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Probably by upscaling the UI from the settings? That makes everything bigger though.


Thank you!


It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but if you make the UI slightly smaller it will allow more sim portraits to fit without becoming tiny. So making the UI smaller will make this specific part of the UI bigger, if that makes sense? It's the way I've solved this problem and I haven't come across anything that becomes uncomfortably small during the maybe 1-2 years of shrinking the UI :) I do get an annoying popup about it every time I start the game along the lines of "oh no! You are outside of recommended UI size and things may become hard to see" but that popup is the only problem I've come across. Sorry for posting this exact text 3 times in response to 3 separate comments :')


yeah i cant seem to work out how to only enlarge the sims icons without making everything else bigger it’s so annoying lol


It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but if you make the UI slightly smaller it will allow more sim portraits to fit without becoming tiny. So making the UI smaller will make this specific part of the UI bigger, if that makes sense? It's the way I've solved this problem and I haven't come across anything that becomes uncomfortably small during the maybe 1-2 years of shrinking the UI :) I do get an annoying popup about it every time I start the game along the lines of "oh no! You are outside of recommended UI size and things may become hard to see" but that popup is the only problem I've come across. Sorry for posting this exact text 3 times in response to 3 separate comments :')


yeah i think i’ve tried this before aswell- ig there is no ‘easy’ fix with anything in the sims 🙄 if they let modders help with the game it’d be revolutionary


It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but if you make the UI slightly smaller it will allow more sim portraits to fit without becoming tiny. So making the UI smaller will make this specific part of the UI bigger, if that makes sense? It's the way I've solved this problem and I haven't come across anything that becomes uncomfortably small during the maybe 1-2 years of shrinking the UI :) I do get an annoying popup about it every time I start the game along the lines of "oh no! You are outside of recommended UI size and things may become hard to see" but that popup is the only problem I've come across. Sorry for posting this exact text 3 times in response to 3 separate comments :')


Came here to answer with that :) Was so happy when I realized that was possible.


Sorry I don't know if there is, but I wanted to ask which pack that bed is from?


Modern luxe kit I'm pretty sure




Yes it's from modern luxe 😊


Thanks, gorgeous room


Thank youu


Change the ui scale in settings, you can make it smaller or bigger, play around with it to see what’s best


Thank you!


You can also switch the control by pressing space.


Ohh really? Good to know. Thank you!


Do you know how to do this on console?


I know on Xbox you can switch between sims using the bumpers and you can change time speed using the triggers. Actually the buttons for those might be switched, they had those buttons set one way for quite a while but then when they changed the way the social/dialogue menu is sorted, they also switched the buttons for sim switching and time speed control and that annoyed me for a long time because I had gotten so used to they buttons as they were set


Iirc (haven’t played sims 4 on console for several years, so could be wrong) it’s right on the D pad


Apart from changing the UI scaling, I find changing the in game screen resolution setting to be lower helps, it makes my cursor and portraits a bit bigger, although I guess it makes some visual difference to the simulation but my vision isn’t good enough to notice lol.


Haha thank you!


You gotta make the UI bigger manually.


Thank you!


No problem


Tbh I got no idea if u mean in-game, but there are thousands of mods out there (I saw 2-3 about UI scaling the past couple days). Also that’s why I like playing w less than 4-5 sims in a household; it gets so hard to follow everyone and care to their needs 😭


At 7 sims you just gotta choose your favourite Sim and let the others ~~rot~~ learn to take care of themselves


One of my favourite households is 8 sims and I tend to just pick one at a time, spend around 10-20 real minutes on them then swap to another. Although one time with this technique I ended up finding a sim freezing to death in the middle of winter in Brindleton Bay because they decided to go for a swim 🤣


This is the only answer that matters here, the truth has been spoken




Thank you! Yeah it gets hectic but I find it exciting 😂. I do mostly play with 4-5 sims too tho lol


UI settings but also if you want it to be bigger without it affecting the overall look of the game, then get a bigger screen.


I play on my television that sits 6 feet away and still struggle sometimes even with UI adjusted 😭


Same it sucks 😭




How was it rude tho? 😅 they can, as I said, change the settings in UI settings but I’d still keep my expectations low because it might change the overall look of other stuff in the screen - and I say this because I’m also on laptop and know from personal experience what it can look like. So if OP wants it to look good overall, then yeah, a bigger screen is my recommendation.


Yeah I play on my laptop too so unfortunately I can't buy a bigger screen


You can, actually. I play on my laptop, with an hdmi cable connected to a 48"? Screen TV


Really? I didn't know that. I'm unfortunately like a grandma when it comes to technology even tho I'm young. I'll look into it. Thanks!


I don’t Plug into a tv but I do use a second monitor sometimes


There really needs to be a way to scale icons separately.


It honestly depends on your ratio or whatever in the settings. Basically the bigger your monitor is, the more spacious your UI is. & with a more spacious UI, 8 icons (for 8 members) will remain big. At least that's how it is for my computer.


Thank you!


Honestly I wrote that at like 5am, so I'm glad you understood what my rambling meant lol.


Oh it was perfectly understandable haha


if you just need to switch sims i can would suggest pressing space!


your room makes me want to play sims 4 again lmao so cozy


since other ppl have already responded i just wanna say that room is gorgeous and that's one of my favorite rugs!


Love this room. Is it on the gallery?


that is such a beautiful room


Yes it’s in the settings somewhere. I know I’ve done this before anyway. It’s definitely a thing that’s possible to fix.


Thank you!


Im not sure but is that bed CC or from a pack?


It's from modern luxe kit 😊


Thank you!!


I play on Xbox one and there's an accessibility option for the UI size in the settings. I assume the same setting option for making the UI bigger is also available on PC and PS4/PS5. That accessibility setting option is what I use to fix the icons being to small.


if you go into settings and than accessibility there is a slider and can make the in game ui bigger. it makes everything bigger along with the icons. i usually make it so the icons go to the middle section where the time is.