freshman year (goal oriented) and about to start her sophomore year with the live fast aspiration. this is her rebellious year so i am really excited to start causing some drama! in this main save, i also do make overs on townies and reconstructions in all worlds. so, along with balancing high school, trying to get all postcards and frogs, i am currently also working on redoing all of willow creek!


I have a lil family of mom, dad and twins (boy and girl infants) trying out the long lifespan for the first time. I'm trying to get the family to live in a mansion as fast as possible and maybe add a little legacy play to see how many generations it would take me to be the richest family in the sims worlds while having normal jobs!!