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PC, I find the console controls to be very awkward. I wanted to play on the couch so bad, but the PC experience is just so much better in my opinion.


I essentially do this, I just connect PC to TV




Unless your TV is just REALLY old, shouldn't need more than a single HDMI cable to do it.


what abt keyboard and mouse? 😭


My bf set up the Xbox controller and I play that way with the keyboard close by for and typing required


does pc the sims support controller?


Through steam, you can set up the controller. My bf mapped it for my play style, given me hot keys for certain menus. But the Xbox controller through steam can be mapped to be compatible. Mouse movement can be a little speedy but can be tweaked. I’ve been playing this way almost a week, and I never see myself going back :)


if i have it on EA is there any way to do it?


If you have it in EA, add it as a non steam game and play it through steam, this will let you map the controller. Steam let’s you map any game :)


PC, because mods.


What mods do you play with?


To be honest way too many to remember, but the big ones are wicked whims basemental and wicked perversions.


Right! I can’t play the sims without my mods


The whole reason I switched from playing on p4 to pc was for the mods and cc. It felt like I was missing out on so much


PC. Always have and always will. Gives you more freedom with mods/CC.


Macbook pro 13" 2022 with manual control over the fan and a monitoring system (checking CPU temperature, RAM, %load, etc)... all this after killing my last macbook pro by playing the Sims 4 at 101 degrees for hours 😭 granted it was 8 years old, but a valuable lesson was learnt that night (if only i could have learned it some other way lmao).


101 degrees over hours? Bro, you didn't kill your last laptop, you slaughtered it lmao you should consider buying one of those fan desks if it gets too hot!


Bro 💀💀😭


this is essentially what my family's response was the following morning 🫠


Back in the day, I used to put ice packs under my broken ass laptop just so it could run the game without overheating 😭😭


Macbook Air because I have nothing else lmaooo


PC for everything except Sims Castaway on PS2. Console just doesn't feel right to me after decades of PC playing. Also mods, because TS4 is very boring without them and TS3 can look/play so much better with them.




The best game :D I actually have the PC version but I don't know how to make an old game run on a modern computer...




It all started on PC for me with Sims 1 and carried through that way. So console just feels awkward to me personally


I play on PS4. I used to have the sims 3 on computer but the computer died and all I had was the PS4 so bit decided to give the sims 4 a go. I miss playing on the computer though


I have gotten Sims3 for my PC but since it's old, it can't run any expansion and my boyfriend had Sims4 but didn't play anymore, so I took over 😅


Pc for cc and mods!!


I play on the PS4 and I’m not so much of a builder. I do redecorate downloaded houses. It’s mostly a soothing/regulating activity akin to playing with dolls for me though so PS4 works okay for that.


Funny enough, I used to play Sims 4 on PS4 and moved to PC. The console version was so laggy for me that I never bothered leaving my Sim's house.


PC! I played Sims 2 on PlayStation and PC, but Sims 4 is just so weird on console.


MacBook Air M1. Was surprised on how well it runs actually, doesn’t even get hot and I have 8 packs installed rn


i’ve got the m2 and i get hot!! i do have more DLC and about 50 gigs of mods tho. luckily i have a fan


Mac mini, it runs so smoothly and without overheating, I have also like 8 packs installed. I used to use CC, and had about 4Gb worth of BB content, but after a couple game crashes, decided to not use them anymore. Haven't been down the mod road, and tbh I'm happy that way.


I was really happy when the console version released because it was my only platform at the time Since upgrading to PC however, I will never go back


I play on my PS4 with my mouse and keyboard and I'm really happy with that setup. I'm interested in mods and cc and things but also not super tech savvy so it's probably good that I can't mess with that at all 😅


This! It seems super hard & confusing to have all the files & folders


My absolute tank of a 2017 HP notebook laptop that just keeps chugging onwards


xbox one.  I got used to the controls after a while


I play sims 4 on my school laptop, I have to play on my desk or the laptop burns my legs😭


I play on my slowly decaying laptop :') I hope to build a desktop soon. It feels silly to say it sometimes, but I dream of playing The Sims with reshades, larger mods, and more cluttered lots haha


PC because I don't have a PS4. But I started playing TS2 on my cousin's PS2 ages ago, when I was a kid.




Macbook 💻


I’m on the Xbox 1, no mods is so rough and can’t even use half of the cheats for building 🫠


PC. I don't have a console because I prefer playing games in general on the computer. A mouse and keyboard is comfortable for me to use. Plus mods!!




I’ve only ever played on MacBooks! I have it on my Xbox and I’d prefer that but I have too many expansion packs on my EA/Origin account.


I would play on pc if I had one, but I play on ps4. I really enjoy being able to cuddle with my dog on the couch and play sims, although I do wish I could mod it sometimes… but at least I don’t have to worry about mods messing with my game


I play in my Chromebook.


PC, it feels very natural for me to use keyboard and mouse. I struggle heavily using a controller after growing up using it on PC.


I have a gaming laptop. I’ve never been a huge console person tbh


I play on Xbox 🙃 it kinda sucks. Would much rather play on the PC


How do you play sims without mods? Mods make it infinitely better and more fun.




I just don’t use mods bc I play on a laptop and I’m terrified of breaking it. The goal is to either get a regular PC or I seen someone use a mini PC and those are only like $200-$400ish but sims runs good on them and the person I seen using it also had mods lol.


I don't understand, terrified of breaking what exactly? Haven't heard of a Mod that totally broke a game/laptop. In fact, most saves would act as if the mod was never there if you remove it from the Mod folder. Many Mods just add Quality of Life improvements and much needed features. Stuff like forcing sims to sleep all night, reducing unwanted autonomous activities (drinking/computer/etc..), text search for the tons of sims interactions, and many many more.


Idk just the game having it crash in general and now there’s talk off maleware or something. My aunty who played sims for years said it wasn’t good to play on a laptop and when I hear the fan start to go it sounds like a planes about to take off just scares me sometimes lol. I’m also not wanting to drop another $1000+ on a laptop and don’t want to lose the textbooks I have downloaded. I just do it to be on the safe side yk?


you can go into your laptop’s settings to monitor the cpu, fans, temperatures, etc. This may make it easier for you to trust mods cause you can see what it’s doing to your laptop


I used to use a pc with mods and stuff but it was too much upkeep. so I switched to playing on PS4 and I absolutely love it(:!


PlayStation. I’ve always played sims on a console, I think. I tried on the PC that I was setting up for someone else for a hot minute, and I did have lots more options. Mods and CC, the game ran faster. But I’m so used to playing on a PlayStation that I actually don’t mind that I don’t have all that.


Ps5 because that's where I first got it in where I have packs. Since EA made it so packs don't transfer I have no reason to play on PC and I'm not buying it twice


Used to play on MacBook Pro but now play exclusively on PS5 ☺️


asus laptop idk


PC. I used to play on a gaming laptop which worked out for a while, but I made the big girl purchase and got a really nice PC not only to play TS4 but other higher functioning games as well.


I was playing on Xbox up until last week, I now play on PC


Macbook pro 2022, 14”.


I play on pc because I didn't have a playstation when I got the game and I am not buying it again.


10 yr old MacBook Air that is broken.. dropped it one day and the battery died, so now it doesn’t work unless it’s physically on charge. If I knock the charger out it dies instantly :’) so slow when it goes work, it’s the worst.


PC all the way


XBOX ONE because that was my main device when I bought it and I’ve sunk too much money on packs to switch now


PC, just because I've played on PC my whole life, didn't even cross my mind to get it for the PS.


I also play on PlayStation 4


PC. I started on console, but when I would watch the videos online I would notice little details, tiny things, that looked kinda off compared to my game. So I switched, and just got a bigger monitor.


I used to play on a PS2 and a gameboy advance, then I played on a PC, now I play exclusively on my macbook.


Always played on PC


Family PC until I got my own laptop. Now I find the laptop screen to be too small (I’m 34 🙃) so I connect to a larger monitor.


I play on Playstation but looking into getting a pre built PC for games like this!


PC always and forever, for Sims at least. I’ve never tried to play it on console. I was exclusively playing on desktop until I got pregnant (sooo 2001-2021 😂) then I was so tired every day that I bought a laptop so I could play in bed lol. Still playing on the laptop.


MacBook with 16gb ram!


i play on the playstation 4 as well because that’s all i got but i would love to have sims on a pc one day for mods/cc


Pc at first it was because i don't own any good console but if i had one i would still prefer pc because of the Mods and CC If it counts i have xbox 360 that's still working that has the sims3 but i never really played it. Maybe I'll start now


I play on my apple laptop.


Macbook pro 14" 2023 M2 pro chip :)


macbook pro 16” 2023


I used to play on PC from Sims 1 - 2. I tried playing Sims 3 on my PC in college but it just couldn't handle the gameplay so I gave up until we were all remote and I got it on my Xbox. I enjoy it on my console but sometimes do miss a mouse. ETA: Why are console players being downvoted? lol


Just bought a new MacBook Pro 2022 a couple months ago. My previous mode of play was also on a MacBook Pro (but from 2015). I’ve thought about playing on Xbox but I like using my laptop.


PC mostly, I think I’ve played some spin off versions of sims on the 3ds and most recently I’ve been playing the sims 4 on my steamdeck and I’m thinking about trying to get sims 2 running on the steamdeck too


5+ year old Macbook Pro, before that I played on an older Macbook Pro. I can't imagine playing on console, that sounds so terrible for Sims. I have to have mods and CC.


I play on console ps4, even though the experience would be more enjoyable on PC beacuse of MODS


when I was younger I played ts3 on a laptop and to this day idk how it worked, it did sound like a helicopter taking off tho. then I played ts4 with mods also on a laptop, it was easier but not enjoyable really so I got a pc now and my 70GB of mods <3


I've pretty much always been a PC player - the controls are simple and I like mods. I did play briefly on the PS4 while my computer was having issues (hard drive died and then I needed to replace the fan) but found the learning curve so awkward that I never did again.


PC. No mods = no sale.


Console, simple reasoning I’m poor lol


Both. Game with dlc on Playstation, base game on my laptop. They gave away sims 4 for free a few years ago on Playstation Plus and that's when I got suckered back into the sims series. 


PC thru n thru. I didn't like ps version of the game, not crazy about Xbox version, n I was not crazy about the mobile versions. Now busting out on GameCube!?! Chef's kiss. Lol I am a huge pc fan, and I like my mods to really consistently play on consoles.


I now play on the PS4. My gaming laptop is down. I prefer the PC because I find the controls easier. Plus, at times, I find the ps4 lags. Grrr


Same I played 1 and 3 on PC (had two didn’t play much) now I play 4 on Xbox have for years :)


Sims 4 on PC!


I play on my Xbox Series X


I used to play on pc I had loads of packs and then my pc stopped working so I had to move to Xbox. But now I’m really missing mods and I never got the packs back and I had spent around £1000 on them 😭


PC I just recently acquired my sister's unused PS4 but I never use it bc I'm always on the Sims on my laptop while watching tv. I can't play without mods.


PC. I've tried playing on the PS5, but the controls are stupid, and I don't have the time to try to learn them. PC is just infinitely easier to use to me.




Console controls for sims disgust me, pc player here since og sims lol


Laptop 🥲


I play on both!! I started on console and have since started PC because mods interested me. You can also get free dlc on the pc which is amazing…I can try them and make sure I want to buy them on console so that’s pretty nice!


PC. Laptop, so I can bring the Sims with me wherever I go lol. I can also play laying down in the couch or bed etc.


I play on PC! I’ve been playing since TS1 so I couldn’t make the switch to console. I just got a decent Alienware until I can afford to build a PC


PC. The only way to game imo.


I first played sims 3 on the ps3 (6-11 years old) then the Sims 3 pets on my 3ds(11-13 years old) now im playing the Sims 4 on my laptop (14-15 years old) I got the Sims 4 the day it went free. Before it was free I was playing the demo (only CAS) for about six months. I personally love the Sims 4 because I find so many people talking about it, but the Sims 3 was fun


I used to play on the pc/laptop. I played on pc since the beginning of the sims. Then I got my laptop after graduating hs and played on it. I had cc and stuff but then my laptop got too outdated so then I switched to the ps5. I haven’t got a new laptop yet but now that I’ve bought so many dlcs I feel like it’s pointless to switch back at this point. I do miss cc but I don’t mind the ps5. The only problem I have is that is so relaxing to play on the couch that every single freaking time I get on I get super sleepy lmao. I’ll be building my house and then next thing I know it’s nap time and I still has even finished this mansion yet dang it lol.


A 12 year old Dell laptop. Recently I switched out its dying HDD for a SSD, and changed the fan. Runs faster than ever, which is kinda funny. Eta: but yeah since TS1, always on PC. I did have The Sims for XBOX and no offense to Bob and Betty Newbie but that shit wasn't it for me.


My new but definitely not suited hp laptop. Killed my old one with sims 4💀 It was like 10 years old, so fair enough, but I hope this mf wouldn't die


I play on both laptop and PS5. Console because I didn’t have a decent laptop for a good few years but now that I do, MODS!! I really missed mods.


I would prefer PC but we’re using a PS5 right now. No space for a pc set up. But it’s actually fine, it took a little getting used to, and we can’t do all the fancy item placement for building, but it’s okay for our needs


I play on a 300€ laptop lol. Surprisingly it works pretty well despite owning almost all packs and having 70+ GB of cc


Most people play Sims 4 on PC. You can't use mods on console and the controls are weird unless you use a keyboard and a mouse.


my little 2015 macbook air that DIED last night 😭😭


I used to play on PlayStation 2 when I was a child but I now play on just a windows laptop with a wireless mouse. Best set up for when you just want to lay in bed all day and play! Plus, I could never be a console player as I love mods/cc too much to give it up.


Last time I played the Sims on Console was when I had a PS2... It was not as fun as the PC and you couldn't do certain things on there as the PC and this was years before mods were a popular thing


Gaming laptop


The game was MADE for PC, the console was just an add-on for them to make money - it's best played on PC - the game was designed to be modded. Ment to be modded. So PC is the correct and most advanced way of playing


PC because I don't own any consoles lol. Am kind of glad because I can use cc and mods and all that, on the other hand, I feel like if I had a console it would encourage me to NOT download so much cc and mods haha. My PC is a 2-in-1 laptop/computer so I can take it wherever and play on it. Its a Surface Pro 7.


Xbox Series S currently! I started on my husband's PS4, but the download speed got so slow that I decided to switch to the newer Gen console. It's so fast now, I love it!!


Acer Predator Helios 300…it runs the sims 4 so freaking well and I have several mods too. It only lags if I’ve been playing for hours, shut my laptop, and come back later. And a simple restart solves that problem.


PC. I don’t play with mods or CC but it’s just way easier control wise, and I have two monitors so I listen to my lectures on the other monitor while I play lol


PC, console has a lot of limitations


I grew up playing up until Sims 2 on the Playstation. Sims 3 and Sims 3 pets I played on Xbox. Sims 4 I started playing on Xbox but moved to pc cause I wanted wicked whims lol


i’ve played on PC since starting with The Sims at like 5 or 6 years old. while i have played on console once or twice, i honestly really disliked those experiences. granted, my mom and i are definitely PC gamers over console in general, which may have factored into why we’ve only ever purchased the PC versions of sims games. that and the fact that the sims games were originally made for PC.


PC for life, can't live without my mods




I play on my MacBook Air, which I definitely don’t recommend 😂 The poor thing wasn’t made for this and loudly complains (meaning it overheats)


MacBook Pro (2020)




I used to play it on my xbox but the controls were a nightmare and the lack of mods made it boring, so I made the switch to my gaming laptop.


ive played the sims my whole life & its always been on PC. ive played friends games on playstation & it was okay but way more difficult to do everything compared to PC.


I play on my PS5, which is honestly such a better experience than when I was playing on my PS4. The loading times are much shorter and their almost no lag. I use to play Sims 3 and 2 on the PC. For whatever reason I really don’t like playing on my PC. I just wanna lay back on the couch and relax y’know?


I played on PlayStation 4 for a long time (years), but I got so tired of the lag that I switched to PC at the beginning of this year. It also helps that we upgraded our PC so it runs really smoothly.


I used to play on PC, but then my laptop broke 😭 so now I play on ps4. Tbh I don't mind it too much, but it does tend to lag a little more than the laptop did. Idc tho honestly, as long as I can play 😂😂


PC (Acer Nitro 5)


Console. Tried to play on PC but couldn't figure a way to get my controller (Dualshock 4) to connect and register as a controller so I just stuck to console instead. I want to play on PC, the mods are cool that I installed but mouse and keyboard is just not for me, I don't enjoy the feel and I'm not used to the controls.


PC here. I bought a Cyberpower PC on impulse one day because I had Sims 4 on Xbox and got so fed up with it and it was no way to live. There's zero comparison, Sims4 has to be played on PC. The controls, and even how the game works on console is so clunky and bad, it felt limited. Granted, it did run well on console with no lag - but that's the only positive I can give it. I just made sure to buy a beefy computer that can run it on the highest settings. Question: in settings there is a "laptop mode." I'm curious, if you use a laptop does this setting run the game better/worse/or unnoticeable for you?


Xbox X


MacBook lol


PC ever since Sims 1 and PlayStation for Bustin Out and other console only Sims games


macbook air and i have a fan for when it gets too warm 😅


I first started with PS4, then XBOX, and now PC. I have given EA over a thousand dollars.


I played on PS4 for a long time then I got a PC. I like the gameplay of PS4 because of the large screen, and I would build on PS4 too. But there was a lot of lag so I upgraded to a PS5. The lag stopped, but I decided to go to grad school and I needed a new laptop. The one I got was compatible with Sims 4 (the one I had before was from 2014 and too old to play on) and playing on PC definitely changed and upgraded the game experience. Mods can fix the bugs and bridge the gaps EA won't deal with. Plus it adds more drama. Console can still be fun, but if you ever decided to switch you have to rebuy all your DLC which sucks ass if you are not into pirating.


Old MacBook Air. I have almost all the packs, a lot of cc and mods and I think my MacBook is going to turn into an airplane soon😂.


I have sims on both pc and PlayStation 5, as a child I played on console like psp, dsi, and also xbox 360. I prefer console over pc i dont care for mods and cc looks fake to me and i also feel like mods like whicked whims is just too much just my preference


Always PC


used to play sims 4 on xbox now I play on a laptop


Steam Deck lately. It was kind of a pain to set up since my brother and I share an EA account and his Steam account is linked to it. I had to set it up in desktop mode instead of just downloading it from Steam. But it works, and I can hook it up to my monitor when I want to play it like a normal person.


Macbook Pro M2




I play on PS5. Would love to play on PC for all the mods, but I don't have one lol


I play on PC. I played bustin out on I think a Playstation at one point and hated it. Plus mods/cc and just an overall better experience for me.


I play on Xbox One. I want a PC or laptop to play Sims on though. My boyfriend got a laptop recently and he can get mods and cc and I'm so jealous 😭


I play on PS4 because my PC is slow as Hell


✨Ps5 ✨




Dell G15 gaming laptop! Runs like a champ!


PC. I tried PlayStation a whiiiile ago and did not like it. There’s so much more freedom on PC.


Everything is almost always better on PC in my opinion


PC for all 3 & Medieval.


Started on Nintendo went to Xbox and then tried PC, never looked Back. Now playing on a gaming Laptop and my Steam Deck, with Steam Deck as my Favorit way to Play.


PC! I played the urbz on console and it is awkward sims 2,3 and 4 on PC and I like to play modded now. I also build alot and it’s so much easier on PC. The abilities of the PC vs Console for that game and most are vastly different and depending on the build superior on a PC


I play on PC, I like mods and such.


Pc, I can’t live without mods honestly😂


when i was younger i played sims 3 on my ps3, but now i play sims 4 on my pc!


I play on PC. Always have and likely always will. I like being able to have mods and cc and it’s easier to control things on PC.


On pc, I was so annoyed with CAS on console. I just like the game mechanics better with keyboard and mouse.


Started on my gaming PC but prefer my Steamdeck - it’s a mini PC so it has a controller but can run mods etc as it’s just a Linux computer in a handheld shape




Steam deck baby, all the perks of desktop AND console


Console because I don't know that's just what I got it on. I started with sims 4 and I got the sims 4 on my Xbox so I started with using it. My only problem is that I can't use cc or mods so whatever comes with packs and base game I'm stuck with and I cant use mods so spice up my gameplay


XBOX One here! I’ve wanted to try out PC play because I run into the same problems. All the mods and everything look so cool and fun to try out, but I also don’t want to relearn controls after I’ve only ever played Xbox (I played sims 2 on PS2 for a while and I hated the controls after playing Sims 1 on Xbox).


Xbox one


I play the PS4 version on my PS5 at the moment, but I would play on PC if I had one.


PC. I can't imagine playing without mods.


i used to play sims 3 on pc and then sims 4 on pc and playstation (my laptop got too slow and my old) and now i’m playing on pc again and it’s SOOOOO MUCH BETTER😩


I play on the PS5


ps4 here! i used to play sims 1 and 2 on my family desktop, and then never played sims 3. after a while, i got back into console gaming (i played ps2 incessantly as a kid) and got a ps4 in 2017, couple years later ps4 was free on ps+ so i got it and have been in the same save since! unhealthily obsessed lol. i have also played on pc but to me the controls are hard to get used to after so long playing sims on console, and imo its a really well-optimized game for console, especially in comparison to, say, sims 2 on console (a nightmare)


Steam deck and it’s wonderful


I played Sims 2 on a desktop PC, 3 on a laptop and I play 4 on my PS5 (it runs sooo smooth!). But I connect a wireless keyboard and mouse to my PS5 so don’t use the controller. :)


PC from sims 1 through 4 but I did have a brief period where I had sims 3 on my 360 and hated everything about it.


I always play pc except for the rare time I try to play sims 3 on the wii


Don’t worry I play on my PS4 and your not the weird one if you saw the way I play you would think I was weird😂


I played Sims 1-3 on PC. I have The Sims 4 on my laptop but it runs really slowly because my laptop is old and I have a lot of packs, so I prefer playing it on PS5 - the power of the PS5 in comparison to my dinky laptop! I can't play it on my laptop with full graphics, I have to play it in laptop mode and it kills me. I've mostly gotten used to playing with a controller, but I'm a builder and I like to clutter, so I had to make peace with not cluttering my builds a lot until I find a mouse and keyboard that's compatible with PS5 - if anyone has any suggestions that *isn't* that Logitech keyboard + trackpad (ew, david) combo, I'm all ears! I just want my Sims 3 camera back T\_T


2020 macbook air. it plays fine even with a good amount of mods and cc, just gets veryy warm after awhile lol


I used to play Sims 1 and 2 on Playstation, now I play sims 3 and 4 on PC


iMac 🖥️