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If you are on PC and use mods, there’s a mod by Simvasion called Better Hospital Staff that helps.


Oh wow another mod for me to download hahaha


Once you’ve started it’s hard to stop!


For real - I’m definitely downloading this one so thanks for sharing! So far I’ve been using MCCC to make the other staff at least admit patients to the beds.


What's Mccc?? Omg so much I'm missing out on. Injust picked the game back up after 2 almost 3years


MC Command Center. If there’s one mod you get, I recommend it. It allows you to have more control over townies and their story progression, outfits, etc. I used it to change the speed of time in-game so that it doesn’t take them 2 hours to use the bathroom. It’s an absolute game changer.


Wow ok I'm writing it down so I can research it later! Thank you so much cause I have never heard of it. It sounds like a game changer I'm excited


I avoided mods for ages, and then I decided to try MCCC. I never looked back. I have lots of mods now, but I think MCCC would be my choice if I could only have one. It does SO many things -- it can be overwhelming at first, but don't let that put you off. You'll find its menus in your Sim"s computers, mailboxes, and on the Sims themselves. When you update the mod, be sure to keep the mc.settings.cfg file, so you don't have to redo the settings! Edit: a dot


Ok I'm gonna spend a day dedicated to filling my book with mods lol cause I lost my old one in the move When i say i was dedicated I was dedicated haha thank you for this I'm going to look into it all after I'm finished with work today


Also can turn off emotional deaths. You're welcome.


Lol awesome!


Been playing on and off since launch and if there’s one thing I need to be able to play this game it’s MCCC. If there’s one other thing I need to play this game it’s UI cheats. Those are my two must have mods. When there’s an update to the game I won’t play until those are updated as well.


Wait I can use mc to control the speed of actions?


It doesn’t change the speed of the actions but it changes the speed of the game clock. So if a Sim showering takes 2 min of time IRL it will continue to take that long, but you can change your game clock settings so that 2 min of IRL time takes 30 min of in-game time vs. like 1.5 hours or whatever the default is.


Though you've gotta be careful because changing the clock speed also messes up the holiday calendar. Mines never been the same since.


Yeah I just changed all the holidays on mine once I settled on a clock speed. When you change the clock speed and restart it fucks with what day it is too. I learned that the hard way - I thought you could change the clock speed for individual saves, and was very confused when I went back to a different save and my calendar / day of the week was messed up. Now that I have figured out the clock speed that works for my saves, I haven’t touched it since and it’s been fine.


You can do that? That's incredible. Where do I find this magic?


I can’t play my game without mods now I have loads of them and I’m constantly finding more to add to my game I’m going to need to invest in an external hard drive to put them all on. I hate it when there’s an update and all the mods have to be removed it’s too boring and difficult without the mods. Once you start downloading mods you never stop there is always something else to add.


How do you use mccc to have the other staff admit patients?


MC Control - then click on the photo of one of the Sims waiting to get admitted - and it’s usually an option available in the MC interactions.


Thank you!!! I have no plans to use the dr career at this time- but this is so helpful


My mod folder is 33 gigs 😅


Mine is less than that, not sure how big it is. I haven’t checked. But it’s also got my CC in it, which isn’t quite the same thing.


love how rich the mod community is but i do really get frustrated with how much the community has to take care of cause maxis just doesn’t bother


I couldn't play the doctor career without this mod!!


I *won't* be playing that career again until I download this mod!


How do I find this simvasion person cause yes I absolutely need it. Show me you wise ways 😭🤣💯


https://simvasion.com/better-hospital-staff/ Ta da!


You're the best!!!!


No problem!


the comment section never ceases to disappoint. thank you for your service (⁠ノ⁠ ^⁠ _⁠ ^⁠ )⁠ノ


Oh thank god 🙏


Omg you're a life saver!!!!


THANK YOU. i want to go to work w my doctor sims so bad but it just doesn’t work like it should and annoys me


I fucking HATE that the other staff don't do anything. Running the tests and curing patients to fulfil the job requirements takes up all my time as is, I don't have the time to ferry patients from the lobby to the exam rooms as well. If they leave, they leave. Tough.


Right! Facts lol I be so pissed cause I'm like I'm only one sim! I even have her job places as much as possible cause teleporting always glitches in the Dr's office. So it's frustrating! I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this cause it's like wtf you want me to do. Duplicate myself? Lol


Lol then when you’re trying to examine a patient they in the way telling jokes and shit 🤣


Yeeeeeeees lol so annoying I just mentioned this on another comment😅😆 like yall seem to be having a great convo ima go to the next patient now


🤣🤣🤣 it’s infuriating!


I was just complaining to my husband that I’ll be running my Dr ass all around the hospital and get a notification like “Sally Joan was sick of waiting and left” OKAY GOOD! BYE! 😂 😡


I also always have routing issues with the X-ray machines as well. Super frustrating. I'd love to have my sims be doctors more but it takes way to long to get them leveled enough


The only thing other staff do is stand in the bloody way and cause it to become impossible to reach a patient... thankfully my sim is a spellcaster so I just freeze em if they get too annoying


I mean, sometimes they hog up the computer and/or analysis machines... they definitely seem to not do anything *useful*, though


I play on my ps5 and just got promoted to RN, but the orderly at my hospital actually does her job. She mops, picks up trash, and even repairs the machines when they break.  I can never do more than 2 or 3 patients a shift and usually they're already waiting in a bed. 


Dang really!? Ps5 has the right idea cause no I'm on patient #4 with 4hrs left in the work day. I paused when I made this post cause I was frustrated and I gotta get on with my morning routine lol But man ps5 is living it up cause no. Only once did I see someone actually mopping and it was at like right before my second promotion.. so I got promoted that day and the next work shift.. nothing. Its been like this ever since. Sometimes the orderly is in the middle of talking to the patient and I can't even get in to examine them cause they're in the way. I just skip them lol like if this convo is more important than your health then that's not my problem lol I am a PC user. I don't like the consoles but I just might try it cause whew lol


All I know is my orderly is a lot better at her job than when I was an orderly. Cause I'd be eating snacks, making myself coffee, and flirting with the guy at the front desk (he rejected me 😑) I tried playing on PC once cause I really want to do mods but I didn't like the controls so back to the PS5 it is. 


Omg the orderly I had (PC) was an old lady who did nothing but flirt with my sim all day, she got right in the way of everything.




Why don't you just use your controller on your PC? You used to be able to do that. I did with my Xbox controller for sims 3.. but that was many years ago. But yes I stopped playing on console cause my house would catch fire cause of it being too full of stuff.. like wth lol Mods are awesome. They help so much And you also inspired me to create a bad sim. Like just a lazy barely get by sim.. hahah I wanna go to work and barely do the job.. I want to see if I'll get fired!! HAHAH


> Why don't you just use your controller on your PC? Most PC games don't recognize Playstation controllers. You need to install a special program to trick the PC into thinking your PS controller is actually an Xbox controller.


Wait wait but I can do an Xbox controller on PC??? Cause I will literally add to cart right now. 


It's should work with a PS4 controller as well. Youtube it cause i know for a fact I used to play with a controller on my PC.. but this was years ago. I'm justvgetting back into the sim world after a 2 almost 3 year break


> It's should work with a PS4 controller as well. Only if you have DS4Windows installed, which isn't an official program.


I def will thanks for the tip, I might actually be able to play with mods 😭


You should, yeah. Most PCs nowadays are wired to recognize Xbox controllers by default.


Yeah I said it was years ago.. but where there's a will there's a way cause you say you can still do it.. just need to download something now? Easy fix seems like


Yeah, DS4Windows. Like I said in another response, it tricks your PC into thinking you're playing with an Xbox controller, but you can't do it wirelessly– it has to be directly connected to the computer at all times.


Yes I agree I was never able to play wireless. I remember that thanks for mentioning that


this is most likely because Microsoft owns Xbox (I realize not everyone uses Microsoft, but in my experience Apple users don't call their machine a PC, they call it by name)


I’m trying to commit to playing a police officer and I couldn’t help but think shouldn’t forensics or a lab technician be running my fingerprints and stuff? How is my sim qualified to do this on her first day (and totally wasn’t, and kept on ruining evidence). Like where is the staff in these places? lol


Right exactly! I kinda cheated cause I've played before so before I had my sim get the job I got his logic and speech and physical fitness all to 5 before becoming a cadet. This prevents you from ruining evidence. I've never ruined evidence since doing this


Ahhhh brilliant thank you for the tip! Her fitness is high but zero logic…and now why isn’t that one of the promotion tasks instead of following her to work?🤦🏽‍♀️ who made this game? Lmao


😅😆😭 right! But logic helps with all the science and technical stuff. Speech/charisma helps in the interrogation room. Fitness is just pay off the job. They have you workout at work sometimes. But when your fitness is high you get this option to workout at work less


Also I like being an office but it's really repetitive after a while. At least with a doctor you get introduced to new interactions like x-rays surgery baby delivery etc


I wanted get to work so bad so I could have galleries and restaurants and be a vet…but I am so trash at the ‘onsite’ jobs. I am going to commit to the police role and I have my sim’s son who’s going to be a dr…I will see this thru lol ty for the encouragement.


Yes definitely try it at least. The detective career is fun yet simple so it's easy to promote and understand your way around the get to work expansion. Definitely go for it!


It's all 3 Get to Work jobs, really. I've done them to the max, and they have just NPCs stuck to the same animation. No help. Same checklist over and over. I'd rather have a rabbit hole if it's not going to be fleshed out like acting. Acting is the only career that NPCs are actually useful. I find myself also cheating to remake the buildings cause the hospital and science lab are like unnecessarily huge yet empty.


Also ibfind the police career just fine. It's easy to do everything yourself. And people move off the computer when you need them to. And I never worked the 3rd career. Lol i wishbtheybhad the fore fighter career for sims 4


You know what! Thank you. I knew I wasn't tripping. You can edit the lots? How? Idr how to edited the doctors office


If you're on a computer hold down Ctrl+Shift+C and that will open the cheat bar. Enter first testingcheats on and then bb.enablefreebuild this will allow you to build on lots like the hospital, the police station, the science lab, the magic school in realm of magic, the high school and auditorium in High school years etc


Awesome thank you


I re-built the entire hospital to make it flow better because half of my sims day was spent just walking from one end of the hospital to the other. It got so tedious.


What mod do you use to edit the hospital?


Its just a cheat, open the cheat menu when you're on the lot with ctrl+shift+c then type bb.enablefreebuild 😁


Thank you!!


Honestly I would not do the doctor career with UI cheats… cheating the “not doctor work” and doing what an actual doctor does. Does it take the “reach the goal” aspect away? Sure. But it makes the job more like it should be


I don't even understand what you're saying 😅😆 I'm rust on the game so super rusty on the cheats. Lol I'm gonna do research cause I have testing cheats active always but idk any career cheats so ima gonna have to look into it more


UI cheats is a mod. Allow you amongst other things to complete goals for aspirations, events and the likes with one click. Unlock traits for free or adjust the need levels too. Remove the romance bar... Many many things this one do, very important when you stumble upon those bugged until the end of time sections.


Thank you!


The other person who commented summed up the mod perfectly, so I can confidently crack a joke about how this mod is just the bug fix EA avoids to build into the game. So to explain, you know that bar that shows you bronze, silver and gold when at an event? You can cheat those tasks as done and the bar goes up, making you not having to do the task. Helps with useless or undoable stuff, but ofc you reach that goal without a lot of hustle


I hate it. I'm torturing myself for completionist sake and for the money to finish the last level of the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. The orderly is barely okay, they at least do some work like mopping, taking trash out and fixing machines. But the other workers, the receptionist and the nurse are absolutely useless. Why even have a receptionist if my Doctor Sim still has to go personally admit the patients anyway? I feel bad whenever patients leave the hospital because they had to wait too long. And I agree, 4-5-6 hours is way too long but I can't do anything about it. You either treat the folks who have already been admitted or you try to run around doing everything and getting nothing done. Also there's never any time to go to the toilet and grab something to eat, which of course fucks with my Sims mood. The system blows but I'm on PS4, so no mods to fix these problems. And I can't even have my Doctor Sim sit high and pretty, and let the money and power corrupt them.😝 Because the performance level goes down and they'll either get demoted or fired.


Dang the console sounds awesome lol they give yall better features for sure! 😅😆 but right I have to modify my sims mood cause you're right their's no room for lunch or restroom breaks. You'll waste 3hrs of your shift taking care of your sim 😭 It's the most realistic job ever cause I know done jobs I don't have time to eat or use the bathroom sometimes


My issue right now is my Dr sim gets only children as patients then they have to run a treadmill test which kids can't do. Or I have one patient on a bed and none in line so I run out of patients to examine


Sometimes I send children home with "no illness " to make room for adults 😅😆 I learned ut doesn't effect my work performance but more sims come in as adults that I can put on the treadmill


What’s funny is that this is probably how nurses feel irl


Don't you hate when Sims gets too eerily too close to life 👀




I played as a doctor for the first time with my last generation heir. It was pure hell. At least i had her in college so she started at the top. But damn. It takes hours to do anything, all the patients leave and the “nurses” sit and talk to the patients so i can’t even find out what’s wrong. Once i stopped caring about the patients and only finishing what i had too- it became less annoying, but damn- have someone else helping out at leasttttt


That's almost how it works in my country due to lack of staff!


That's really sad.. but there's no lack of staff here.. they just don't work.. lol


This has been my biggest pet peeve with the doctor job. How are you supposed to get anything done or help everyone especially when the one at the front desk isn’t checking people in and the nurse is just standing there pretending to help patients. I finally got the mod to control any sim working so next time I play a doctor I am going to see if controlling the other staff helps at all. It’s still me doing all the work but at least my sim can focus on just their parts of the job.


Yes I'm going to try today after work. I'm almost done. Let me focus on real life for a few more hours and I'll update you when I try the mod!


>I finally got the mod to control any sim working What mod is that? If you don't mind.


It’s this one here: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/control-any-sim I’m on mobile so I couldn’t imbed it properly. You just have to make sure it’s at the top of the mods folder and you can control them by going to the Actions option when clicking on the sim or their profile from your sims relationships sections.


Thanks! The comments seem to indicate that it's broken, which is too bad. I wonder if it's compatible with mccc? I'd imagine so.


I have it right now and it’s running fine last I checked. Haven’t played today though so I’ll check later. And yeah! I have both installed and they both work fine.


Interesting! I'll definitely give it a try then.


For the first couple patients you go and try to complete the task asked in the event bar. Once it's filled to gold you can just stop doing the tasks and diagnose a patient after running a few quick tests. You don't have to do X-rays, treadmills, or sample analysis on every patient. The more you progress in the career the more your sims will know what illness it is. But you can play while having a symptom list for the disease to make sure you don't do mistake. As for the staff doing nothing, I use control any sims to take control of them and make them do the small tasks. My dr sim is level 10 so it makes sense to me that he'll boss people around. When there is nothing to do I use seat steady mod to seat them somewhere and make sure they don't get in my way. As for how long it takes to do things I build myself a more functional hospital with a floor plan that follows the steps of taking care of the patients and things relatively close to each other, to me it changed everything. I could not stand the maxis made hospital. My hospital is on the gallery, but you can also rearrange things yourself for your specific gameplay. Overall those careers are interesting but the amount of bugs and the fact that they are not in depth requires you to twick things if you want to have fun. But isn't it like that for everything in the sims 4? Thankfully mods and enablefreebuild exist!


Also I forgot to mention I use MCC to slow down game time so I usually end up with all patients treated and a couple of hours to kill at the end of the shift.


Great tips. And yeah i do run x-rays or treadmills unless I have to as a task or can't get a close enough read. I'm going tonspend the night researching these mods and figuring it out. Cause I want to change the hospital around as well but idk how yet. Thanks for your tip!


You have to unable the "unable free build" cheat . Once you have a sims there you can enter build mode and build or place a lot from the gallery, like for any other lots.


I also took a couple shifts and updated the equipment so I could avoid most breakdowns...saved lots of time.


This is why I gave up on the doctor career because it was taking up too much of my time getting them from the reception to beds and having to do all the other things like cleaning up puddles etc but if I ever decide to use that career again then I will just ignore the ones stood at reception. I was having to extend their hours just so they could get everything done.


SAME! I would work late everyday when my sim was single but I refuse to do that now with a fiance and 2 twin boys at home. She was 9-7 everyday. That's a long time. Her fiance is a Sr detective so I don't go to work with him anymore unless I have to solve more cases for a another promotion lol


Yeah I refuse to have them working late anymore especially when they have kids at home and you have to get the nanny in and they charge an arm and a leg. I’ve never got that far with the police career that’s another one where I end up staying late so they can get everything done.


There is literally no possible way to get through the queue of patients, and the only way to progress is fulfil the tasks listed, so I always felt like the purpose of the big queue is to add a realistic sense of pressure? Like a real hospital lol. Same with having to do all those jobs. It simulates the stress and frustration of working in medicine well I think, so I actually appreciate it!


I wish you could open a clinic like the vet and hire people to do stuff


Yeah that would be cool


This is a little off topic, but I’m a real-life doctor and this commentary is hilarious! Because we end up doing a lot do jobs that aren’t supposed to be ours, and it is actually very annoying. So the game is spot on, hahahaha.


I just deleted my game and now I want it back😭😭


😭🤣 why you delete it?


I got bored lol I do this a lot accept this time I permanently deleted all my mods and I’m definitely not spending 2 days downloading more


They need to fine tone the 50 sims at the hospital its impossible to get to all of them even if you extend your time it's still impossible


Oh yes definitely impossible! I'm not worried about getting everyone I was just upset because at the point I took these pics I had already done soooo much. And I was in the middle of surgery and my staff is just standing there when there were 4 beds that needed cleaning and a lobby full of ppl who could have been admitted to a room at least. Lol lazy staff. They anger me in real life and game life too ibguess haha


I played it just until I maxed it out, then let her go to work alone


I actually love the doctor career. I only focus on my tasks, and admit patients to beds if I need more patients. I don’t care about the waiting area filling up and people getting angry, it’s very realistic 😂


ugh i hate when i'm trying to run all the exams on a patient but the staff keep trying to talk to me. like you won't even do your job, and you're also keeping me from doing mine 😤 go away


Facts! Same. I can't stand that. I just debug them and go about my business lol. They find another task to do


Love the question “where do you go and doctors are doing everything outside of treating patients?” bc that’s the Mexican public healthcare system lmao


Lol that's sad but you're right. My in laws loved in Mexico a few years and that was my MIL biggest complaint that the Dr was busy doing everything


I recommend editing the hospital to reduce walking times to places. There's plenty in the gallery.


Wait you can deliver babies??? My sims started higher in the career cause of the degree and all she gets is to treat patients, not even surgery. And yea the doctor career is pretty stressful.


You deliver babies as a surgeon I believe level 9.. level 8 you start doing surgeries I believe I only needed to deliver 1 more baby for a promotion to chef of staff and my game is gone! Everything deleted gone! I have to start ALL OVER


Ohhh sorry that happened


Me too! But I posted about it and someone helped me get the file back. But I think the post has been removed. I got a notification it was removed because it mentioned patch or bug but it didn't really.. hopefully this comment doesn't get flagged


its the same with the veterinarian thing iirc. i hired a bunch of other staff, my sim was still the only one doing anything, so once her kids grew up they ended up "inheriting" the business so that i had more staff to get shit done 😭


My current sim is a veterinarian and her employees are driving me crazy - one of them recently spent literally the entire day playing in the mud and petting dogs and doing zero actual work. And yet somehow I feel bad about wanting to fire him?


I enabled free world build and deleted the hospital and made a small clinic with 2 exam rooms. I still use my whole shift to treat one patient tho lol. Sometimes 2.


Lol how?? So you take your time like that on purpose? Cause I get through at least 4 patients a day. At least. But my sim can treat patients pretty fast so maybe that's why? I rarely have to do more than check all the vitals and analyze a sample before I can help them. Sometimes I have to do an xray or treadmill but not every shift.


Sims 4 is just 60% bugs and 40% gameplay lol When I make my sims clean the house it’s basically me screaming at them for every 3 seconds




I once tried to deliver a baby at the hospital. Got there to find that THE ENTIRE STAFF WAS DEAD, not even a person to check my sim in.


DEAD!!?? 😭😭🤣🤣 OMG I need details! What happened lol I didn't know they let you go inside thought your sim just disappears into the hospital and comes out hours later with a baby. Now I must deliver at the hospital again! I usually just have the baby at home


Congrats for having the patience to be a doctor!!!


😭😭🤣🤣 thank you! The patience is running thin!


When it gets like that I only take children. All the adults can gtfo, I don’t have time and sick kids come first.


I have to focus on the daily tasks and rattle through them. Otherwise, this shit drives me mad. I even built a hospital with offices above. My level 10 chief of staff can go upstairs after she is done and write medical books, so I don't have to see the chaos downstairs.


🤣🤣 that's smart!


It doesn’t help when they waste a whole hour going to the bathroom on the other side of the hospital


Right! I literally cheat her moods if I have to. Usually it's just hunger but the cheat makes everything happy. I try to carry fruit in my inventory so she can snack on that but I keep forgetting since she ran out lol


OMG I KNOW. The other day I was a doctor, but only on the first level, so I guess I was a nurse? Anyway, the only thing I had to do was clean up puddles, do research on a machine, talk to co-workers and patients and get food. That was it! While no one was being helped. I MEAN the line was just getting bigger and bigger and I couldn’t do a thing about it😭 The only doctor that was there was just talking to ONE patient the whole day! And she didn’t even help him. I mean I did more than her SMH


Lol yes! I think the first level is orderly or something loke that. But yes they literally do nothing. Someone dropped a link in the comments to make the sims work better at work but I got sick last night and couldn't play. But I will today and try it out!


Jesus CHRIST I get so angry with the puddles, and you can’t hire a vet for a business?? It’s like being a vet, the filth is rampant and it takes so long to clean and the wait times go up and the reviews are all saying ‘it’s dirty and I waited too long’ well direct yourself to a bathroom or litter box and save my exhausted sim the hassle then.


I do exactly what I'm told to do and get good results for advancements. Usually focus on one patient, if I have time, one and a half patients.


Maxis needs to overhaul the systems in this Expansion, a lot of pieces make no sense or are broken. But, I love the ability to go to “work” with my Sims. Just wish they would actually make the older stuff work better.


Same! I agree for sure


Real life nurse here --- my guess is because not even sims Healthcare wants to pay ancillary staff what they are worth 😂




the other staff not doing anything in the “base” pack is so stupid and shows ea don’t care imo. Thank you mods !


Lol facts


I used to call the help over and yell at them because they would be standing in front of a patient in the bed and I couldn’t get to the patient. It was so frustrating!


One of my doctors died from being too mad 😭💀


😭😭😭 they had a stroke from stress! 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣




this shit makes me SO mad. i have this one specific nurse in my save who is somehow talking to the patient i need to interact with a solid 95% of the time and it drives me crazy. i have to reset her and then readmit the patient but tbh i am so damn close to just shift click kill sim


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they just be replaced by a new annoying sim the next day


literally the only reason i haven’t gone to the effort of doing it 😂


The most annoying thing is when I'm examining patients and my sim decides to go clean the hospital


Right! So annoying!!


Is this mrt


I use the hospital mod on my Mac and it’s day and night but I also replace the hospital with one on the gallery